47 resultados para Full discretization


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Piezoelectric-device-based vibration energy harvesting requires a rectifier for conversion of input ac to usable dc form. Power loss due to diode drop in rectifier is a significant fraction of the already low levels of harvested power. The proposed circuit is a low-drop-diode equivalent, which mimics a diode using linear region-operated MOSFET. The proposed diode equivalent is powered directly from input signal and requires no additional power supply for its control. Power used by the control circuit is kept at a bare minimum to have an overall output power improvement. Diode equivalent was used to replace the four diodes in a full-wave bridge rectifier, which is the basic full- wave rectifier and is a part of the more advanced rectifiers like switch-only and bias-flip rectifiers. Simulation in 130-nm technology and experiment with discrete components show that a bridge rectifier with the proposed diode provides a 30-169% increase in output power extracted from piezoelectric device, as compared to a bridge rectifier with diode-connected MOSFETs. The bridge rectifier with the proposed diode can extract 90% of the maximum available power from an ideal piezoelectric device-bridge rectifier circuit. Setting aside the constraint of power loss, simulations indicate that diode drop as low as 10 mV at 38 mu A can be achieved.


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The bacterial second messenger cyclic diguanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) plays an important role in a variety of cellular functions, including biofilm formation, alterations in the cell surface, host colonization and regulation of bacterial flagellar motility, which enable bacteria to survive changing environmental conditions. The cellular level of c-di-GMP is regulated by a balance between opposing activities of diguanylate cyclases (DGCs) and cognate phosphodiesterases (PDE-As). Here, we report the presence and importance of a protein, MSDGC-1 (an orthologue of Rv1354c in Mycobacterium tuberculosis), involved in c-di-GMP turnover in Mycobacterium smegmatis. MSDGC-1 is a multidomain protein, having GAF, GGDEF and EAL domains arranged in tandem, and exhibits both c-di-GMP synthesis and degradation activities. Most other proteins containing GGDEF and EAL domains have been demonstrated to have either DGC or PDE-A activity. Unlike other bacteria, which harbour several copies of the protein involved in c-di-GMP turnover, M. smegmatis has a single genomic copy, deletion of which severely affects long-term survival under conditions of nutrient starvation. Overexpression of MSDGC-1 alters the colony morphology and growth profile of M. smegmatis. In order to gain insights into the regulation of the c-di-GMP level, we cloned individual domains and tested their activities. We observed a loss of activity in the separated domains, indicating the importance of full-length MSDGC-1 for controlling bifunctionality.


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A computational tool called ``Directional Diffusion Regulator (DDR)'' is proposed to bring forth real multidimensional physics into the upwind discretization in some numerical schemes of hyperbolic conservation laws. The direction based regulator when used with dimension splitting solvers, is set to moderate the excess multidimensional diffusion and hence cause genuine multidimensional upwinding like effect. The basic idea of this regulator driven method is to retain a full upwind scheme across local discontinuities, with the upwind bias decreasing smoothly to a minimum in the farthest direction. The discontinuous solutions are quantified as gradients and the regulator parameter across a typical finite volume interface or a finite difference interpolation point is formulated based on fractional local maximum gradient in any of the weak solution flow variables (say density, pressure, temperature, Mach number or even wave velocity etc.). DDR is applied to both the non-convective as well as whole unsplit dissipative flux terms of some numerical schemes, mainly of Local Lax-Friedrichs, to solve some benchmark problems describing inviscid compressible flow, shallow water dynamics and magneto-hydrodynamics. The first order solutions consistently improved depending on the extent of grid non-alignment to discontinuities, with the major influence due to regulation of non-convective diffusion. The application is also experimented on schemes such as Roe, Jameson-Schmidt-Turkel and some second order accurate methods. The consistent improvement in accuracy either at moderate or marked levels, for a variety of problems and with increasing grid size, reasonably indicate a scope for DDR as a regular tool to impart genuine multidimensional upwinding effect in a simpler framework. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents computational work on the biogas early phase combustion in spark ignition (SI) engines using detailed chemical kinetics. Specifically, the early phase combustion is studied to assess the effect of various ignition parameters such as spark plug location, spark energy, and number of spark plugs. An integrated version of the KIVA-3V and CHEMKIN codes was developed and used for the simulations utilizing detailed kinetics involving 325 reactions and 53 species The results show that location of the spark plug and local flow field play an important role. A central plug configuration, which is associated with higher local flow velocities in the vicinity of the spark plug, showed faster initial combustion. Although a dual plug configuration shows the highest rate of fuel consumption, it is comparable to the rate exhibited by the central plug case. The radical species important in the initiation of combustion are identified, and their concentrations are monitored during the early phase of combustion. The concentration of these radicals is also observed to correlate very well with the above-mentioned trend.Thus, the role of these radicals in promoting faster combustion has been clearly established. It is also observed that the minimum ignition energy required to initiate a self-sustained flame depends on the flow field condition in the vicinity of the spark plug.Increasing the methane content in the biogas has shown improved combustion.


