130 resultados para Electromyographic fatigue threshold


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In conventional analysis and design procedures of reinforced concrete structures, the ability of concrete to resist tension is neglected. Under cyclic loading, the tension-softening behavior of concrete influences its residual strength and subsequent crack propagation. The stability and the residual strength of a cracked reinforced concrete member under fatigue loading, depends on a number of factors such as, reinforcement ratio, specimen size, grade of concrete, and the fracture properties, and also on the tension-softening behavior of concrete. In the present work, a method is proposed to assess the residual strength of a reinforced concrete member subjected to cyclic loading. The crack extension resistance based approach is used for determining the condition for unstable crack propagation. Three different idealization of tension softening models are considered to study the effect of post-peak response of concrete. The effect of reinforcement is modeled as a closing force counteracting the effect of crack opening produced by the external moment. The effect of reinforcement percentage and specimen size on the failure of reinforced beams is studied. Finally, the residual strength of the beams are computed by including the softening behavior of concrete.


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A fatigue crack propagation model for concrete is proposed based on the concepts of fracture mechanics. This model takes into account the loading history, frequency of applied load, and size, effect parameters. Using this model, a method is described based on linear elastic fracture mechanics to assess the residual strength of cracked plain and reinforced concrete (RC) beams. This could be used to predict the residual strength (load carrying capacity) of cracked or damaged plain and reinforced concrete beams at a given level of damage. It has been seen that the fatigue crack propagation rate increases as. the size of plain concrete, beam increases indicating an increase in brittleness. In reinforced concrete (RC) beams, the fracture process becomes stable only when the beam is sufficiently reinforced.


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The motivation behind the fusion of Intrusion Detection Systems was the realization that with the increasing traffic and increasing complexity of attacks, none of the present day stand-alone Intrusion Detection Systems can meet the high demand for a very high detection rate and an extremely low false positive rate. Multi-sensor fusion can be used to meet these requirements by a refinement of the combined response of different Intrusion Detection Systems. In this paper, we show the design technique of sensor fusion to best utilize the useful response from multiple sensors by an appropriate adjustment of the fusion threshold. The threshold is generally chosen according to the past experiences or by an expert system. In this paper, we show that the choice of the threshold bounds according to the Chebyshev inequality principle performs better. This approach also helps to solve the problem of scalability and has the advantage of failsafe capability. This paper theoretically models the fusion of Intrusion Detection Systems for the purpose of proving the improvement in performance, supplemented with the empirical evaluation. The combination of complementary sensors is shown to detect more attacks than the individual components. Since the individual sensors chosen detect sufficiently different attacks, their result can be merged for improved performance. The combination is done in different ways like (i) taking all the alarms from each system and avoiding duplications, (ii) taking alarms from each system by fixing threshold bounds, and (iii) rule-based fusion with a priori knowledge of the individual sensor performance. A number of evaluation metrics are used, and the results indicate that there is an overall enhancement in the performance of the combined detector using sensor fusion incorporating the threshold bounds and significantly better performance using simple rule-based fusion.


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The problem of admission control of packets in communication networks is studied in the continuous time queueing framework under different classes of service and delayed information feedback. We develop and use a variant of a simulation based two timescale simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm for finding an optimal feedback policy within the class of threshold type policies. Even though SPSA has originally been designed for continuous parameter optimization, its variant for the discrete parameter case is seen to work well. We give a proof of the hypothesis needed to show convergence of the algorithm on our setting along with a sketch of the convergence analysis. Extensive numerical experiments with the algorithm are illustrated for different parameter specifications. In particular, we study the effect of feedback delays on the system performance.


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In multiwall carbon nanotube (MWNT)-polystyrene (PS) composites, a weak temperature dependence of conductivity has been observed at a percolation threshold of 0.4 wt %. The power law [sigma(T)proportional to T-0.3] behavior indicates metallic-like behavior, unlike the usual activated transport for systems near the percolation threshold. The low field positive magnetoconductance follows H-2 dependence, due to the weak localization in disordered metallic systems. The marginal metallic nature of MWNT-PS at percolation threshold is further verified from the negligible frequency dependence of conductivity, in the temperature range of 300 to 5 K. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3455895]


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In this work, a method is proposed for rolling contact fatigue crack propagation analysis using contact and fracture theories in conjunction with fatigue laws. The proposed method is used in the fatigue analysis of rocker and roller–rocker bearings of a railway open web girder bridge which is instrumented with strain gages. Using a contact algorithm based on the minimum energy principle for bodies in rolling contact with dry friction, the normal and tangential pressure distribution are computed. It is seen that the most critical location of a crack in bearings is at a point very close to the contact region, as expected.


