69 resultados para Diffusion of Innovation (DOI)


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Monodisperse colloidal gold-indium (AuIn2) intermetallic nanoparticles have been synthesized from Au and In colloids using the digestive ripening process. Formation of the intermetallic proceeds via digestive ripening facilitated atomic diffusion of Au and In atoms from the Au and In nanoparticles followed simultaneously by their growth in the solution. Optimization of the reaction temperature was found to be crucial for the formation of AuIn2 intermetallic from gold and indium nanoparticles. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of nearly monodisperse nanoparticles of Au and AuIn2 with particle size distribution of 3.7 +/- 1.0 nm and 5.0 +/- 1.6 nm, respectively. UV-visible spectral studies brought out the absence of SPR band in pure AuIn2 intermetallic nanoparticles. Optical study and electron microscopy, in combination with powder X-ray diffraction established phase pure AuIn2 intermetallic nanoparticles unambiguously. The potential of such an unprecedented approach has been further exploited in the synthesis of Ag3In intermetallic nanoparticles with the dimension of less than 10 nm. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An NMR-based approach for rapid characterization of translational diffusion of molecules has been developed. Unlike the conventional method of acquiring a series of 2D C-13 and H-1 spectra, the proposed approach involves a single 2D NMR spectrum, which can be acquired in minutes. Using this method, it was possible to detect the presence of intermediate oligomeric species of diphenylalanine in solution during the process of its selfassembly to form nanotubular structures.


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Diffusion-a measure of dynamics, and entropy-a measure of disorder in the system are found to be intimately correlated in many systems, and the correlation is often strongly non-linear. We explore the origin of this complex dependence by studying diffusion of a point Brownian particle on a model potential energy surface characterized by ruggedness. If we assume that the ruggedness has a Gaussian distribution, then for this model, one can obtain the excess entropy exactly for any dimension. By using the expression for the mean first passage time, we present a statistical mechanical derivation of the well-known and well-tested scaling relation proposed by Rosenfeld between diffusion and excess entropy. In anticipation that Rosenfeld diffusion-entropy scaling (RDES) relation may continue to be valid in higher dimensions (where the mean first passage time approach is not available), we carry out an effective medium approximation (EMA) based analysis of the effective transition rate and hence of the effective diffusion coefficient. We show that the EMA expression can be used to derive the RDES scaling relation for any dimension higher than unity. However, RDES is shown to break down in the presence of spatial correlation among the energy landscape values. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A strong influence of Ni content on the diffusion-controlled growth of the (Cu,Ni)(3)Sn and (Cu,Ni)(6)Sn-5 phases by coupling different Cu(Ni) alloys with Sn in the solid state is reported. The continuous increase in the thickness ratio of (Cu,Ni)(6)Sn-5 to (Cu,Ni)(3)Sn with the Ni content is explained by combined kinetic and thermodynamic arguments as follows: (i) The integrated interdiffusion coefficient does not change for the (Cu,Ni)(3)Sn phase up to 2.5 at.% Ni and decreases drastically for 5 at.% Ni. On the other hand, there is a continuous increase in the integrated interdiffusion coefficient for (Cu,Ni)(6)Sn-5 as a function of increasing Ni content. (ii) With the increase in Ni content, driving forces for the diffusion of components increase for both components in both phases but at different rates. However, the magnitude of these changes alone is not large enough to explain the high difference in the observed growth rate of the product phases because of Ni addition. (iv) Kirkendall marker experiments indicate that the Cu6Sn5 phase grows by diffusion of both Cu and Sn in the binary case. However, when Ni is added, the growth is by diffusion of Sn only. (v) Also, the observed grain refinement in the Cu6Sn5 phase with the addition of Ni suggests that the grain boundary diffusion of Sn may have an important role in the observed changes in the growth rate.


