155 resultados para Biochemical and molecularcharacterization


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Nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) studies of the symmetrical cystine peptides (Formula: see text) (n = 1-3) in dimethylsulfoxide, have resulted in the simultaneous observation of both positive and negative NOEs. Positive NOEs are observed on the Trp C2H and C4H protons of the indole ring upon irradiation of Trp C alpha H and C beta H2 resonances in the peptides where n = 1 and 2. Negative NOEs are observed between backbone NH and C alpha H protons. The magnitudes of the observed NOEs are sensitive to changes in molecular size and solvent viscosity. The results demonstrate that NOEs may be a useful probe of sidechain segmental motion in oligopeptides.


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Escherichia coil encodes two aminopeptidases belonging to the M17 family: Peptidase A (PepA) and Peptidase B (PepB). To gain insights into their substrate specificities, PepA or PepB were overexpressed in Delta pepN, which shows greatly reduced activity against the majority of amino acid substrates. Overexpression of PepA or PepB increases catalytic activity of several aminopeptidase substrates and partially rescues growth of Delta pepN during nutritional downshift and hightemperature stress. Purified PepA and PepB display broad substratespecificity and Leu, Lys, Met and Gly are preferred substrates. However, distinct differences are observed between these two paralogs: PepA is more stable at high temperature whereas PepB displays broader substrate specificity as it cleaves Asp and insulin B chain peptide. Importantly, this strategy, i.e. overexpression of peptidases in Delta pepN and screening a panel of substrates for cleavage, can be used to rapidly identify peptidases with novel substrate specificities encoded in genomes of different organisms. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Deamidation of nicotinamide was first demonstrated in lactic acid bacteria by Hughes and Williamson (1953). Rajagopalan et al. (1958) were the first to report the presence of this enzyme nicotinamide deamidase in vertebrates. Among the vertebrates studied, the enzyme activity was exhibited only by the avian species. The present communication deals with, 1) a detailed survey of distribution of nicotinamide deamidases in avain species, and 2) for the first time, deamidation of nicotinamide at nucleotide level by mouse liver. Further, a possible biological role for deamidases was suggested. Experimental details were similar to that reported by Rajagopalan et al. (1959).


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There was no difference in the incorporation of S-35 label into proteins of T4 and amber B17 phage grown on Escherichia coli B. The head protein peak was absent in the polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic profile of the S-35 labeled proteins of amber B17 grown on non-permissive host, E.coli B. However, an increase of 15–70% in the synthesis of other phage proteins of amber B17 over that of T4 phage was observed. The lysozyme activity increased by two fold in amber B17 in comparison with that of T4 phage grown on E.coli B. These results imply that in the absence of head protein synthesis by amber mutant there was an increase in the synthesis of other phage proteins.


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Antibodies raised against deoxyadenylate and deoxycytidylate were found to react with double stranded DNA as assessed by highly sensitive avidin-biotin microELISA. The binding was specific as it was completely inhibited by the homologous hapten. The antibodies did not react with tRNA and rRNA. These antibodies were also shown to react with supercoiled and relaxed forms of pBR322 DNA as demonstrated by gel retardation assay. ssDNA, single-stranded DNA; dsDNA, double-stranded DNA; CT DNA, calf thymus DNA; AB microELISA, avidin-biotin microELISA; dpA, deoxyadenylate; dpC, deoxycytidylate; avidin-HRP, avidin-horseradish peroxidase


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4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid 3-hydroxylase is a key enzyme in the pathway for the microbial degradation of phenylalanine, tyrosine and many aromatic amines. This enzyme was purified to homogeneity from Image by affinity chromatography. The protein had a molecular weight of 91,000 and was a dimer of identical subunits. It was a typical external flavoprotein monooxygenase and showed an absolute requirement of NADH for activity. The enzyme had a pH optimum of 7.5 and the Km values for 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid and NADH were 2×10−4 M and 5.9×10−5 M respectively. It was strongly inhibited by heavy metal ions and thiol reagents, suggesting the possible involvement of -SH group(s) in enzyme reaction.


