197 resultados para Capsid Proteins


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The conformation of three linked peptide units having an internal 4 → 1 type of hydrogen bond has been studied in detail, and the low energy conformations are listed. These conformations all lead to the reversal of the chain direction, and may therefore be called as “hairpin bends” or “U-bends”. Since this bend can occur at the end of two chains hydrogen-bonded in the antiparallel β-conformation, it is also known as the “β-bend”. Two types of conformation are possible when the residues at the second and third Cα atoms are both of type L (the LL bend), while only one type is possible for the LD and the DL bend. The LL bend can also accommodate the sequences LG, GL, GG (G = glycine), while the LD bend can accommodate the sequences LG, GD and GG. The conformations for the sequences DD and DL are exact inverses (or mirror images) of those for the sequences LL and LD, respectively, and have dihedral angles (phi2, ψ2), (phi3, ψ3) of the same magnitudes, but of opposite signs as those for the former types, which are listed, along with the characteristics (length, angle and energy) of the hydrogen bonds. A comparison of the theoretical predictions with experimental data (from X-ray diffraction and NMR studies) on proteins and peptides, show reasonably good agreement. However, a systematic trend is observable in the experimental data, slightly deviating from theory, which indicates that some deformations occur in the shapes of the peptide units forming the bend, differing from that of the standard planar peptide unit.


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The rarity of occurrence of cis peptide units is only partially explained by the higher intrinsic energy of the cis over the trans form, which provides a probability of 0·01 for cis peptide units to occur. An additional factor is the conformational restriction imposed by the occurrence of a cis peptide unit in a chain of trans units. Taking a section of three peptide units having the sequences trans-trans-trans (ttt) and trans-cis-trans (tct), conformational energy calculations indicate that the latter can occur only to an extent of 0·1%, unless there occurs the sequence X-Pro, in which case it is of the order of 30%. This explains the extreme rarity of cis peptide units, in general; however, it follows that even with non-prolyl residues, cis peptide units are not forbidden, but can occur in some rare examples and should be looked for.


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Protein-protein interactions play a Crucial role in Virus assembly and stability. With the view of disrupting capsid assembly and capturing smaller oligomers, interfacial residue mutations were carried Out in the coat protein gene of Sesbania Mosaic Virus, a T=3 ss (+) RNA plant virus. A single point mutation of a Trp 170 present at the five-fold interface of the virus to a charged residue (Glu or Lys) arrested assembly of virus like particles and resulted in stable Soluble dimers of the capsid Protein. The X-ray crystal structure of one of the isolated dimer mutants - rCP Delta N65W170K was determined to a resolution of 2.65 angstrom. Detailed analysis of the dimeric mutant protein structure revealed that a number of Structural changes take place, especially in the loop and interfacial regions during the course of assembly. The isolated chiller was ``more relaxed'' than the dimer found in the T=3 or T=1 capsids. The isolated dimer does not bind Ca2+ ion and consequently four C-terminal residues are disordered. The FG loop, which interacts with RNA in the Virus, has different conformations in the isolated dimer and the intact Virus Suggesting its flexible nature and the conformational changes that accompany assembly. The isolated choler mutant was much less stable when compared to the assembled capsids, suggesting the importance of inter-subunit interactions and Ca2+ mediated interactions in the stability of the capsids. With this study, SeMV becomes the first icosahedral virus for which X-ray crystal Structures of T=3, T=1 capsids as well as a smaller oligomer of the capsid protein have been determined.


