44 resultados para BUCKLING


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The shear alignment of an initially disordered lamellar phase is examined using lattice Boltzmann simulations of a mesoscopic model based on a free-energy functional for the concentration modulation. For a small shear cell of width 8 lambda, the qualitative features of the alignment process are strongly dependent on the Schmidt number Sc = nu/D (ratio of kinematic viscosity and mass diffusion coefficient). Here, lambda is the wavelength of the concentration modulation. At low Schmidt number, it is found that there is a significant initial increase in the viscosity, coinciding with the alignment of layers along the extensional axis, followed by a decrease at long times due to the alignment along the flow direction. At high Schmidt number, alignment takes place due to the breakage and reformation of layers because diffusion is slow compared to shear deformation; this results in faster alignment. The system size has a strong effect on the alignment process; perfect alignment takes place for a small systems of width 8 lambda and 16 lambda, while a larger system of width 32 lambda does not align completely even at long times. In the larger system, there appears to be a dynamical steady state in which the layers are not perfectly aligned-where there is a balance between the annealing of defects due to shear and the creation due to an instability of the aligned lamellar phase under shear. We observe two types of defect creation mechanisms: the buckling instability under dilation, which was reported earlier, as well as a second mechanism due to layer compression.


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Critical buckling loads of laminated fibre-reinforced plastic square panels have been obtained using the finite element method. Various boundary conditions, lay-up details, fibre orientations, cut-out sizes are considered. A 36 degrees of freedom triangular element, based on the classical lamination theory (CLT) has been used for the analysis. The performance of this element is validated by comparing results with some of those available in literature. New results have been given for several cases of boundary conditions for [0°/ ± 45°/90°]s laminates. The effect of fibre-orientation in the ply on the buckling loads has been investigated by considering [±?]6s laminates.


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Composite T-joints are commonly used in modern composite airframe, pressure vessels and piping structures, mainly to increase the bending strength of the joint and prevents buckling of plates and shells, and in multi-cell thin-walled structures. Here we report a detailed study on the propagation of guided ultrasonic wave modes in a composite T-joint and their interactions with delamination in the co-cured co-bonded flange. A well designed guiding path is employed wherein the waves undergo a two step mode conversion process, one is due to the web and joint filler on the back face of the flange and the other is due to the delamination edges close to underneath the accessible surface of the flange. A 3D Laser Doppler Vibrometer is used to obtain the three components of surface displacements/velocities of the accessible face of the flange of the T-joint. The waves are launched by a piezo ceramic wafer bonded on to the back surface of the flange. What is novel in the proposed method is that the location of any change in material/geometric properties can be traced by computing a frequency domain power flow along a scan line. The scan line can be chosen over a grid either during scan or during post-processing of the scan data off-line. The proposed technique eliminates the necessity of baseline data and disassembly of structure for structural interrogation.


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We describe two techniques to create sharp tips. The first involves the buckling of thin metal films deposited on soft, stretchable substrates. The second involves the formation of narrow necked capillary bridges.


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There are many biomechanical challenges that a female insect must meet to successfully oviposit and ensure her evolutionary success. These begin with selection of a suitable substrate through which the ovipositor must penetrate without itself buckling or fracturing. The second phase corresponds to steering and manipulating the ovipositor to deliver eggs at desired locations. Finally, the insect must retract her ovipositor fast to avoid possible predation and repeat this process multiple times during her lifetime. From a materials perspective, insect oviposition is a fascinating problem and poses many questions. Specifically, are there diverse mechanisms that insects use to drill through hard substrates without itself buckling or fracturing? What are the structure-property relationships in the ovipositor material? These are some of the questions we address with a model system consisting of a parasitoid fig wasp - fig substrate system. To characterize the structure of ovipositors, we use scanning electron microscopy with a detector to quantify the presence of transition elements. Our results show that parasitoid ovipositors have teeth like structures on their tips and contain high amounts of zinc as compared to remote regions. Sensillae are present along the ovipositor to aid detection of chemical species and mechanical deformations. To quantify the material properties of parasitoid ovipositors, we use an atomic force microscope and show that tip regions have higher modulus as compared to remote regions. Finally, we use videography to show that ovipositors buckle during oviposition and estimate the forces needed to cause substrate boring based on Euler buckling analysis. Such methods may be useful for the design of functionally graded surgical tools.


