256 resultados para Bonding structure


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Five new thiosulfate based inorganic-organic hybrid open-framework compounds have been synthesized employing mild reaction conditions. Of the five compounds, [Na-2(H2O)(8)][Cd(C10H8N2)( S2O3)(2)]center dot 2H(2)O, I and [Cd-2(C10H8N2)(2)(HS2O3)(2)(S2O3)(2)][(C10H9N2)(2)(C10H8N2)(2)]center dot 8H(2)O, II have one-dimensional (1D) structures and [Cd(C10H8N2)(H2O)(2)(S2O3)]center dot 2H(2)O, III, [Cd-2(C10H8N2)(3)(S2O3)(2)], IV and [Cd-2(C10H8N2)(2.5)(S2O3)(2)], V have three- dimensional (3D) structures. The 1D structures are somewhat related, formed by the bonding between tetrahedral Cd centers (CdN2S2) and 4,4'-bipyridine (bpy) units. The inter-chain spaces are occupied by the hanging thiosulfate units in both the cases along with Na(H2O)(6) chains in I and free bpy units in II. The three 3D structures have one-dimensional cadmium thiosulfate chains linked by bpy units. Interpenetration has been observed in all the 3D structures. The 3D structures appear to be related and can be derived from fgs net. Transformation studies on the 1D compound, [Na-2(H2O)(8)][Cd(C10H8N2)(S2O3)(2)]center dot 2H(2)O, I, indicated a facile formation of [Cd(C10H8N2)(H2O)(2)(S2O3)]center dot 2H(2)O, III. Prolonged heating of I gave rise to a 3D cadmium sulfate phase, [Cd-2(C10H8N2)(2)(H2O)(3)(SO4)(2)]center dot 2H(2)O, VI. Compound VI has one-dimensional cadmium sulfate chains formed by six-membered rings connected by bpy units to form a 3D structure, which appears to resemble the topological arrangement of III. Transformation studies of III indicates the formation of IV and V, and at a higher temperature a new 3D cadmium sulfate, [Cd(C10H8N2)(SO4)], VII. Compound VII has a 4 x 4 grid cadmium sulfate layers pillared by bpy units. All the compounds were characterized by PXRD, TGA, IR and UV-visible studies. Preliminary studies on the possible use of the 3D compounds (III-VII) in heterogeneous cyanosilylation of imines appear to be promising.


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The formal charge distributions in and the dipole moments of some organophosphines and arsines have been calculated, and the dipole moments of (p-chlorophenyl)dichlorophosphine (2.28 D) and (p-bromophenyl)dichlorophosphine (2.04 D) have been determined in benzene at 35° C. The differences between the observed and the calculated moments are explained in terms of dπ---pπ back-bonding and hyperconjugative effects in alkylhaloarsines. The mesomeric effects operating in the aromatic systems are evaluated by comparing the moments with those for the corresponding aliphatic systems. In unsaturated compounds the differences are attributed to mesomeric effects involving the expansion of arsenic valence shell.


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ingle tract guanine residues can associate to form stable parallel quadruplex structures in the presence of certain cations. Nanosecond scale molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on fully solvated fibre model of parallel d(G(7)) quadruplex structures with Na+ or K+ ions coordinated in the cavity formed by the O6 atoms of the guanine bases. The AMBER 4.1 force field and Particle Mesh Ewald technique for electrostatic interactions have been used in all simulations. There quadruplex structures are stable during the simulation, with the middle four base tetrads showing root mean square deviation values between 0.5 to 0.8 Angstrom from the initial structure as well the high resolution crystal structure. Even in the absence of any coordinated ion in the initial structure, the G-quadruplex structure remains intact throughout the simulation. During the 1.1 ns MD simulation, one Nai counter ion from the solvent as well as several water molecules enter the central cavity to occupy the empty coordination sites within the parallel quadruplex and help stabilize the structure. Hydrogen bonding pattern depends on the nature of the coordinated ion, with the G-tetrad undergoing local structural variation to accommodate cations of different sizes. in the absence of any coordinated ion. due to strong mutual repulsion, O6 atoms within G-tetrad are forced farther apart from each other, which leads to a considerably different hydrogen bonding scheme within the G-tetrads and very favourable interaction energy between the guanine bases constituting a G-tetrad. However, a coordinated ion between G-tetrads provides extra stacking energy for the G-tetrads and makes the quadruplex structure more rigid. Na+ ions, within the quadruplex cavity, are more mobile than coordinated K+ ions. A number of hydrogen bonded water molecules are observed within the grooves of all quadruplex structures.


