325 resultados para Ge ion


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The kinetics and mechanism of anodic oxidation of chlorate ion to perchlorate ion on titanium-substrate lead dioxide electrodes have been investigated experimentally and theoretically. It has been demonstrated that the ionic strength of the solution has a marked effect on the rate of perchlorate formation, whereas the pH of the solution does not influence the reaction rate. Experimental data have also been obtained on the dependence of the reaction rate on the concentration of chlorate ion in the solution at constant ionic strength. With these data, diagnostic kinetic criteria have been deduced and compared with corresponding quantities predicted for various possible mechanisms including double layer effects on electrode kinetics. It has thus been shown that the most probable mechanisms for anodic chlorate oxidation on lead dioxide anodes involve the discharge of a water molecule in a one-electron transfer step to give an adsorbed hydroxyl radical as the rate-determining step for the overall reaction.


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The variation of zero-field splitting and linewidth of Cr3+ ion in KCr and KAI alums with hydrostatic pressure and with temperature is investigated. A model for the apparent phase transition is proposed on the basis of the reorientational motion of the SO2�4 groups.


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Anomalous photoinduced transformations in amorphous Ge-based chalcogenide thin films are established as being due to photochemical modification of the surfaces, by photoemission studies. Mass measurements indicate that the giant thickness reduction on irradiation is predominantly due to the loss of material as a result of photogenerated volatile high vapor pressure oxide fractions on the surface. This extrinsic contribution contradicts the models of the phenomenon proposed so far, which are based purely on intrinsic structural transformations.


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Surface segregation of Ge is seen in the Cu-5at%Ge alloy with an activation enthalpy equal to 17 kJ/mol. Oxidation of the alloy in the temperature range 400 to 600 K shows the formation of Cu2O and GeO which on further heating in vacuum at 650 K converts to GeO2 with the reduction of Cu2O to Cu.


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Ternary metal complexes involving vitamin B6 with formulas [CO",(PN-H)](anCdI [OC)'(bpy)(PN)Cl]C10(.bpHy 0 = 2,2'-bipyridine, PN = neutral pyridoxine, PN-H = anionic pyridoxine) have been prepared for the first time and characterized by means of magnetic and spectroscopic measurements. The crystal structures of the compounds have also been determined. [CO(PN-H)](CcryIsOta,l)lize s in the space group P2,/c with a = 18.900 (3) A, b = 8.764 (1) A, c = 20.041 (2) A,p = 116.05 (l)', and Z = 4 and [Cu(bpy)(PN)C1]C104-H20in the space group Pi with a = 12.136 (5) A, b = 13.283 (4) A,c = 7.195 (2) A, a = 96.91 (Z)', 0 = 91.25 (3)', y = 71.63 (3)', and Z = 2. The structures were solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by least-squares techniques to R values of 0.080 and 0.042 for 3401 and 2094 independent reflections, respectively. Both structures consist of monomeric units. The geometry around Co(II1) is octahedral and around Cu(I1) is distorted square pyramidal. In [CO(PN-H)]t(wCo IoxOy~ge)n~s ,fro m phenolic and 4-(hydroxymethyl) groups of PN-H and two nitrogens from each of two bpy's form the coordination sphere. In [Cu(bpy)(PN)C1]C104.H20o ne PN and one bpy, with the same donor sites, act as bidentate chelates in the basal plane, with a chloride ion occupying the apical position. In both structures PN and PN-H exist in the tautomeric form wherein pyridine N is protonated and phenolic 0 is deprotonated. However, a novel feature of the cobalt compound is that PN-H is anionic due to the deprotonation of the 4-(hydroxymethyl) group. The packing in both structures is governed by hydrogen bonds, and in the copper compound partial stacking of bpy's at a distance of -3.55 also adds to the stability of the system. Infrared, NMR, and ligand field spectroscopic results and magnetic measurements are interpreted in light of the structures.


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Commercial-grade En40B steel has been ion nitrided in the temperature range 475–550°C in a 25%N2–75%H2 gas mixture. The nature of the compound layer formed was studied by the X-ray diffraction technique and optical metallography. It was observed that the structure of the compound layer gradually transforms from a predominantly epsilon (Porson) nitride to a predominantly γ′ nitride structure with increasing treatment time. Optical metallography studies on sections orthogonal to the nitrided surface showed that, after about 5 h of treatment, the thickness of the compound layer decreases with further increase in treatment time.


