301 resultados para Gaussian


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Localization of underwater acoustic sources is a problem of great interest in the area of ocean acoustics. There exist several algorithms for source localization based on array signal processing.It is of interest to know the theoretical performance limits of these estimators. In this paper we develop expressions for the Cramer-Rao-Bound (CRB) on the variance of direction-of-arrival(DOA) and range-depth estimators of underwater acoustic sources in a shallow range-independent ocean for the case of generalized Gaussian noise. We then study the performance of some of the popular source localization techniques,through simulations, for DOA/range-depth estimation of underwater acoustic sources in shallow ocean by comparing the variance of the estimators with the corresponding CRBs.


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In the two-user Gaussian Strong Interference Channel (GSIC) with finite constellation inputs, it is known that relative rotation between the constellations of the two users enlarges the Constellation Constrained (CC) capacity region. In this paper, a metric for finding the approximate angle of rotation to maximally enlarge the CC capacity is presented. It is shown that for some portion of the Strong Interference (SI) regime, with Gaussian input alphabets, the FDMA rate curve touches the capacity curve of the GSIC. Even as the Gaussian alphabet FDMA rate curve touches the capacity curve of the GSIC, at high powers, with both the users using the same finite constellation, we show that the CC FDMA rate curve lies strictly inside the CC capacity curve for the constellations BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM. It is known that, with Gaussian input alphabets, the FDMA inner-bound at the optimum sum-rate point is always better than the simultaneous-decoding inner-bound throughout the Weak Interference (WI) regime. For a portion of the WI regime, it is shown that, with identical finite constellation inputs for both the users, the simultaneous-decoding inner-bound enlarged by relative rotation between the constellations can be strictly better than the FDMA inner-bound.


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Many problems of state estimation in structural dynamics permit a partitioning of system states into nonlinear and conditionally linear substructures. This enables a part of the problem to be solved exactly, using the Kalman filter, and the remainder using Monte Carlo simulations. The present study develops an algorithm that combines sequential importance sampling based particle filtering with Kalman filtering to a fairly general form of process equations and demonstrates the application of a substructuring scheme to problems of hidden state estimation in structures with local nonlinearities, response sensitivity model updating in nonlinear systems, and characterization of residual displacements in instrumented inelastic structures. The paper also theoretically demonstrates that the sampling variance associated with the substructuring scheme used does not exceed the sampling variance corresponding to the Monte Carlo filtering without substructuring. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The q-Gaussian distribution results from maximizing certain generalizations of Shannon entropy under some constraints. The importance of q-Gaussian distributions stems from the fact that they exhibit power-law behavior, and also generalize Gaussian distributions. In this paper, we propose a Smoothed Functional (SF) scheme for gradient estimation using q-Gaussian distribution, and also propose an algorithm for optimization based on the above scheme. Convergence results of the algorithm are presented. Performance of the proposed algorithm is shown by simulation results on a queuing model.


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Network life time maximization is becoming an important design goal in wireless sensor networks. Energy harvesting has recently become a preferred choice for achieving this goal as it provides near perpetual operation. We study such a sensor node with an energy harvesting source and compare various architectures by which the harvested energy is used. We find its Shannon capacity when it is transmitting its observations over a fading AWGN channel with perfect/no channel state information provided at the transmitter. We obtain an achievable rate when there are inefficiencies in energy storage and the capacity when energy is spent in activities other than transmission.


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Constellation Constrained (CC) capacity regions of two-user Gaussian Multiple Access Channels (GMAC) have been recently reported, wherein introducing appropriate rotation between the constellations of the two users is shown to maximally enlarge the CC capacity region. Such a Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NO-MA) method of enlarging the CC capacity region is referred to as Constellation Rotation (CR) scheme. In this paper, we propose a novel NO-MA technique called Constellation Power Allocation (CPA) scheme to enlarge the CC capacity region of two-user GMAC. We show that the CPA scheme offers CC sum capacities equal (at low SNR values) or close (at high SNR values) to those offered by the CR scheme with reduced ML decoding complexity for some QAM constellations. For the CR scheme, code pairs approaching the CC sum capacity are known only for the class of PSK and PAM constellations but not for QAM constellations. In this paper, we design code pairs with the CPA scheme to approach the CC sum capacity for 16-QAM constellations. Further, the CPA scheme used for two-user GMAC with random phase offsets is shown to provide larger CC sum capacities at high SNR values compared to the CR scheme.


