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The role of cobalt centers in promoting the recombination and trapping processes in n-type germanium has been investigated. Data on lifetime measurements carried out by the steadystate photoconductivity and photo-magneto-electric methods in the temperature range 145 to 300°K on n-type germanium samples containing cobalt in the concentration range 1·1013 to 5.·014/cm3 are presented. The results are analysed on the basis of Sah-Shockley's multi-level formula to yield the capture cross-sections Sp= (hole capture cross-section at doubly negatively charged center) and Sn-(electron capture cross-section at singly negatively charged center) and temperature dependence. It is found that Sp= is (22 ± 6). 10-16 cm2 and Sn- is ∼ 0·1. 10-16 cm2 at 145°K. Sp= varies (n = 3·5 to 4·5) in the range 145-220°K; above 225°K the index 'n' tends to a smaller value. Sn- is practically temperature independent below 180°K and increases with increase of temperature above 180°K. The value of Sp= and its temperature variation lead one to the conclusion that during capture at attractive centers, the phonon cascade mechanism is responsible for the dissipation of the recombination energy.


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Steady laminar flow of a non-Newtonian fluid based on couple stress fluid theory, through narrow tubes of varying cross-sections has been studied theoretically. Asymptotic solutions are obtained for the basic equations and the expressions for the velocity field and the wall shear stress are derived for a general cross-section. Computation and discussions are carried out for the geometries which occur in the context of physiological flows or in particular blood flows. The tapered tubes and constricted tubes are of special importance. It is observed that increase in certain parameters results in erratic flow behaviour proximal to the constricted areas which is further enhanced by the increase in the geometric parameters. This elucidates the implications of the flow in the development of vascular lesions.


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BaTiO3 and Ba0.9Ca0.1TiO3 thin films were deposited on the p – type Si substrate by pulsed excimer laser ablation technique. The Capacitance – Voltage (C-V) measurement measured at 1 MHz exhibited a clockwise rotating hysteresis loop with a wide memory window for the Metal – Ferroelectric – Semiconductor (MFS) capacitor confirming the ferroelectric nature. The low frequency C – V measurements exhibited the response of the minority carriers in the inversion region while at 1 MHz the C – V is of a high frequency type with minimum capacitance in the inversion region. The interface states of both the MFS structures were calculated from the Castagne – Vaipaille method (High – low frequency C – V curve). Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) was used to analyze the interface traps and capture cross section present in the MFS capacitor. There were distinct peaks present in the DLTS spectrum and these peaks were attributed to the presence of the discrete interface states present at the semiconductor – ferroelectric interface. The distribution of calculated interface states were mapped with the silicon energy band gap for both the undoped and Ca doped BaTiO3 thin films using both the C – V and DLTS method. The interface states of the Ca doped BaTiO3 thin films were found to be higher than the pure BaTiO3 thin films.


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We report an experimental study of a new type of turbulent flow that is driven purely by buoyancy. The flow is due to an unstable density difference, created using brine and water, across the ends of a long (length/diameter=9) vertical pipe. The Schmidt number Sc is 670, and the Rayleigh number (Ra) based on the density gradient and diameter is about 108. Under these conditions the convection is turbulent, and the time-averaged velocity at any point is ‘zero’. The Reynolds number based on the Taylor microscale, Reλ, is about 65. The pipe is long enough for there to be an axially homogeneous region, with a linear density gradient, about 6–7 diameters long in the midlength of the pipe. In the absence of a mean flow and, therefore, mean shear, turbulence is sustained just by buoyancy. The flow can be thus considered to be an axially homogeneous turbulent natural convection driven by a constant (unstable) density gradient. We characterize the flow using flow visualization and particle image velocimetry (PIV). Measurements show that the mean velocities and the Reynolds shear stresses are zero across the cross-section; the root mean squared (r.m.s.) of the vertical velocity is larger than those of the lateral velocities (by about one and half times at the pipe axis). We identify some features of the turbulent flow using velocity correlation maps and the probability density functions of velocities and velocity differences. The flow away from the wall, affected mainly by buoyancy, consists of vertically moving fluid masses continually colliding and interacting, while the flow near the wall appears similar to that in wall-bound shear-free turbulence. The turbulence is anisotropic, with the anisotropy increasing to large values as the wall is approached. A mixing length model with the diameter of the pipe as the length scale predicts well the scalings for velocity fluctuations and the flux. This model implies that the Nusselt number would scale as Ra1/2Sc1/2, and the Reynolds number would scale as Ra1/2Sc−1/2. The velocity and the flux measurements appear to be consistent with the Ra1/2 scaling, although it must be pointed out that the Rayleigh number range was less than 10. The Schmidt number was not varied to check the Sc scaling. The fluxes and the Reynolds numbers obtained in the present configuration are much higher compared to what would be obtained in Rayleigh–Bénard (R–B) convection for similar density differences.


