41 resultados para ETF and ITF Load cases


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Neutral and cationic copper bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes bearing methyl, phenyl, and hydrogen, on the diketo-backbone of the ligand have been synthesized. All of them were characterized by spectroscopic methods and in three cases by X-ray crystallography. In vitro cytotoxicity studies revealed that they are cytotoxic unlike the corresponding zinc complexes. Copper complexes Cu(GTSC) and Cu(GTSCHCl) derived from glyoxal-bis(4-methyl-4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazone) (GTSCH(2)) are the most cytotoxic complexes against various human cancer cell lines, with a potency similar to that of the anticancer drug adriamycin and up to 1000 fold higher than that of the corresponding zinc complex. Tritiated thymidine incorporation assay revealed that Cu(GTSC) and Cu(GTSCHCl) inhibit DNA synthesis substantially. Cell cycle analyses showed that Cu(GTSC) and Cu(GTSCHCl) induce apoptosis in HCT116 cells. The Cu(GTSCHCl) complex caused distinct DNA cleavage and Topo II alpha inhibition unlike that for Cu(GTSC). In vivo administration of Cu(GTSC) significantly inhibits tumor growth in HCT116 xenografts in nude mice.


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The mathematical model for diffuse fluorescence spectroscopy/imaging is represented by coupled partial differential equations (PDEs), which describe the excitation and emission light propagation in soft biological tissues. The generic closed-form solutions for these coupled PDEs are derived in this work for the case of regular geometries using the Green's function approach using both zero and extrapolated boundary conditions. The specific solutions along with the typical data types, such as integrated intensity and the mean time of flight, for various regular geometries were also derived for both time-and frequency-domain cases. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America


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Medical image segmentation finds application in computer-aided diagnosis, computer-guided surgery, measuring tissue volumes, locating tumors, and pathologies. One approach to segmentation is to use active contours or snakes. Active contours start from an initialization (often manually specified) and are guided by image-dependent forces to the object boundary. Snakes may also be guided by gradient vector fields associated with an image. The first main result in this direction is that of Xu and Prince, who proposed the notion of gradient vector flow (GVF), which is computed iteratively. We propose a new formalism to compute the vector flow based on the notion of bilateral filtering of the gradient field associated with the edge map - we refer to it as the bilateral vector flow (BVF). The range kernel definition that we employ is different from the one employed in the standard Gaussian bilateral filter. The advantage of the BVF formalism is that smooth gradient vector flow fields with enhanced edge information can be computed noniteratively. The quality of image segmentation turned out to be on par with that obtained using the GVF and in some cases better than the GVF.


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The mechanical behaviour of composite materials differs from that of conventional structural materials owing to their heterogeneous and anisotropic nature. Different types of defects and anomalies get induced in these materials during the fabrication process. Further, during their service life, the components made of composite materials develop different types of damage. The performance and life of such components is governed by the combined effect of all these defects and damage. While porosity, voids, inclusions etc., are some defects those can get induced during the fabrication of composites, matrix cracks, interface debonds, delaminations and fiber breakage are major types of service induced damage which are of concern. During the service life of components made of composites, one type of damage can grow and initiate another type of damage. For example, matrix cracks can gradually grow to the interface and initiate debonds. Interface debonds in a particular plane can lead to delaminations. Consequently, the combined effect of different types of distributed damage causes the failure of the component. A set of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods is well established for testing conventional metallic materials. Some of them can also be utilized for composite materials as they are, and in some cases with a little different approach or modification. Ultrasonics, Radiography, Thermography, Fiber Optics, Acoustic Emision Techniques etc., to name a few. Detection, evaluation and characterization of different types of defects and damage encountered in composite materials and structures using different NDE tools is discussed briefly in this paper.