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A low complexity, essentially-ML decoding technique for the Golden code and the three antenna Perfect code was introduced by Sirianunpiboon, Howard and Calderbank. Though no theoretical analysis of the decoder was given, the simulations showed that this decoding technique has almost maximum-likelihood (ML) performance. Inspired by this technique, in this paper we introduce two new low complexity decoders for Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs)-the Adaptive Conditional Zero-Forcing (ACZF) decoder and the ACZF decoder with successive interference cancellation (ACZF-SIC), which include as a special case the decoding technique of Sirianunpiboon et al. We show that both ACZF and ACZF-SIC decoders are capable of achieving full-diversity, and we give a set of sufficient conditions for an STBC to give full-diversity with these decoders. We then show that the Golden code, the three and four antenna Perfect codes, the three antenna Threaded Algebraic Space-Time code and the four antenna rate 2 code of Srinath and Rajan are all full-diversity ACZF/ACZF-SIC decodable with complexity strictly less than that of their ML decoders. Simulations show that the proposed decoding method performs identical to ML decoding for all these five codes. These STBCs along with the proposed decoding algorithm have the least decoding complexity and best error performance among all known codes for transmit antennas. We further provide a lower bound on the complexity of full-diversity ACZF/ACZF-SIC decoding. All the five codes listed above achieve this lower bound and hence are optimal in terms of minimizing the ACZF/ACZF-SIC decoding complexity. Both ACZF and ACZF-SIC decoders are amenable to sphere decoding implementation.


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Recently, Guo and Xia introduced low complexity decoders called Partial Interference Cancellation (PIC) and PIC with Successive Interference Cancellation (PIC-SIC), which include the Zero Forcing (ZF) and ZF-SIC receivers as special cases, for point-to-point MIMO channels. In this paper, we show that PIC and PIC-SIC decoders are capable of achieving the full cooperative diversity available in wireless relay networks. We give sufficient conditions for a Distributed Space-Time Block Code (DSTBC) to achieve full diversity with PIC and PIC-SIC decoders and construct a new class of DSTBCs with low complexity full-diversity PIC-SIC decoding using complex orthogonal designs. The new class of codes includes a number of known full-diversity PIC/PIC-SIC decodable Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) constructed for point-to-point channels as special cases. The proposed DSTBCs achieve higher rates (in complex symbols per channel use) than the multigroup ML decodable DSTBCs available in the literature. Simulation results show that the proposed codes have better bit error rate performance than the best known low complexity, full-diversity DSTBCs.


