60 resultados para Augmented Lagrangians


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A new class of nets, called S-nets, is introduced for the performance analysis of scheduling algorithms used in real-time systems Deterministic timed Petri nets do not adequately model the scheduling of resources encountered in real-time systems, and need to be augmented with resource places and signal places, and a scheduler block, to facilitate the modeling of scheduling algorithms. The tokens are colored, and the transition firing rules are suitably modified. Further, the concept of transition folding is used, to get intuitively simple models of multiframe real-time systems. Two generic performance measures, called �load index� and �balance index,� which characterize the resource utilization and the uniformity of workload distribution, respectively, are defined. The utility of S-nets for evaluating heuristic-based scheduling schemes is illustrated by considering three heuristics for real-time scheduling. S-nets are useful in tuning the hardware configuration and the underlying scheduling policy, so that the system utilization is maximized, and the workload distribution among the computing resources is balanced.


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Just-in-Time (JIT) compilers for Java can be augmented by making use of runtime profile information to produce better quality code and hence achieve higher performance. In a JIT compilation environment, the profile information obtained can be readily exploited in the same run to aid recompilation and optimization of frequently executed (hot) methods. This paper discusses a low overhead path profiling scheme for dynamically profiling AT produced native code. The profile information is used in recompilation during a subsequent invocation of the hot method. During recompilation tree regions along the hot paths are enlarged and instruction scheduling at the superblock level is performed. We have used the open source LaTTe AT compiler framework for our implementation. Our results on a SPARC platform for SPEC JVM98 benchmarks indicate that (i) there is a significant reduction in the number of tree regions along the hot paths, and (ii) profile aided recompilation in LaTTe achieves performance comparable to that of adaptive LaTTe in spite of retranslation and profiling overheads.


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This paper investigates in-line spring-mass systems (An), fixed at one end and free at the other, with n-degrees of freedom (d.f.). The objective is to find feasible in-line systems (B(n)) that are isospectral to a given system. The spring-mass systems, A(n) and B(n), are represented by Jacobi matrices. An error function is developed with the help of the Jacobi matrices A(n) and B(n). The problem of finding the isospectral systems is posed as an optimization problem with the aim of minimizing the error function. The approach for creating isospectral systems uses the fact that the trace of two isospectral Jacobi matrices A(n) and B(n) should be identical. A modification is made to the diagonal elements of the given Jacobi matrix (A(n)), to create the isospectral systems. The optimization problem is solved using the firefly algorithm augmented by a local search procedure. Numerical results are obtained and resulting isospectral systems are shown for 4 d.f. and 10 d.f. systems.


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Based on dynamic inversion, a relatively straightforward approach is presented in this paper for nonlinear flight control design of high performance aircrafts, which does not require the normal and lateral acceleration commands to be first transferred to body rates before computing the required control inputs. This leads to substantial improvement of the tracking response. Promising results are obtained from six degree-offreedom simulation studies of F-16 aircraft, which are found to be superior as compared to an existing approach (which is also based on dynamic inversion). The new approach has two potential benefits, namely reduced oscillatory response (including elimination of non-minimum phase behavior) and reduced control magnitude. Next, a model-following neuron-adaptive design is augmented the nominal design in order to assure robust performance in the presence of parameter inaccuracies in the model. Note that in the approach the model update takes place adaptively online and hence it is philosophically similar to indirect adaptive control. However, unlike a typical indirect adaptive control approach, there is no need to update the individual parameters explicitly. Instead the inaccuracy in the system output dynamics is captured directly and then used in modifying the control. This leads to faster adaptation, which helps in stabilizing the unstable plant quicker. The robustness study from a large number of simulations shows that the adaptive design has good amount of robustness with respect to the expected parameter inaccuracies in the model.