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Prognosis regarding durability of composite structures using various Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) techniques is an important and challenging topic of research. Ultrasonic SHM systems with embedded transducers have potential application here due to their instant monitoring capability, compact packaging potential toward unobtrusiveness and non-invasiveness as compared to non-contact ultrasonic and eddy current techniques which require disassembly of the structure. However, embedded sensors pose a risk to the structure by acting as a flaw thereby reducing life. The present paper focuses on the determination of strength and fatigue life of the composite laminate with embedded film sensors like CNT nanocomposite, PVDF thin films and piezoceramic films. First, the techniques of embedding these sensors in composite laminates is described followed by the determination of static strength and fatigue life at coupon level testing in Universal Testing Machine (UTM). Failure mechanisms of the composite laminate with embedded sensors are studied for static and dynamic loading cases. The coupons are monitored for loading and failure using the embedded sensors. A comparison of the performance of these three types of embedded sensors is made to study their suitability in various applications. These three types of embedded sensors cover a wide variety of applications, and prove to be viable in embedded sensor based SHM of composite structures.


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Developing countries constantly face the challenge of reliably matching electricity supply to increasing consumer demand. The traditional policy decisions of increasing supply and reducing demand centrally, by building new power plants and/or load shedding, have been insufficient. Locally installed microgrids along with consumer demand response can be suitable decentralized options to augment the centralized grid based systems and plug the demand-supply gap. The objectives of this paper are to: (1) develop a framework to identify the appropriate decentralized energy options for demand supply matching within a community, and, (2) determine which of these options can suitably plug the existing demand-supply gap at varying levels of grid unavailability. A scenario analysis framework is developed to identify and assess the impact of different decentralized energy options at a community level and demonstrated for a typical urban residential community Vijayanagar, Bangalore in India. A combination of LPG based CHP microgrid and proactive demand response by the community is the appropriate option that enables the Vijayanagar community to meet its energy needs 24/7 in a reliable, cost-effective manner. The paper concludes with an enumeration of the barriers and feasible strategies for the implementation of community microgrids in India based on stakeholder inputs. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new class of exact-repair regenerating codes is constructed by stitching together shorter erasure correction codes, where the stitching pattern can be viewed as block designs. The proposed codes have the help-by-transfer property where the helper nodes simply transfer part of the stored data directly, without performing any computation. This embedded error correction structure makes the decoding process straightforward, and in some cases the complexity is very low. We show that this construction is able to achieve performance better than space-sharing between the minimum storage regenerating codes and the minimum repair-bandwidth regenerating codes, and it is the first class of codes to achieve this performance. In fact, it is shown that the proposed construction can achieve a nontrivial point on the optimal functional-repair tradeoff, and it is asymptotically optimal at high rate, i.e., it asymptotically approaches the minimum storage and the minimum repair-bandwidth simultaneously.


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Background: Understanding channel structures that lead to active sites or traverse the molecule is important in the study of molecular functions such as ion, ligand, and small molecule transport. Efficient methods for extracting, storing, and analyzing protein channels are required to support such studies. Further, there is a need for an integrated framework that supports computation of the channels, interactive exploration of their structure, and detailed visual analysis of their properties. Results: We describe a method for molecular channel extraction based on the alpha complex representation. The method computes geometrically feasible channels, stores both the volume occupied by the channel and its centerline in a unified representation, and reports significant channels. The representation also supports efficient computation of channel profiles that help understand channel properties. We describe methods for effective visualization of the channels and their profiles. These methods and the visual analysis framework are implemented in a software tool, CHEXVIS. We apply the method on a number of known channel containing proteins to extract pore features. Results from these experiments on several proteins show that CHEXVIS performance is comparable to, and in some cases, better than existing channel extraction techniques. Using several case studies, we demonstrate how CHEXVIS can be used to study channels, extract their properties and gain insights into molecular function. Conclusion: CHEXVIS supports the visual exploration of multiple channels together with their geometric and physico-chemical properties thereby enabling the understanding of the basic biology of transport through protein channels. The CHEXVIS web-server is freely available at http://vgl.serc.iisc.ernet.in/chexvis/. The web-server is supported on all modern browsers with latest Java plug-in.


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Various cellular processes including the pathogen-specific immune responses, host-pathogen interactions and the related evasion mechanisms rely on the ability of the immune cells to be reprogrammed accurately and in many cases instantaneously. In this context, the exact functions of epigenetic and miRNA-mediated regulation of genes, coupled with recent advent in techniques that aid such studies, make it an attractive field for research. Here, we review examples that involve the epigenetic and miRNA control of the host immune system during infection with bacteria. Interestingly, many pathogens utilize the epigenetic and miRNA machinery to modify and evade the host immune responses. Thus, we believe that global epigenetic and miRNA mapping of such host-pathogen interactions would provide key insights into their cellular functions and help to identify various determinants for therapeutic value.


