50 resultados para Declaration of London (1909 February 26)


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The effect of substrate and annealing temperatures on mechanical properties of Ti-rich NiTi films deposited on Si (100) substrates by DC magnetron sputtering was studied by nanoindentation. NiTi films were deposited at two substrate temperatures viz. 300 and 400 degrees C. NiTi films deposited at 300 degrees C were annealed for 4 h at four different temperatures, i.e. 300, 400, 500 and 600 degrees C whereas films deposited at 400 degrees C were annealed for 4 h at three different temperatures, i.e. 400, 500 and 600 degrees C. The elastic modulus and hardness of the films were found to be the same in the as-deposited as well as annealed conditions for both substrate temperatures. For a given substrate temperature, the hardness and elastic modulus were found to remain unchanged as long as the films were amorphous. However, both elastic modulus and hardness showed an increase with increasing annealing temperature as the films become crystalline. The results were explained on the basis of the change in microstructure of the film with change in annealing temperature.


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The entry of the plant toxin ricin and its A- and B-subunits in model membranes in the presence as well as absence of monosialoganglioside (GM(1)) has been studied. Dioleoylphosphatidylcholine and 5-, 10-, and 12-doxyl- or 9,10-dibromophosphatidylcholines serve as quenchers of intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of the proteins. The parallax method of Chattopadhyay and London [(1987) Biochemistry 26, 39-45] has been employed to measure the average membrane penetration depth of tryptophans of ricin and its B-chain and the actual depth of the sole Trp 211 in the A-chain. The results indicate that both of the chains as well as intact ricin penetrate the membrane deeply and the C-terminal end of the A-chain is well inside the bilayer, especially at pH 4.5. An extrinsic probe N-(iodoacetyl)-N'-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine (I-AEDANS) has been attached to Cys 259 of the A-chain, and the kinetics of penetration has been followed by monitoring the increase in AEDANS fluorescence at 480 nm. The insertion follows first-order kinetics, and the rate constant is higher at a lower pH. The energy transfer distance analysis between Trp 211 and AEDANS points out that the conformation of the A-chain changes as it inserts into the membrane. CD studies indicate that the helicity of the proteins increases after penetration, which implies that some of the unordered structure in the native protein is converted to the ordered form during this process. Hydrophobic forces seem to be responsible for stabilizing a particular protein conformation inside the membrane.


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A family of bile acid-based molecular tweezers (7-9) has been constructed readily from simple precursors. Binding experiments with various electron deficient aromatic compounds showed that tweezer 8 binds trinitrofluorenone 10e with an association constant of 220 M(-1) in CDCl3. Single-crystal X-ray analysis of compound 8 shows aromatic-aromatic interactions producing a two-dimensional lattice of pyrene units. Tweezer 8 was immobilized on Merrifield resin, and binding studies have shown that these data compare well with those of the solution state studies.


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Literature of the ancient Chola Dynasty (A.D. 9th-11th centuries) of South India and recent archaeological excavations allude to a sea flood that crippled the ancient port at Kaveripattinam, a trading hub for Southeast Asia, and probably affected the entire South Indian coast, analogous to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami impact. We present sedimentary evidence from an archaeological site to validate the textual references to this early medieval event. A sandy layer showing bed forms representing high-energy conditions, possibly generated by a seaborne wave, was identified at the Kaveripattinam coast of Tamil Nadu, South India. Its sedimentary characteristics include hummocky cross-stratification, convolute lamination with heavy minerals, rip-up clasts, an erosional contact with the underlying mud bed, and a landward thinning geometry. Admixed with 1000-year-old Chola period artifacts, it provided an optically stimulated luminescence age of 1091 perpendicular to 66 yr and a thermoluminescence age of 993 perpendicular to 73 yr for the embedded pottery sherds. The dates of these proxies converge around 1000 yr B. P., correlative of an ancient tsunami reported from elsewhere along the Indian Ocean coasts. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The purpose of life is to obtain knowledge, use it to live with as much satisfaction as possible, and pass it on with improvements and modifications to the next generation.'' This may sound philosophical, and the interpretation of words may be subjective, yet it is fairly clear that this is what all living organisms--from bacteria to human beings--do in their life time. Indeed, this can be adopted as the information theoretic definition of life. Over billions of years, biological evolution has experimented with a wide range of physical systems for acquiring, processing and communicating information. We are now in a position to make the principles behind these systems mathematically precise, and then extend them as far as laws of physics permit. Therein lies the future of computation, of ourselves, and of life.


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The change in thermodynamic quantities (e. g., entropy, specific heat etc.) by the application of magnetic field in the case of the high-T-c superconductor YBCO system is examined phenomenological by the Ginzburg-Landau theory of anisotropic type-II superconductors. An expression for the change in the entropy (Delta S) and change in specific heat (Delta C) in a magnetic field for any general orientation of an applied magnetic field B-a with respect to the crystallographic c-axis is obtained. The observed large reduction of specific heat anomaly just below the superconducting transition and the observed variation of entropy with magnetic field are explained quantitatively.