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We present a spin model, namely, the Kitaev model augmented by a loop term and perturbed by an Ising Hamiltonian, and show that it exhibits both confinement-deconfinement transitions from spin liquid to antiferromagnetic/spin-chain/ferromagnetic phases and topological quantum phase transitions between gapped and gapless spin-liquid phases. We develop a fermionic resonating-valence-bonds (RVB) mean-field theory to chart out the phase diagram of the model and estimate the stability of its spin-liquid phases, which might be relevant for attempts to realize the model in optical lattices and other spin systems. We present an analytical mean-field theory to study the confinement-deconfinement transition for large coefficient of the loop term and show that this transition is first order within such mean-field analysis in this limit. We also conjecture that in some other regimes, the confinement-deconfinement transitions in the model, predicted to be first order within the mean-field theory, may become second order via a defect condensation mechanism. Finally, we present a general classification of the perturbations to the Kitaev model on the basis of their effect on it's spin correlation functions and derive a necessary and sufficient condition, within the regime of validity of perturbation theory, for the spin correlators to exhibit a long-ranged power-law behavior in the presence of such perturbations. Our results reproduce those of Tikhonov et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 067203 (2011)] as a special case.


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We discuss expectations for the total and inelastic cross sections at LHC CM energies root s = 7 TeV and 14 TeV obtained in an eikonal minijet model augmented by soft gluon k(t)-resummation, which we describe in some detail. We present a band of predictions which encompass recent LHC data and suggest that the inelastic cross section described by two-channel eikonal models include only uncorrelated processes. We show that this interpretation of the model is supported by the LHC data.


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A class of model reference adaptive control system which make use of an augmented error signal has been introduced by Monopoli. Convergence problems in this attractive class of systems have been investigated in this paper using concepts from hyperstability theory. It is shown that the condition on the linear part of the system has to be stronger than the one given earlier. A boundedness condition on the input to the linear part of the system has been taken into account in the analysis - this condition appears to have been missed in the previous applications of hyperstability theory. Sufficient conditions for the convergence of the adaptive gain to the desired value are also given.


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A nonlinear suboptimal guidance law is presented in this paper for successful interception of ground targets by air-launched missiles and guided munitions. The main feature of this guidance law is that it accurately satisfies terminal impact angle constraints in both azimuth as well as elevation simultaneously. In addition, it is capable of hitting the target with high accuracy as well as minimizing the lateral acceleration demand. The guidance law is synthesized using recently developed model predictive static programming (MPSP). Performance of the proposed MPSP guidance is demonstrated using three-dimensional (3-D) nonlinear engagement dynamics by considering stationary, moving, and maneuvering targets. Effectiveness of the proposed guidance has also been verified by considering first. order autopilot lag as well as assuming inaccurate information about target maneuvers. Multiple munitions engagement results are presented as well. Moreover, comparison studies with respect to an augmented proportional navigation guidance (which does not impose impact angle constraints) as well as an explicit linear optimal guidance (which imposes the same impact angle constraints in 3-D) lead to the conclusion that the proposed MPSP guidance is superior to both. A large number of randomized simulation studies show that it also has a larger capture region.


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Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRS) catalyze the bimolecular association reaction between amino acid and tRNA by specifically and unerringly choosing the cognate amino acid and tRNA. There are two classes of such synthetases that perform tRNA-aminoacylation reaction. Interestingly, these two classes of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases differ not only in their structures but they also exhibit remarkably distinct kinetics under pre-steady-state condition. The class I synthetases show initial burst of product formation followed by a slower steady-state rate. This has been argued to represent the influence of slow product release. In contrast, there is no burst in the case of class H enzymes. The tight binding of product with enzyme for class I enzymes is correlated with the enhancement of rate in presence of elongation factor. EF-TU. In spite of extensive experimental studies, there is no detailed theoretical analysis that can provide a quantitative understanding of this important problem. In this article, we present a theoretical investigation of enzyme kinetics for both classes of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. We present an augmented kinetic scheme and then employ the methods of time-dependent probability statistics to obtain expressions for the first passage time distribution that gives both the time-dependent and the steady-state rates. The present study quantitatively explains all the above experimental observations. We propose an alternative path way in the case of class II enzymes showing the tRNA-dependent amino acid activation and the discrepancy between the single-turnover and steady-state rate.