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The use of copolymer and polymer blends widened the possibility of creating materials with multilayered architectures. Hierarchical polymer systems with a wide array of micro and nanostructures are generated by thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) in partially miscible polymer blends. Various parameters like the interaction between the polymers, concentration, solvent/non-solvent ratio, and quenching temperature have to be optimized to obtain these micro/nanophase structures. Alternatively, the addition of nanoparticles is another strategy to design materials with desired hetero-phase structures. The dynamics of the polymer nanocomposite depends on the statistical ordering of polymers around the nanoparticle, which is dependent on the shape of the nanoparticle. The entropic loss due to deformation of polymer chains, like the repulsive interactions due to coiling and the attractive interactions in the case of swelling has been highlighted in this perspective article. The dissipative particle dynamics has been discussed and is correlated with the molecular dynamics simulation in the case of polymer blends. The Cahn Hillard Cook model on variedly shaped immobile fillers has shown difference in the propagation of the composition wave. The nanoparticle shape has a contributing effect on the polymer particle interaction, which can change the miscibility window in the case of these phase separating polymer blends. Quantitative information on the effect of spherical particles on the demixing temperature is well established and further modified to explain the percolation of rod shaped particles in the polymer blends. These models correlate well with the experimental observations in context to the dynamics induced by the nanoparticle in the demixing behavior of the polymer blend. The miscibility of the LCST polymer blend depends on the enthalpic factors like the specific interaction between the components, and the solubility product and the entropic losses occurring due to the formation of any favorable interactions. Hence, it is essential to assess the entropic and enthalpic interactions induced by the nanoparticles independently. The addition of nanoparticles creates heterogeneity in the polymer phase it is localized. This can be observed as an alteration in the relaxation behavior of the polymer. This changes the demixing behavior and the interaction parameter between the polymers. The compositional changes induced due to the incorporation of nanoparticles are also attributed as a reason for the altered demixing temperature. The particle shape anisotropy causes a direction dependent depletion, which changes the phase behavior of the blend. The polymer-grafted nanoparticles with varying grafting density show tremendous variation in the miscibility of the blend. The stretching of the polymer chains grafted on the nanoparticles causes an entropy penalty in the polymer blend. A comparative study on the different shaped particles is not available up to date for understanding these aspects. Hence, we have juxtaposed the various computational studies on nanoparticle dynamics, the shape effect of NPs on homopolymers and also the cases of various polymer blends without nanoparticles to sketch a complete picture on the effect of various particles on the miscibility of LCST blends.


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A low-order harmonic pulsating torque is a major concern in high-power drives, high-speed drives, and motor drives operating in an overmodulation region. This paper attempts to minimize the low-order harmonic torques in induction motor drives, operated at a low pulse number (i.e., a low ratio of switching frequency to fundamental frequency), through a frequency domain (FD) approach as well as a synchronous reference frame (SRF) based approach. This paper first investigates FD-based approximate elimination of harmonic torque as suggested by classical works. This is then extended into a procedure for minimization of low-order pulsating torque components in the FD, which is independent of machine parameters and mechanical load. Furthermore, an SRF-based optimal pulse width modulation (PWM) method is proposed to minimize the low-order harmonic torques, considering the motor parameters and load torque. The two optimal methods are evaluated and compared with sine-triangle (ST) PWM and selective harmonic elimination (SHE) PWM through simulations and experimental studies on a 3.7-kW induction motor drive. The SRF-based optimal PWM results in marginally better performance than the FD-based one. However, the selection of optimal switching angle for any modulation index (M) takes much longer in case of SRF than in case of the FD-based approach. The FD-based optimal solutions can be used as good starting solutions and/or to reasonably restrict the search space for optimal solutions in the SRF-based approach. Both of the FD-based and SRF-based optimal PWM methods reduce the low-order pulsating torque significantly, compared to ST PWM and SHE PWM, as shown by the simulation and experimental results.