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(1S,4R,5R,8S, IOR,12S)-4-Hydroxy-15,16-epoxycleroda-2,13 (16), 14-trieno- 17,12:18,1-biscarbolactone,C20H2206, Mr = 358.2, m.p. = 453-454 K,orthorhombic, P212121, a = 7.3869 (6), b = 11.986 (1),c=19.896(2) A, V=1761.65A 3, Z=4, D x=1.351, Din(by flotation)= 1.349gem -3, 2(CuKa)=1.5418 A, /l = 8.36 cm -1, F(000) = 760, T= 295 K,R = 0.0432 for 1662 observed reflections. Two terpenerings, two ~-lactones, two methyl groups, a tertiary hydroxyl group and a fl-substituted furan ring are present in the structure. The H atoms at C(12) and C(8) are a- and fl-oriented. The terpene ring A is locked into a boat conformation by the C(1)-C(4) lactone bridge. The furan ring is attached equatoriaUy at atom C(12). The hydroxyl group is involved in intramolecular hydrogen bonding.


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The light green coloured complexes of general formula [(ReO)-O-V(L)CI(OH2)]Cl have been synthesised in good yields by reacting [RcvOCl(3)(AsPh3)21 with HL in dichloromethane in dinitrogen atmosphere. Here, L- is the deprotonated form of N',N'-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amine (HL1); N-(2-pyridylmethyl)-N',N'-dimethylethylenediamine (HL2) and N-(2-pyridylmethyl)-N',N-diethylethylenediamine (HL3). Single crystal X-ray structure determination of [(ReO)-O-V(L-1)Cl(OH2)Cl confirms the amido binding of ReO3+ species. In the solid state of [(ReO)-O-V(L-1)Cl(OH2)]Cl, the coordinated and counter chloride ions are engaged in Re-Cl... H-C(ring), Cl...H-C(ring) and Re(OH2)...Cl hydrogen bonding and forming of a supramolecular network in the solid state. The subunit of the supramolecular network consists of one eight-membered and two nine-membered hydrogen bonded rings. The average diameters of eight-membered and nine-membered rings are similar to 3.70 and similar to 5.26 angstrom, respectively.


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The crystal structure of a hexamer duplex d(CACGTG)(2) has been determined and refined to an R-factor of 18.3% using X-ray data up to 1.2 angstrom resolution. The sequence crystallizes as a left-handed Z-form double helix with Watson-Crick base pairing. There is one hexamer duplex, a spermine molecule, 71 water molecules, and an unexpected diamine (Z-5, 1,3-propanediamine, C3H10N2)) in the asymmetric unit. This is the high-resolution non-disordered structure of a Z-DNA hexamer containing two AT base pairs in the interior of a duplex with no modifications such as bromination or methylation on cytosine bases. This structure does not possess multivalent cations such as cobalt hexaammine that are known to stabilize Z-DNA. The overall duplex structure and its crystal interactions are similar to those of the pure-spermine form of the d(CGCGCG)(2) structure. The spine of hydration in the minor groove is intact except in the vicinity of the T5A8 base pair. The binding of the Z-5 molecule in the minor grove of the d(CACGTG)(2) duplex appears to have a profound effect in conferring stability to a Z-DNA conformation via electrostatic complementarity and hydrogen bonding interactions. The successive base stacking geometry in d(CACGTG)(2) is similar to the corresponding steps in d(CG)(3). These results suggest that specific polyamines such as Z-5 could serve as powerful inducers of Z-type conformation in unmodified DNA sequences with AT base pairs. This structure provides a molecular basis for stabilizing AT base pairs incorporated into an alternating d(CG) sequence.