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We compare the high energy behaviour of hadronic photon-photon cross-sections in different models. We find that the photon-photon cross-section appears to rise faster than the purely hadronic ones (proton-proton and proton-antiproton).


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We describe a QCD motivated model for total cross-sections which uses the eikonal representation and incorporates QCD mini-jets to drive the rise with energy of the cross-section, while the impact parameter distribution is obtained through the Fourier transform of the transverse momentum distribution of soft gluons emitted in the parton-parton interactions giving rise to mini-jets in the final state. A singular but integral expression for the running coupling constant in the infrared region is part of this model.


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In this contribution, we discuss a total cross-section model which can be applied to both photon and purely hadronic processes. We find that the model can reproduce photo-production cross-sections, as well as extrapolations of gamma p processes to gamma p using vector meson dominance models, with minimal modifications from the proton case.


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We discuss expectations for the total and inelastic cross sections at LHC CM energies root s = 7 TeV and 14 TeV obtained in an eikonal minijet model augmented by soft gluon k(t)-resummation, which we describe in some detail. We present a band of predictions which encompass recent LHC data and suggest that the inelastic cross section described by two-channel eikonal models include only uncorrelated processes. We show that this interpretation of the model is supported by the LHC data.


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Temperature dependence of the energy gap and free carrier absorption in a high-quality InAs0.05Sb0.95 single crystal was studied between 90 K and 430 K through the absorption spectra. At this alloy concentration, the room-temperature energy gap was measured to be 0.15 eV. Varshni- and the Bose–Einstein-type fit parameters were obtained from the measured temperature dependence of the energy gap, and the latter gave the zero-temperature gap to be 0.214 eV. It was found that although Weider’s empirical formula for the dependence of the energy gap on temperature and the alloy concentration agrees with the value of the gap at room temperature, it is inaccurate in describing its temperature dependence. From the free carrier absorption measurements, the phonon limited cross section of 7.35×10−16 cm2 at 15 μm was deduced at room temperature.


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The commercial automotive mufflers are generally of a complicated shape with multiply connected parts and complex acoustic elements. The analysis of such complex mufflers has always been a great challenge. In this paper, an Integrated Transfer Matrix method has been developed to analyze complex mufflers. Integrated transfer matrix relates the state variables across the entire cross-section of the muffler shell, as one moves along the axis of the muffler, and can be partitioned appropriately in order to relate the state variables of different tubes constituting the cross-section. The paper presents a generalized one-dimensional (1-D) approach, using the transfer matrices of simple acoustic elements, which are available from the literature. The present approach is robust and flexible owing to its capability to construct an overall matrix of the muffler with the transfer matrices of individual acoustic elements and boundary conditions, which can then be used to evaluate the transmission loss, insertion loss, etc. Results from the present approach have been validated through comparisons with the available experimental and three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) based results. The results show good agreement with both measurements and FEM analysis up to the cut-off frequency. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We apply to total cross-sections our model for soft gluon resummation in the infrared region. The model aims to probe large distance interactions in QCD. Our ansatz for an effective coupling for gluons and quarks in the infrared region follows an inverse power law which is singular but integrable. In the context of an eikonal formalism with QCD mini-jets, we study total hadronic cross-sections for protons, pions, photons. We estimate the total inelastic cross-section at LHC comparing with recent measurements and update previous results for survival probability.


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Nature has evolved a beautiful design for small-scale vibratory rategyro in the form of dipteran halteres that detect body rotations via Coriolis acceleration. In most Diptera, including soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, halteres are a pair of special organs, located in the space between the thorax and the abdomen. The halteres along with their connecting joint with the fly's body constitute a mechanism that is used for muscle-actuated oscillations of the halteres along the actuation direction. These oscillations lead to bending vibrations in the sensing direction (out of the haltere's actuation plane) upon any impressed rotation due to the resulting Coriolis force. This induced vibration is sensed by the sensory organs at the base of the haltere in order to determine the rate of rotation. In this study, we evaluate the boundary conditions and the stiffness of the anesthetized halteres along the actuation and the sensing direction. We take several cross-sectional SEM (scanning electron microscope) images of the soldier fly haltere and construct its three dimensional model to get the mass properties. Based on these measurements, we estimate the natural frequency along both actuation and sensing directions, propose a finite element model of the haltere's joint mechanism, and discuss the significance of the haltere's asymmetric cross-section. The estimated natural frequency along the actuation direction is within the range of the haltere's flapping frequency. However, the natural frequency along the sensing direction is roughly double the haltere's flapping frequency that provides a large bandwidth for sensing the rate of rotation to the soldier flies.


