51 resultados para Different mechanisms


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Fluorescence quenching of biologically active carboxamide namely (E)-2-(4-chlorobenzylideneamino)-N-(2-chlorophenyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobe nzo[b]thiophene-3-carboxamide [ECNCTTC] by aniline and carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4)) quenchers in different solvents using steady state method and time resolved method using only one solvent has been carried out at room temperature to understand the role of quenching mechanisms. The Stern-Volmer plot has been found to be linear for all the solvents studied. The probability of quenching per encounter p (p') was determined in all the solvents and was found to be less than unity. Further, from the studies of rate parameters and life time measurements in n-heptane and cyclohexane with aniline and carbon tetrachloride as quenchers have been shown that, the phenomenon of quenching is generally governed by the well-known Stern-Volmer (S-V) plot. The activation energy E(a) (or E(a)') of quenching was determined using the literature values of activation energy of diffusion E(d) and the experimentally determined values of p (or p'). It has been found that, the activation energy E(a) (E(a)') is greater than the activation energy for diffusion E(d) in all solvents. Hence, from the magnitudes of E(a) (or E(a)') as well as p (or p') infer that, the quenching mechanism is not solely due to the material diffusion, but there is also contribution from the activation energy. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The topology optimization problem for the synthesis of compliant mechanisms has been formulated in many different ways in the last 15 years, but there is not yet a definitive formulation that is universally accepted. Furthermore, there are two unresolved issues in this problem. In this paper, we present a comparative study of five distinctly different formulations that are reported in the literature. Three benchmark examples are solved with these formulations using the same input and output specifications and the same numerical optimization algorithm. A total of 35 different synthesis examples are implemented. The examples are limited to desired instantaneous output direction for prescribed input force direction. Hence, this study is limited to linear elastic modeling with small deformations. Two design parameterizations, namely, the frame element based ground structure and the density approach using continuum elements, are used. The obtained designs are evaluated with all other objective functions and are compared with each other. The checkerboard patterns, point flexures, the ability to converge from an unbiased uniform initial guess, and the computation time are analyzed. Some observations are noted based on the extensive implementation done in this study. Complete details of the benchmark problems and the results are included. The computer codes related to this study are made available on the internet for ready access.


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The beta-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase of Plasmodium falciparum (PfFabZ) catalyzes the third and important reaction of the fatty acid elongation cycle. The crystal structure of PfFabZ is available in hexameric (active) and dimeric (inactive) forms. However, PfFabZ has not been crystallized with any bound inhibitors until now. We have designed a new condition to crystallize PfFabZ with its inhibitors bound in the active site, and determined the crystal structures of four of these complexes. This is the first report on any FabZ enzyme with active site inhibitors that interact directly with the catalytic residues. Inhibitor binding not only stabilized the substrate binding loop but also revealed that the substrate binding tunnel has an overall shape of ``U''. In the crystal structures, residue Phe169 located in the middle of the tunnel was found to be in two different conformations, open and closed. Thus, Phe169, merely by changing its side chain conformation, appears to be controlling the length of the tunnel to make it suitable for accommodating longer substrates. The volume of the substrate binding tunnel is determined by the sequence as well as by the conformation of the substrate binding loop region and varies between organisms for accommodating fatty acids of different chain lengths. This report on the crystal structures of the complexes of PfFabZ provides the structural basis of the inhibitory mechanism of the enzyme that could be used to improve the potency of inhibitors against an important component of fatty acid synthesis common to many infectious organisms. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present a kinematic theory for Hoberman and other similar foldable linkages. By recognizing that the building blocks of such linkages can be modeled as planar linkages, different classes of possible solutions are systematically obtained including some novel arrangements. Criteria for foldability are arrived by analyzing the algebraic locus of the coupler curve of a PRRP linkage. They help explain generalized Hoberman and other mechanisms reported in the literature. New properties of such mechanisms including the extent of foldability, shape-preservation of the inner and outer profiles, multi-segmented assemblies and heterogeneous circumferential arrangements are derived. The design equations derived here make the conception of even complex planar radially foldable mechanisms systematic and easy. Representative examples are presented to illustrate the usage of the design equations and the kinematic theory.


