104 resultados para EPOXY


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foam, either stacked together as three layers (MC) or inserted at three different positions (3L) while arranging the stacking sequence during the fabrication of glass fiber-epoxy composites, form the subject of investigation. This stacking variation resulted in a different interfacial area between these foam materials and the glass-epoxy regions in the laminates. This area in designed to be maximum for the 3L variety. The energy of impact being high enough to cause development of the crack in the samples, how the change in interfacial area affects the traverse of the crack front and the failure feature of the laminated composite are reported in the form of photomacrographs in this work. The results point to significant changes for the impact data, like for instance the peak load attained by the different samples, through thickness crack propagation and tensile fracture features on the non-impacted end for the plain variety, separation about the mid-zone for the MC laminates and two or more layer separations for the 3L variety. The separation for the foam-bearing systems occur invariably at the interface and here again one of the (two identical) interfaces only is chosen for the separation.


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The effect on the macroscopic compressive failure features of introduction of two flexible foam layers, either together at mid-region or separately at two locations that are away from the midregion, into a glass-epoxy (G-E) system is studied in this work. In this experimental approach an attempt to look at the possible influence the foam/G-E interface region has on the way the materials respond to compressive loading is made by involving an analyses of macrofractographic features. While foam-free samples fail by extensive ear formation and separation nearer to the mid-region, the foam bearing ones display pronounced interface separation. The positioning of the foam sheet(s) has a bearing on the failure features.


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Laminated composite structures are susceptible to damage under impacts with attendant properly degradation. While studies on damage tolerance behaviour are emphasised and the findings reported, the citations correlating impacts with the fracture features are limited. In the present study, therefore, attempts have been made to depict how the transition of the fracture features take place depending on the type and extent of defect introduced onto the carbon-epoxy system. The test specimens were subjected to differing levels of low energy pendulum impacts with a view to have specimens with varying levels of intial impacts history. Into such specimens, additional defect in the form of slits of varying depths were introduced by a mechanical process. The test coupons were then allowed to fail by impact. The fracture surface was studied under scanning electron microscope. The fractographic features that appear, based on the induced/inserted defects, are presented in this paper. It was noticed that the energy absorbed for final fracture could be associated with the defect introduced into the system. It was also observed that the size of the mechanically inserted defect had a significant influence on the features of the fracture surface.


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The effect of hard and refractory alumina additions on the mechanical properties of polymer in general and wear behavior in particular is not well studied. In this work, therefore, the changes in wear behavior of epoxy resin due to the additions of alumina powders have been looked into. Using a pin-on-disc set up, dry sliding wear tests were done on both filled (4, 8, & 11 wt. % alumina) and unfilled samples. A sliding velocity of 0.83 m/sec. and a sliding distance of 2 km were employed for the study. Load range used varied from 9.8 N to about 29 N. The experiments point to an increased resistance to wear with an increased presence of filler in the matrix. Further, higher loads result in larger loss of material irrespective of the filler level in the composite.


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The moisture absorption and changes in compression strengths in glass-epoxy (G-E composites without and with discrete quantities of graphite powders introduced into the resin mix prior to its spreading on specific glass fabric (layers) during the lay-up (stacking) sequence forms the subject matter of this report. The results point to higher moisture absorption for graphite bearing specimens. The strengths of graphite-free coupons show a continuous decrease, while the filler bearing ones show an initial rise followed by a drop for larger exposure times. Scanning Fractographic features were examined for an understanding of the process. The observations were explained invoking the effect of matrix plasticizing and the role of interfacial regions.


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Compressive strength of epoxy with "free-inforcement" flyash without any prior separation is studied. It is observed that the increase in filler volume fraction beyond 10% brings about a reduction in the compressive strength. Increasing adhesion factor, determined relative to unfilled matrix, implied an alleviation in the interfacial adhesion due to dewetting, especially at the surfaces of larger particles and at higher filler concentrations. Such deductions were verified by examining the surface features of compression tested samples in Scanning Electron Microscope.


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Experiments were conducted to measure the ac breakdown strength of 0.5 mm, thick epoxy alumina nanocomposites with different filler concentrations of 0.1, 1 and 5wt%. The experiments were performed as per the ASTM D 149 standard. It was observed that the ac breakdown strength was marginally lower up to 1wt% filler concentration and then increased at 5wt% filler concentration as compared to the unfilled epoxy. The Weibull shape parameter (β) increased with the addition of nanoparticles to epoxy. The dependence of thickness on the ac breakdown strength was also analyzed by conducting experiments on 1mm and 3mm thick unfilled epoxy and epoxy alumina nanocomposites of 1wt% and 5wt% filler concentrations. The DSC analysis was done to understand the material properties at the filler resin interface in order to study the effect of the filler concentration and thereby the influence of the interface on the ac breakdown strength of epoxy nanocomposites.


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Particulate composites based on polymer matrices generally contain fillers, especially those that are abundantly available and are cheaper. The inclusion of these, besides improving the properties, makes the system costwise viable, In the present study, fly ash was tried as a filler in epoxy. The filler particle surfaces were modified using three chemical surface treatment techniques in order to elicit the effect of adhesion at the interface on the mechanical properties of these composites. The compatibilizing of the filler with the use of a silane coupling agent yielded the best compression strength values. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) has been used to characterize and supplement the mechanical test data.


