449 resultados para Free interface


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We show that the algebraic intersection number of Scott and Swarup for splittings of free groups Coincides With the geometric intersection number for the sphere complex of the connected sum of copies of S-2 x S-1. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The role of interaction between Asn259 (catalytic domain) with Gln821 (C-terminal domain) in PeptidaseN was investigated. The k(cat) of PeptidaseN containing Asn259Asp or Gln821Glu is enhanced whereas it is suppressed in Asn259AspGln821Glu. Structural analysis shows this interaction to change the relative disposition of active site residues, which modulates catalytic activity.


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Error estimates for the error reproducing kernel method (ERKM) are provided. The ERKM is a mesh-free functional approximation scheme [A. Shaw, D. Roy, A NURBS-based error reproducing kernel method with applications in solid mechanics, Computational Mechanics (2006), to appear (available online)], wherein a targeted function and its derivatives are first approximated via non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) basis function. Errors in the NURBS approximation are then reproduced via a family of non-NURBS basis functions, constructed using a polynomial reproduction condition, and added to the NURBS approximation of the function obtained in the first step. In addition to the derivation of error estimates, convergence studies are undertaken for a couple of test boundary value problems with known exact solutions. The ERKM is next applied to a one-dimensional Burgers equation where, time evolution leads to a breakdown of the continuous solution and the appearance of a shock. Many available mesh-free schemes appear to be unable to capture this shock without numerical instability. However, given that any desired order of continuity is achievable through NURBS approximations, the ERKM can even accurately approximate functions with discontinuous derivatives. Moreover, due to the variation diminishing property of NURBS, it has advantages in representing sharp changes in gradients. This paper is focused on demonstrating this ability of ERKM via some numerical examples. Comparisons of some of the results with those via the standard form of the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM) demonstrate the relative numerical advantages and accuracy of the ERKM.


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The unsteady free convection boundary layer hydromagnectic flow near a stagnation point of a three-dimensional body with applied magnetic field and time-dependent wall temperature has been studied. Both semi-semilar and self-similar cases have been considered. The equations governing the above flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme due to Keller. The magnetic field is found to reduce both the heat transfer and skin friction. The effect of the variation of the wall temperature with time and of mass transfer is found to be more pronounced on the heat transfer than on the skin friction. In self-similar case, for decelerating flow, there is temperature overshoot in the presence of fmagnetic field, but in semi-similar case overshoot occurs even without magnetic field due to the unsteadiness


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A constitutive modeling approach for shape memory alloy (SMA) wire by taking into account the microstructural phase inhomogeneity and the associated solid-solid phase transformation kinetics is reported in this paper. The approach is applicable to general thermomechanical loading. Characterization of various scales in the non-local rate sensitive kinetics is the main focus of this paper. Design of SMA materials and actuators not only involve an optimal exploitation of the hysteresis loops during loading-unloading, but also accounts for fatigue and training cycle identifications. For a successful design of SMA integrated actuator systems, it is essential to include the microstructural inhomogeneity effects and the loading rate dependence of the martensitic evolution, since these factors play predominant role in fatigue. In the proposed formulation, the evolution of new phase is assumed according to Weibull distribution. Fourier transformation and finite difference methods are applied to arrive at the analytical form of two important scaling parameters. The ratio of these scaling parameters is of the order of 10(6) for stress-free temperature-induced transformation and 10(4) for stress-induced transformation. These scaling parameters are used in order to study the effect of microstructural variation on the thermo-mechanical force and interface driving force. It is observed that the interface driving force is significant during the evolution. Increase in the slopes of the transformation start and end regions in the stress-strain hysteresis loop is observed for mechanical loading with higher rates.


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Sets of multivalued dependencies (MVDs) having conflict-free covers are important to the theory and design of relational databases [2,12,15,16]. Their desirable properties motivate the problem of testing a set M of MVDs for the existence of a confiict-free cover. In [8] Goodman and Tay have proposed an approach based on the possible equivalence of M to a single (acyclic) join dependency (JD). We remark that their characterization does not lend an insight into the nature of such sets of MVDs. Here, we use notions that are intrinsic to MVDs to develop a new characterization. Our approach proceeds in two stages. In the first stage, we use the notion of “split-free” sets of MVDs and obtain a characterization of sets M of MVDs having split-free covers. In the second, we use the notion of “intersection” of MVDs to arrive at a necessary and sufficient condition for a split-free set of MVDs to be conflict-free. Based on our characterizations, we also give polynomial-time algorithms for testing whether M has split-free and conflict-free covers. The highlight of our approach is the clear insight it provides into the nature of sets of MVDs having conflict-free covers. Less emphasis is given in this paper to the actual efficiency of the algorthms. Finally, as a bonus, we derive a desirable property of split-free sets of MVDs,thereby showing that they are interesting in their own right.