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Bulk As-Te-Tl glasses belonging to the As30Te70-xTlx (4 <= x <= 22) and As40Te60-xTlx (5 <= x <= 20) composition tie lines are studied for their I-V characteristics. Unlike other As-Te-III glasses such as As-Te-Al and As-Te-In, which exhibit threshold behavior, the present samples show memory switching. The composition dependence of switching voltages (V-t) of As-Te-Tl glasses is also different from that of As-Te-Al and As-Te-In glasses, and it is found that V-t decreases with the addition of Tl. Both the type of switching exhibited by As-Te-Tl glasses and the composition dependence of V-t, seems to be intimately connected with the nature of bonding of Tl atoms and the resultant structural network. Furthermore, the temperature and thickness dependence of switching voltages of As-Te-Tl glasses suggest an electro thermal mechanism for switching in these samples.


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CI3H17N5Os.C2H6OS, Mr=401.23, orthorhombic,P21212 p grown from Me2SO, a = 10.749 (2),b = 13.219 (2), c = 14.056 (2) A, V= 1997-23 A 3, Z =4, D_=1.40, D x=l.335Mgm -3, 2(CuKa)= 1.5418/~', g = 1.694 mm -~, F(000) = 848.00, T=293K, R =0.0538, wR =0.0634 for 2105 unique reflections with F > 3o(F). The asymmetric unit contains one nucleoside molecule with a disordered solvent Me2S_O molecule. The geometry about the C(4')-C(5') bond is gauche-gauche. The guanosine base is in the anti conformation with the furanose ring having C(3')-exo (E 3) puckering. The bases do not show any stacking in contrast to other guanosine-containing structures. The crystal structure is stabilized by N--H...N and N--H...O hydrogen bonding.


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C~HaO 4, Mr=204.2, monoclinic, P2Jn,a=3.900(1), =37.530(6), c=6.460(1)A, fl=103.7 (1) °, V= 918.5 (5) A 3, Z = 4, D m = 1.443, D x --- 1.476 Mg m -3, Cu Ks, 2 = 1.5418 ,/k, /t = 0.86 mm -~, F(000) = 424, T= 293 K, R = 0.075 for 1019 significant reflections. Molecules pack in fl-type stacking mode which is characterized by the close packing of parallel and nearly planar reactive double bonds with a separation of 3.900/~ along the a axis.The syn head-head dimer obtained is the direct consequence of this packing arrangement. Molecular packing is stabilized by intermolecular C-H...O hydrogen bonding. Analysis of acetoxy...acetoxy interactions in the acetoxy compounds retrieved from the Cambridge Structural Database reveal that the majority of them are anti-dipolar.


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C15H22N204.H20 , Mr= 312.37, monoclinic,P21, a=5.577(2), b=8.686(2), c= 16.228 (2) A,fl=92.63(2) ° , V=785(1)A 3, Z=2, O =1.34,Dx= 1.32Mgm -3, CuKa, 2= 1.54184'~, /2=0.78 mm -I, F(000) = 320, T= 293 K. The final R value for 1607 observed reflections ll,,>_3tr(l,,)l is 0.039. The terminal N 1 is protonated and the dipeptide exists as a zwitterion. The crystal structure is stabilized by extensive hydrogen-bonding interactions involving N and O atoms, with N...O in the range 2.65 (1)-2.95 (1) ,/~ and O...O in the range 2.60 (1)-2.78 (1) A.


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C~0H~gN5Os.2H20, Mr=325.32, monoclinic,P2~, a = 12.029 (2), b=4.904 (2), c=13.215 (2) A, fl= 107.68 (2) ° , F= 743 (1) A 3, Z= 2,D m = 1-45, D x = 1.45 Mg m -3, Cu Ka, 2 = 1.54184 A,fl= 1.01mm -1, F(000)=348, T=293K. The final R value for 1277 observed reflections 110 >_ 3tr(Io)l is 0.031. The dipeptide exists as a zwitterion. The arginyl side-chain conformation is similar to that found in arginyl-glutamic acid [Pandit, Seshadri & Viswamitra (1983). Acta Cryst. C39, 1669-16721. The guanidyl group forms a pair of hydrogen bonds with oxygen atoms of the backbone carboxyl group. The crystal structure is also stabilized by -bonding interactions involving both water molecules.


