45 resultados para Arms transfers.


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Glycodelin A (GdA) is a dimeric glycoprotein synthesized by the human endometrium under progesterone regulation. Based on the high sequence similarity with beta-lactoglobulin, it is placed under the lipocalin superfamily. The protein is one of the local immunomodulators present at the feto-maternal interface which affects both the innate as well as the acquired arms of the immune system, thereby bringing about successful establishment and progression of pregnancy. Our previous studies revealed that the domain responsible for the immunosuppressive activity of glycodelin lies on its protein backbone and the glycans modulate the same. This study attempts to further delineate the apoptosis inducing region of GdA. Our results demonstrate that the stretch of amino acid sequence between Met24 to Leu105 is necessary and sufficient to inhibit proliferation of T cells and induce apoptosis in them. Further, within this region the key residues involved in harboring the activity were shown to be present between Asp52 and Ser65.


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We present a centralized integrated approach for: 1) enhancing the performance of an IEEE 802.11 infrastructure wireless local area network (WLAN), and 2) managing the access link that connects the WLAN to the Internet. Our approach, which is implemented on a standard Linux platform, and which we call ADvanced Wi-fi Internet Service EnhanceR (ADWISER), is an extension of our previous system WLAN Manager (WM). ADWISER addresses several infrastructure WLAN performance anomalies such as mixed-rate inefficiency, unfair medium sharing between simultaneous TCP uploads and downloads, and inefficient utilization of the Internet access bandwidth when Internet transfers compete with LAN-WLAN transfers, etc. The approach is via centralized queueing and scheduling, using a novel, configurable, cascaded packet queueing and scheduling architecture, with an adaptive service rate. In this paper, we describe the design of ADWISER and report results of extensive experimentation conducted on a hybrid testbed consisting of real end-systems and an emulated WLAN on Qualnet. We also present results from a physical testbed consisting of one access point (AP) and a few end-systems.


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Empirical research available on technology transfer initiatives is either North American or European. Literature over the last two decades shows various research objectives such as identifying the variables to be measured and statistical methods to be used in the context of studying university based technology transfer initiatives. AUTM survey data from years 1996 to 2008 provides insightful patterns about the North American technology transfer initiatives, we use this data in our paper. This paper has three sections namely, a comparison of North American Universities with (n=1129) and without Medical Schools (n=786), an analysis of the top 75th percentile of these samples and a DEA analysis of these samples. We use 20 variables. Researchers have attempted to classify university based technology transfer initiative variables into multi-stages, namely, disclosures, patents and license agreements. Using the same approach, however with minor variations, three stages are defined in this paper. The first stage is to do with inputs from R&D expenditure and outputs namely, invention disclosures. The second stage is to do with invention disclosures being the input and patents issued being the output. The third stage is to do with patents issued as an input and technology transfers as outcomes.


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A numerical model to study the growth of dendrites in a pure metal solidification process with an imposed rotational flow field is presented. The micro-scale features of the solidification are modeled by the well-known enthalpy technique. The effect of flow changing the position of the dendrite is captured by the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method. An imposed rigid-body rotational flow is found to gradually transform the dendrite into a globular microstructure. A parametric study is carried out for various angular velocities and the time for merger of dendrite arms is compared with the order estimate obtained from scaling.


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Exploiting the performance potential of GPUs requires managing the data transfers to and from them efficiently which is an error-prone and tedious task. In this paper, we develop a software coherence mechanism to fully automate all data transfers between the CPU and GPU without any assistance from the programmer. Our mechanism uses compiler analysis to identify potential stale accesses and uses a runtime to initiate transfers as necessary. This allows us to avoid redundant transfers that are exhibited by all other existing automatic memory management proposals. We integrate our automatic memory manager into the X10 compiler and runtime, and find that it not only results in smaller and simpler programs, but also eliminates redundant memory transfers. Tested on eight programs ported from the Rodinia benchmark suite it achieves (i) a 1.06x speedup over hand-tuned manual memory management, and (ii) a 1.29x speedup over another recently proposed compiler--runtime automatic memory management system. Compared to other existing runtime-only and compiler-only proposals, it also transfers 2.2x to 13.3x less data on average.


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The two-phase Brust-Schiffrin method (BSM) is used to synthesize highly stable nanoparticles of noble metals. A phase transfer catalyst (PTC) is used to bring in aqueous phase soluble precursors into the organic phase to enable particle synthesis there. Two different mechanisms for phase transfer are advanced in the literature. The first mechanism considers PTC to bring in an aqueous phase soluble precursor by complexing with it. The second mechanism considers the ionic species to be contained in inverse micelles of PTC, with a water core inside. A comprehensive experimental study involving measurement of interfacial tension, viscosity, water content by Karl-Fischer titration, static light scattering, H-1 NMR, and small-angle X-ray scattering is reported in this work to establish that the phase transfer catalyst tetraoctylammonium bromide transfers ions by complexing with them, instead of encapsulating them in inverse micelles. The findings have implications for particle synthesis in two-phase methods such as BSM and their modification to produce more monodispersed particles.


