58 resultados para Employment re-entry


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We present results of measurements of temperature and wavevector dependent dynamics in binary mixtures of soft polymer grafted nanoparticles and linear homopolymers. We find evidence of melting of the dynamically arrested state of the soft nanocolloids with addition of linear polymers followed by a re-entrant slowing down of the dynamics with further increase in polymer density, depending on the size ratio, delta, of the polymers and the nanocolloids. For higher delta the re-entrant behavior is not observed, even for the highest added polymer density, explored here. Possible explanation of the observed dynamics in terms of the presence of a double - glass phase is provided. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3644930]


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The oxygen potentials of four rare-earth metal – oxygen (RE–O: RE=Gd, Dy, Tb, Er) solid solutions have been measured by equilibration with yttrium – oxygen (Y–O) and titanium – oxygen (Ti–O) solid solutions. Rare-earth metal, yttrium and titanium samples were immersed in calcium-saturated CaCl2 melt at temperatures between 1093 and 1233 K. Homogeneous oxygen potential was established in the metallic samples through the fused salt, which contains some dissolved CaO. The metallic samples were analyzed for oxygen after quenching. The oxygen potentials of RE–O solid solutions were determined using either Y–O or Ti–O solid solution as the reference. This method enabled reliable measurement of extremely low oxygen potentials at high temperature (circa pO2=10−48 atm at 1173 K). It was found that the oxygen affinity of the metals decreases in the order: Y>Er>Dy>Tb>Gd>Ti. Values for the standard Gibbs energy of solution of oxygen in RE metals obtained in this study, permit assessment of the extent of deoxidation that can be achieved with various purification techniques. It may be possible to achieve an oxygen level of 10 mass ppm using an electrochemical deoxidation method.


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The removal of oxygen from rare-earth metals (RE, RE=Gd, Tb, Dy, Er) by an electrochemical deoxidation method was investigated. A titanium basket containing the rare-earth metal sample, submerged in molten CaCl2 electrolyte, formed the cathode of an electrolysis cell. A high-purity graphite anode was used. The calcium metal produced at the cathode effectively deoxidized the rare-earth metal. Carbon monoxide and dioxide were generated at the graphite anode. Rare-earth metals containing more than 2000 mass ppm oxygen were deoxidized to 10–50 mass ppm level by electrolysis at 1189 K for 36 ks (10 h). Cyclic voltammetry was used to characterize the molten salt at different stages of the process. The effectiveness of the process is discussed with the aid of a chemical potential diagram for RE–O solid solutions. The new electrochemical technique is compared with the conventional deoxidation methods reported in the literature. The possibility of nitrogen removal from the rare-earth metals by the electrochemical method is outlined.


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Modification of exfoliated graphite (EG) electrode with generation 2 poly(propylene imine) dendrimer by electrodeposition resulted in an electrochemical sensor which was used to detect lead ions in water to a limit of 1 ppb and a linear response between 2.5 and 40 ppb using square wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SW-ASV). Pb(II) was also removed from spiked water sample using a 40-mm diameter unmodified EG electrode with an applied potential of -1,000 mV for 180 min. A removal efficiency of 99% was calculated from a 150 mL sample. The results obtained in both cases using SW-ASV, correlated with atomic absorption spectroscopy.


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Interaction between the hepatitis C virus (HCV) envelope protein E2 and the host receptor CD81 is essential for HCV entry into target cells. The number of E2-CD81 complexes necessary for HCV entry has remained difficult to estimate experimentally. Using the recently developed cell culture systems that allow persistent HCV infection in vitro, the dependence of HCV entry and kinetics on CD81 expression has been measured. We reasoned that analysis of the latter experiments using a mathematical model of viral kinetics may yield estimates of the number of E2-CD81 complexes necessary for HCV entry. Here, we constructed a mathematical model of HCV viral kinetics in vitro, in which we accounted explicitly for the dependence of HCV entry on CD81 expression. Model predictions of viral kinetics are in quantitative agreement with experimental observations. Specifically, our model predicts triphasic viral kinetics in vitro, where the first phase is characterized by cell proliferation, the second by the infection of susceptible cells and the third by the growth of cells refractory to infection. By fitting model predictions to the above data, we were able to estimate the threshold number of E2-CD81 complexes necessary for HCV entry into human hepatoma-derived cells. We found that depending on the E2-CD81 binding affinity, between 1 and 13 E2-CD81 complexes are necessary for HCV entry. With this estimate, our model captured data from independent experiments that employed different HCV clones and cells with distinct CD81 expression levels, indicating that the estimate is robust. Our study thus quantifies the molecular requirements of HCV entry and suggests guidelines for intervention strategies that target the E2-CD81 interaction. Further, our model presents a framework for quantitative analyses of cell culture studies now extensively employed to investigate HCV infection.