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We demonstrate the effect of mechanical strain on the electrostrictive behavior of catalytically grown cellular structure of carbon nanotube (CNT). In the small strain regime, where the stress-strain behavior of the material is linear, application of an electric-field along the mechanical loading direction induces an instantaneous increase in the stress and causes an increase in the apparent Young's modulus. The instantaneous increase in the stress shows a cubic-polynomial dependence on the electric-field, which is attributed to the non-linear coupling of the mechanical strain and the electric-field induced polarization of the CNT. The electrostriction induced actuation becomes >100 times larger if the CNT sample is pre-deformed to a small strain. However, in the non-linear stress-strain regime, although a sharp increase in the apparent Young's modulus is observed upon application of an electric-field, no instantaneous increase in the stress occurs. This characteristic suggests that the softening due to the buckling of individual CNT compensates for any instantaneous rise in the electrostriction induced stress at the higher strains. We also present an analytical model to elucidate the experimental observations. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The dynamics and interactions of edge dislocations in a nearly aligned sheared lamellar mesophase is analysed to provide insights into the relationship between disorder and rheology. First, the mesoscale permeation and momentum equations for the displacement field in the presence of external forces are derived from the model H equations for the concentration and momentum field. The secondary flow generated due to the mean shear around an isolated defect is calculated, and the excess viscosity due to the presence of the defect is determined from the excess energy dissipation due to the secondary flow. The excess viscosity for an isolated defect is found to increase with system size in the cross-stream direction as L-3/2 for an isolated defect, though this divergence is cut-off due to interactions in a defect suspension. As the defects are sheared past each other due to the mean flow, the Peach-Koehler force due to elastic interaction between pairs of defects is found to cause no net displacement relative to each other as they approach from large separation to the distance of closest approach. The equivalent force due to viscous interactions is found to increase the separation for defects of opposite sign, and decrease the separation for defects of same sign. During defect interactions, we find that there is no buckling instability due to dilation of layers for systems of realistic size. However, there is another mechanism, which is the velocity difference generated across a slightly deformed bilayer due to the mean shear, which could result in the creation of new defects. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Delamination is one of the most commonly occurring defects in laminated composite structures. Under operating fatigue loads on the laminate this delamination could grow and totally delaminate certain number of layers from the base laminate. This will result in loss of both compressive residual strength and buckling margins available. In this paper, geometrically non-linear analysis and evaluation of Strain Energy Release Rates using MVCCI technique is presented. The problems of multiple delamination, effect of temperature exposure and delamination from pin loaded holes are addressed. Numerical results are presented to draw certain inferences of importance to design of high technology composite structures such as aircraft wing.


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Composite T-joints are commonly used in modern composite airframe, pressure vessels and piping structures, mainly to increase the bending strength of the joint and prevents buckling of plates and shells, and in multi-cell thin-walled structures. Here we report a detailed study on the propagation of guided ultrasonic wave modes in a composite T-joint and their interactions with delamination in the co-cured co-bonded flange. A well designed guiding path is employed wherein the waves undergo a two step mode conversion process, one is due to the web and joint filler on the back face of the flange and the other is due to the delamination edges close to underneath the accessible surface of the flange. A 3D Laser Doppler Vibrometer is used to obtain the three components of surface displacements/velocities of the accessible face of the flange of the T-joint. The waves are launched by a piezo ceramic wafer bonded on to the back surface of the flange. What is novel in the proposed method is that the location of any change in material/geometric properties can be traced by computing a frequency domain power flow along a scan line. The scan line can be chosen over a grid either during scan or during post-processing of the scan data off-line. The proposed technique eliminates the necessity of baseline data and disassembly of structure for structural interrogation.


