311 resultados para Columnar liquid crystals


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Uniformity in bias tilt, for the polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)surface layer induced orientation of nematic liquid crystals, could be achieved for large area display panels, if one of the transparent electrodes is first directionally rubbed with fine abrasive; then both the electrodes coated with PVA, followed by directionally buffing the chemisorbed layers in the same direction. Uniformity may be due to increased 'train' configuration of the adsorbed macromolecule by falling on to microgrooves and maintaining the same sense of asymmetry for the looped segments.


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A method employing two liquid crystals of opposite diamagnetic anisotropies to determine chemical shift anisotropy without using any reference compound is described. It also provides individual values of the direct and the indirect spin-spin coupling constants between heteronuclei. The parameters for acetonitrile are reported.


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Crystal and molecular structure of a compound 4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-heptylbiphenyl carboxylate (7CBB), which exhibit both monolayer smectic A and nematic phases, have been determined by direct methods using single crystal X-ray diffraction data. The structure is monoclinic with the space group P21/c and Z = 4. The unit cell parameters are a = 16.9550(5) Aring, b = 5.5912(18) Aring, c = 27.5390(9) Aring, agr = 90.000°, β = 93.986(6)°, and γ = 90.000°. Packing of the molecules is found to be precursor to SmC phase, although SmA1 phase is observed on melting. Several strong van der Waals interactions are observed in the core part of the neighboring molecular pairs. Crystal to mesophase transition is probably of reconstitutive nature. Geometry, packing, and nature of crystal-mesophase transition are compared to those in 6CBB.


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In recent years there has been an upsurge of interest in the study of organic reactions in the solid state. It is now realised that the crystalline matrix provides an extra-ordinary spatial control on the initiation and progress of these reactions. Electronic and dipolar effects which are important in solution are replaced by structural and geometric effects in solids. These 'spatial' or 'topochemical' aspects are important in understanding the mechanistic details of the reaction. In our laboratory, the thermally induced acyl migration in salicylamides from 0- to N- position in the solid state has been under study (Scheme 1). The structures of the acetyl and benzoyl derivatives (Ia,IIa, Ib and IIb) have been reported.


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NMR studies of methyldichlorophosphine have been undertaken in the nematic phase of mixed liquid crystals of opposite diamagnetic anisotropies. The rα structure is derived. The proton chemical-shift anisotropy has been determined from the studies without the use of a reference compound and without a change of experimental conditions. It is shown that the molecule orients in the liquid crystal with positive diamagnetic anisotropy in such a way that the C3 symmetry axis of the CH3P moiety is preferentially aligned perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, unlike other similar systems. This is interpreted in terms of the formation of a weak solvent-solute molecular complex. The heteronuclear indirect spin-spin coupling constants are determined. The sign of the two-bond JPH is found to be positive.


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The proton NMR spectra of N-methylpyrrole oriented in the nematic phases of liquid crystals with positive and negative diamagnetic anisotropies and their mixtures are reported. Geometrical parameters derived from the spectra at the critical point in the mixture of liquid crystals with positive and negative diamagnetic anisotropies, where macroscopic diamagnetic anisotropy vanishes, are similar to those obtained in the solvent with negative diamagnetic anisotropy. However, significant distortions in the molecular structure attributed to solvent effects have been observed in liquid crystals with positive diamagnetic anisotropy. The minimum energy conformation has one C---H of the methyl perpendicular to the ring.


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Proton NMR spectroscopy in three different liquid crystals has been used to determine two conformational angles of (μ-butatriene)hexacarbonyldiiron complex, namely the angle between the two CH2 planes and the dihedral angle between the two planes containing four carbon atoms of the butatriene moiety. The values are 44 and 46°, respectively. The direct and the indirect geminal HH couplings are shown to be of the same sign in the liquid crystals with positive diamagnetic anisotropy.


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Proton NMR spectra of phosphacymantrene (π-phospholyl manganese tricarbonyl) orientated in the nematic phases of liquid crystals have been investigated. The derived H-H and H-P direct dipolar coupling constants have been used to determine the relative proton-proton and proton-phosphorus distances. A comparison of the geometrical data of various 5-membered aromatic heterocycles shows that the relative distances between the protons closest to the heteroatom increase with the van der Waals radius of the heteroatom. The results suggest that NMR spectroscopy of orientated molecules can be used to determine van der Waals radii.