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In this work, a method is proposed for rolling contact fatigue crack propagation analysis using contact and fracture theories in conjunction with fatigue laws. The proposed method is used in the fatigue analysis of rocker and roller-rocker bearings of a railway open web girder bridge which is instrumented with strain gages. Using a contact algorithm based on the minimum energy principle for bodies in rolling contact with dry friction, the normal and tangential pressure distribution are computed. It is seen that the most critical location of a crack in bearings is at a point very close to the contact region, as expected. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Randomly diluted quantum boson and spin models in two dimensions combine the physics of classical percolation with the well-known dimensionality dependence of ordering in quantum lattice models. This combination is rather subtle for models that order in two dimensions but have no true order in one dimension, as the percolation cluster near threshold is a fractal of dimension between 1 and 2: two experimentally relevant examples are the O(2) quantum rotor and the Heisenberg antiferromagnet. We study two analytic descriptions of the O(2) quantum rotor near the percolation threshold. First a spin-wave expansion is shown to predict long-ranged order, but there are statistically rare points on the cluster that violate the standard assumptions of spin-wave theory. A real-space renormalization group (RSRG) approach is then used to understand how these rare points modify ordering of the O(2) rotor. A new class of fixed points of the RSRG equations for disordered one-dimensional bosons is identified and shown to support the existence of long-range order on the percolation backbone in two dimensions. These results are relevant to experiments on bosons in optical lattices and superconducting arrays, and also (qualitatively) for the diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnet La-2(Zn,Mg)(x)Cu1-xO4.


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The effect of tensile prestrain on fatigue crack propagation behaviour of commercial mild steel with significant amount of stringer inclusions has been studied. In prestrained materials the usual stable stage II crack growth region is preceded by a phase wherein a retardation in crack growth rate occurs. No such behaviour is observed in annealed material. The amount of retardation is found to increase with increase in prestrain. A mechanism for the observed retardation in crack growth rate is also presented.


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The displacement between the ridges situated outside the filleted test section of an axially loaded unnotched specimen is computed from the axial load and shape of the specimen and compared with extensometer deflection data obtained from experiments. The effect of prestrain on the extensometer deflection versus specimen strain curve has been studied experimentally and analytically. An analytical study shows that an increase in the slope of the stress-strain curve in the inelastic region increases the slope of the corresponding computed extensometer deflection versus specimen strain curve. A mathematical model has been developed which uses a modified length ¯ℓef in place of the actual length of the uniform diameter test section of the specimen. This model predicts the extensometer deflection within 5% of the corresponding experimental value. This method has been successfully used by the authors to evolve an iterative procedure for predicting the cyclic specimen strain in axial fatigue tests on unnotched specimens.


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It has been shown in an earlier paper that I-realizability of a unate function F of up to six variables corresponds to ' compactness ' of the plot of F on a Karnaugh map. Here, an algorithm has been presented to synthesize on a Karnaugh map a non-threahold function of up to Bix variables with the minimum number of threshold gates connected in cascade. Incompletely specified functions can also be treated. No resort to inequalities is made and no pre-processing (such as positivizing and ordering) of the given switching function is required.


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A k-dimensional box is the Cartesian product R-1 X R-2 X ... X R-k where each R-i is a closed interval on the real line. The boxicity of a graph G, denoted as box(G), is the minimum integer k such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of a collection of k-dimensional boxes. A unit cube in k-dimensional space or a k-cube is defined as the Cartesian product R-1 X R-2 X ... X R-k where each R-i is a closed interval oil the real line of the form a(i), a(i) + 1]. The cubicity of G, denoted as cub(G), is the minimum integer k such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of a collection of k-cubes. The threshold dimension of a graph G(V, E) is the smallest integer k such that E can be covered by k threshold spanning subgraphs of G. In this paper we will show that there exists no polynomial-time algorithm for approximating the threshold dimension of a graph on n vertices with a factor of O(n(0.5-epsilon)) for any epsilon > 0 unless NP = ZPP. From this result we will show that there exists no polynomial-time algorithm for approximating the boxicity and the cubicity of a graph on n vertices with factor O(n(0.5-epsilon)) for any epsilon > 0 unless NP = ZPP. In fact all these hardness results hold even for a highly structured class of graphs, namely the split graphs. We will also show that it is NP-complete to determine whether a given split graph has boxicity at most 3. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work a physically based analytical quantum threshold voltage model for the triple gate long channel metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor is developed The proposed model is based on the analytical solution of two-dimensional Poisson and two-dimensional Schrodinger equation Proposed model is extended for short channel devices by including semi-empirical correction The impact of effective mass variation with film thicknesses is also discussed using the proposed model All models are fully validated against the professional numerical device simulator for a wide range of device geometries (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved