34 resultados para ELONGATION-FACTOR-P


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The zinc finger transcription factors Mxr1p and Rop are key regulators of methanol metabolism in the methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris, while Trm1p and Trm2p regulate methanol metabolism in Candida boidinii. Here, we demonstrate that Trm1p is essential for the expression of genes of methanol utilization (mut) pathway in P. pastoris as well. Expression of AOXI and other genes of mut pathway is severely compromised in P. pastoris Delta Trm1 strain resulting in impaired growth on media containing methanol as the sole source of carbon. Trm1p localizes to the nucleus of cells cultured on glucose or methanol. The zinc finger domain of Mxr1p but not Trm1p binds to AOXI promoter sequences in vitro, indicating that these two positive regulators act by different mechanisms. We conclude that both Trm1p and Mxr1p are essential for the expression of genes of mut pathway in P. pastoris and the mechanism of transcriptional regulation of mut pathway may be similar in P. pastoris and C. boidinii. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Initiator tRNAs are special in their direct binding to the ribosomal P-site due to the hallmark occurrence of the three consecutive G-C base pairs (3GC pairs) in their anticodon stems. How the 3GC pairs function in this role, has remained unsolved. We show that mutations in either the mRNA or 16S rRNA leading to extended interaction between the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) and anti-SD sequences compensate for the vital need of the 3GC pairs in tRNA(fMet) for its function in Escherichia coli. In vivo, the 3GC mutant tRNA(fMet) occurred less abundantly in 70S ribosomes but normally on 30S subunits. However, the extended SD:anti-SD interaction increased its occurrence in 70S ribosomes. We propose that the 3GC pairs play a critical role in tRNA(fMet) retention in ribosome during the conformational changes that mark the transition of 30S preinitiation complex into elongation competent 70S complex. Furthermore, treating cells with kasugamycin, decreasing ribosome recycling factor (RRF) activity or increasing initiation factor 2 (IF2) levels enhanced initiation with the 3GC mutant tRNA(fMet), suggesting that the 70S mode of initiation is less dependent on the 3GC pairs in tRNA(fMet).


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Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are essential for growth and survival that suppress apoptosis and promote cell cycle progression, angiogenesis, and metastatic activities in various cancers. The IGFs actions are mediated through the IGF-1 receptor that is involved in cell transformation induced by tumour. These effects depend on the bioavailability of IGFs, which is regulated by IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs). We describe here the role of the IGF system in cancer, proposing new strategies targeting this system. We have attempted to expand the general viewpoint on IGF-1R, its inhibitors, potential limitations of IGF-1R, antibodies and tyrosine kinase inhibitors, and IGFBP actions. This review discusses the emerging view that blocking IGF via IGFBP is a better option than blocking IGF receptors. This can lead to the development of novel cancer therapies.


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Transactivator protein C is required for the expression of bacteriophage Mu late genes from lys, I, P and mom promoters during lytic life cycle of the phage. The mechanism of transcription activation of mom gene by C protein is well understood. C activates transcription at Pmom by initial unwinding of the promoter DNA, thereby facilitating RNA polymerase (RNAP) recruitment. Subsequently, C interacts with the (sic) subunit of RNAP to enhance promoter clearance. The mechanism by which C activates other late genes of the phage is not known. We carried out promoter-polymerase interaction studies with all the late gene promoters to determine the individual step of C mediated activation. Unlike at P-mom, at the other three promoters, RNAP recruitment and closed complex formation are not C dependent. Instead, the action of C at P-lys, P-I, and P-P is during the isomerization from closed complex to open complex with no apparent effect at other steps of initiation pathway. The mechanism of transcription activation of mom and other late promoters by their common activator is different. This distinction in the mode of activation (promoter recruitment and escape versus isomerization) by the same activator at different promoters appears to be important for optimized expression of each of the late genes.