69 resultados para Bacterias gram-negativas


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Novel molecular matrices have been derived from coumarin-4-acetic acids and beta-phenylethylamines using the Bischler-Napieralski protocol which has led to the synthesis of analogues of tetrahydropapaverine in which the dimethoxybenzene moiety has been replaced by substituted coumarins. One carbon homologation has led to cyclization at the C3 position of coumarin generating the protoberberine skeleton. Structures have been confirmed by diffraction studies. The results showed that compounds 6e, 6f, 7e and 7f were found to be very effective against DNA samples of Gram positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus and fungus Aspergillus niger. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Objective : The main objective of this work was to study the antipyretic and antibacterial activity of C. erectus (Buch.-Ham.) Verdcourt leaf extract in an experimental albino rat model. Materials and Methods : The methanol extract of C. erectus leaf (MECEL) was evaluated for its antipyretic potential on normal body temperature and Brewers yeast-induced pyrexia in albino rats model. While the antibacterial activity of MECEL against five Gram (-) and three Gram () bacterial strains and antimycotic activity was investigated against four fungi using agar disk diffusion and microdilution methods. Result : Yeast suspension (10 mL/kg b.w.) elevated rectal temperature after 19 h of subcutaneous injection. Oral administration of MECEL at 100 and 200 mg/kg b.w. showed significant reduction of normal rectal body temperature and yeast-provoked elevated temperature (38.8 0.2 and 37.6 0.4, respectively, at 2-3 h) in a dose-dependent manner, and the effect was comparable to that of the standard antipyretic drug-paracetamol (150 mg/kg b.w.). MECEL at 2 mg/disk showed broad spectrum of growth inhibition activity against both groups of bacteria. However, MECEL was not effective against the yeast strains tested in this study. Conclusion : This study revealed that the methanol extract of C. erectus exhibited significant antipyretic activity in the tested models and antibacterial activity as well, and may provide the scientific rationale for its popular use as antipyretic agent in Khamptiss folk medicines.


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Salmonella, a Gram-negative facultative intracellular pathogen is capable of infecting vast array of hosts. The striking ability of Salmonella to overcome every hurdle encountered in the host proves that they are true survivors. In the host, Salmonella infects various cell types and needs to survive and replicate by countering the defense mechanism of the specific cell. In this review, we will summarize the recent insights into the cell biology of Salmonella infection. Here, we will focus on the findings that deal with the specific mechanism of various cell types to control Salmonella infection. Further, the survival strategies of the pathogen in response to the host immunity will also be discussed in detail. Better understanding of the mechanisms by which Salmonella evade the host defense system and establish pathogenesis will be critical in disease management. (C) 2010 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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2-Methylcitric acid (2-MCA) cycle is one of the well studied pathways for the utilization of propionate as a source of carbon and energy in bacteria such as Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli. 2-Methylcitrate synthase (2-MCS) catalyzes the conversion of oxaloacetate and propionyl-CoA to 2-methylcitrate and CoA in the second step of 2-MCA cycle. Here, we report the X-ray crystal structure of S. typhimurium 2-MCS (StPrpC) at 2.4 A resolution and its functional characterization. StPrpC was found to utilize propionyl-CoA more efficiently than acetyl-CoA or butyryl-CoA. The polypeptide fold and the catalytic residues of StPrpC are conserved in citrate synthases (CSs) suggesting similarities in their functional mechanisms. In the triclinic P1 cell, StPrpC molecules were organized as decamers composed of five identical dimer units. In solution, StPrpC was in a dimeric form at low concentrations and was converted to larger oligomers at higher concentrations. CSs are usually dimeric proteins. In Gram-negative bacteria, a hexameric form, believed to be important for regulation of activity by NADH, is also observed. Structural comparisons with hexameric E. coil CS suggested that the key residues involved in NADH binding are not conserved in StPrpC. Structural comparison with the ligand free and bound states of CSs showed that StPrpC is in a nearly closed conformation despite the absence of bound ligands. It was found that the Tyr197 and Leu324 of StPrpC are structurally equivalent to the ligand binding residues His and Val, respectively, of CSs. These substitutions might determine the specificities for acyl-CoAs of these enzymes. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Nonliving waste biomass consisting of Aspergillus niger attached to wheat bran was used as a biosorbent for the removal of copper and zinc from aqueous solutions. Copper and zinc uptake by the biomass obeyed Langmuir isotherms. The binding capacity of the biomass for copper was found to be higher than that for zinc. The metal uptake, expressed in milligrams per gram of biomass, was found to be a function of: the initial metal concentration (with the uptake decreasing with increasing initial concentration), the biomass loading (with the uptake decreasing with increasing biomass loading) and pH (with the uptake increasing with increasing pH in the range of 1.5 and 6.0). The metal uptake was significantly affected in the presence of a co-ion. The uptake of copper by the biomass decreased in the presence of zinc and vice versa. The decrease in metal uptake was dependent on the concentrations of metals in the two-component aqueous solutions. The effect of copper on zinc uptake was more pronounced than the effect of zinc on copper uptake.