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Impairment of Akt phosphorylation, a critical survival signal, has been implicated in the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease. However, the mechanism underlying pAkt loss is unclear. In the current study, we demonstrate pAkt loss in ventral midbrain of mice treated with dopaminergic neurotoxin, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), when compared to ventral midbrain of control mice treated with vehicle alone. Thiol residues of the critical cysteines in Akt are oxidized to a greater degree in mice treated with MPTP, which is reflected as a 40% loss of reduced Akt. Association of oxidatively modified Akt with the phosphatase PP2A, which can lead to enhanced dephosphorylation of pAkt, was significantly stronger after MPTP treatment. Maintaining the protein thiol homeostasis by thiol antioxidants prevented loss of reduced Akt, decreased association with PP2A, and maintained pAkt levels. Overexpression of glutaredoxin, a protein disulfide oxidoreductase, in human primary neurons helped sustain reduced state of Akt and abolished MPP+-mediated pAkt loss. We demonstrate for the first time the selective loss of Akt activity, in vivo, due to oxidative modification of Akt and provide mechanistic insight into oxidative stress-induced down-regulation of cell survival pathway in mouse midbrain following exposure to MPTP.-Durgadoss, L., Nidadavolu, P., Khader Valli, R., Saeed, U., Mishra, M., Seth, P., Ravindranath, R. Redox modification of Akt mediated by the dopaminergic neurotoxin MPTP, in mouse midbrain, leads to down-regulation of pAkt. FASEB J. 26, 1473-1483 (2012). www.fasebj.org


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Water-ethanol mixtures exhibit many interesting anomalies, such as negative excess partial molar volume of ethanol, excess sound absorption coefficient at low concentrations, and positive deviation from Raoult's law for vapor pressure, to mention a few. These anomalies have been attributed to different, often contradictory origins, but a quantitative understanding is still lacking. We show by computer simulation and theoretical analyses that these anomalies arise from the sudden emergence of a bicontinuous phase that occurs at a relatively low ethanol concentration of x(eth) approximate to 0.06-0.10 (that amounts to a volume fraction of 0.17-0.26, which is a significant range!). The bicontinuous phase is formed by aggregation of ethanol molecules, resulting in a weak phase transition whose nature is elucidated. We find that the microheterogeneous structure of the mixture gives rise to a pronounced nonmonotonic composition dependence of local compressibility and nonmonotonic dependence in the peak value of the radial distribution function of ethyl groups. A multidimensional free energy surface of pair association is shown to provide a molecular explanation of the known negative excess partial volume of ethanol in terms of parallel orientation and hence better packing of the ethyl groups in the mixture due to hydrophobic interactions. The energy distribution of the ethanol molecules indicates additional energy decay channels that explain the excess sound attenuation coefficient in aqueous alcohol mixtures. We studied the dependence of the solvation of a linear polymer chain on the composition of the water-ethanol solvent. We find that there is a sudden collapse of the polymer at x(eth) approximate to 0.05-a phenomenon which we attribute to the formation of the microheterogeneous structures in the binary mixture at low ethanol concentrations. Together with recent single molecule pulling experiments, these results provide new insight into the behavior of polymer chain and foreign solutes, such as enzymes, in aqueous binary mixtures.


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High temperature superconductivity in the cuprates remains one of the most widely investigated, constantly surprising and poorly understood phenomena in physics. Here, we describe briefly a new phenomenological theory inspired by the celebrated description of superconductivity due to Ginzburg and Landau and believed to describe its essence. This posits a free energy functional for the superconductor in terms of a complex order parameter characterizing it. We propose that there is, for superconducting cuprates, a similar functional of the complex, in plane, nearest neighbor spin singlet bond (or Cooper) pair amplitude psi(ij). Further, we suggest that a crucial part of it is a (short range) positive interaction between nearest neighbor bond pairs, of strength J'. Such an interaction leads to nonzero long wavelength phase stiffness or superconductive long range order, with the observed d-wave symmetry, below a temperature T-c similar to zJ' where z is the number of nearest neighbors; d-wave superconductivity is thus an emergent, collective consequence. Using the functional, we calculate a large range of properties, e. g., the pseudogap transition temperature T* as a function of hole doping x, the transition curve T-c(x), the superfluid stiffness rho(s)(x, T), the specific heat (without and with a magnetic field) due to the fluctuating pair degrees of freedom and the zero temperature vortex structure. We find remarkable agreement with experiment. We also calculate the self-energy of electrons hopping on the square cuprate lattice and coupled to electrons of nearly opposite momenta via inevitable long wavelength Cooper pair fluctuations formed of these electrons. The ensuing results for electron spectral density are successfully compared with recent experimental results for angle resolved photo emission spectroscopy (ARPES), and comprehensively explain strange features such as temperature dependent Fermi arcs above T-c and the ``bending'' of the superconducting gap below T-c.