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A rough hydrophobic surface when immersed in water can result in a ``Cassie'' state of wetting in which the water is in contact with both the solid surface and the entrapped air. The sustainability of the entrapped air on such surfaces is important for underwater applications such as reduction of flow resistance in microchannels and drag reduction of submerged bodies such as hydrofoils. We utilize an optical technique based oil total internal reflection of light at the water-air interface to quantify the spatial distribution of trapped air oil such a surface and its variation with immersion time. With this technique, we evaluate the sustainability of the Cassie state on hydrophobic surfaces with four different kinds of textures. The textures studied are regular arrays of pillars, ridges, and holes that were created in silicon by a wet etching technique, and also a texture of random craters that was obtained through electrodischarge machining of aluminum. These surfaces were rendered hydrophobic with a self-assembled layer Of fluorooctyl trichlorosilane. Depending on the texture, the size and shape of the trapped air pockets were found to vary. However, irrespective of the texture, both the size and the number of air pockets were found to decrease with time gradually and eventually disappear, suggesting that the sustainability of the ``Cassie'' state is finite for all the microstructures Studied. This is possibly due to diffusion of air from the trapped air pockets into the water. The time scale for disappearance of air pockets was found to depend on the kind of microstructure and the hydrostatic pressure at the water-air interface. For the surface with a regular array of pillars, the air pockets were found to be in the form of a thin layer perched on top of the pillars with a large lateral extent compared to the spacing between pillars. For other surfaces studied, the air pockets are smaller and are of the same order as the characteristic length scale of the texture. Measurements for the surface with holes indicate that the time for air-pocket disappearance reduces as the hydrostatic pressure is increased.


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We show that data from recent experiments carried out on the kinetics of DNA escape from alpha-hemolysin nanopores [M. Wiggin, C. Tropini, C. T. Cossa, N. N. Jetha, and A. Marziali, Biophys. J. 95, 5317 (2008)] may be rationalized by a model of chain dynamics based on the anomalous diffusion of a particle moving in a harmonic well in the presence of a delta function sink. The experiments of Wiggin found, among other things, that the occasional occurrence of unusually long escape times in the distribution of chain trapping events led to nonexponential decays in the survival probability, S(t), of the DNA molecules within the nanopore. Wiggin ascribed this nonexponentiality to the existence of a distribution of trapping potentials, which they suggested was theresult of stochastic interactions between the bases of the DNA and the amino acids located on the surface of the nanopore. Based on this idea, they showed that the experimentally determined S(t) could be well fit in both the short and long time regimes by a function of the form (1+t/tau)(-alpha) (the so called Becquerel function). In our model, S(t) is found to be given by a Mittag-Leffler function at short times and by a generalized Mittag-Leffler function at long times. By suitable choice of certain parameter values, these functions are found to fit the experimental S(t) even better than the Becquerel function. Anomalous diffusion of DNA within the trap prior to escape over a barrier of fixed height may therefore provide a second, plausible explanation of the data, and may offer fresh perspectives on similar trapping and escape problems.


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We show that a model of target location involving n noninteracting particles moving subdiffusively along a line segment (a generalization of a model introduced by Sokolov et al. [Biophys. J. 2005, 89, 895.]) provides a basis for understanding recent experiments by Pelta et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 2007, 98, 228302.] on the kinetics of diffusion-limited gel degradation. These experiments find that the time t(c) taken by the enzyme thermolysin to completely hydrolyze a gel varies inversely as roughly the 3/2 power of the initial enzyme concentration [E]. In general, however, this time would be expected to vary either as [E](-1) or as [E](-2), depending on whether the Brownian diffusion of the enzyme to the site of cleavage took place along the network chains (1-d diffusion) or through the pore spaces (3-d diffusion). In our model, the unusual dependence of t(c) on [E] is explained in terms of a reaction-diffusion equation that is formulated in terms of fractional rather than ordinary time derivatives.