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The relationship between the parameters in a description based on a mesoscale free energy functional for the concentration field and the macroscopic properties, such as the bending and compression moduli and the permeation constant, are examined for an asymmetric lamellar phase where the mass fractions of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts are not equal. The difference in the mass fractions is incorporated using a cubic term in the free energy functional, in addition to the usual quadratic and quartic terms in the Landau–Ginsburg formulation. The relationship between the coefficient of the cubic term and the difference in the mass fractions of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts is obtained. For a lamellar phase, it is important to ensure that the surface tension is zero due to symmetry considerations. The relationship between the parameters in the free energy functional for zero surface tension is derived. When the interface between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts is diffuse, it is found that the bending and compression moduli, scaled by the parameters in the free energy functional, do increase as the asymmetry in the bilayer increases. When the interface between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts is sharp, the scaled bending and compression moduli show no dependence on the asymmetry in the bilayer. The ratio of the permeation constant in between the water and bilayer in a molecular description and the Onsager coefficient in the mesoscale description is O(1) for both sharp and diffuse interfaces and it increases as the difference in the mass fractions is increased.


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Formation of fibril-type nanostructures of the Alzheimer's beta-amyloid diphenylalanine (L-Phe-L-Phe, FF) at the organic-aqueous interface and the factors affecting their structures have been investigated. Such nanostructures are also formed by bovine serum albumin and bovine pancreas insulin. The concentration of the precursor taken in the aqueous layer plays an important role in determining the morphology of the nanostructures, The addition of curcumin to the organic layer changes the structure of the self-assembled one-dimensional aggregates of diphenylalanine. By coating the diphenylalanine dipeptide fibrils with appropriate precursors followed by calcination in air, it has been possible to obtain one-dimensional nanostructures of inorganic materials.


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Treatment of morphine in aqueous HCl at 70° with KIO3 yields a monochloromorphine, identified as 1-chloromorphine by spectroscopic means and by the fact that it, and its methyl ether 1-chlorocodeine, are different from 2-chloromorphine and 2-chlorocodeine prepared from 2-aminomorphine of unequivocally established structure. Formation of 1-chloromorphine and the previously known 1-bromomorphine involves entry of the halogen into the position meta to the free phenolic hydroxyl. Possible mechanistic interpretations of this unusual orientation are discussed.


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Multi-access techniques are widely used in computer networking and distributed multiprocessor systems. On-the-fly arbitration schemes permit one of the many contenders to access the medium without collisions. Serial arbitration is cost effective but is slow and hence unsuitable for high-speed multiprocessor environments supporting very high data transfer rates. A fully parallel arbitration scheme takes less time but is not practically realisable for large numbers of contenders. In this paper, a generalised parallel-serial scheme is proposed which significantly reduces the arbitration time and is practically realisable.


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The active site of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM, EC:, a dimeric enzyme, lies very close to the subunit interface. Attempts to engineer monomeric enzymes have yielded well-folded proteins with dramatically reduced activity. The role of dimer interface residues in the stability and activity of the Plasmodium falciparum enzyme, PfTIM, has been probed by analysis of mutational effects at residue 74. The PfTIM triple mutant W11F/W168F/Y74W (Y74W*) has been shown to dissociate at low protein concentrations, and exhibits considerably reduced stability in the presence of denaturants, urea and guanidinium chloride. The Y74W* mutant exhibits concentration-dependent activity, with an approximately 22-fold enhancement of kcat over a concentration range of 2.5–40 μm, suggesting that dimerization is obligatory for enzyme activity. The Y74W* mutant shows an approximately 20-fold reduction in activity compared to the control enzyme (PfTIM WT*, W11F/W168F). Careful inspection of the available crystal structures of the enzyme, together with 412 unique protein sequences, revealed the importance of conserved residues in the vicinity of the active site that serve to position the functional K12 residue. The network of key interactions spans the interacting subunits. The Y74W* mutation can perturb orientations of the active site residues, due to steric clashes with proximal aromatic residues in PfTIM. The available crystal structures of the enzyme from Giardia lamblia, which contains a Trp residue at the structurally equivalent position, establishes the need for complementary mutations and maintenance of weak interactions in order to accommodate the bulky side chain and preserve active site integrity.


