137 resultados para High temperature fatigue life assessment


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The alloy, Ti-6Al-4V is an alpha + beta Ti alloy that has large prior beta grain size (similar to 2 mm) in the as cast state. Minor addition of B (about 0.1 wt.%) to it refines the grain size significantly as well as produces in-situ TiB needles. The role played by these microstructural modifications on high temperature deformation processing maps of B-modified Ti64 alloys is examined in this paper.Power dissipation efficiency and instability maps have been generated within the temperature range of 750-1000 degrees C and strain rate range of 10(-3)-10(+1) s(-1). Various deformation mechanisms, which operate in different temperature-strain rate regimes, were identified with the aid of the maps and complementary microstructural analysis of the deformed specimens. Results indicate four distinct deformation domains within the range of experimental conditions examined, with the combination of 900-1000 degrees C and 10(-3)-10(-2) s(-1) being the optimum for hot working. In that zone, dynamic globularization of alpha laths is the principle deformation mechanism. The marked reduction in the prior beta grain size, achieved with the addition of B, does not appear to alter this domain markedly. The other domains, with negative values of instability parameter, show undesirable microstructural features such as extensive kinking/bending of alpha laths and breaking of beta laths for Ti64-0.0B as well as generation of voids and cracks in the matrix and TiB needles in the B-modified alloys. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electron microscopic investigations have been carried out on superconducting YBa2Cu3 O7−δ, NdBa2Cu3 O7−δ and related oxides. All these orthorhombic oxides exhibit twin domains. Based on high resolution electron microscopy, it is shown that there is no significant change in the structure across the twins. Oxides of the La2−x Sr x (Ba x )CuO4 system do not show twins, but exhibit other types of defects. Twins appear to be characteristic of only the orthorhombic 123 structures.


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Several oxides of the Bi m M n Cu p O x family (m=2, 3;n=2, 3, 4;p=1, 2, 3 and M=alkaline earth or Bi), possessing structures similar to the Aurivillius family of oxides, show highT c superconductivity.


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High-temperature superconductivity in oxides of the type(La, Ln)2?xBax(Sr)xCuO4, Y(Ln)Ba2Cu3O7??, La3?xBa3+xCu6O14, and related systems is discussed with emphasis on aspects related to experimental solid-state chemistry. All of these oxides possess perovskite-related structures. Oxygen-excess and La-deficient La2CuO4 also exhibit superconductivity in the 20�40 K just as La2?xBax(Srx)CuO4; these oxides are orthorhombic in the superconductivity phase. The crucial role of oxygen stoichiometry in the superconductivity ofYBa2Cu3O7?? (Tc = 95 ± 5K) is examined; this oxide remains orthorhombic up to ? ? 0.6 and becomes tetragonal and nonsuperconducting beyond this value of ?. Oxygen stoichiometry in this and related oxides has to be understood in terms of structure and disorder. The structure of La3?xBa3+xCu6O14 is related to that of YBa2Cu3O7, the orthorhombic structure manifesting itself when the population of O1 oxygens (along the Cusingle bondOsingle bondCu chains) is preponderant compared to that of O5 oxygens (along thea-axis); nearly equal populations of O1 and O5 sites give rise to the tetragonal structure. A transition from a high-Tc (95 K) superconductivity regime to a low-Tc (not, vert, similar60 K) regime occurs in YBa2Cu3O7?? accompanying a change in ?. There is no evidence for Cu3+ in these nominally mixed valent copper oxides. Instead, holes are present on oxygens giving rise to O? or O2?2 species, the concentration of these species increasing with the lowering of temperature. Certain interesting aspects of the superconducting oxides such as domain or twin boundaries, Raman spectra, microwave absorption, and anomalous high-temperature resistivity drops are presented along with the important material parameters. Preparative aspects of the superconducting oxides are briefly discussed. Phase transitions seem to occur atTc as well as at not, vert, similar240 K in YBa2Cu3O7.


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Starting with non-stoichiometric Zr-B4C powder mixture ZrB2-ZrC matrix composites with SiC particulate addition have been made. It was found that variable amounts (5-25 vol%) of SiC could be incorporated and reactively hot pressed (RHPed) to relative densities of 97-99% at 1400-1500 degrees C. This technique has the potential to fabricate ZrB2-based matrices at low temperatures with a variety of reinforcements whose composition and volume fraction are not limited by stoichiometric considerations. The hardness of the composites is in the range of 17-22 GPa. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We propose an excitonic mechanism for high temperature superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O7. We feel that in this material, nature has provided a very elegant system, closely simulated by the model proposed by Allender, Bray and Bardeen1 using Ginzburg's ideas.2 In this system the excitonic layer and the conduction electron layers are indeed atomic planes making contacts on atomic level, an ideal version of the situation envisaged by Allender et al. Further, since these layers are physically separated, the question of screening of charges is avoided.