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CsH9N304, M r= 175.1, orthorhombic,P212~2 ~, a = 7.486 (1), b = 9.919 (2), c =20.279 (2) A, V= 1505.8 A 3, z = 8, D x = 1.54, D m = 1.60 Mg m -3, ~,(Cu Ka) = 1.5418 A, g = 1. I I mm -~, F(000) = 736, T = 300 K, final R = 0.032 for 1345 observed reflections. The two independent molecules in the asymmetric unit are related by a pseudo twofold axis, with the asparagine side chains having different conformations [X 2 being -132.1 (3) and 139.6 (2)°]. The crystal structure is stabilized by extensive hydrogen bonding, with a specific interaction between the carboxyl group of one molecule and the carbamoyl group of another forming hydrogen-bonded chains.


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Sym-homospermidine, [formula; see text] is a naturally occurring rare-polyamine found in relatively large concentration in sandal leaves. As part of our studies on structure and interactions of polyamines, ym-homospermidine was purified from sandal leaves and its structure was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction technique. The phosphate salt of the molecule crystallized in the triclinic space group P1- with a = 8.246(1)A, b = 8.775(1)A, c = 15.531(2)A, alpha = 74.20(1) degrees, beta = 88.36(1) degrees and gamma = 65.41(1) degrees. The structure was determined by direct methods and refined to a final R factor of 5.4% for 2087 reflections with magnitude of F(obs) greater than 5 sigma [F(obs)]. The amine exists in its most favourable all trans conformation. For each amine molecule three phosphate groups exist in the crystal structure, suggesting that two of the oxygens of each phosphate group are protonated. There is also a single water molecule in the asymmetric unit in contrast to that of spermidine phosphate which has 3 water molecules. These differences probably reflect the hydrogen bonding properties of mono-ionic and di-ionic phosphate groups. The structure is predominantly stabilized by a network of hydrogen bonds.


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Polyamines are some of the most important and ubiquitous small molecules that modulate several functions of plant, animal and bacterial cells. Despite the simplicity of their chemical structure, their specific interactions with other biomolecules cannot be explained solely on the basis of their electrostatic properties. To evolve a structural understanding on the specificity of these interactions it is necessary to determine the structure of complexes of polyamines with other, representative biomolecules. This paper reports the structure of the 1:2 complex of hexanediamine and L-glutamic acid. The complex crystallizes in the monoclonic space group P2(1) with a = 5.171(1) angstrom, b = 22.044(2) angstrom, c = 10.181(2) angstrom and beta = 104.51(1)-degrees. The structure was refined to an R factor of 6.6%. The structures of these complexes not only suggest the importance of hydrogen-bonding interactions of polyamines but also provide some insight into other complementary interactions probably important for the specificity of biomolecular interactions.


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Complexes of the formulae [(-Cp)Ru(PPh3)(2-PPH)]Cl and [(Cp)Ru(PPh3) (py)(1-PPH)]Cl were prepared by reacting pyridyl-2-phenylhydrazone [PPH, C5H4N-2-CH=NNHPh] with (-Cp)Ru(PPh3)2Cl and (-Cp)Ru(PPh3)(py)Cl, respectively. In these complexes the PPH ligand displays bidentate chelating and unidentate modes of bonding. The molecular structure of [(-Cp)Ru(PPh3)(2-PPH)](ClO4)·CH2Cl2 was determined by X-ray crystallography. In this complex the metal is bonded to the N-pyridyl and N-imine atoms of the chelating ligand. 1H NMR spectral data suggests that PPH is bonded to ruthenium through the pyridine moiety of the PPH ligand in [(η-Cp)Ru(PPh3)(py)(η1-PPH)]Cl.