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Pressure dependence of the electrical resistivity of bulk, melt quenched GexTe100−x glasses (15 less-than-or-equals, slant x less-than-or-equals, slant 28) has been studied up to 8GPa pressure. All the glasses exhibit a sharp, discontinuous glass to crystal transition under pressure. The high pressure crystalline phases are identified to have a face centered cubic structure. The value of the cell constant is 0.779nm for 15 less-than-or-equals, slant x less-than-or-equals, slant 17, 0.642nm for x=20 and 0.55lnm for 22 ≤ x ≤ 28 samples respectively. The cell constants of the high pressure crystalline phases suggest the possible existance of a new metastable crystalline compound in the Ge---Te system with F.C.C. structure and cell constant equal to 1.109nm as reported by Moore et al.


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The crown ethers, 2,3-benzo-1,4,7,10,13-pentaoxa-cyclopentadeca-2-ene and 2,3, ll,12-dibenzo-l,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxscyclooctadeca-2,11-diene are incorporated into H,N'-ethylenebis(acetylacetoneimino) nickel(II) and copper(II), phenol, and β-naphthol by diazo coupling reactions. The selective nature of the coupling reaction has-been demonstrated by the isolation of both asymmetric mono- and symmetric bis(glyoxalarylcrownhydrazoneimino) metal(II) complexes. An interesting binuclear complex containing two intramolecularly rearranged (glyoxal-hydrazonearylimino) metal(II) groups joined by 18-crown-6 result8 when bis(arenediazonium)-18-crown-6 is coupled with the metal(I1) Schiff bases. The substituted ethers form cationic salts with NaClO4, KCNS, NH4CNS, 14g(CNS)2 and Ca(CNS)2. All the synthesised ethers exhibit ion selectivity sequence as K+ > Na+ and Ca2+ > Mg2+.


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By using a perturbation technique, the Korteweg-de Vries equation is derived for a mixture of warm-ion fluid and hot, isothermal electrons. Stationary solutions are obtained for this equation and are compared with the corresponding solutions for a mixture consisting of cold-ion fluid and hot, isothermal electrons.


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The addition of guanosine 5-monophosphate (5′-GMP) to an aqueous solution of Mn2+ ions results in a decrease in ESR signal intensity and an increase in line-width of Mn2+ ions. This can be interpreted in terms of stepwise formation of outersphere and inner-sphere complexes as When Mg2+ is added to a mixture of Mn2+ and 5′-GMP, ESR signal intensity increases, presumably due to the replacement of Mn2+ by Mg2+ in the complex. From the variation of ESR signal intensity as a function of concentration of Mg2+, the product K1K2 for the magnesium complex i s calculated as 125 M−1. This difference in stability constants may indicate that both phosphate group and guanine base are involved in the formation of Mn2+-5′-GMP complex.


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The variation of zero-field splitting and linewidth of Cr3+ ion in KCr and KAI alums with hydrostatic pressure and with temperature is investigated. A model for the apparent phase transition is proposed on the basis of the reorientational motion of the SO2-4 groups.


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Abstract is not available.


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The crown ethers, 2,3-benzo-1,4,7,10,13-pentaoxa-cyclopentadeca-2-ene and 2,3, ll,12-dibenzo-l,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxscyclooctadeca-2,11-diene are incorporated into H,N'-ethylenebis(acetylacetoneimino) nickel(II) and copper(II), phenol, and β-naphthol by diazo coupling reactions. The selective nature of the coupling reaction has-been demonstrated by the isolation of both asymmetric mono- and symmetric bis(glyoxalarylcrownhydrazoneimino) metal(II) complexes. An interesting binuclear complex containing two intramolecularly rearranged (glyoxal-hydrazonearylimino) metal(II) groups joined by 18-crown-6 result8 when bis(arenediazonium)-18-crown-6 is coupled with the metal(I1) Schiff bases. The substituted ethers form cationic salts with NaClO4, KCNS, NH4CNS, 14g(CNS)2 and Ca(CNS)2. All the synthesised ethers exhibit ion selectivity sequence as K+ > Na+ and Ca2+ > Mg2+.


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Photodimerization of acenaphthylene and 5,6-dichloroacenaphthylene solubilized in sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS), cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC), dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride (DTAC), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and Triton X-100 micelles gives a mixture of cis and trans dimers. The magnitude of the cis:trans ratio is sensitive to the type of micelle used. In CTAB micelles the heavy atom effect of the bromide counter-ions leads to an increased triplet-derived trans dimer yield, whereas in micelles with light atom counter-ions (CTAC, DTAC and SDS) the singlet-derived cis dimer predominates.


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The authors derive the Korteweg-de Vries equation in a multicomponent plasma that includes any number of positive and negative ions. The solitary wave solutions are also found explicitly for the case of isothermal and non-isothermal electrons.