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Transition protein 1 (TP1) and TP2 replace histones during midspermiogenesis (stages 12-15) and are finally replaced by protamines. TPs play a predominant role in DNA condensation and chromatin remodeling during mammalian spermiogenesis. TP2 is a zinc metalloprotein with two novel zinc finger modules that condenses DNA in vitro in a GC-preference manner. TP2 also localizes to the nucleolus in transfected HeLa and Cos-7 cells, suggesting a GC-rich preference, even in vivo. We have now studied the localization pattern of TP2 in the rat spermatid nucleus. Colocalization studies using GC-selective DNA-binding dyes chromomycin A3 and 7-amino actinomycin D and an AT-selective dye, 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, indicate that TP2 is preferentially localized to GC-rich sequences. Interestingly, as spermatids mature, TP2 and GC-rich DNA moves toward the nuclear periphery, and in the late stages of spermatid maturation, TP2 is predominantly localized at the nuclear periphery. Another interesting observation is the mutually exclusive localization of GC- and AT-rich DNA in the elongating and elongated spermatids. A combined immunofluorescence experiment with anti-TP2 and anti-TP1 antibodies revealed several foci of overlapping localization, indicating that TP1 and TP2 may have concerted functional roles during chromatin remodeling in mammalian spermiogenesis.


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The 3prime terminal 1255nt sequence of Physalis mottle virus (PhMV) genomic RNA has been determined from a set of overlapping cDNA clones. The open reading frame (ORF) at the 3prime terminus corresponds to the amino acid sequence of the coat protein (CP) determined earlier except for the absence of the dipeptide, Lys-Leu, at position 110-111. In addition, the sequence upstream of the CP gene contains the message coding for 178 amino acid residues of the C-terminus of the putative replicase protein (RP). The sequence downstream of the CP gene contains an untranslated region whose terminal 80 nucleotides can be folded into a characteristic tRNA-like structure. A phylogenetic tree constructed after aligning separately the sequence of the CP, the replicase protein (RP) and the tRNA-like structure determined in this study with the corresponding sequences of other tymoviruses shows that PhMV wrongly named belladonna mottle virus [BDMV(I)] is a separate tymovirus and not another strain of BDMV(E) as originally envisaged. The phylogenetic tree in all the three cases is identical showing that any subset of genomic sequence of sufficient length can be used for establishing evolutionary relationships among tymoviruses.


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One of the monoclonal antibodies raised against bovine beta-lactoglobulin reacted with human serum retinol binding protein. The finding that this monoclonal antibody also reacted with the serum retinol binding proteins isolated from other animals, suggested that this epitopic conformation is conserved among these proteins. Using ELISA and various synthetic peptides of defined sequence, we show in this paper that the epitope defined by this monoclonal antibody comprises of the highly conserved core sequence of DTDY present in beta-lactoglobulin and retinol binding proteins.


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A super-secondary structural motif comprising two orthogonally oriented beta-strands connected by short linking segments of <5 residues has been identified from a data set of 65 independent protein crystal structures. Of the 42 examples from 14 proteins, a vast majority have only a single residue as the linking element. Analysis of the conformational angles at the junction reveals that the recently described type VIII beta-turn occurs frequently at the connecting hinge, while the type II beta-turn is also fairly common.


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Different purified proteins were shown to give purple formazan bands corresponding to the protein stain following electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels, in the presence of nitrobluetetrazolium (NBT) and phenazine methosulfate (PMS). Both PMS and NBT are needed for formazan production which has a favorable pH at 8.5. Sulfhydryl blockers in the incubation medium inhibited this color development to different extents. While proteins with free SH groups like bovine serum albumin, ovalbumin, and urease showed this pyridine nucleotide independent artifact, nonthiol proteins, viz., bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A, and riboflavin-binding protein from chicken egg white failed to do so. The nonenzymatic formazan formation observed with different proteins could also be shown in an in vitro assay system. It is clear that the “nothing dehydrogenase” phenomenon observed in several cases may be due to the thiol group-mediated artifactual staining of proteins.