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The tol-pal genes are essential for maintaining the outer membrane integrity and detergent resistance in various Gram-negative bacteria, including Salmonella. The role of TolA has been well established for the bile resistance of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium. We compared the bile resistance pattern between the S. enterica serovars Typhi and Typhimurium and observed that Typhi is more resistant to bile-mediated damage. A closer look revealed a significant difference in the TolA sequence between the two serovars which contributes to the differential detergent resistance. The tolA knockout of both the serovars behaves completely differently in terms of membrane organization and morphology. The role of the Pal proteins and difference in LPS organization between the two serovars were verified and were found to have no direct connection with the altered bile resistance. In normal Luria broth (LB), S. Typhi Delta tolA is filamentous while S. Typhimurium Delta tolA grows as single cells, similar to the wildtype. In low osmolarity LB, however, S. Typhimurium Delta tolA started chaining and S. Typhi Delta tolA showed no growth. Further investigation revealed that the chaining phenomenon observed was the result of failure of the outer membrane to separate in the dividing cells. Taken together, the results substantiate the evolution of a shorter TolA in S. Typhi to counteract high bile concentrations, at the cost of lower osmotic tolerance.


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The effect of NaCl on total peroxidase activity, induction of isoperoxidases and lipid peroxidation in 5-day-old seedlings of two contrasting genotypes of Setaria italica L. (Prasad, a salt tolerant cultivar and Lepakshi, a salt susceptible cultivar), was studied. Total peroxidase activity increased under NaCl salinity and the degree of elevation in the activity was salt concentration dependent. Nevertheless, a greater activity was recorded in the tolerant cultivar (cv Prasad) compared to the susceptible (cv Lepakshi) one in all days of sampling. Further, the pattern of isoperoxidases was modified during stress conditions as evident from the electrophoregrams. Although, five acidic isoforms were detected in both cultivars, differences were found between the cultivars. Furthermore, it was observed that acidic isoperoxidases were strongly expressed and an acidic isoperoxidase, A(3p) (27 kDa) is specifically found in the tolerant cultivar (cv Prasad) under NaCl stress. This isoform was partially purified and found to be thermostable with pr 5.5 and the optimum pH 7.4. A close correlation exists between the rate of lipid peroxidation in terms of malonaldehyde (MDA) content and total peroxidase activity per gram fresh weight with salt tolerance of the two cultivars. The tolerant cultivar (cv Prasad) had low MDA content and high total peroxidase activity than the susceptible variety (cv Lepakshi) during salinity stress. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Superoxide dismutase has been discovered within the periplasm of several Gram-negative pathogens. We studied the Cu,Zn-SOD enzyme in Escherichia coli isolated from clinical samples (stool samples) collected from patients suffering from diarrhea. Antibiogram studies of the isolates were carried out to determine the sensitive and resistant strains. The metal co-factor present in the enzyme was confirmed by running samples in native gels and inhibiting with 2 mM potassium cyanide. A 519 bp sodC gene was amplified from resistant and sensitive strains of Escherichia coli. Cloning and sequencing of the sodC gene indicated variation in the protein and amino acid sequences of sensitive and resistant isolates. The presence of sodC in highly resistant Escherichia coli isolates from diarrheal patients indicates that sodC may play role in enhancing the pathogenicity by protecting cells from exogenous sources of superoxide, such as the oxidative burst of phagocytes. The presence of SodC could be one of the factors for bacterial virulence.


