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Graphene-nanocrystalline metal sulphide composites were prepared by a one-pot reaction. A dispersion of graphite oxide layers in an aqueous solution of metal ions (Cd2+/Zn2+) was reacted with H2S gas, which acts as a sulphide source as well as a reducing agent, resulting in the formation of metal sulphide nanoparticles and simultaneous reduction of graphite oxide sheets to graphene sheets. The surface defect related emissions shown by free metal sulphide particles are quenched in the composites due to the interaction of the surface of the nanoparticles with graphene sheets.


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Al-Si-graphite particle composite alloy pistons containing different percentages of about 80 μm uncoated graphite particles were successfully cast by foundry techniques. Tests with a 5 hp single-cylinder diesel engine show that Al-Si-graphite particle composite pistons can withstand an endurance test of 500 h without any apparent deterioration and do not seize during the running-in period. The use of the Al-Si-3% graphite particle composite piston also results in (a) up to 3% reduction in the specific fuel consumption, (b) considerable reduction in the wear of all four piston rings, (c) a reduction in piston wear, (d) a 9% reduction in the frictional horsepower losses of the engine as determined by the motoring test and (e) a slight increase in the exhaust gas temperature. These reductions (a)–(d) appear to be due to increased lubrication from the graphite particles which are smeared on the bearing surface, the higher damping capacity of the composite pistons and the reduced coefficient of thermal expansion of the composite pistons. Preliminary results indicate that aluminum-graphite particle composite alloy is a promising material for automotive pistons.


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Two- and three-state models for the adsorption of organic compounds at the electrodelelectrolyte interface are proposed. Different size requirements, if any, for the neutral molecule and the adsorbing solvent are also considered. It is shown how the empirical, generalised surface layer (GSL) relationship (between the potential difference and the electrode charge) formulated by Damaskin et a / . can be understood at the molecular level.


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The kinetic parameters for the hydrogen evolution reaction on a stainless steel substrate have been obtained from a study of the steady-state polarization curves as well as the galvanostatic transients. The high Tafel slope obtained in the steady-state polarization measurements was ascribed to the presence of an oxide film present on the surface of the stainless steel electrode.


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The electrochemical functionalization of a Au electrode with a redox-active monolayer and the electroanalytical applications of the functionalized electrode are described. Reaction of the electrochemically derived o-quinone on the self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of 6-mercaptopurine (MPU) on a Au electrode gives a redox-active 4-(6-mercapto-purin-9-yl)benzene-1,2-diol (MPBD) self-assembly under optimized conditions. Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance technique has been employed to follow the functionalization of the electrode in real time. Electrochemically derived o-quinone reacts at the N(9) position of the self-assembled MPU in neutral pH. Raman spectral measurement confirms the reaction of o-quinone on MPU self-assembly. MPBD shows a well-defined reversible redox response, characteristic of a surface-confined redox mediator at 0.21 V in neutral pH. The anodic peak potential (Epa) of MPBD shifts by −60 mV while changing the solution pH by 1 unit, indicating that the redox reaction involves two electrons and two protons. The surface coverage (Γ) of MPBD was 7.2 ± 0.3 × 10-12 mol/cm2. The apparent heterogeneous rate constant (ksapp) for MPBD was 268 ± 6 s-1. MPBD efficiently mediates the oxidation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and ascorbate (AA). A large decrease in the overpotential and significant increase in the peak current with respect to the unmodified electrode has been observed. Surface-confined MPBD has been successfully used for the amperometric sensing of NADH and AA in neutral pH at the nanomolar level.


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In this experimental study, the dry sliding wear and two-body abrasive wear behaviour of graphite filled carbon fabric reinforced epoxy composites were investigated. Carbon fabric reinforced epoxy composite was used as a reference material. Sliding wear experiments were conducted using a pin-on-disc wear tester under dry contact condition. Mass loss was determined as a function of sliding velocity for loads of 25, 50, 75, and 100 N at a constant sliding distance of 6000 m. Two-body abrasive wear experiments were performed under multi-pass condition using silicon carbide (SiC) of 150 and 320 grit abrasive papers. The effects of abrading distance and different loads have been studied. Abrasive wear volume and specific wear rate as a function of applied normal load and abrading distance were also determined. The results show that in dry sliding wear situations, for increased load and sliding velocity, higher wear loss was recorded. The excellent wear characteristics were obtained with carbon-epoxy containing graphite as filler. Especially, 10 wt.% of graphite in carbon-epoxy gave a low wear rate. A graphite surface film formed on the counterface was confirmed to be effective in improving the wear characteristics of graphite filled carbon-epoxy composites. In case of two-body abrasive wear, the wear volume increases with increasing load/abrading distance. Experimental results showed the type of counterface (hardened steel disc and SiC paper) material greatly influences the wear behaviour of the composites. Wear mechanisms of the composites were investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Wear of carbon-epoxy composite was found to be mainly due to a microcracking and fiber fracture mechanisms. It was found that the microcracking mechanism had been caused by progressive surface damage. Further, it was also noticed that carbon-epoxy composite wear is reduced to a greater extent by addition of the graphite filler, in which wear was dominated by microplowing/microcutting mechanisms instead of microcracking.