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The layered double hydroxides (LDHs) of Co with trivalent cations decompose irreversibly to yield oxides with the spinel structure. Spinel formation is aided by the oxidation of Co(II) to Co(III) in the ambient atmosphere. When the decomposition is carried out under N-2, the oxidation of Co(II) is suppressed, and the resulting oxide has the rock salt structure. Thus, the Co-Al-CO32-/Cl- LDHs yield oxides of the type Co1- Al-x(2x/3)rectangle O-x/3, which are highly metastable, given the large defect concentration. This defect oxide rapidly reverts back to the original hydroxide on soaking in a Na2CO3 solution. Interlayer NO3- anions, on the other hand, decompose generating a highly oxidizing atmosphere, whereby the Co-Al-NO3- LDH decomposes to form the spinel phase even in a N-2 atmosphere. The oxide with the defect rock salt structure formed by the thermal decomposition of the Co-Fe-CO32- LDH under N2, on soaking in a Na2CO3 solution, follows a different kinetic pathway and undergoes a solution transformation into the inverse spinel Co(Co, Fe)(2)O-4. Fe3+ has a low octahedral crystal field stabilization energy and therefore prefers the tetrahedral coordination offered by the structure of the inverse spinel rather than the octahedral coordination of the parent LDH. Similar considerations do not hold in the case of Ga- and In-containing LDHs, given the considerable barriers to the diffusion of M3+ (M=Ga, In) from octahedral to tetrahedral sites owing to their large size. Consequently, the In-containing oxide residue reverts back to the parent hydroxide, whereas this reconstruction is partial in the case of the Ga-containing oxide. These studies show that the reversible thermal behavior offers a competing kinetic pathway to spinel formation. Suppression of the latter induces the reversible behavior in an LDH that otherwise decomposes irreversibly to the spinel.


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Commercialization efforts to diffuse sustainable energy technologies (SETs1) have so far remained as the biggest challenge in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Limited success of diffusion through government driven pathways urges the need for market based approaches. This paper reviews the existing state of commercialization of SETs in the backdrop of the basic theory of technology diffusion. The different SETs in India are positioned in the technology diffusion map to reflect their slow state of commercialization. The dynamics of SET market is analysed to identify the issues, barriers and stakeholders in the process of SET commercialization. By upgrading the ‘potential adopters’ to ‘techno-entrepreneurs’, the study presents the mechanisms for adopting a private sector driven ‘business model’ approach for successful diffusion of SETs. This is expected to integrate the processes of market transformation and entrepreneurship development with innovative regulatory, marketing, financing, incentive and delivery mechanisms leading to SET commercialization.


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Colloid of palladium nanoparticles has been prepared by the Solvated Metal Atom Dispersion (SMAD) method. Reaction of Pd(0) nanopowder obtained upon precipitation from the colloid, with ammonia borane (H3N center dot BH3, AB) in aqueous solutions at room temperature results in the generation of active hydrogen atoms. The active hydrogen atoms either combine with one another resulting in H-2 evolution or diffuse into the Pd lattice to afford PdHx. Diffusion of hydrogen atoms leads to an expansion of the Pd lattice. The diffused hydrogen atoms are distributed uniformly over the entire particle. These features were established using powder XRD and electron microscopy studies. The H-1 NMR spectral studies of PdHx before and after desorption of H-2 revealed that the hydrogen atoms trapped inside Pd lattice are hydridic in nature. Desorption of hydrogen from PdHx did not result in complete reversibility suggesting that some hydrogen atoms are strongly trapped inside the Pd lattice. (C) 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the results of a computational study of laminar axisymmetric plumes generated by the simultaneous diffusion of thermal energy and chemical species. Species concentrations are assumed small. The plume is treated as a boundary layer. Boussinesq approximations are incorporated and the governing conservation equations of mass, momentum, energy and species are suitably non-dimensionalised. These equations are solved using one time-step-forward explicit finite-difference method. Upwind differencing is employed for convective terms. The results thus obtained are explained in terms of the basic physical mechanisms that govern these flows. They show many interesting aspects of the complex interaction of the two buoyant mechanisms.