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Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) is the joint management of natural resources by a community based on a community strategy, through a participatory mechanism involving all legitimate stakeholders. The approach is community-based in that the communities managing the resources have the legal rights, the local institutions and the economic incentives to take substantial responsibility for sustained use of these resources. This implies that the community plays an active role in the management of natural resources, not because it asserts sole ownership over them, but because it can claim participation in their management and benefits for practical and technical reasons1–4. This approach emerged as the dominant conservation concept in the late 1970s and early 1980s, of the disillusionment with the developmental state. Governments across South and South East Asia, Africa and Latin America have adopted and implemented CBNRM in various ways, viz. through sectoral programmes such as forestry, irrigation or wildlife management, multisectoral programmes such as watershed development and efforts towards political devolution. In India, the principle of decentralization through ‘gram swaraj’ was introduced by Mahatma Gandhi. The 73rd and 74th constitution amendments in 1992 gave impetus to the decentralized planning at panchayat levels through the creation of a statutory three-level local self-government structure5,6. The strength of this book is that it includes chapters by CBNRM advocates based on six seemingly innovative initiatives being implemented by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in ecologically vulnerable regions of South Asia: two in the Himalayas (watershed development programme in Lingmutechhu, Bhuthan and Thalisain tehsil, Paudi Grahwal District, Uttarakhand), three in semi-arid parts of western India (watershed development in Hivre Bazar, Maharashtra and Nathugadh village, Gujarat and water-harvesting structures in Gopalapura, Rajasthan) and one in the flood-plains of the Brahmaputra–Jamuna (Char land, Galibanda and Jamalpur districts, Bangladesh). Watersheds in semi-arid regions fall in the low-rainfall region (500–700 mm) and suffer the vagaries of drought 2–3 years in every five-year cycle. In all these locations, the major occupation is agriculture, most of which is rainfed or dry. The other two cases (in Uttarakhand) fall in the Himalayan region (temperate/sub-temperate climate), which has witnessed extensive deforestation in the last century and is now considered as one of the most vulnerable locations in South Asia. Terraced agriculture is being practised in these locations for a long time. The last case (Gono Chetona) falls in the Brahmaputra–Jamuna charlands which are the most ecologically vulnerable regions in the sub-continent with constantly changing landscape. Agriculture and livestock rearing are the main occupations, and there is substantial seasonal emigration for wage labour by the adult males. River erosion and floods force the people to adopt a semi-migratory lifestyle. The book attempts to analyse the potential as well as limitations of NGOdriven CBNRM endeavours across agroclimatic regions of South Asia with emphasis on four intrinsically linked normative concerns, namely sustainability, livelihood enhancement, equity and demographic decentralization in chapters 2–7. Comparative analysis of these case studies done in chapter 8, highlights the issues that require further research while portraying the strengths and limits of NGO-driven CBNRM. In Hivre Bazar, the post-watershed intervention scenario is such that farmers often grow three crops in a year – kharif bajra, rabi jowar and summer vegetable crops. Productivity has increased in the dry lands due to improvement in soil moisture levels. The revival of johads in Gopalpura has led to the proliferation of wheat and increased productivity. In Lingmuteychhu, productivity gains have also arisen, but more due to the introduction of both local and high-yielding, new varieties as opposed to increased water availability. In the case of Gono Chetona, improvements have come due to diversification of agriculture; for example, the promotion of vegetable gardens. CBNRM interventions in most cases have also led to new avenues of employment and income generation. The synthesis shows that CBNRM efforts have made significant contributions to livelihood enhancement and only limited gains in terms of collective action for sustainable and equitable access to benefits and continuing resource use, and in terms of democratic decentralization, contrary to the objectives of the programme. Livelihood benefits include improvements in availability of livelihood support resources (fuelwood, fodder, drinking water), increased productivity (including diversification of cropping pattern) in agriculture and allied activities, and new sources of livelihood. However, NGO-driven CBNRM has not met its goal of providing ‘alternative’ forms of ‘development’ due to impediments of state policy, short-sighted vision of implementers and confrontation with the socio-ecological reality of the region, which almost always are that of fragmented communities (or communities in flux) with unequal dependence and access to land and other natural resources along with great gender imbalances. Appalling, however, is the general absence of recognition of the importance of and the will to explore practical ways to bring about equitable resource transfer or benefit-sharing and the consequent innovations in this respect that are evident in the pioneering community initiatives such as pani panchayat, etc. Pertaining to the gains on the ecological sustainability front, Hivre Bazar and Thalisain initiatives through active participation of villagers have made significant regeneration of the water table within the village, and mechanisms such as ban on number of bore wells, the regulation of cropping pattern, restrictions on felling of trees and free grazing to ensure that in the future, the groundwater is neither over-exploited nor its recharge capability impaired. Nevertheless, the longterm sustainability of the interventions in the case of Ghoga and Gopalpura initiatives as the focus has been mostly on regeneration of resources, and less on regulating the use of regenerated resources. Further, in Lingmuteychhu and Gono Chetona, the interventions are mainly household-based and the focus has been less explicit on ecological components. The studies demonstrate the livelihood benefits to all of the interventions and significant variation in achievements with reference to sustainability, equity and democratic decentralization depending on the level and extent of community participation apart from the vision of implementers, strategy (or nature of intervention shaped by the question of community formation), the centrality of community formation and also the State policy. Case studies show that the influence of State policy is multi-faceted and often contradictory in nature. This necessitates NGOs to engage with the State in a much more purposeful way than in an ‘autonomous space’. Thus the role of NGOs in CBNRM is complementary, wherein they provide innovative experiments that the State can learn. This helps in achieving the goals of CBNRM through democratic decentralization. The book addresses the vital issues related to natural resource management and interests of the community. Key topics discussed throughout the book are still at the centre of the current debate. This compilation consists of well-written chapters based on rigorous synthesis of CBNRM case studies, which will serve as good references for students, researchers and practitioners in the years to come.