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Glycopeptidolipids (GPLs) are dominant cell surface molecules present in several non-tuberculous and opportunistic mycobacterial species. GPLs from Mycobacterium smegmatis are composed of a lipopeptide core unit consisting of a modified C-26-C-34 fatty acyl chain that is linked to a tetrapeptide (Phe-Thr-Ala-alaninol). The hydroxyl groups of threonine and terminal alaninol are further modified by glycosylations. Although chemical structures have been reported for 16 GPLs from diverse mycobacteria, there is still ambiguity in identifying the exact position of the hydroxyl group on the fatty acyl chain. Moreover, the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of the fatty acyl component are unknown. In this study we show that a bimodular polyketide synthase in conjunction with a fatty acyl-AMP ligase dictates the synthesis of fatty acyl chain of GPL. Based on genetic, biochemical, and structural investigations, we determine that the hydroxyl group is present at the C-5 position of the fatty acyl component. Our retrobiosynthetic approach has provided a means to understand the biosynthesis of GPLs and also resolve the long-standing debate on the accurate structure of mycobacterial GPLs.


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The possibility of establishing an accurate relative chronology of the early solar system events based on the decay of short-lived Al-26 to Mg-26 (half-life of 0.72 Myr) depends on the level of homogeneity (or heterogeneity) of Al-26 and Mg isotopes. However, this level is difficult. to constrain precisely because of the very high precision needed for the determination of isotopic ratios, typically of +/- 5 ppm. In this study, we report for the first time a detailed analytical protocol developed for high precision in situ Mg isotopic measurements ((25)mg/(24)mg and (26)mg/Mg-24 ratios, as well as Mg-26 excess) by MC-SIMS. As the data reduction process is critical for both accuracy and precision of the final isotopic results, factors such as the Faraday cup (FC) background drift and matrix effects on instrumental fractionation have been investigated. Indeed these instrumental effects impacting the measured Mg-isotope ratios can be as large or larger than the variations we are looking for to constrain the initial distribution of Al-26 and Mg isotopes in the early solar system. Our results show that they definitely are limiting factors regarding the precision of Mg isotopic compositions, and that an under- or over-correction of both FC background instabilities and instrumental isotopic fractionation leads to important bias on delta Mg-25, delta(26)mg and Delta Mg-26 values (for example, olivines not corrected for FC background drifts display Delta Mg-26 values that can differ by as much as 10 ppm from the truly corrected value). The new data reduction process described here can then be applied to meteoritic samples (components of chondritic meteorites for instance) to accurately establish their relative chronology of formation.


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The phylogenetic structure of Asclepiadoideae (Apocynaceae) has been elucidated at the tribal and subtribal levels in the last two decades. However, to date, the systematic positions of seven Asian genera, Cosmostigma, Graphistemma, Holostemma, Pentasachme, Raphistemma, Seshagiria and Treutlera, have not been investigated. In this study, we examine the evolutionary relationships among these seven small enigmatic Asian genera and clarify their positions in Asclepiadoideae, using a combination of plastid sequences of rbcL, rps16, trnL and trnL- F regions. Cosmostigma and Treutlera are resolved as members of the non-Hoya clade of Marsdenieae with strong support (maximum parsimony bootstrap support value BSMP = 96, maximum likelihood bootstrap support value BSML = 98, Bayesian-inferred posterior probability PP = 1.0). Pentasachme is resolved as sister of Stapeliinae to Ceropegieae with moderate support (BSMP = 64, BSML = 66, PP = 0.94). Graphistemma, Holostemma, Raphistemma and Seshagiria are all nested in the Asclepiadeae-Cynanchinae clade (BSMP = 97, BSML = 100, PP = 1.0). The study confirms the generally accepted tribal and subtribal structure of the subfamily. One exception is Eustegia minuta, which is placed here as sister to all Asclepiadeae (BSMP = 58, BSML = 76, PP = 0.99) and not as sister to the Marsdenieae + Ceropegieae clade. The weak support and conflicting position indicate the need for a placement of Eustegia as an independent tribe. In Asclepiadeae, a sister group position of Cynanchinae to the Asclepiadinae + Tylophorinae clade is favoured (BSMP = 84, BSML = 88, PP = 1.0), whereas Schizostephanus is retrieved as unresolved. Oxystelma appears as an early-branching member of Asclepiadinae with weak support (BSMP = 52, BSML = 74, PP = 0.69). Calciphila and Solenostemma are also associated with Asclepiadinae with weak support (BSMP = 37, BSML = 45, PP = 0.79), but all alternative positions are essentially without support. The position of Indian Asclepiadoideae in the family phylogeny is discussed. (c) 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 174, 601-619.


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We use the bulk Hamiltonian for a three-dimensional topological insulator such as Bi-2 Se-3 to study the states which appear on its various surfaces and along the edge between two surfaces. We use both analytical methods based on the surface Hamiltonians (which are derived from the bulk Hamiltonian) and numerical methods based on a lattice discretization of the bulk Hamiltonian. We find that the application of a potential barrier along an edge can give rise to states localized at that edge. These states have an unusual energy-momentum dispersion which can be controlled by applying a potential along the edge; in particular, the velocity of these states can be tuned to zero. The scattering and conductance across the edge is studied as a function of the edge potential. We show that a magnetic field in a particular direction can also give rise to zero energy states on certain edges. We point out possible experimental ways of looking for the various edge states.