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Nanocrystalline Ce1-xRuxO2-delta (x = 0.05 and 0.10) of 8-10 nm sizes have been synthesized by hydrothermal method using melamine as complexing agent. Compounds have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and their structures have been refined by the Rietveld method.The compounds crystallize in fluorite structure and the composition is Ce1-xRuxO2-x/2 where Ru is in +4 state and Ce is in mixed-valence (+3, +4) state. Substitution of Ru4+ ion in CeO2 activated the lattice oxygen. Ce1-xRuxO2-x/2 reversibly releases 0.22[O] and 0.42[O] for x = 0.05 and 0.10, respectively, which is higher than the maximumpossible OSC of 0.22 [O] observed for Ce0.50Zr0.50O2. Utilization of Higher OSC of Ce1-xRuxO2-delta (x = 0.05 and 0.10) is also reflected in terms of low-temperature CO oxidation with these catalysts, both in the presence and absence of feed oxygen. The Ru4+ ion acts as an active center for reducing molecules (CO, hydrocarbon ``HC'') and oxide ion vacancy acts as an active center for O-2 and NO, leading to low-temperature NO conversion to N-2. Thus due to Ru4+ ion, Ce1-xRuxO2-delta is not just a high oxygen storage material but also shows high activity toward CO, hydrocarbon ``HC'' oxidation, and NO reduction by CO at low temperature with high N-2 selectivity for three-way catalysis.


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Plasmodium falciparum TIM (PfTIM) is unique in possessing a Phe residue at position 96 in place of the conserved Ser that is found in TIMs from the majority of other organisms. In order to probe the role of residue 96, three PfTIM mutants, F96S, F96H and F96W, have been biochemically and structurally characterized. The three mutants exhibited reduced catalytic efficiency and a decrease in substrate-binding affinity, with the most pronounced effects being observed for F96S and F96H. The k(cat) values and K-m values are (2.54 +/- 0.19) x 10(5) min(-1) and 0.39 +/- 0.049 mM, respectively, for the wild type; (3.72 +/- 0.28) x 10(3) min(-1) and 2.18 +/- 0.028 mM, respectively, for the F96S mutant;(1.11 +/- 0.03) x 10(4) min(-1) and 2.62 +/- 0.042 mM, respectively, for the F96H mutant; and (1.48 +/- 0.05) x 10(5) min(-1) and 1.20 +/- 0.056 mM, respectively, for the F96W mutant. Unliganded and 3-phosphoglycerate (3PG) complexed structures are reported for the wild-type enzyme and the mutants. The ligand binds to the active sites of the wild-type enzyme (wtPfTIM) and the F96W mutant, with a loop-open state in the former and both open and closed states in the latter. In contrast, no density for the ligand could be detected at the active sites of the F96S and F96H mutants under identical conditions. The decrease in ligand affinity could be a consequence of differences in the water network connecting residue 96 to Ser73 in the vicinity of the active site. Soaking of crystals of wtPfTIM and the F96S and F96H mutants resulted in the binding of 3PG at a dimer-interface site. In addition, loop closure at the liganded active site was observed for wtPfTIM. The dimer-interface site in PfTIM shows strong electrostatic anchoring of the phosphate group involving the Arg98 and Lys112 residues of PfTIM.


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The nonminimal coupling of a self-interacting complex scalar field with gravity is studied. For a Robertson-Walker open universe the stable solutions of the scalar-field equations are time dependent. As a result of this, a novel spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs which leads to a varying effective gravitational coupling coefficient. It is found that the coupling coefficient changes sign below a critical ‘‘radius’’ of the Universe implying the appearance of repulsive gravity. The occurrence of the repulsive interaction at an early epoch facilitates singularity avoidance. The model also provides a solution to the horizon problem.


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Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of pyridine adsorbed on ultrathin nanocrystalline Au and Ag films generated at the liquid-liquid interface has been investigated. The shifts and intensification of bands formed with these films comprising metal nanoparticles are comparable to those found with other types of Au and Ag substrates. SERS of rhodamine 6G adsorbed on Ag films has also been studied. The results demonstrate that nanocrystalline metal films prepared by the simple method involving the organic-aqueous interface can be used effectively for SERS investigations.