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Plants are sessile organisms that have evolved a variety of mechanisms to maintain their cellular homeostasis under stressful environmental conditions. Survival of plants under abiotic stress conditions requires specialized group of heat shock protein machinery, belonging to Hsp70:J-protein family. These heat shock proteins are most ubiquitous types of chaperone machineries involved in diverse cellular processes including protein folding, translocation across cell membranes, and protein degradation. They play a crucial role in maintaining the protein homeostasis by reestablishing functional native conformations under environmental stress conditions, thus providing protection to the cell. J-proteins are co-chaperones of Hsp70 machine, which play a critical role by stimulating Hsp70s ATPase activity, thereby stabilizing its interaction with client proteins. Using genome-wide analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana, here we have outlined identification and systematic classification of J-protein co-chaperones which are key regulators of Hsp70s function. In comparison with Saccharomyces cerevisiae model system, a comprehensive domain structural organization, cellular localization, and functional diversity of A. thaliana J-proteins have also been summarized. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10142-009-0132-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.


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The i + 5-->i hydrogen bonded turn conformation (pi-turn) with the fifth residue adopting alpha L conformation is frequently found at the C-terminus of helices in proteins and hence is speculated to be a "helix termination signal." An analysis of the occurrence of i + 5-->i hydrogen bonded turn conformation at any general position in proteins (not specifically at the helix C-terminus), using coordinates of 228 protein crystal structures determined by X-ray crystallography to better than 2.5 A resolution is reported in this paper. Of 486 detected pi-turn conformations, 367 have the (i + 4)th residue in alpha L conformation, generally occurring at the C-terminus of alpha-helices, consistent with previous observations. However, a significant number (111) of pi-turn conformations occur with (i + 4)th residue in alpha R conformation also, generally occurring in alpha-helices as distortions either at the terminii or at the middle, a novel finding. These two sets of pi-turn conformations are referred to by the names pi alpha L and pi alpha R-turns, respectively, depending upon whether the (i + 4)th residue adopts alpha L or alpha R conformations. Four pi-turns, named pi alpha L'-turns, were noticed to be mirror images of pi alpha L-turns, and four more pi-turns, which have the (i + 4)th residue in beta conformation and denoted as pi beta-turns, occur as a part of hairpin bend connecting twisted beta-strands. Consecutive pi-turns occur, but only with pi alpha R-turns. The preference for amino acid residues is different in pi alpha L and pi alpha R-turns. However, both show a preference for Pro after the C-termini. Hydrophilic residues are preferred at positions i + 1, i + 2, and i + 3 of pi alpha L-turns, whereas positions i and i + 5 prefer hydrophobic residues. Residue i + 4 in pi alpha L-turns is mainly Gly and less often Asn. Although pi alpha R-turns generally occur as distortions in helices, their amino acid preference is different from that of helices. Poor helix formers, such as His, Tyr, and Asn, also were found to be preferred for pi alpha R-turns, whereas good helix former Ala is not preferred. pi-Turns in peptides provide a picture of the pi-turn at atomic resolution. Only nine peptide-based pi-turns are reported so far, and all of them belong to pi alpha L-turn type with an achiral residue in position i + 4. The results are of importance for structure prediction, modeling, and de novo design of proteins.


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It is known that DNA-binding proteins can slide along the DNA helix while searching for specific binding sites, but their path of motion remains obscure. Do these proteins undergo simple one-dimensional (1D) translational diffusion, or do they rotate to maintain a specific orientation with respect to the DNA helix? We measured 1D diffusion constants as a function of protein size while maintaining the DNA-protein interface. Using bootstrap analysis of single-molecule diffusion data, we compared the results to theoretical predictions for pure translational motion and rotation-coupled sliding along the DNA. The data indicate that DNA-binding proteins undergo rotation-coupled sliding along the DNA helix and can be described by a model of diffusion along the DNA helix on a rugged free-energy landscape. A similar analysis including the 1D diffusion constants of eight proteins of varying size shows that rotation-coupled sliding is a general phenomenon. The average free-energy barrier for sliding along the DNA was 1.1 +/- 0.2 k(B)T. Such small barriers facilitate rapid search for binding sites.