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In multiuser communication on the uplink, all subscribed users may not be active simultaneously. This leads to sparsity in the activity pattern in the users' transmissions, which can be exploited in the multiuser MIMO receiver at the base station (BS). Because of no transmissions from inactive users, joint detection at the BS has to consider an augmented signal set that includes zero. In this paper, we propose a receiver that exploits this inactivity-induced sparsity and considers the zero-augmented signal set. The proposed receiver is based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques. Near-optimal performance and increased system capacity (in terms of number of users in the system) are demonstrated. For example, a multiuser MIMO system with N = 32 receive antennas at the BS and an user activity factor of 0.2 supports 51 uplink users meeting a QoS of 10(-3) coded bit error rate.


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Acoustic modeling using mixtures of multivariate Gaussians is the prevalent approach for many speech processing problems. Computing likelihoods against a large set of Gaussians is required as a part of many speech processing systems and it is the computationally dominant phase for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) systems. We express the likelihood computation as a multiplication of matrices representing augmented feature vectors and Gaussian parameters. The computational gain of this approach over traditional methods is by exploiting the structure of these matrices and efficient implementation of their multiplication. In particular, we explore direct low-rank approximation of the Gaussian parameter matrix and indirect derivation of low-rank factors of the Gaussian parameter matrix by optimum approximation of the likelihood matrix. We show that both the methods lead to similar speedups but the latter leads to far lesser impact on the recognition accuracy. Experiments on 1,138 work vocabulary RM1 task and 6,224 word vocabulary TIMIT task using Sphinx 3.7 system show that, for a typical case the matrix multiplication based approach leads to overall speedup of 46 % on RM1 task and 115 % for TIMIT task. Our low-rank approximation methods provide a way for trading off recognition accuracy for a further increase in computational performance extending overall speedups up to 61 % for RM1 and 119 % for TIMIT for an increase of word error rate (WER) from 3.2 to 3.5 % for RM1 and for no increase in WER for TIMIT. We also express pairwise Euclidean distance computation phase in Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) in terms of matrix multiplication leading to saving of approximately of computational operations. In our experiments using efficient implementation of matrix multiplication, this leads to a speedup of 5.6 in computing the pairwise Euclidean distances and overall speedup up to 3.25 for DTW.


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Acoustic modeling using mixtures of multivariate Gaussians is the prevalent approach for many speech processing problems. Computing likelihoods against a large set of Gaussians is required as a part of many speech processing systems and it is the computationally dominant phase for LVCSR systems. We express the likelihood computation as a multiplication of matrices representing augmented feature vectors and Gaussian parameters. The computational gain of this approach over traditional methods is by exploiting the structure of these matrices and efficient implementation of their multiplication.In particular, we explore direct low-rank approximation of the Gaussian parameter matrix and indirect derivation of low-rank factors of the Gaussian parameter matrix by optimum approximation of the likelihood matrix. We show that both the methods lead to similar speedups but the latter leads to far lesser impact on the recognition accuracy. Experiments on a 1138 word vocabulary RM1 task using Sphinx 3.7 system show that, for a typical case the matrix multiplication approach leads to overall speedup of 46%. Both the low-rank approximation methods increase the speedup to around 60%, with the former method increasing the word error rate (WER) from 3.2% to 6.6%, while the latter increases the WER from 3.2% to 3.5%.