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Current-potential relationships are derived for porous electrode systems following a homogeneous model and whenadsorbed intermediates participate in the electrode reaction. Limiting Tafel slopes were deduced and compared with thecorresponding behavior on planar electrode systems. The theoretical results showed doubling of Tafel slopes when theslow-step is a charge-transfer reaction and a nonlogarithmic current-voltage behavior when the slow-step is a chemical reaction.Comparison of the experimental results with theory for the case of oxygen reduction on carbon surfaces in alkalinemedia indicates that a slow chemical reaction following the initial charge-transfer reaction to be the likely rate-controllingstep. Theoretical relationships are utilized to determine the exchange current density and the surface coverage by the adsorbedintermediates during the course of oxygen reduction from alkaline solutions on "carbon." Tafel slope measurementson planar and porous electrodes for the same reaction are suggested as one of the diagnostic criteria for elucidatingthe mechanistic pathways of electrochemical reactions.


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In the present study, titanium nitride which shows exceptional stability, extreme corrosion resistance, good electronic conductivity and adhesion behaviour is used to support platinum particles and then used for methanol oxidation in an alkaline medium. The catalyst shows very good CO tolerance for the electrochemical oxidation of methanol. In situ infrared spectroelectrochemical data show the remarkable ability of TiN to decompose water at low over potentials leading to -OH type functional groups on its surface which in turn help in alleviating the carbon monoxide poisoning associated with methanol oxidation. TiN supported catalysts are found to be very good in terms of long term stability, exchange current density and stable currents at low over voltages. Supporting evidence from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic data and cyclic voltammetry clearly demonstrates the usefulness of TiN supported Pt catalysts for efficient methanol oxidation in alkaline media.


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In this paper, an effort is made to study accurately the field distribution for various types of ceramic insulators used for high-voltage transmission. The surface charge simulation method (SCSM) is employed for the field computation. With the help of SCSM program, a Novel field reduction electrode is designed and developed to reduce the maximum field around the pin region. In order to experimentally analyze the performance of discs with field reduction electrode, special artificial pollution test facility was built and utilized. The experimental results show better surface flashover performance of ceramic insulators used in high-voltage transmission and distribution systems.


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This paper presents laboratory investigations on the visible corona and discharge radio noise. Experimental investigations are carried on various types of normal and anti-fog types of ceramic disc insulator at the recently established artificial pollution experimental facility. The results obtained from the experimental investigations show better performance for the disc insulators fitted with field reduction electrodes. In addition to the corona and radio noise investigations the comparisons are also made for the experimental results of the potential distribution across the insulator string (with and without filed reduction electrode) with the simulation results obtained by using Surface Charge Simulation Method.


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We have developed a theory for an electrochemical way of measuring the statistical properties of a nonfractally rough electrode. We obtained the expression for the current transient on a rough electrode which shows three times regions: short and long time limits and the transition region between them. The expressions for these time ranges are exploited to extract morphological information about the surface roughness. In the short and long time regimes, we extract information regarding various morphological features like the roughness factor, average roughness, curvature, correlation length, dimensionality of roughness, and polynomial approximation for the correlation function. The formulas for the surface structure factors (the measure of surface roughness) of rough surfaces in terms of measured reversible and diffusion-limited current transients are also obtained. Finally, we explore the feasibility of making such measurements.


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A theory is developed for diffusion-limited charge transfer on a non-fractally rough electrode. The perturbation expressions are obtained for concentration, current density and measured diffusion-limited current for arbitrary one- and two-dimensional surface profiles. The random surface model is employed for a rough electrode\electrolyte interface. In this model the gross geometrical property of an electrochemically active rough surface - the surface structure factor-is related to the average electrode current, current density and concentration. Under short and long time regimes, various morphological features of the rough electrodes, i.e. excess area (related to roughness slope), curvature, correlation length, etc. are related to the (average) current transients. A two-point Pade approximant is used to develop an all time average current expression in terms of partial morphological features of the rough surface. The inverse problem of predicting the surface structure factor from the observed transients is also described. Finally, the effect of surface roughness is studied for specific surface statistics, namely a Gaussian correlation function. It is shown how the surface roughness enhances the overall diffusion-limited charge transfer current.


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Surface flashover characteristics of solid spacers in a rod-plane configuration have been investigated in SF6, at pressures to 400 kPa, for switching impulse voltages to determine the effect of spacer, spacer materials and polarity of applied impulses. The effect of spacer material on the flashover voltage is not significant. For negative polarity impulses, the influence of the spacer is also insignificant. But for positive polarity impulses, at pressures < 200 kPa, the spacer efficiency becomes > 1.0. On the other hand, at pressures > 200 kPa, the presence of spacer drastically reduces the flashover voltage of the system. At about atmospheric pressure also, the spacer efficiency in air has been found to be > 1.0, with the same electrode geometry.


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Two- and three-state models for the adsorption of organic compounds at the electrode/electrolyte interface are proposed. Different size requirements, if any, for the neutral molecule and the adsorbing solvent are also considered. It is shown how the empirical, generalised surface layer (GSL) relationship (between the potential difference and the electrode charge) formulated by Damaskin et al. can be understood at the molecular level.


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Nanoclusters of Pt were electrochemically deposited on a conducting polymer, namely, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), which was also electrochemically deposited on carbon paper current collector. PEDOT facilitated uniform distribution of Pt nanoclusters, when compared with Pt electrodeposition on bare carbon paper substrate. Spectroscopy data indicated absence of any interaction between PEDOT and Pt. The electrochemically active surface area as measured from carbon monoxide adsorption followed by its oxidation was several times greater for Pt-PEDOT/C electrode in comparison with Pt/C electrode. The catalytic activity of Pt-PEDOT/C electrode for electrooxidation of formic acid was significantly greater than that of Pt/C electrode. Amperometry data suggested that the electrodes were stable for continuous oxidation of HCOOH.