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Tribological interaction often generates new structures and materials which form the interface between the sliding pair. The new material designated tribofilm here may be protective or tribologically deleterious. The tribofilm plays a major role in determining the friction and wear of the interaction. Here, we give three examples: mechanically mixed, chemically generated and thermally activated, of tribofilms formed in three different tribological systems and speculate on the mechanism of their formation.


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The fluorescence quenching studies of carboxamide namely (E)-N-(3-Chlorophenyl)-2-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzylideneamino)-4,5,6,7 tetrahydrobenzob]thiophene-3-carboxamide ENCTTTC] by aniline and carbon tetrachloride in six different solvents namely toluene, cyclohexane, n-hexane, n-heptane, n-decane and n-pentane have been carried out at room temperature with a view to understand the quenching mechanisms. The Stern-Volmer (S-V) plots have been found to be nonlinear with a positive deviation for all the solvents studied. In order to interpret these results we have invoked the ground state complex formation and sphere of action static quenching models. Using these models various quenching rate parameters have been determined. The magnitudes of these parameters suggest that sphere of action static quenching model agrees well with the experimental results. Hence the positive deviation is attributed to the static and dynamic quenching. Further, with the use of Finite Sink approximation model, it was possible to check these bimolecular reactions as diffusion-limited and to estimate independently distance parameter R' and mutual diffusion coefficient D. Finally an effort has been made to correlate the values of R' and D with the values of the encounter distance R and the mutual coefficient D determined using the Edward's empirical relation and Stokes Einstein relation. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Radiatively heated levitated functional droplets with nanosilica suspensions exhibit three distinct stages namely pure evaporation, agglomeration, and finally structure formation. The temporal history of the droplet surface temperature shows two inflection points. One inflection point corresponds to a local maximum and demarcates the end of transient heating of the droplet and domination of vaporization. The second inflection point is a local minimum and indicates slowing down of the evaporation rate due to surface accumulation of nanoparticles. Morphology and final precipitation structures of levitated droplets are due to competing mechanisms of particle agglomeration, evaporation, and shape deformation. In this work, we provide a detailed analysis for each process and propose two important timescales for evaporation and agglomeration that determine the final diameter of the structure formed. It is seen that both agglomeration and evaporation timescales are similar functions of acoustic amplitude (sound pressure level), droplet size, viscosity, and density. However, we show that while the agglomeration timescale decreases with initial particle concentration, the evaporation timescale shows the opposite trend. The final normalized diameter can be shown to be dependent solely on the ratio of agglomeration to evaporation timescales for all concentrations and acoustic amplitudes. The structures also exhibit various aspect ratios (bowls, rings, spheroids) which depend on the ratio of the deformation timescale (t(def)) and the agglomeration timescale (t(g)). For t(def) < t(g), a sharp peak in aspect ratio is seen at low concentrations of nanosilica which separates high aspect ratio structures like rings from the low aspect ratio structures like bowls and spheroids. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4775791]


