215 resultados para ESR DOSIMETRY


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The irradiation of selective regions in a polymer gel dosimeter results in an increase in optical density and refractive index (RI) at those regions. An optical tomography-based dosimeter depends on rayline path through the dosimeter to estimate and reconstruct the dose distribution. The refraction of light passing through a dose region results in artefacts in the reconstructed images. These refraction errors are dependant on the scanning geometry and collection optics. We developed a fully 3D image reconstruction algorithm, algebraic reconstruction technique-refraction correction (ART-rc) that corrects for the refractive index mismatches present in a gel dosimeter scanner not only at the boundary, but also for any rayline refraction due to multiple dose regions inside the dosimeter. In this study, simulation and experimental studies have been carried out to reconstruct a 3D dose volume using 2D CCD measurements taken for various views. The study also focuses on the effectiveness of using different refractive-index matching media surrounding the gel dosimeter. Since the optical density is assumed to be low for a dosimeter, the filtered backprojection is routinely used for reconstruction. We carry out the reconstructions using conventional algebraic reconstruction (ART) and refractive index corrected ART (ART-rc) algorithms. The reconstructions based on FDK algorithm for cone-beam tomography has also been carried out for comparison. Line scanners and point detectors, are used to obtain reconstructions plane by plane. The rays passing through dose region with a RI mismatch does not reach the detector in the same plane depending on the angle of incidence and RI. In the fully 3D scanning setup using 2D array detectors, light rays that undergo refraction are still collected and hence can still be accounted for in the reconstruction algorithm. It is found that, for the central region of the dosimeter, the usable radius using ART-rc algorithm with water as RI matched medium is 71.8%, an increase of 6.4% compared to that achieved using conventional ART algorithm. Smaller diameter dosimeters are scanned with dry air scanning by using a wide-angle lens that collects refracted light. The images reconstructed using cone beam geometry is seen to deteriorate in some planes as those regions are not scanned. Refraction correction is important and needs to be taken in to consideration to achieve quantitatively accurate dose reconstructions. Refraction modeling is crucial in array based scanners as it is not possible to identify refracted rays in the sinogram space.


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Neutron diffraction measurement is carried out on GexSe1-x glasses, where 0.1 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.4, in a Q interval of 0.55-13.8 Angstrom(-1). The first sharp diffraction peak (FSDP) in the structure factor, S(Q), shows a systematic increase in the intensity and shifts to a lower Q with increasing Ge concentration. The coherence length of FSDP increases with x and becomes maximum for 0.33 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.4. The Monte-Carlo method, due to Soper, is used to generate S(Q) and also the pair correlation function, g(r). The generated S(Q) is in agreement with the experimental data for all x. Analysis of the first four peaks in the total correlation function, T(r), shows that the short range order in GeSe2 glass is due to Ge(Se-1/2)(4) tetrahedra, in agreement with earlier reports. Se-rich glasses contain Se-chains which are cross-linked with Ge(Se-1/2)(4) tetrahedra. Ge-2(Se-1/2)(6) molecular units are the basic structural units in Ge-rich, x = 0.4, glass. For x = 0.2, 0.33 and 0.4 there is evidence for some of the tetrahedra being in an edge-shared configuration. The number of edge-shared tetrahedra in these glasses increase with increasing Ge content.


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Oxygen release accompanying oxidation of vanadyl by diperoxovanadate was suppressed on addition of NADH. The added NADH was rapidly oxidized, oxygen in the medium was consumed, and the reaction terminated on exhaustion of either NADH or vanadyl. The consumption of oxygen and disappearance of NADH needed small concentrations of diperoxovanadate to initiate and increased with increase in the concentration of vanadyl and NADH or decrease of pH. The products of the reaction were found to be NAD(+) from NADH and vanadate oligomers from vanadyl and oxygen. The reaction was insensitive to catalase and was not dependent on H2O2. The reaction was inhibited by superoxide dismutase, cytochrome c, EDTA, Mn2+, histidine, and DMPO, but not by hydroxyl radical scavengers such as ethanol and benzoate, The ESR spectrum of the reaction mixture showed the presence of the 1:2:2:1 quartet signal typical of a DMPO-OH adduct, but this was not modified by ethanol, This oxygen radical species, possibly of (OV)-O-. type derived from diperoxovanadate, is proposed to have a role in the reactions of oxygen release and NADH oxidation


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Semieonducting GaxTe~oo-x (17 -< x _< 25) glasses have been prepared by melt quenching method and thermal crystallization studies carried out using differential scanning calorimetry. On heating, virgin GaxTel0o-x glasses exhibit one glass transition and two crystallization reactions.The first crystallization reaction corresponds to the precipitation of hexagonal Te and the second one to the crystallization of the matrix into zinc blende Ga2Te3 phase. If GaxTeloo-x glasses are quenched to ambient temperature from Tcrl and reheated, they exhibit the phenomenon of double glass transition.


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Abstract is not available.