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Background: The members of cupin superfamily exhibit large variations in their sequences, functions, organization of domains, quaternary associations and the nature of bound metal ion, despite having a conserved beta-barrel structural scaffold. Here, an attempt has been made to understand structure-function relationships among the members of this diverse superfamily and identify the principles governing functional diversity. The cupin superfamily also contains proteins for which the structures are available through world-wide structural genomics initiatives but characterized as ``hypothetical''. We have explored the feasibility of obtaining clues to functions of such proteins by means of comparative analysis with cupins of known structure and function. Methodology/Principal Findings: A 3-D structure-based phylogenetic approach was undertaken. Interestingly, a dendrogram generated solely on the basis of structural dissimilarity measure at the level of domain folds was found to cluster functionally similar members. This clustering also reflects an independent evolution of the two domains in bicupins. Close examination of structural superposition of members across various functional clusters reveals structural variations in regions that not only form the active site pocket but are also involved in interaction with another domain in the same polypeptide or in the oligomer. Conclusions/Significance: Structure-based phylogeny of cupins can influence identification of functions of proteins of yet unknown function with cupin fold. This approach can be extended to other proteins with a common fold that show high evolutionary divergence. This approach is expected to have an influence on the function annotation in structural genomics initiatives.


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In this paper, we present numerical evidence that supports the notion of minimization in the sequence space of proteins for a target conformation. We use the conformations of the real proteins in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and present computationally efficient methods to identify the sequences with minimum energy. We use edge-weighted connectivity graph for ranking the residue sites with reduced amino acid alphabet and then use continuous optimization to obtain the energy-minimizing sequences. Our methods enable the computation of a lower bound as well as a tight upper bound for the energy of a given conformation. We validate our results by using three different inter-residue energy matrices for five proteins from protein data bank (PDB), and by comparing our energy-minimizing sequences with 80 million diverse sequences that are generated based on different considerations in each case. When we submitted some of our chosen energy-minimizing sequences to Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), we obtained some sequences from non-redundant protein sequence database that are similar to ours with an E-value of the order of 10(-7). In summary, we conclude that proteins show a trend towards minimizing energy in the sequence space but do not seem to adopt the global energy-minimizing sequence. The reason for this could be either that the existing energy matrices are not able to accurately represent the inter-residue interactions in the context of the protein environment or that Nature does not push the optimization in the sequence space, once it is able to perform the function.


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In mammals, acquisition of fertilization competence of spermatozoa is dependent on the phenomenon of sperm capacitation. One of the critical molecular events of sperm capacitation is protein tyrosine phosphorylation. In a previous study, we demonstrated that a specific epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-tyrosine kinase inhibitor, tyrphostin-A47, inhibited hamster sperm capacitation, accompanied by a reduced sperm protein tyrosine phosphorylation. Interestingly, a high percentage of tyrphostin-A47-treated spermatozoa exhibited circular motility, which was associated with a distinct hypo-tyrosine phosphorylation of flagellar proteins, predominantly of Mr 45,000-60,000. In this study, we provide evidence on the localization of capacitation-associated tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins to the nonmembranous, structural components of the sperm flagellum. Consistent with this, we show their ultrastructural localization in the outer dense fiber, axoneme, and fibrous sheath of spermatozoa. Among hypo-tyrosine phosphorylated major proteins of tyrphostin-A47-treated spermatozoa, we identified the 45 kDa protein as outer dense fiber protein-2 and the 51 kDa protein as tektin-2, components of the sperm outer dense fiber and axoneme, respectively. This study shows functional association of hypo-tyrosine-phosphorylation status of outer dense fiber protein-2 and tektin-2 with impaired flagellar bending of spermatozoa, following inhibition of EGFR-tyrosine kinase, thereby showing the critical importance of flagellar protein tyrosine phosphorylation during capacitation and hyperactivation of hamster spermatozoa.