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In some bimolecular diffusion-controlled electron transfer (ET) reactions such as ion recombination (IR), both solvent polarization relaxation and the mutual diffusion of the reacting ion pair may determine the rate and even the yield of the reaction. However, a full treatment with these two reaction coordinates is a challenging task and has been left mostly unsolved. In this work, we address this problem by developing a dynamic theory by combining the ideas from ET reaction literature and barrierless chemical reactions. Two-dimensional coupled Smoluchowski equations are employed to compute the time evolution of joint probability distribution for the reactant (P-(1)(X,R,t)) and the product (p((2))(X,R,t)), where X, as is usual in ET reactions, describes the solvent polarization coordinate and R is the distance between the reacting ion pair. The reaction is described by a reaction line (sink) which is a function of X and R obtained by imposing a condition of equal energy on the initial and final states of a reacting ion pair. The resulting two-dimensional coupled equations of motion have been solved numerically using an alternate direction implicit (ADI) scheme (Peaceman and Rachford, J. Soc. Ind. Appl. Math. 1955, 3, 28). The results reveal interesting interplay between polarization relaxation and translational dynamics. The following new results have been obtained. (i) For solvents with slow longitudinal polarization relaxation, the escape probability decreases drastically as the polarization relaxation time increases. We attribute this to caging by polarization of the surrounding solvent, As expected, for the solvents having fast polarization relaxation, the escape probability is independent of the polarization relaxation time. (ii) In the slow relaxation limit, there is a significant dependence of escape probability and average rate on the initial solvent polarization, again displaying the effects of polarization caging. Escape probability increases, and the average rate decreases on increasing the initial polarization. Again, in the fast polarization relaxation limit, there is no effect of initial polarization on the escape probability and the average rate of IR. (iii) For normal and barrierless regions the dependence of escape probability and the rate of IR on initial polarization is stronger than in the inverted region. (iv) Because of the involvement of dynamics along R coordinate, the asymmetrical parabolic (that is, non-Marcus) energy gap dependence of the rate is observed.


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We compute the entropy and transport properties of water in the hydration layer of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer by using a recently developed theoretical scheme two-phase thermodynamic model, termed as 2PT method; S.-T. Lin et al., J. Chem. Phys. 119, 11792 (2003)] based on the translational and rotational velocity autocorrelation functions and their power spectra. The weights of translational and rotational power spectra shift from higher to lower frequency as one goes from the bilayer interface to the bulk. Water molecules near the bilayer head groups have substantially lower entropy (48.36 J/mol/K) than water molecules in the intermediate region (51.36 J/mol/K), which have again lower entropy than the molecules (60.52 J/mol/K) in bulk. Thus, the entropic contribution to the free energy change (T Delta S) of transferring an interface water molecule to the bulk is 3.65 kJ/mol and of transferring intermediate water to the bulk is 2.75 kJ/mol at 300 K, which is to be compared with 6.03 kJ/mol for melting of ice at 273 K. The translational diffusion of water in the vicinity of the head groups is found to be in a subdiffusive regime and the rotational diffusion constant increases going away from the interface. This behavior is supported by the slower reorientational relaxation of the dipole vector and OH bond vector of interfacial water. The ratio of reorientational relaxation time for Legendre polynomials of order 1 and 2 is approximately 2 for interface, intermediate, and bulk water, indicating the presence of jump dynamics in these water molecules. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3494115]


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The rate of breakage of feed in ball milling is usually represented in the form of a first-order rate equation. The equation was developed by treating a simple batch test mill as a well mixed reactor. Several case of deviation from the rule have been reported in the literature. This is attributed to the fact that accumulated fines interfere with the feed material and breaking events are masked by these fines. In the present paper, a new rate equation is proposed which takes into account the retarding effect of fines during milling. For this purpose the analogy of diffusion of ions through permeable membranes is adopted, with suitable modifications. The validity of the model is cross checked with the data obtained in batch grinding of ?850/+600 ?m size quartz. The proposed equation enables calculation of the rate of breakage of the feed at any instant of time.


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The kinetics of the oxidation of electrodeposited boron powder and the boron powder produced by the reduction process were studied using thermogravimetry (TG). The oxidation was carried out by heating boron powder in a stream of oxygen. Both isothermal and non-isothermal methods were used to study the kinetics. Model-free isoconversional method was used to derive the kinetics parameters. A two step oxidation reaction (exothermic) was observed. The oxidation reaction could not be completed due to the formation of glassy layer of boric oxide on the surface of boron powder which acts as a barrier for further diffusion of oxygen into the particle. The activation energy obtained using model-free method for electrodeposited boron is 122 +/- 7 kJ mol(-1) whereas a value of 205 +/- 9 kJ mol(-1) was obtained for boron produced by the reduction process (commercially procured boron). Mechanistic interpretation of the oxidation reaction was done using model based method. The activation energy was found to depend on the size distribution of the particles and specific surface area of the powder. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.