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Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) have been one of the most popular and successful approaches to perform foreground segmentation on multimodal background scenes. However, the good accuracy of the GMM algorithm comes at a high computational cost. An improved GMM technique was proposed by Zivkovic to reduce computational cost by minimizing the number of modes adaptively. In this paper, we propose a modification to his adaptive GMM algorithm that further reduces execution time by replacing expensive floating point computations with low cost integer operations. To maintain accuracy, we derive a heuristic that computes periodic floating point updates for the GMM weight parameter using the value of an integer counter. Experiments show speedups in the range of 1.33 - 1.44 on standard video datasets where a large fraction of pixels are multimodal.


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This work derives inner and outer bounds on the generalized degrees of freedom (GDOF) of the K-user symmetric MIMO Gaussian interference channel. For the inner bound, an achievable GDOF is derived by employing a combination of treating interference as noise, zero-forcing at the receivers, interference alignment (IA), and extending the Han-Kobayashi (HK) scheme to K users, depending on the number of antennas and the INR/SNR level. An outer bound on the GDOF is derived, using a combination of the notion of cooperation and providing side information to the receivers. Several interesting conclusions are drawn from the bounds. For example, in terms of the achievable GDOF in the weak interference regime, when the number of transmit antennas (M) is equal to the number of receive antennas (N), treating interference as noise performs the same as the HK scheme and is GDOF optimal. For K >; N/M+1, a combination of the HK and IA schemes performs the best among the schemes considered. However, for N/M <; K ≤ N/M+1, the HK scheme is found to be GDOF optimal.


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In this paper, we investigate the achievable rate region of Gaussian multiple access channels (MAC) with finite input alphabet and quantized output. With finite input alphabet and an unquantized receiver, the two-user Gaussian MAC rate region was studied. In most high throughput communication systems based on digital signal processing, the analog received signal is quantized using a low precision quantizer. In this paper, we first derive the expressions for the achievable rate region of a two-user Gaussian MAC with finite input alphabet and quantized output. We show that, with finite input alphabet, the achievable rate region with the commonly used uniform receiver quantizer has a significant loss in the rate region compared. It is observed that this degradation is due to the fact that the received analog signal is densely distributed around the origin, and is therefore not efficiently quantized with a uniform quantizer which has equally spaced quantization intervals. It is also observed that the density of the received analog signal around the origin increases with increasing number of users. Hence, the loss in the achievable rate region due to uniform receiver quantization is expected to increase with increasing number of users. We, therefore, propose a novel non-uniform quantizer with finely spaced quantization intervals near the origin. For a two-user Gaussian MAC with a given finite input alphabet and low precision receiver quantization, we show that the proposed non-uniform quantizer has a significantly larger rate region compared to what is achieved with a uniform quantizer.


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We study the phenomenon of electromagnetically induced transparency and absorption (EITA) using a control laser with a Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) profile instead of the usual Gaussian profile, and observe significant narrowing of the resonance widths. Aligning the probe beam to the central hole in the doughnut-shaped LG control beam allows simultaneously a strong control intensity required for high signal-to-noise ratio and a low intensity in the probe region required to get narrow resonances. Experiments with an expanded Gaussian control and a second-order LG control show that transit time and orbital angular momentum do not play a significant role. This explanation is borne out by a density-matrix analysis with a radially varying control Rabi frequency. We observe these resonances using degenerate two-level transitions in the D-2 line of Rb-87 in a room temperature vapor cell, and an EIA resonance with width up to 20 times below the natural linewidth for the F = 2 -> F' = 3 transition. Thus the use of LG beams should prove advantageous in all applications of EITA and other kinds of pump-probe spectroscopy as well.


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We consider bounds for the capacity region of the Gaussian X channel (XC), a system consisting of two transmit-receive pairs, where each transmitter communicates with both the receivers. We first classify the XC into two classes, the strong XC and the mixed XC. In the strong XC, either the direct channels are stronger than the cross channels or vice-versa, whereas in the mixed XC, one of the direct channels is stronger than the corresponding cross channel and vice-versa. After this classification, we give outer bounds on the capacity region for each of the two classes. This is based on the idea that when one of the messages is eliminated from the XC, the rate region of the remaining three messages are enlarged. We make use of the Z channel, a system obtained by eliminating one message and its corresponding channel from the X channel, to bound the rate region of the remaining messages. The outer bound to the rate region of the remaining messages defines a subspace in R-+(4) and forms an outer bound to the capacity region of the XC. Thus, the outer bound to the capacity region of the XC is obtained as the intersection of the outer bounds to the four combinations of the rate triplets of the XC. Using these outer bounds on the capacity region of the XC, we derive new sum-rate outer bounds for both strong and mixed Gaussian XCs and compare them with those existing in literature. We show that the sum-rate outer bound for strong XC gives the sum-rate capacity in three out of the four sub-regions of the strong Gaussian XC capacity region. In case of mixed Gaussian XC, we recover the recent results in 11] which showed that the sum-rate capacity is achieved in two out of the three sub-regions of the mixed XC capacity region and give a simple alternate proof of the same.