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Several lines of evidence suggest that cancer progression is associated with up-regulation or reactivation of telomerase and the underlying mechanism remains an active area of research. The heterotrimeric MRN complex, consisting of Mre11, Rad50 and Nbs1, which is required for the repair of double-strand breaks, plays a key role in telomere length maintenance. In this study, we show significant differences in the levels of expression of MRN complex subunits among various cancer cells and somatic cells. Notably, siRNA-mediated depletion of any of the subunits of MRN complex led to complete ablation of other subunits of the complex. Treatment of leukemia and prostate cancer cells with etoposide lead to increased expression of MRN complex subunits, with concomitant decrease in the levels of telomerase activity, compared to breast cancer cells. These studies raise the possibility of developing anti-cancer drugs targeting MRN complex subunits to sensitize a subset of cancer cells to radio- and/or chemotherapy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A simple three step procedure was used to purify microsomal NADH-cytochrome b5 (ferricyanide) reductase to homogeneity from the higher plant C. roseus. The microsomal bound reductase was solubilized using zwitterionic detergent-CHAPS. The solubilized reductase was subjected to affinity chromatography on octylamino Sepharose 4B, blue 2-Sepharose CL-6B and NAD+-Agarose. The homogeneous enzyme has an apparent molecular weight of 33,000 as estimated by SDS-PAGE. The purified enzyme catalyzes the reduction of purified cytochrome b5 from C. roseus in the presence of NADH. The reductase also readily transfers electrons from NADH to ferricyanide (Km 56 μM), 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (Km 65 μM) and cytochrome Image via cytochrome b5 but not to menadione.


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Two vitellins, VtA and VtB, were purified from the eggs of Dysdercus koenigii by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. VtA and VtB have molecular weights of 290 and 260 kDa, respectively. Both Vts are glycolipoproteinaceous in nature. VtA is composed of three polypeptides of M-r 116, 92 and 62 kDa while VtB contained an additional subunit of M-r 40 kDa. All subunits except the 116-kDa subunit are glycolipopolypeptides. Polyclonal antibody raised against VtA (anti-VtA antibody) cross-reacted with VtB and also with vitellogenic haemolymph and ovaries and pre-vitellogenic fat bodies, but not with haemolymph from either adult male, fifth instar female, or pre-vitellogenic females demonstrating sex and stage specificity of the Vts. Immunoblots in the presence of anti-VtA revealed two proteins (of 290 and 260 kDa) in both vitellogenic haemolymph and pre-vitellogenic fat bodies that are recognised as D. koenigii Vgs. In newly emerged females, Vgs appeared on day 1 in fat bodies and on day 3 in haemolymph and ovaries. Vg concentration was maximum on day 2 in fat body, day 4 in haemolymph and day 7 in ovary. Although the biochemical and temporal characteristics of these proteins show similarity to some hemipterans, they are strikingly dissimilar with those of a very closely related species. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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A vast amount of literature has accumulated on the characterization of DNA methyltransferases. The HhaI DNA methyltransferase, a C5-cytosine methyltransferase, has been the subject of investigation for the last 2 decades. Biochemical and kinetic characterization have led to an understanding of the catalytic and kinetic mechanism of the methyltransfer reaction. The HhaI methyltransferase has also been subjected to extensive structural analysis, with the availability of 12 structures with or without a cofactor and a variety of DNA substrates. The mechanism of base flipping, first described for the HhaI methyltransferase, is conserved among all DNA methyltransferases and is also found to occur in numerous DNA repair enzymes. Studies with other methyltransferase reveal a significant structural and functional similarity among different types of methyltransferases. This review aims to summarize the available information on the HhaI DNA methyltransferase.