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Sugar-based amphiphiles, consisting of two sugar head groups and an alkylene chain within the molecules, are synthesized and their aggregation and mesomorphic properties are evaluated. The hydrophilic sugar head groups, constituted with beta-D-glucopyranoside units, and the lyophilic alkylene units, are coupled to a glycerol backbone to afford the 'double-headed' sugar amphiphiles. Aggregation studies in aqueous solutions provided their critical micellar concentrations and the aggregation numbers. Mesophase characterizations by polarizing optical microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) revealed the phase-transition behaviour of these new 'double-headed' glycolipids.


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Separated local field (SLF) spectroscopy is a powerful technique to measure heteronuclear dipolar couplings. The method provides site-specific dipolar couplings for oriented samples such as membrane proteins oriented in lipid bilayers and liquid crystals. A majority of the SLF techniques utilize the well-known Polarization Inversion Spin Exchange at Magic Angle (PISEMA) pulse scheme which employs spin exchange at the magic angle under Hartmann-Hahn match. Though PISEMA provides a relatively large scaling factor for the heteronuclear dipolar coupling and a better resolution along the dipolar dimension, it has a few shortcomings. One of the major problems with PISEMA is that the sequence is very much sensitive to proton carrier offset and the measured dipolar coupling changes dramatically with the change in the carrier frequency. The study presented here focuses on modified PISEMA sequences which are relatively insensitive to proton offsets over a large range. In the proposed sequences, the proton magnetization is cycled through two quadrants while the effective field is cycled through either two or four quadrants. The modified sequences have been named as 2(n)-SEMA where n represents the number of quadrants the effective field is cycled through. Experiments carried out on a liquid crystal and a single crystal of a model peptide demonstrate the usefulness of the modified sequences. A systematic study under various offsets and Hartmann-Hahn mismatch conditions has been carried out and the performance is compared with PISEMA under similar conditions.


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We have made concurrent measurements of ionic current and optical transmission between crossed polarisers on several nematics with positive dielectric anisotropy under the action of applied low frequency (< 1KHz) square wave voltages. When the field E is low, the measured current is linear in E and there is no electrooptic response. Beyond some value of the field (E(0)similar to 100 esu), the current becomes independent of the field (phenomenon of limiting current). Further an electrooptic signal is measured at twice the frequency of the applied voltage, which exhibits a peak as a function of the field. The width of the peak is 3 to 4 times the value of E-0, and the signal level at the peak decreases as the frequency is increased. These measurements have been made on three highly polar compounds with cyano end groups. Careful observations do not show any evidence of electrohydrodynamic instabilities in the sample. It is argued that the observations can be understood if at the onset of the phenomenon of the limiting current, a strong electric field gradient is established near one of the electrodes due to the sweeping of an ionic species with high mobility. The field gradient produces a flexoelectric deformation of the director field, which in turn gives rise to the electrooptic effect. At higher fields, the stabilising dielectric torque takes over to suppress this instability.


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Deuteron NMR studies of mixtures of nematic liquid crystals such as N-(p-ethoxybenzylidene)-p-n-butylaniline and trans-4-pentyl-4-(4-cyanophenyl)cyclohexane and the molecules dissolved therein show the coexistence of up to three different spectra at certain concentrations and temperatures. This is attributed to the coexistence of nematic and “induced” smectic phases.


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Polarizabilities and Hyperpolarizabilities of conjugated organic chains are calculated using correlated model Hamiltonians. While correlations reduce the Polarizabilities and extend the range of linear response, the Hyperpolarizabilities essentially are unaffected by the same. This explains the apparently large Hyperpolarizabilities of conjugated electronic systems.


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13C-N.M.R. spectra of benzene-hexa-n-octanoate (a discotic liquid-crystalline material) show significant differences in the isotropic, mesomorphic and solid states. The presence of four molecules per asymmetric unit is required to explain the results in the solid state.