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Pixel based image fusion entails combining geometric details of a high-resolution Panchromatic (PAN) image and spectral information of a low-resolution Multispectral (MS) image to produce images with highest spatial content while preserving the spectral information. This work reviews and implements six fusion techniques – À Trous algorithm based wavelet transform (ATW), Mulitresolution Analysis based Intensity Modulation, Gram Schmidt fusion, CN Spectral, Luminance Chrominance and High pass fusion (HPF) on IKONOS imagery having 1 m PAN and 4 m MS channels. Comparative performance analysis of techniques by various methods reveals that ATW followed by HPF perform best among all the techniques.


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Sortases are cell-membrane-anchored cysteine transpeptidases that are essential for the assembly and anchoring of cell-surface adhesins in Gram-positive bacteria. Thus, they play critical roles in virulence, infection and colonization by pathogens. Sortases have been classified into four types based on their primary sequence and the target-protein motifs that they recognize. All Gram-positive bacteria express a class A housekeeping sortase (SrtA). Sortase A from Streptococcus pneumoniae (NP_358691) has been crystallized in two crystal forms. Diamond-shaped crystals of Delta N(59)SrtA diffracted to 4.0 angstrom resolution and belonged to a tetragonal system with unit-cell parameters a = b = 122.8, c = 86.5 angstrom, alpha = beta = gamma = 90 degrees, while rod-shaped crystals of Delta N(81)SrtA diffracted to 2.91 angstrom resolution and belonged to the monoclinic space group P2(1) with unit-cell parameters a = 66.8, b = 103.47, c = 74.79 angstrom, alpha = gamma = 90, beta = 115.65 degrees. The Matthews coefficient (V(M) = 2.77 angstrom(3) Da(-1)) with similar to 56% solvent content suggested the presence of four molecules in the asymmetric unit for Delta N(81)SrtA. Also, a multi-copy search using a monomer as a probe in the molecular-replacement method resulted in the successful location of four sortase molecules in the asymmetric unit, with statistics R = 41.61, R(free) = 46.44, correlation coefficient (CC) = 64.31, CC(free) = 57.67.