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Female insects of diverse orders bore into substrates to deposit their eggs. Such insects must overcome several biomechanical challenges to successfully oviposit, which include the selection of suitable substrates through which the ovipositor can penetrate without itself fracturing. In many cases, the insect may also need to steer and manipulate the ovipositor within the substrate to deliver eggs at desired locations before rapidly retracting her ovipositor to avoid predation. In the case of female parasitoid ichneumonid wasps, this process is repeated multiple times during her lifetime, thus testing the ability of the ovipositioning apparatus to endure fracture and fatigue. What specific adaptations does the ovipositioning apparatus of a female ichneumonoid wasp possess to withstand these challenges? We addressed this question using a model system composed of parasitoid and pollinator fig wasps. First, we show that parasitoid ovipositor tips have teeth-like structures, preferentially enriched with zinc, unlike the smooth morphology of pollinator ovipositors. We describe sensillae present on the parasitoid ovipositor tip that are likely to aid in the detection of chemical species and mechanical deformations and sample microenvironments within the substrate. Second, using atomic force microscopy, we show that parasitoid tip regions have a higher modulus compared with regions proximal to the abdomen in parasitoid and pollinator ovipositors. Finally, we use videography to film wasps during substrate boring and analyse buckling of the ovipositor to estimate the forces required for substrate boring. Together, these results allow us to describe the biomechanical principles underlying substrate boring in parasitoid ichneumonid wasps. Such studies may be useful for the biomimetic design of surgical tools and in the use of novel mechanisms to bore through hard substrates.


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Thin film transistors (TFTs) on elastomers promise flexible electronics with stretching and bending. Recently, there have been several experimental studies reporting the behavior of TFTs under bending and buckling. In the presence of stress, the insulator capacitance is influenced due to two reasons. The first is the variation in insulator thickness depending on the Poisson ratio and strain. The second is the geometric influence of the curvature of the insulator-semiconductor interface during bending or buckling. This paper models the role of curvature on TFT performance and brings to light an elegant result wherein the TFT characteristics is dependent on the area under the capacitance-distance curve. The paper compares models with simulations and explains several experimental findings reported in literature. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We report on the effect of thin silicon nitride (Si3N4) induced tensile stress on the structural release of 200nm thick SOI beam, in the surface micro-machining process. A thin (20nm / 100nm) LPCVD grown Si3N4 is shown to significantly enhance the yield of released beam in wet release technique. This is especially prominent with increase in beam length, where the beams have higher tendency for stiction. We attribute this yield enhancement to the nitride induced tensile stress, as verified by buckling tendency and resonance frequency data obtained from optical profilometry and laser doppler vibrometry.


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Understanding the transients of buckling in drying colloidal suspensions is pivotal for producing new functional microstructures with tunable morphologies. Here, we report first observations and elucidate the buckling instability induced morphological transition (sphere to ring structure) in an acoustically levitated, heated nanosuspension droplet using dynamic energy balance. Droplet deformation featuring the formation of symmetric cavities is initiated by capillary pressure that is two to three orders of magnitude greater than the acoustic radiation pressure, thus indicating that the standing pressure field has no influence on the buckling front kinetics. With an increase in heat flux, the growth rate of surface cavities and their post-buckled volume increase while the buckling time period reduces, thereby altering the buckling pathway and resulting in distinct precipitate structures. However, irrespective of the heating rate, the volumetric droplet deformation exhibits a linear time dependence and the droplet vaporization is observed to deviate from the classical D-2-law.


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This paper presents the stability analysis of functionally graded plate integrated with piezoelectric actuator and sensor at the top and bottom face, subjected to electrical and mechanical loading. The finite element formulation is based on first order and higher order shear deformation theory, degenerated shell element, von-Karman hypothesis and piezoelectric effect. The equation for static analysis is derived by using the minimum energy principle and solutions for critical buckling load is obtained by solving eigenvalue problem. The material properties of the functionally graded plate are assumed to be graded along the thickness direction according to simple power law function. Two types of boundary conditions are used, such as SSSS (simply supported) and CSCS (simply supported along two opposite side perpendicular to the direction of compression and clamped along the other two sides). Sensor voltage is calculated using present analysis for various power law indices and FG (functionally graded) material gradations. The stability analysis of piezoelectric FG plate is carried out to present the effects of power law index, material variations, applied mechanical pressure and piezo effect on buckling and stability characteristics of FG plate.