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In this paper, we consider a slow-fading nt ×nr multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel subjected to block fading. Reliability (in terms of achieved diversity order) and rate (in number of symbols transmitted per channel use) are of interest in such channels. We propose a new precoding scheme which achieves both full diversity (nt ×nrth order diversity) as well as full rate (nt symbols per channel use) using partial channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). The proposed scheme achieves full diversity and improved coding gain through an optimization over the choice of constellation sets. The optimization maximizes dmin2 for our precoding scheme subject to an energy constraint. The scheme requires feedback of nt - 1 angle parameter values, compared to 2ntnr real coefficients in case of full CSIT. Further, for the case of nt × 1 system, we prove that the capacity achieved by the proposed scheme is same as that achieved with full CSIT. Error rate performance results for nt = 3,4,8 show that the proposed scheme performs better than other precoding schemes in the literature; the better performance is due to the choice of the signal sets and the feedback angles in the proposed scheme.


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A Finite Feedback Scheme (FFS) for a quasi-static MIMO block fading channel with finite N-ary delay-free noise-free feedback consists of N Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) at the transmitter, one corresponding to each possible value of feedback, and a function at the receiver that generates N-ary feedback. A number of FFSs are available in the literature that provably attain full-diversity. However, there is no known full-diversity criterion that universally applies to all FFSs. In this paper a universal necessary condition for any FFS to achieve full-diversity is given, and based on this criterion the notion of Feedback-Transmission duration optimal (FT-optimal) FFSs is introduced, which are schemes that use minimum amount of feedback N for the given transmission duration T, and minimum T for the given N to achieve full-diversity. When there is no feedback (N = 1) an FT-optimal scheme consists of a single STBC, and the proposed condition reduces to the well known necessary and sufficient condition for an STBC to achieve full-diversity. Also, a sufficient criterion for full-diversity is given for FFSs in which the component STBC yielding the largest minimum Euclidean distance is chosen, using which full-rate (N-t complex symbols per channel use) full-diversity FT-optimal schemes are constructed for all N-t > 1. These are the first full-rate full-diversity FFSs reported in the literature for T < N-t. Simulation results show that the new schemes have the best error performance among all known FFSs.


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Full solar spectrum absorbers are widely pursued for applications related to photocatalysis and photovoltaics. Here we report multivalent Cu-doped ZnO nanoparticles which exhibit full solar spectrum absorbance and high photoactivity. Metathesis-based, green-chemical approaches with synthesis yield of similar to 100% are used. Cu incorporation in ZnO results in an increase of average solar spectrum absorbance from a mere 0.4% to 34%. On the other hand, (Zn, Cu)0 composites result in materials with up to 64% average solar spectrum absorbance. Doped systems operate well under both visible and UV illumination. The nanomaterials prepared are characterized by using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area analysis, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Photocatalysts explored have particle sizes >= 50 nm. This is deliberately done in order to avoid the nanotoxic size regime of ZnO. Despite the large particle size and low specific surface area (<20 m(2).g(-1)), the best catalyst reported here compare favorably with recent reports on ZnO based systems. Using X-photoelectron spectroscopy and synthesis property correlations, we infer that the presence of multivalent Cu (most likely in the form of Cu1+delta) on ZnO surface is responsible for the observed photoactivity enhancement.


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Voltage source inverter (VSI)-fed six-phase induction motor (IM) drives have high 6n +/- 1, n = odd-order harmonic currents. This is because these currents, driven by the corresponding harmonic voltages in the inverter output, are limited only by the stator leakage impedance, as these harmonics are absent in the back electromotive force of the motor. To suppress the harmonic currents, either bulky inductive harmonic filters or complex pulsewidth modulation (PWM) techniques have to be used. This paper proposes a harmonic elimination scheme using switched capacitor filters for a VSI-fed split-phase IM drive. Two 3-phase inverters fed from capacitors are used on the open-end side of the motor to suppress 6n +/- 1, n = odd-order harmonics. A PWM scheme that can suppress the harmonics as well as balance the capacitor voltage is also proposed. The capacitor fed inverters are switched so that the fundamental voltage is not affected, and the fundamental power is always drawn from the main inverters. The proposed scheme is verified with a detailed experimental study. The effectiveness of the scheme is demonstrated by comparing the results with those obtained by disabling the capacitor fed inverters.