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An asymptotically-exact methodology is presented for obtaining the cross-sectional stiffness matrix of a pre-twisted moderately-thick beam having rectangular cross sections and made of transversely isotropic materials. The anisotropic beam is modeled from 3-D elasticity, without any further assumptions. The beam is allowed to have large displacements and rotations, but small strain is assumed. The strain energy of the beam is computed making use of the constitutive law and the kinematical relations derived with the inclusion of geometrical nonlinearities and initial twist. Large displacements and rotations are allowed, but small strain is assumed. The Variational Asymptotic Method is used to minimize the energy functional, thereby reducing the cross section to a point on the reference line with appropriate properties, yielding a 1-D constitutive law. In this method as applied herein, the 2-D cross-sectional analysis is performed asymptotically by taking advantage of a material small parameter and two geometric small parameters. 3-D strain components are derived using kinematics and arranged as orders of the small parameters. Warping functions are obtained by the minimization of strain energy subject to certain set of constraints that renders the 1-D strain measures well-defined. Closed-form expressions are derived for the 3-D non-linear warping and stress fields. The model is capable of predicting interlaminar and transverse shear stresses accurately up to first order.


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During the transition from single crystalline to polycrystalline behavior, the available data show the strength increasing or decreasing as the number of grains in a cross section is reduced. Tensile experiments were conducted on polycrystalline Ni with grain sizes (d) between 16 and 140 mu m and varying specimen thickness (t), covering a range of lambda (-t/d) between similar to 0.5 and 20. With a decrease in lambda, the data revealed a consistent trend of strength being independent of lambda at large lambda, an increase in strength, and then a decrease in strength. Microstructural studies revealed that lower constraints enabled easier rotation of the surface grains and texture evolution, independent of the specimen thickness. In specimen interiors, there was a greater ease of rotation in thinner samples. Measurements of misorientation deviations within grains revealed important differences in the specimen interiors. A simple model is developed taking into account the additional geometrically necessary dislocations due to variations in the behavior of surface and interior grains, leading to additional strengthening. A suitable combination of this strengthening and surface weakening can give rise to wide range of possibilities with a decrease in lambda, including weakening, strengthening, and strengthening and weakening.


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Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) using near-infrared light is a promising tool for non-invasive imaging of deep tissue. This technique is capable of quantitative reconstruction of absorption (mu(a)) and scattering coefficient (mu(s)) inhomogeneities in the tissue. The rationale for reconstructing the optical property map is that the absorption coefficient variation provides diagnostic information about metabolic and disease states of the tissue. The aim of DOT is to reconstruct the internal tissue cross section with good spatial resolution and contrast from noisy measurements non-invasively. We develop a region-of-interest scanning system based on DOT principles. Modulated light is injected into the phantom/tissue through one of the four light emitting diode sources. The light traversing through the tissue gets partially absorbed and scattered multiple times. The intensity and phase of the exiting light are measured using a set of photodetectors. The light transport through a tissue is diffusive in nature and is modeled using radiative transfer equation. However, a simplified model based on diffusion equation (DE) can be used if the system satisfies following conditions: (a) the optical parameter of the inhomogeneity is close to the optical property of the background, and (b) mu(s) of the medium is much greater than mu(a) (mu(s) >> mu(a)). The light transport through a highly scattering tissue satisfies both of these conditions. A discrete version of DE based on finite element method is used for solving the inverse problem. The depth of probing light inside the tissue depends on the wavelength of light, absorption, and scattering coefficients of the medium and the separation between the source and detector locations. Extensive simulation studies have been carried out and the results are validated using two sets of experimental measurements. The utility of the system can be further improved by using multiple wavelength light sources. In such a scheme, the spectroscopic variation of absorption coefficient in the tissue can be used to arrive at the oxygenation changes in the tissue. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.