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We have investigated the electronic structure of a double perovskite Ca2FeReO6 using photoemission spectroscopy and LDA+U bandstructure calculations. Small spectral weight at the Fermi level observed above the metal–insulator transition temperature, gradually disappears with decreasing T, forming a small (≤50 meV) energy gap. To reproduce this small energy gap, we require a very large effective U (Ueff) for Re (4 eV) in addition to Ueff of 4 eV for Fe. From simple calculations in terms of the ionic radii, we demonstrate that the Fe–Re bandwidth is smaller than that of Fe–Mo in Ca2FeMoO6, which should yield a strong electron correlation in the Re 5d bands.


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This paper deals with the characterisation of tar from two configurations of bioresidue thermochemical conversion reactors designed for producer gas based power generation systems. The pulverised fuel reactor is a cyclone system (R1) and the solid bioresidue reactor (denoted R2) is an open top twin air entry system both at 75-90 kg/h capacity (to generate electricity similar to 100 kVA). The reactor, R2, has undergone rigorous test in a major Indo-Swiss programme for the tar quantity at various conditions. The former is a recent technology development. Tars collected from these systems by a standard tar collection apparatus at the laboratory at Indian Institute of Science have been analysed at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. The results of these analyses show that these thermochemical conversion reactors behave differently from the earlier reactors reported in literature in so far as tar generation is concerned. The extent of tar in hot gas is about 700-800 ppm for R1 and 70-100 ppm for R2. The amounts of the major compounds - naphthalene and phenol-are much lower that what is generally understood to happen in the gasifiers in Europe. It is suggested that the longer residence times at high temperatures allowed for in these reactors is responsible for this behavior. It is concluded the new generation reactor concepts extensively tried out at lower power levels hold promise for high power atmospheric gasification systems for woody as well as pulverisable bioresidues.


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A new automatic generation controller (AGC) design approach, adopting reinforcement learning (RL) techniques, was recently pro- posed [1]. In this paper we demonstrate the design and performance of controllers based on this RL approach for automatic generation control of systems consisting of units having complex dynamics—the reheat type of thermal units. For such systems, we also assess the capabilities of RL approach in handling realistic system features such as network changes, parameter variations, generation rate constraint (GRC), and governor deadband.


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A remarkable hardening (similar to 30 cm(-1)) of the normal mode of vibration associated with the symmetric stretching of the oxygen octahedra for the Ba2FeReO6 and Sr2CrReO6 double perovskites is observed below the corresponding magnetic ordering temperatures. The very large magnitude of this effect and its absence for the antisymmetric stretching mode provide evidence against a conventional spin-phonon coupling mechanism. Our observations are consistent with a collective excitation formed by the combination of the vibrational mode with oscillations of Fe or Cr 3d and Re 5d occupations and spin magnitudes.


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The envelope protein (E1-E2) of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major component of the viral structure. The glycosylated envelope protein is considered to be important for initiation of infection by binding to cellular receptor(s) and also known as one of the major antigenic targets to host immune response. The present study was aimed at identifying mouse monoclonal antibodies which inhibit binding of virus like particles of HCV to target cells. The first step in this direction was to generate recombinant HCV-like particles (HCV-LPs) specific for genotypes 3a of HCV (prevalent in India) using the genes encoding core, E1 and E2 envelop proteins in a baculovirus expression system. The purified HCV-LPs were characterized by ELISA and electron microscopy and were used to generate monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in mice. Two monoclonal antibodies (E8G9 and H1H10) specific for the E2 region of envelope protein of HCV genotype 3a, were found to reduce the virus binding to Huh7 cells. However, the mAbs generated against HCV genotype 1b (D2H3, G2C7, E1B11) were not so effective. More importantly, mAb E8G9 showed significant inhibition of the virus entry in HCV JFH1 cell culture system. Finally, the epitopic regions on E2 protein which bind to the mAbs have also been identified. Results suggest a new therapeutic strategy and provide the proof of concept that mAb against HCV-LP could be effective in preventing virus entry into liver cells to block HCV replication.