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This paper deals with the evaluation of the component-laminate load-carrying capacity, i.e., to calculate the loads that cause the failure of the individual layers and the component-laminate as a whole in four-bar mechanism. The component-laminate load-carrying capacity is evaluated using the Tsai-Wu-Hahn failure criterion for various lay-ups. The reserve factor of each ply in the component-laminate is calculated by using the maximum resultant force and the maximum resultant moment occurring at different time steps at the joints of the mechanism. Here, all component bars of the mechanism are made of fiber reinforced laminates and have thin rectangular cross-sections. They could, in general, be pre-twisted and/or possess initial curvature, either by design or by defect. They are linked to each other by means of revolute joints. We restrict ourselves to linear materials with small strains within each elastic body (strip-like beam). Each component of the mechanism is modeled as a beam based on geometrically non-linear 3-D elasticity theory. The component problems are thus split into 2-D analyses of reference beam cross-sections and non-linear 1-D analyses along the three beam reference curves. For the thin rectangular cross-sections considered here, the 2-D cross-sectional nonlinearity is also overwhelming. This can be perceived from the fact that such sections constitute a limiting case between thin-walled open and closed sections, thus inviting the non-linear phenomena observed in both. The strong elastic couplings of anisotropic composite laminates complicate the model further. However, a powerful mathematical tool called the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) not only enables such a dimensional reduction, but also provides asymptotically correct analytical solutions to the non-linear cross-sectional analysis. Such closed-form solutions are used here in conjunction with numerical techniques for the rest of the problem to predict more quickly and accurately than would otherwise be possible. Local 3-D stress, strain and displacement fields for representative sections in the component-bars are recovered, based on the stress resultants from the 1-D global beam analysis. A numerical example is presented which illustrates the failure of each component-laminate and the mechanism as a whole.


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The current study describes the evolution of microstructure and texture in an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr-based 7010 aluminum alloy during different modes of hot cross-rolling. Processing of materials involves three different types of cross-rolling. The development of texture in the one-step cross-rolled specimen can be described by a typical beta-fiber having the maximum intensity near Copper (Cu) component. However, for the multi-step cross-rolled specimens, the as-rolled texture is mainly characterized by a strong rotated-Brass (Bs) component and a very weak rotated-cube component. Subsequent heat treatment leads to sharpening of the major texture component (i.e., rotated-Bs). Furthermore, the main texture components in all the specimens appear to be significantly rotated in a complex manner away from their ideal positions because of non-symmetric deformations in the two rolling directions. Detailed microstructural study indicates that dynamic recovery is the dominant restoration mechanism operating during the hot rolling. During subsequent heat treatment, static recovery dominates, while a combination of particle-stimulated nucleation (PSN) and strain-induced grain boundary migration (SIBM) causes partial recrystallization of the grain structure. The aforementioned restoration mechanisms play an important role in the development of texture components. The textural development in the current study could be attributed to the combined effects of (a) cross-rolling and inter-pass annealing that reduce the intensity of Cu component after each successive pass, (b) recrystallization resistance of Bs-oriented grains, (c) stability of Bs texture under cross-rolling, and (d) Zener pinning by Al3Zr dispersoids.


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Thermal diffusivity and conductivity of hot pressed ZrB2 with different amounts of B4C (0-5 wt%) and ZrB2-SiC composites (10-30 vol% SiC) were investigated experimentally over a wide range of temperature (25-1500 degrees C). Both thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity were found to decrease with increase in temperature for all the hot pressed ZrB2 and ZrB2-SiC composites. At around 200 degrees C, thermal conductivity of ZrB2-SiC composites was found to be composition independent. Thermal conductivity of ZrB2-SiC composites was also correlated with theoretical predictions of the Maxwell Eucken relation. The dominated mechanisms of heat transport for all hot pressed ZrB2 and ZrB2-SiC composites at room temperature were confirmed by Wiedemann Franz analysis by using measured electrical conductivity of these materials at room temperature. It was found that electronic thermal conductivity dominated for all monolithic ZrB2 whereas the phonon contribution to thermal conductivity increased with SiC contents for ZrB2-SiC composites.