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Diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase gene from Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium was cloned and the overexpressed enzymes were purified to homogeneity. The k(cat) Values, determined for the recombinant enzymes with DL-DAP, D-serine, and L-serine as substrates, showed that the enzyme from S. typhimurium was more active than that from E coli and the K-m values were found to be similar. The purified enzymes had an absorption maximum (lambda(max)) at 412 nm, typical of PLP dependent enzymes. A red shift in lambda(max) was observed immediately after the addition Of 10 MM DL-DAP, which returned to the original lambda(max) of 412 nm in about 4 min. This red shift might reflect the formation of an external aldimine and/or other transient intermediates of the reaction. The apoenzyme of E coli and S. typhimurium prepared by treatment With L-cysteine could be partially (60%) reconstituted by the addition of PLP. The holo, apo, and the reconstituted enzymes were shown to be present as homo dimers by size exclusion chromatography. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an extremely well adapted intracellular human pathogen that is exposed to multiple DNA damaging chemical assaults originating from the host defence mechanisms. As a consequence, this bacterium is thought to possess highly efficient DNA repair machineries, the nucleotide excision repair (NER) system amongst these. Although NER is of central importance to DNA repair in M. tuberculosis, our understanding of the processes in this species is limited. The conserved UvrABC endonuclease represents the multi-enzymatic core in bacterial NER, where the UvrA ATPase provides the DNA lesion-sensing function. The herein reported genetic analysis demonstrates that M. tuberculosis UvrA is important for the repair of nitrosative and oxidative DNA damage. Moreover, our biochemical and structural characterization of recombinant M. tuberculosis UvrA contributes new insights into its mechanism of action. In particular, the structural investigation reveals an unprecedented conformation of the UvrB-binding domain that we propose to be of functional relevance. Taken together, our data suggest UvrA as a potential target for the development of novel anti-tubercular agents and provide a biochemical framework for the identification of small-molecule inhibitors interfering with the NER activity in M. tuberculosis.


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Single chain fragment variables (ScFvs) have been extensively employed in studying the protein-protein interactions. ScFvs derived from phage display libraries have an additional advantage of being generated against a native antigen, circumventing loss of information on conformational epitopes. In the present study, an attempt has been made to elucidate human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor interactions by using a neutral and two inhibitory ScFvs against hCG. The objective was to dock a computationally derived model of these ScFvs onto the crystal structure of hCG and understand the differential roles of the mapped epitopes in hCG-LH receptor interactions. An anti-hCG ScFv, whose epitope was mapped previously using biochemical tools, served as the positive control for assessing the quality of docking analysis. To evaluate the role of specific side chains at the hCG-ScFv interface, binding free energy as well as residue interaction energies of complexes in solution were calculated using molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann/surface area method after performing the molecular dynamic simulations on the selected hCG-ScFv models and validated using biochemical and SPR analysis. The robustness of these calculations was demonstrated by comparing the theoretically determined binding energies with the experimentally obtained kinetic parameters for hCG-ScFv complexes. Superimposition of hCG-ScFv model onto a model of hCG complexed with the 51-266 residues of LH receptor revealed importance of the residues previously thought to be unimportant for hormone binding and response. This analysis provides an alternate tool for understanding the structure-function analysis of ligand-receptor interactions. Proteins 2011;79:3108-3122. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CPKs) constitute a unique family of kinases involved in many physiological responses in plants. Biochemical and kinetic properties of a recombinant Swainsona canescens calcium-dependent protein kinase (ScCPK1) were examined in this study. The optimum pH and temperature for activity were pH 7.5 and 37 degrees C, respectively. Substrate phosphorylation activity of ScCPK1 was calmodulin (CaM) independent. Yet CaM antagonists, W7 N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene sulphonamide] and calmidazolium inhibited the activity with IC50 values of 750 nM and 350 pM, respectively. Both serine and threonine residues were found to be phosphorylated in auto-phosphorylated ScCPK1 and in histone III-S phosphorylated by ScCPK1. The Ca2+] for half maximal activity (K-0.5) was found to be 0.4 mu M for ScCPK1 with histone III-S as substrate. Kinetic analysis showed that Km of ScCPK1 for histone III-S was 4.8 mu M. These data suggest that ScCPK1 is a functional Ser/Thr kinase, regulated by calcium, and may have a role in Ca2+-mediated signaling in S. canescens. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.