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Crystallization-induced phase separation and segmental relaxations in poly(vinylidene fluoride)/poly(methyl methacrylate) (PVDF/PMMA) blends was systematically investigated by melt-rheology and broadband dielectric spectroscopy in the presence of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs). Different functionalized MWNTs (amine, -NH2; acid, -COOH) were incorporated in the blends by melt-mixing above the melting temperature of PVDF, where the blends are miscible, and the crystallization induced phase separation was probed in situ by shear rheology. Interestingly, only -NH2 functionalized MWNTs (a-MWNTs) aided in the formation of beta-phase (trans-trans) crystals in PVDF, whereas both the neat blends and the blends with -COOH functionalized MWNTs (c-MWNTs) showed only alpha-phase (trans-gauche-trans-gauche') crystals as inferred from wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WXRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR). Furthermore, blends with only a-MWNTs facilitated in heterogeneous nucleation in the blends manifesting in an increase in the calorimetric crystallization temperature and hence, augmented the theologically determined crystallintion induced phase separation temperature. The dielectric relaxations associated with the crystalline phase of PVDF (alpha(c)) was completely absent in the blends with a-MWNTs in contrast to neat blends and the blends with c-MWNTs in the dielectric loss spectra. The relaxations in the blends investigated here appeared to follow Havriliak-Negami (HN) empirical equations, and, more interestingly, the dynamic heterogeneity in the system could be mapped by an extra relaxation at higher frequency at the crystallization-induced phase separation temperature. The mean relaxation time (tau(HN)) was evaluated and observed to be delayed in the presence of MWNTs in the blends, more prominently in the case of blends with a-MWNTs. The latter also showed a significant increase in the dielectric relaxation strength (Delta epsilon). Electron microscopy and selective etching was used to confirm the localization of MWNTs in the amorphous phases of the interspherulitic regions as observed from scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The evolved crystalline morphology, during crystallization-induced phase separation, was observed to have a strong influence on the charge transport processes in the blends. These observations were further supported by the specific interactions (like dipole induced dipole interaction) between a-MWNTs and PVDF, as inferred from FTIR, and the differences in the crystalline morphology as observed from WXRD and polarized optical microscopy (POM).


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Proofreading/editing in protein synthesis is essential for accurate translation of information from the genetic code. In this article we present a theoretical investigation of efficiency of a kinetic proofreading mechanism that employs hydrolysis of the wrong substrate as the discriminatory step in enzyme catalytic reactions. We consider aminoacylation of tRNA(Ile) which is a crucial step in protein synthesis and for which experimental results are now available. We present an augmented kinetic scheme and then employ methods of stochastic simulation algorithm to obtain time dependent concentrations of different substances involved in the reaction and their rates of formation. We obtain the rates of product formation and ATP hydrolysis for both correct and wrong substrates (isoleucine and valine in our case, respectively), in single molecular enzyme as well as ensemble enzyme kinetics. The present theoretical scheme correctly reproduces (i) the amplitude of the discrimination factor in the overall rates between isoleucine and valine which is obtained as (1.8x10(2)).(4.33x10(2)) = 7.8x10(4), (ii) the rates of ATP hydrolysis for both Ile and Val at different substrate concentrations in the aminoacylation of tRNA(Ile). The present study shows a non-michaelis type dependence of rate of reaction on tRNA(Ile) concentration in case of valine. The overall editing in steady state is found to be independent of amino acid concentration. Interestingly, the computed ATP hydrolysis rate for valine at high substrate concentration is same as the rate of formation of Ile-tRNA(Ile) whereas at intermediate substrate concentration the ATP hydrolysis rate is relatively low. We find that the presence of additional editing domain in class I editing enzyme makes the kinetic proofreading more efficient through enhanced hydrolysis of wrong product at the editing CP1 domain.


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This paper presents a novel, soft computing based solution to a complex optimal control or dynamic optimization problem that requires the solution to be available in real-time. The complexities in this problem of optimal guidance of interceptors launched with high initial heading errors include the more involved physics of a three dimensional missile-target engagement, and those posed by the assumption of a realistic dynamic model such as time-varying missile speed, thrust, drag and mass, besides gravity, and upper bound on the lateral acceleration. The classic, pure proportional navigation law is augmented with a polynomial function of the heading error, and the values of the coefficients of the polynomial are determined using differential evolution (DE). The performance of the proposed DE enhanced guidance law is compared against the existing conventional laws in the literature, on the criteria of time and energy optimality, peak lateral acceleration demanded, terminal speed and robustness to unanticipated target maneuvers, to illustrate the superiority of the proposed law. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.