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Particulate reinforcements for polymers are selected with dual objective of improving composite properties and save on the total cost of the system. In the present study fly ash, an industrial waste with good properties is used as filler in epoxy and the compressive properties of such composites are studied. Particle surfaces are treated chemically using a silane-coupling agent to improve the compatibility with the matrix. The compressive properties of these are compared with those made of untreated fly ash particulates. Furthermore properties of fly ash composites with two different average particle sizes are first compared between themselves and then with those made using the as-received bimodal nature of particle size distribution. Microscopic observations of compression tested samples revealed a better adherence of the particles with the matrix in case of treated particles and regards the size effect the composites with lower average particle size showed improved strength at higher filler contents. Experimental values of strengths and modulii are compared with some of the theoretical models for composite properties. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Binary and ternary blends of nylon-6/low density polyethylene (nylon-6/LDPE) and Nylon-6/LDPE/poly(ethylene-co-glycidyl methacrylate) were prepared by melt mixing. The blends exhibit two phase morphology with LDPE dispersed in the form of spherical domains in the nylon-6 matrix. The mechanical properties of the blends were measured by standard methods. It is shown that the use of the epoxy copolymer as a compatibilizer improves the impact strength of the blend as compared to nylon-6, which is attributed to better stress transfer across the interface due to the compatibilizer. The data for each mechanical property were also fitted into a best fit model equation and the method of steepest ascent was applied to arrive at the optimum composition of the blend for that property.


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Epoxy systems containing HTBN rubber material and reinforced with E-glass fibres, exposed to a fixed time duration in three separate media were subjected to compressive mode of deformation. The yield stress and fractographic features noted on the compression failed samples are reported in this work. The experiment reveals that the seawater exposed sample exhibits a drop in strength compared to dry (unexposed) sample. This kind of drop is maintained if the media is changed from seawater to distilled water. When HCl is included in seawater. the experiment shows a small rise in strength value. These changes have been attributed to various factors like medium ingress into samples assisting interface failure, the larger-sized Cl- influencing the extent of diffusion of medium into system and finally their participation in the deformation phenomena. The fractographic features reveal interface separations that show either scattered debris or a cleaner surface or display a whitish-coated matrix region depending on whether the tests are done on unexposed samples or on ones following the immersion in the media.


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Polymer composites are generally filled with either fibrous or particulate materials to improve the mechanical properties. In choosing the fillers one looks for materials that are inexpensive and available in abundance, in order to realize a cost reduction also. Also, often these fibres/fillers are treated to improve the matrix adhesion and thereby mechanical properties. The present study is focussed on the influence of water ingression in such filler-modified composites and the attendant changes in the compressive properties. The changes in property effected following exposure to aqueous media and the influence interface modification has on the scenario is emphasized in the work. It is seen that for plain epoxy and fly ash filled systems the strengths are increased following exposure to aqueous media. The composites with surface-treated ash particles, on the other hand, record a drop in the values. Modulus values show are increased to varying degree in unfilled and filled systems. The study also includes a fractographic analysis of the tested samples with and without exposure to water.


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Investigations on the reactivity profile of the transient five-membered-ring cyclic carbonyl ylides, generated from alpha-diazo ketones, in the presence of the C=O group of various simple ketones and symrnetrical/unsymmetrical 1,2-diones were carried out. The reaction of alpha-diazo ketones with 1,2-naphthoquinone furnished interesting diastereomeric cycloadducts in which both the C=O groups acted as dipolarophilic sites. The similar reaction in the presence of several isatin derivatives afforded novel spiro dioxa-bridged indole derivatives as a mixture of diastereomers. The single crystal X-ray structure analysis manifestly revealed the mode of cycloaddition and the stereochemistry of two of the diastereomers. A diverse set of novel spiro epoxy-bridged tetrahydropyranone frameworks have been constructed in good yield via the tandem cyclization-cycloaddition of alpha-diazo ketones with the C=O group as heterodipolarophile in a regioselective manner. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new class of epoxy resins having N-N bonds in the backbone has been synthesized with a view to explore their properties as energetic binders. The N-epoxidation of bis-dicarbonylhydrazones of adipic, azelaic and sebacic dihydrazides results in the formation of viscous resins having epoxide end groups. The resins have been characterized by the elemental and end group analyses, IR and NMR spectra. Relevant properties for their use as binders in solid propellants, such as thermal stability, heat of combustion, burn rate and performance parameters of AP-based propellant systems, have been evaluated. A significant increase in the burn rate of AP-based propellants noticed, is perhaps related to the exothermicity of the binder decomposition and the reactivity of N-N bonds with perchloric acid formed during the combustion of AP.


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The impact behaviour of epoxy specimens containing 20% by volume of fly ash particles without (coded, FA20) and with surface enveloped by starch in dry (FAS20) and water-ingresses (FASM20) conditions is studied. The resulting behavioural patterns are documented and compared to the composites containing as received fly ash particles. The data on unreinforced (i.e. neat) epoxy system (designated, NE) are also included. Samples with starch covering for the fillers whether tested in dry or wet conditions (i.e. FAS20 & FASM20) showed greater absorption of energy and maximum load compared to the ones derived on composites having as received fillers tested in unexposed (dry) condition (FA20). Ductility Index, D.I. on the other hand, showed a reversal in trends; the energy absorbed was highest for NE and lowest FA20 samples. Scanning microscopic examination of the fracture features was undertaken to correlate the microstructure to impact response.