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A highly homogeneous ZnO/Ag nanohybrid has been synthesized by a novel route, employing chitosan as mediator by purely electrostatic interaction. By employing various techniques such as powder XRD, UV-visible, IR spectroscopy and electron (SEM, TEM) microscopy, the formation of the nanohybrid has been established. The synergistic antibacterial effect of ZnO/Ag nanohybrid on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria is found to be more effective, compared to the individual components (ZnO and Ag). Cytotoxicity experiments are carried out and the results are correlated to the solubility of the nanohybrid. A possible mechanism has been proposed for the antibacterial activity of ZnO/Ag nanohybrid, based on TEM studies on bacteria, carried out by employing the microtome technique and by EPR measurements on the hybrid.


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The transition metal complexes of salicylhydrazone of anthranilhydrazide (H2L) were synthesised. The structures of metal complexes were characterized by various spectroscopic [IR, NMR, UV-Vis, EPR], thermal and other physicochemical methods. The single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of [Cu(HL)Cl]center dot H2O reveal its orthorhombic system with space group P2(1)2(1)2 and Z=4. The copper center has a distorted square planar geometry with ONO and Cl as the donor atoms. The ligand and its metal chelates have been screened for their antimicrobial and anti-tubercular activities using serial dilution method. Metal complexes in general have exhibited better antibacterial and antifungal activity than the free ligand and in few cases better than the standard used. Among the bacterial strains used, the complexes are highly potent against Gram-positive strains compared to Gram-negative. Anti-tubercular activity exhibited by the Co(II) complex is comparable with the standard used. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Typhoid fever is a systemic disease caused by the human specific Gram-negative pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S Typhi). The extra-intestinal infections caused by Salmonella are very fatal. The incidence of typhoid fever remains very high in impoverished areas and the emergence of multidrug resistance has made the situation worse. To combat and to reduce the morbidity and mortality caused by typhoid fever, many preventive measures and strategies have been employed, the most important being vaccination. In recent years, many Salmonella vaccines have been developed including live attenuated as well as DNA vaccines and their clinical trials have shown encouraging results. But with the increasing antibiotic resistance, the development of potent vaccine candidate for typhoid fever is a need of the hour. This review discusses the latest trends in the typhoid vaccine development and the clinical trials which are underway.


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The application of electromagnetic field in the context of bacteria associated infections on biomaterial surfaces has not been extensively explored. In this work, we applied a moderate intensity static magnetic field (100 mT) to understand the adhesion and growth behavior of both gram positive (S. epidermidis) and gram negative bacteria (E. coli) and also to investigate bactericidal/bacteriostatic property of the applied electromagnetic field. An in-house built magnetometer was used to apply static homogeneous magnetic field during a planned set of in vitro experiments. Both the sintered hydroxyapatite (HA) and the control samples seeded with bacteria were exposed to the magnetic field (100 mT) for different timescale during their log phase growth. Quantitative analysis of the SEM images confirms the effect of electromagnetic field on suppressing bacterial growth. Furthermore, cell integrity and inner membrane permeabilization assays were performed to understand the origin of such effect. The results of these assays were statistically analyzed to reveal the bactericidal effect of magnetic field, indicating cell membrane damage. Under the investigated culture conditions, the bactericidal effect was found to be less effective for S. Epidermidis than E. coli. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2012:100B:12061217, 2012.