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The dominant densification mechanisms for hot pressing of ZrB2-20 vol.% SiC composite at different hot-pressing temperatures and pressures was identified. The dominant densification mechanisms were found to change over a very short temperature range. For hot pressing at 1700 degrees C, the dominant densification mechanism was found to be mechanically driven particle fragmentation and rearrangement only, whereas at 1850 degrees C a plastic flow mechanism started to become dominant after initial particle fragmentation and rearrangement. At 2000 degrees C, the dominant mechanism changed from plastic flow to grain boundary diffusion. (c) 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with an optimization based method for synthesis of adjustable planar four-bar, crank-rocker mechanisms. For multiple different and desired paths to be traced by a point on the coupler, a two stage method first determines the parameters of the possible driving dyads. Then the remaining mechanism parameters are determined in the second stage where a least-squares based circle-fitting procedure is used. Compared to existing formulations, the optimization method uses less number of design variables. Two numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed synthesis method. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The fracture characteristics of Al-Si based eutectic alloy are investigated in the unmodified and modified conditions under compression. The investigations are carried out at different strain rates and temperatures. Fracture of the alloy starts with eutectic Si particle fracture and modification plays an important role in particle fracture. The fraction of fractured particles is found to be always lesser in the modified condition than in the unmodified condition. Particle fracture increases with increase in strain. It is found that the Si particle fracture shows an increase with increase in strain rate and decreases with increase in temperature at 10% strain. Large and elongated particles show a greater tendency for fracture in the unmodified and modified conditions. Particle orientation plays an important role on fracture and the cracks are found to occur almost in a direction normal to the tensile strain imposed upon the particles by the deforming matrix in the unmodified alloy. The modified alloy shows a random distribution of fractured particles and crack orientation. The criteria of fracture based on dislocation pile-up mechanism and fiber loading explain the observed difference in particle fracture characteristics due to modification. The particle fracture for the modified alloy is also discussed in terms of Weibull statistics and the existing models of dispersion hardening. Particle/matrix interface decohesion is observed at higher strain rates and temperatures in the modified alloy. Dendritic rotation of 10 degrees is also observed at higher strain rates, which can increase the amount of particle fracture. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spark plasma sintering (SPS) is a convenient and rapid means of producing dense ceramic compacts. However, the mechanisms responsible for rapid densification have not been identified satisfactorily, with different studies using an indirect approach yielding varied values for the densification parameters. This study involved SPS in high purity nanocrystalline alumina with temperatures ranging from 1173 to 1423K and stresses from 25 to 100MPa. A direct approach, with analyses at a constant density, revealed a stress exponent of similar to 1 and an inverse grain size dependence of similar to 3, consistent with Coble creep process. Whereas the direct approach gives a stress exponent of similar to 1, the indirect approach used previously gives stress exponents ranging from similar to 2.2 to 3.5 with the same data, thereby revealing potentially spurious values of the densification parameters from conventional indirect approaches to characterizing densification. The rapid densification during SPS is related to the finer grain sizes retained with the rapid heating rates and the imposed stress that enhances the driving force for densification.


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With the progress in modern technological research, novel biomaterials are being largely developed for various biomedical applications. Over the past two decades, most of the research focuses on the development of a new generation of bioceramics as substitutes for hard tissue replacement. In reference to their application in different anatomical locations of a patient, newly developed bioceramic materials can potentially induce a toxic/harmful effect to the host tissues. Therefore, prior to clinical testing, relevant biochemical screening assays are to be performed at the cellular and molecular level, to address the issues of biocompatibility and long term performance of the implants. Along with testing strategies in the bulk material toxicity, a detailed evaluation should also be conducted to determine the toxicity of the wear products of the potential bioceramics. This is important as the bioceramics are intended to be implanted in patients with longer life expectancy and notwithstanding, the material will eventually release finer (mostly nanosized) sized debris particles due to continuous wear at articulating surfaces in the hostile corrosive environment of the human body. The wear particulates generated from a biocompatible bioceramic may act in a different way, inducing early/late aseptic loosening at the implant site, resulting in osteolysis and inflammation. Hence, a study on the chronic effects of the wear particulates, in terms of local and systemic toxicity becomes the major criteria in the toxicity evaluation of implantable bioceramics. In this broad perspective, this article summarizes some of the currently used techniques and knowledge in assessing the in vitro and in vivo cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of bioceramic implant materials. It also addresses the need to conduct a broad evaluation before claiming the biocompatibility and clinical feasibility of any new biomaterial. This review also emphasizes some of the case studies based on the experimental designs that are currently followed and its importance in the context of clinical applications.