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Since its induction, the selective-identity (sID) model for identity-based cryptosystems and its relationship with various other notions of security has been extensively studied. As a result, it is a general consensus that the sID model is much weaker than the full-identity (ID) model. In this paper, we study the sID model for the particular case of identity-based signatures (IBS). The main focus is on the problem of constructing an ID-secure IBS given an sID-secure IBS without using random oracles-the so-called standard model-and with reasonable security degradation. We accomplish this by devising a generic construction which uses as black-box: i) a chameleon hash function and ii) a weakly-secure public-key signature. We argue that the resulting IBS is ID-secure but with a tightness gap of O(q(s)), where q(s) is the upper bound on the number of signature queries that the adversary is allowed to make. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at such a generic construction.


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The accurate solution of 3D full-wave Method of Moments (MoM) on an arbitrary mesh of a package-board structure does not guarantee accuracy, since the discretizations may not be fine enough to capture rapid spatial changes in the solution variable. At the same time, uniform over-meshing on the entire structure generates large number of solution variables and therefore requires an unnecessarily large matrix solution. In this work, a suitable refinement criterion for MoM based electromagnetic package-board extraction is proposed and the advantages of the adaptive strategy are demonstrated from both accuracy and speed perspectives.


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A direct discretization approach and an operator-splitting scheme are applied for the numerical simulation of a population balance system which models the synthesis of urea with a uni-variate population. The problem is formulated in axisymmetric form and the setup is chosen such that a steady state is reached. Both solvers are assessed with respect to the accuracy of the results, where experimental data are used for comparison, and the efficiency of the simulations. Depending on the goal of simulations, to track the evolution of the process accurately or to reach the steady state fast, recommendations for the choice of the solver are given. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work sets forth a `hybrid' discretization scheme utilizing bivariate simplex splines as kernels in a polynomial reproducing scheme constructed over a conventional Finite Element Method (FEM)-like domain discretization based on Delaunay triangulation. Careful construction of the simplex spline knotset ensures the success of the polynomial reproduction procedure at all points in the domain of interest, a significant advancement over its precursor, the DMS-FEM. The shape functions in the proposed method inherit the global continuity (Cp-1) and local supports of the simplex splines of degree p. In the proposed scheme, the triangles comprising the domain discretization also serve as background cells for numerical integration which here are near-aligned to the supports of the shape functions (and their intersections), thus considerably ameliorating an oft-cited source of inaccuracy in the numerical integration of mesh-free (MF) schemes. Numerical experiments show the proposed method requires lower order quadrature rules for accurate evaluation of integrals in the Galerkin weak form. Numerical demonstrations of optimal convergence rates for a few test cases are given and the method is also implemented to compute crack-tip fields in a gradient-enhanced elasticity model.


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3-D full-wave method of moments (MoM) based electromagnetic analysis is a popular means toward accurate solution of Maxwell's equations. The time and memory bottlenecks associated with such a solution have been addressed over the last two decades by linear complexity fast solver algorithms. However, the accurate solution of 3-D full-wave MoM on an arbitrary mesh of a package-board structure does not guarantee accuracy, since the discretization may not be fine enough to capture spatial changes in the solution variable. At the same time, uniform over-meshing on the entire structure generates a large number of solution variables and therefore requires an unnecessarily large matrix solution. In this paper, different refinement criteria are studied in an adaptive mesh refinement platform. Consequently, the most suitable conductor mesh refinement criterion for MoM-based electromagnetic package-board extraction is identified and the advantages of this adaptive strategy are demonstrated from both accuracy and speed perspectives. The results are also compared with those of the recently reported integral equation-based h-refinement strategy. Finally, a new methodology to expedite each adaptive refinement pass is proposed.