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Cubic pyrochlore Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7 thin films were deposited by pulsed laser ablation on Pt(200)/SiO2/Si at 500, 550, 600, and 650 degrees C. The thin films with (222) preferred orientation were found to grow at 650 degrees C with better crystallinity which was established by the lowest full-width half maxima of similar to 0.38. The dielectric response of the thin films grown at 650 degrees C have been characterized within a temperature range of 270-650 K and a frequency window of 0.1-100 kHz. The dielectric dispersion in the thin films shows a Maxwell-Wagner type relaxation with two different kinds of response confirmed by temperature dependent Nyquist plots. The ac conduction of the films showed a varied behavior in two different frequency regions. The power law exponent values of more than 1 at high frequency are explained by a jump-relaxation-model. The possibility of grain boundary related large polaronic hopping, due to two different power law exponents and transformation of double to single response in Nyquist plots at high temperature, has been excluded. The ``attempt jump frequency'' obtained from temperature dependent tangent loss and real part of dielectric constants, has been found to lie in the range of their lattice vibronic frequencies (10(12)-10(13) Hz). The activation energy arising from a large polaronic hopping due to trapped charge at low frequency region has been calculated from the ac conduction behavior. The range of activation energies (0.26-0.59. eV) suggests that the polaronic hopping at low frequency is mostly due to oxygen vacancies. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.106311.3457335]


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A minor addition of B to the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, by similar to 0.1 wt pct, reduces its as-cast prior beta grain size by an order of magnitude, whereas higher B content leads to the presence of in situ formed TiB needles in significant amounts. An experimental investigation into the role played by these microstructural modifications on the high-temperature deformation behavior of Ti-6Al-4V-xB alloys, with x varying between 0 wt pct and 0.55 wt pct, was conducted. Uniaxial compression tests were performed in the temperature range of 1023 K to 1273 K (750 degrees C to 1000 degrees C) and in the strain rate range of 10(-3) to 10(+1) s(-1). True stress-true strain responses of all alloys exhibit flow softening at lower strain rates and oscillations at higher strain rates. The flow softening is aided by the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization through lath globularization in high temperature (1173 K to 1273 K 900 degrees C to 1000 degrees C]) and a lower strain rate (10(-2) to 10(-3) s(-1)) regime. The grain size refinement with the B addition to Ti64, despite being marked, had no significant effect on this. Oscillations in the flow curve at a higher strain rate (10(0) to 10(+1) s(-1)), however, are associated with microstructural instabilities such as bending of laths, breaking of lath boundaries, generation of cavities, and breakage of TiB needles. The presence of TiB needles affected the instability regime. Microstructural evidence suggests that the matrix cavitation is aided by the easy fracture of TiB needles.


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The high-temperature superconductors are complex oxides, generally containing two-dimensional CuO2 sheets. Various families of the cuprate superconductors are described, paying special attention to aspects related to oxygen stoichiometry, phase stability, synthesis and chemical manipulation of charge carriers. Other aspects discussed are chemical applications of cuprates, possibly as gas sensors and copper-free oxide superconductors. All but the substituted Nd and Pr cuprates are hole-superconductors. Several families of cuprates show a nearly constant n(h) at maximum T(c). Besides this universality, the cuprates exhibit a number of striking common features. Based on Cu(2p) photoemission studies, it is found that the Cu-O charge-transfer energy, DELTA, and the Cu(3d)-O(2p) hybridization strength, t(pd), are key factors in the superconductivity of cuprates. The relative intensity of the satellite in the Cu(2p) core-level spectra, the polarizability of the CuO2 sheets as well as the hole concentration are related to DELTA/t(pd). These chemical bonding factors have to be explicitly taken into account in any model for superconductivity of the cuprates.


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Beta-Lactamase, which catalyzes beta-lactam antibiotics, is prototypical of large alpha/beta proteins with a scaffolding formed by strong noncovalent interactions. Experimentally, the enzyme is well characterized, and intermediates that are slightly less compact and having nearly the same content of secondary structure have been identified in the folding pathway. In the present study, high temperature molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out on the native enzyme in solution. Analysis of these results in terms of root mean square fluctuations in cartesian and [phi, psi] space, backbone dihedral angles and secondary structural hydrogen bonds forms the basis for an investigation of the topology of partially unfolded states of beta-lactamase. A differential stability has been observed for alpha-helices and beta-sheets upon thermal denaturation to putative unfolding intermediates. These observations contribute to an understanding of the folding/unfolding processes of beta-lactamases in particular, and other alpha/beta proteins in general.


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Tensile experiments at 673 K and grain sizes from similar to 8 to 17 mu m revealed large ductility at a low strain rate and a reduced ductility at a high strain rate, corresponding to a change from a high to a low value for the strain rate sensitivity. High strain rate deformation led to fracture by flow localization, whereas low strain rate deformation involved fracture by cavity nucleation and growth. Analysis revealed that grain boundary migration can assist significantly in reducing the stress concentrations caused by grain boundary sliding, thereby retarding cavity nucleation. Calculations demonstrate that the interlinkage of voids parallel and perpendicular to the tensile axis occurs significantly, so that it is not always possible to use the cavity shapes to distinguish between diffusion and plasticity controlled growth. Cavitation damage evolves slowly in materials with a coarser grain size because of reduced nucleation related to a reduction in the strain rate sensitivity and associated grain boundary sliding. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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High-temperature reactions (Ca 900-degrees-C) involving albite, K-feldspar or plagioclase and K, Ba-or K, Sr chlorides were experimentally studied. These experiments reveal that the reaction between K-exchanged albite, potash feldspar, or plagioclase and Ba-chloride/Ba-K chloride results in the formation of celsian by the breakdown of the starting feldspar structure above 800-degrees-C. Sr-feldspar does not form under similar conditions. A size-effect of the large M-site cation appears to be responsible for the formation of celsian. The reaction between K-feldspar and barium chloride may be used as a method for synthesizing celsian.


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The standard Gibbs free energy of formation of orthorhombic Ca2ZrSi4O12 from component oxides ZrO2 (monoclinic), CaO (rock salt), and SiO2 (quartz) has been determined in the temperature range 973 to 1273 K using a solid-state cell incorporating single-crystal CaF2 as the electrolyte: Delta G(f) degrees = -219930 + 11.77T (+/- 1500) J.mol(-1) This is the only quantitative information now available on the stability of Ca2ZrSi4O12.