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An experimental study for transient temperature response of low aspect ratio packed beds at high Reynolds numbers for a free stream with varying inlet temperature is presented. The packed bed is used as a compact heat exchanger along with a solid propellant gas-generator, to generate room temperature gases for use in applications such as control actuation and air bottle pressurization. Packed beds of lengths similar to 200 mm and 300 mm were characterized for packing diameter based Reynolds numbers, Re-d ranging from 0.6 x 10(4) to 8.5 x 10(4). The solid packing used in the bed consisted of circle divide 9.5 mm and circle divide 5 mm steel spheres with suitable arrangements to eliminate flow entrance and exit effects. The ratios of packed bed diameter to packing diameter for 9.5 mm and 5 mm sphere packing were similar to 9.5 and 18 respectively, with the average packed bed porosities around 0.4. Gas temperatures were measured at the entry, exit and at three axial locations along centre-line in the packed beds. The solid packing temperature was measured at three axial locations in the packed bed. An average Nusselt number correlation of the form Nu(d) = 3.91Re(d)(05) for Re-d range of 10(4) is proposed. For engineering applications of packed beds such as pebble bed heaters, thermal storage systems, and compact heat exchangers a simple procedure is suggested for calculating unsteady gas temperature at packed bed exit for packing Biot number Bi-d < 0.1. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The migration of a metal atom in a metal olefin complex from one pi face of the olefin to the opposite pi face has been rarely documented. Gladysz and co-workers showed that such a movement is indeed possible in monosubstituted chiral Re olefin complexes, resulting in diastereomerization. Interestingly, this isomerization occurred without dissociation, and on the basis of kinetic isotope effects, the involvement of a trans C-H bond was indicated. Either oxidative addition or an agostic interaction of the vinylic C-H(D) bond with the metal could account for the experimentally observed kinetic isotope effect. In this study we compute the free energy of activation for the migration of Re from one enantioface of the olefin to the other through various pathways. On the basis of DFT calculations at the B3LYP level we show that a trans (C-H)center dot center dot center dot Re interaction and trans C-H oxidative addition provide a nondissociative path for the diastereomerization. The trans (C-H)center dot center dot center dot Re interaction path is computed to be more favorable by 2.3 kcal mol(-1) than the oxidative addition path. While direct experimental evidence was not able to discount the migration of the metal through the formation of a eta(2)-arene complex (conducted tour mechanism), computational results at the B3LYP level show that it is energetically more expensive. Surprisingly, a similar analysis carried out at the M06 level computes a lower energy path for the conducted tour mechanism and is not consistent with the experimental isotope effects observed. Metal-(C-H) interactions and oxidative additions of the metal into C-H bonds are closely separated in energy and might contribute to unusual fluxional processes such as this diastereomerization.


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The formation of a complete solid solution between acetylacetonate (acac) complexes of chromium and gallium, (Cr1-x,Ga-x)(acac)(3) for 0.1


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We study the phenomenon of evaporation-driven self-assembly of a colloid suspension of silica microspheres in the interior region and away from the rim of the droplet on a glass plate. In view of the importance of achieving a large-area, monolayer assembly, we first realize a suitable choice of experimental conditions, minimizing the influence of many other competing phenomena that usually complicate the understanding of fundamental concepts of such self-assembly processes in the interior region of a drying droplet. Under these simplifying conditions to bring out essential aspects, our experiments unveil an interesting competition between ordering and compaction in such drying systems in analogy to an impending glass transition. We establish a re-entrant behavior in the order disorder phase diagram as a function of the particle density, such that there is an optimal range of the particle density to realize the long-range ordering. The results are explained with the help of simulations and phenomenological theory.


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In this paper, a numerical investigation is performed to study the mixed convective flow and heat transfer characteristics past a square cylinder in cross flow at incidence. Utilizing air (Pr = 0.71) as an operating fluid, computations are carried out at a representative Reynolds number (Re) of 100. Angles of incidences are varied as, 0 degrees <= alpha <= 45 degrees. Effect of superimposed positive and negative cross-flow buoyancy is brought about by varying the Richardson number (RI) in the range -1.0 <= Ri <= 1.0. The detail features of flow topology and heat transport are analyzed critically for different angles of incidences. The thermo fluidic forces acting on the cylinder during mixed convection are captured in terms of the drag (C-D), lift (C-L), and moment (C-M) coefficients. The results show that the lateral width of the cylinder wake reduces with increasing alpha and the isotherms spread out far wide. In the range 0 degrees < alpha < 45 degrees, C-D reduces with increasing Ri. The functional dependence of C-M with Ri reveals a linear relationship. Thermal boundary layer thickness reduces with increasing angle of incidences. The global rate of heat transfer from the cylinder increases with increasing alpha. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.