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This article deals with the kinetics and mechanism of acrylonitrile (AN) polymerization initiated by Cu(II)-4-anilino 3-pentene 2-one[Cu(II)ANIPO], Cu(II)-4-p-toluedeno 3-pentene 2-one [Cu(II)TPO], and Cu(II)-4-p-nitroanilino 3-pentene 2-one [Cu(II)NAPO] in bulk at 60°C. The polymerization is free radical in nature. The exponent of initiator(I) is 0.5. The initiation step is a complex formation between the chelate and monomer and subsequent decomposition of the intermediate complex giving rise to free radical and Cu(I). This is substantiated by ultraviolet (UV) and electron spin resonance (ESR) studies. The activation energies and kinetic and chain transfer constants have also been evaluated.


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Evidence of the initiation process during uncatalyzed thermal polymerization of vinyl monomers is presented. DSC studies reveal a prominent endothermic effect just before the polymerization exotherm, which is substantiated by the identification of the free radicals produced in the initiation by a quick quenching technique and subsequent detection by ESR at low temperatures.


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Pressure transitions of Se-Te alloys have been studied over the entire range of compositions. Conductivities have also been measured as a function of temperature and alloy composition. Transition pressures, activation barriers and isothermal conductivities exhibit distinct changes of slope in their variation as a function of composition at about 8 at % of Te. Transition pressures change slope at not, vert, similar 35% Te also. An attempt has been made to explain these observations on the basis of the size effect of Te which, in turn, affects the electron energy dispersions in the band structure.


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A study of the effect of bismuth dopant on the electronic transport properties of the amorphous semiconductors Ge20S80-xBix under high pressure (up to 140 kbar) has been carried out down to liquid-nitrogen temperature. The experiments reveal that the electronic conduction is strongly composition dependent and is thermally activated with a single activation energy at all pressures and for all compositions. A remarkable resemblance between the electronic conduction process, x-ray diffraction studies, and differential thermal analysis results is revealed. It is proposed that the n-type conduction in germanium chalcogenides doped with a large Bi concentration is due to the effect of Bi dopants on the positive correlation energy defects present in germanium chalcogenides. The impurity-induced chemical modification of the network creates a favorable environment for such an interaction.


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Recent observation of n-type conduction in amorphous Ge20Ss_xBix at large bismuth concentrations (x = 11), which otherwise shows p-type conduction, has aroused considerable interest in the international scientific community [1]. The mechanism of such impurity incorporation in a germanium chalcogenide glass is not understood and is a topic of current interest. In our recent publications [2-10] we have brought to light some hitherto unknown and interesting features of bismuth dopants in chalcogen-rich Ge-X (X -- S, Se) glassy compositions. In this communication we present our new results of investigations on vitreous semiconductors Ge20S80 Bi using electron microscopy, electron diffraction of as-prepared and annealed/pressure quenched compositions. Our results provide conclusive support to the formation of composite clusters containing all the three elements, germanium, sulphur and bismuth, which crystallize in simpler stoichiometric compounds Bi2S3 and GeS2.


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The AISI 4340 steel has been electroslag refined and the improvement in mechanical properties has been assessed. Electroslag refining (ESR) has improved tensile ductility, plane strain fracture toughness, Charpy fracture energy, and has decreased fatigue crack growth rates. The KIC values for the ESR steel are nearly twice those estimated in the unrefined steel and higher than those obtained in the vacuum arc remelted steel. Fatigue crack growth rates in region I and in region III are found to be decreased considerably in the ESR steel, while they are unaffected in region II. Measurements on heat treated samples have shown that the ESR steel has a better response to heat treatment. Both the suggested heat treatments namely austenitizing at 1140–1470 K as well as the conventional heat treatment of austenitizing at 1140 K have been followed. The improvement in the mechanical properties of ESR steel has been explained on the basis of removal of nonmetallic inclusions and reduction in sulfur content in the steel.


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A simple volume dilatometer is described for the precise measurements of volume changes as a function of temperature in liquid mixtures. The expansivity of (cyclohexane + acetic anhydride) in the critical region was measured. The critical solution temperature Tc was approached to within 9 mK. For T > (Tc + 0.3 K), the results results follow both a logarithmic and a power-law behaviour with an exponent ≈ 1/8. But for T < (Tc + 0.3 K), the results seem to be affected possibly by gravity or temperature gradients. In this region, the expected expansivity anomaly is rounded off to a cusp. The expansivity shows a reduced anomaly for off-critical compositions. A discussion of the local extremum and a correlation between negative expansivity and the resistivity anomaly are also given.


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The interactions of mesotetraphenyl porphyrin and its metallo derivatives with 2,4,5,7-tetra nitrofluorenone have been studied using spectroscopic methods. The association constants (K) for 1:1 complexes in Ch2Cl2Cl2 follow the order Pd+2>Co+2> Cu+2>VO+2>Ni+2>Zn+2. The values of K are accounted in terms of stereochemistry of MTPPs and the electronic configuration of the metal ions. The magnitude and direction of the proton NMR shifts of the acceptor and donor in the complexes and their ESR parameter furnish information as to the possible structures of these complexes in solution.


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Sodium nitrate is isostructural with calcite and crystallizes in the space group DQd. It is one of these substances whose physical properties have been widely investigated. However, a perusal of literature shows that the agreement between the elastic constants obtained by various investigators is not good.