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We consider the MIMO X channel (XC), a system consisting of two transmit-receive pairs, where each transmitter communicates with both the receivers. Both the transmitters and receivers are equipped with multiple antennas. First, we derive an upper bound on the sum-rate capacity of the MIMO XC under individual power constraint at each transmitter. The sum-rate capacity of the two-user multiple access channel (MAC) that results when receiver cooperation is assumed forms an upper bound on the sum-rate capacity of the MIMO XC. We tighten this bound by considering noise correlation between the receivers and deriving the worst noise covariance matrix. It is shown that the worst noise covariance matrix is a saddle-point of a zero-sum, two-player convex-concave game, which is solved through a primal-dual interior point method that solves the maximization and the minimization parts of the problem simultaneously. Next, we propose an achievable scheme which employs dirty paper coding at the transmitters and successive decoding at the receivers. We show that the derived upper bound is close to the achievable region of the proposed scheme at low to medium SNRs.


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The confinement of a polymer to volumes whose characteristic linear dimensions are comparable to or smaller than its bulk radius of gyration R-G,R-bulk can produce significant changes in its static and dynamic properties, with important implications for the understanding of single-molecule processes in biology and chemistry. In this paper, we present calculations of the effects of a narrow rectangular slit of thickness d on the scaling behavior of the diffusivity D and relaxation time tau(r) of a Gaussian chain of polymerization index N and persistence length l(0). The calculations are based on the Rouse-Zimm model of chain dynamics, with the pre-averaged hydrodynamic interaction being obtained from the solutions to Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid in a parallel plate geometry in the limit of small d. They go beyond de Gennes' purely phenomenological analysis of the problem based on blobs, which has so far been the only analytical route to the determination of chain scaling behavior for this particular geometry. The present model predicts that D similar to dN(-1) ln(N/d(2)) and tau(r) similar to N(2)d(-1) ln(N/d(2))(-1) in the regime of moderate confinement, where l(0) << d < R-G,R-bulk. The corresponding results for the blob model have exactly the same power law behavior, but contain no logarithmic corrections; the difference suggests that segments within a blob may actually be partially draining and not non-draining as generally assumed.


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The confinement of a polymer to volumes whose characteristic linear dimensions are comparable to or smaller than its bulk radius of gyration R-G,R-bulk can produce significant changes in its static and dynamic properties, with important implications for the understanding of single-molecule processes in biology and chemistry. In this paper, we present calculations of the effects of a narrow rectangular slit of thickness d on the scaling behavior of the diffusivity D and relaxation time tau(r) of a Gaussian chain of polymerization index N and persistence length l(0). The calculations are based on the Rouse-Zimm model of chain dynamics, with the pre-averaged hydrodynamic interaction being obtained from the solutions to Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid in a parallel plate geometry in the limit of small d. They go beyond de Gennes' purely phenomenological analysis of the problem based on blobs, which has so far been the only analytical route to the determination of chain scaling behavior for this particular geometry. The present model predicts that D similar to dN(-1) ln(N/d(2)) and tau(r) similar to N(2)d(-1) ln(N/d(2))(-1) in the regime of moderate confinement, where l(0) << d < R-G,R-bulk. The corresponding results for the blob model have exactly the same power law behavior, but contain no logarithmic corrections; the difference suggests that segments within a blob may actually be partially draining and not non-draining as generally assumed. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This paper proposes a sparse modeling approach to solve ordinal regression problems using Gaussian processes (GP). Designing a sparse GP model is important from training time and inference time viewpoints. We first propose a variant of the Gaussian process ordinal regression (GPOR) approach, leave-one-out GPOR (LOO-GPOR). It performs model selection using the leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV) technique. We then provide an approach to design a sparse model for GPOR. The sparse GPOR model reduces computational time and storage requirements. Further, it provides faster inference. We compare the proposed approaches with the state-of-the-art GPOR approach on some benchmark data sets. Experimental results show that the proposed approaches are competitive.