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In Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv1027c-Rv1028c genes are predicted to encode KdpDE two component system, which is highly conserved across all bacterial species. Here, we show that the system is functionally active and KdpD sensor kinase undergoes autophosphorylation and transfers phosphoryl group to KdpE, response regulator protein. We identified His(642) and Asp(52) as conserved phosphorylation sites in KdpD and KdpE respectively and by SPR analysis confirmed the physical interaction between them. KdpD was purified with prebound divalent ions and their importance in phosphorylation was established using protein refolding and ion chelation approaches. Genetically a single transcript encoded both KdpD and KdpE proteins. Overall, we report that M. tuberculosis KdpDE system operates like a canonical two component system. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We study the effects of extended and localized potentials and a magnetic field on the Dirac electrons residing at the surface of a three-dimensional topological insulator like Bi2Se3. We use a lattice model to numerically study the various states; we show how the potentials can be chosen in a way which effectively avoids the problem of fermion doubling on a lattice. We show that extended potentials of different shapes can give rise to states which propagate freely along the potential but decay exponentially away from it. For an infinitely long potential barrier, the dispersion and spin structure of these states are unusual and these can be varied continuously by changing the barrier strength. In the presence of a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the surface, these states become separated from the gapless surface states by a gap, thereby giving rise to a quasi-one-dimensional system. Similarly, a magnetic field along with a localized potential can give rise to exponentially localized states which are separated from the surface states by a gap and thereby form a zero-dimensional system. Finally, we show that a long barrier and an impurity potential can produce bound states which are localized at the impurity, and an ``L''-shaped potential can have both bound states at the corner of the L and extended states which travel along the arms of the potential. Our work opens the way to constructing wave guides for Dirac electrons.


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The surface brightness distribution in the majority of stellar galactic discs falls off exponentially. Often what lies beyond such a stellar disc is the neutral hydrogen gas whose distribution also follows a nearly exponential profile at least for a number of nearby disc galaxies. Both the stars and gas are commonly known to host lopsided asymmetry especially in the outer parts of a galaxy. The role of such asymmetry in the dynamical evolution of a galaxy has not been explored so far. Following Lindblad's original idea of kinematic density waves, we show that the outer part of an exponential disc is ideally suitable for hosting lopsided asymmetry. Further, we compute the transport of angular momentum in the combined stars and gas disc embedded in a dark matter halo. We show that in a pure star and gas disc, there is a transition point where the free precession frequency of a lopsided mode, Omega - kappa, changes from retrograde to prograde and this in turn reverses the direction of angular momentum flow in the disc leading to an unphysical behaviour. We show that this problem is overcome in the presence of a dark matter halo, which sets the angular momentum flow outwards as required for disc evolution, provided the lopsidedness is leading in nature. This, plus the well-known angular momentum transport in the inner parts due to spiral arms, can facilitate an inflow of gas from outside perhaps through the cosmic filaments.


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We derive analytical expressions for probability distribution function (PDF) for electron transport in a simple model of quantum junction in presence of thermal fluctuations. Our approach is based on the large deviation theory combined with the generating function method. For large number of electrons transferred, the PDF is found to decay exponentially in the tails with different rates due to applied bias. This asymmetry in the PDF is related to the fluctuation theorem. Statistics of fluctuations are analyzed in terms of the Fano factor. Thermal fluctuations play a quantitative role in determining the statistics of electron transfer; they tend to suppress the average current while enhancing the fluctuations in particle transfer. This gives rise to both bunching and antibunching phenomena as determined by the Fano factor. The thermal fluctuations and shot noise compete with each other and determine the net (effective) statistics of particle transfer. Exact analytical expression is obtained for delay time distribution. The optimal values of the delay time between successive electron transfers can be lowered below the corresponding shot noise values by tuning the thermal effects. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Rrp1B (ribosomal RNA processing1 homolog B) is a novel candidate metastasis modifier gene in breast cancer. Functional gene assays demonstrated that a physical and functional interaction existing between Rrp1b and metastasis modifier gene SIPA1 causes reduction in the tumor growth and metastatic potential. Ectopic expression of Rrp1B modulates various metastasis predictive extra cellular matrix (ECM) genes associated with tumor suppression. The aim of this study is to determine the functional significance of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in human Rrp1B gene (1307 T > C; rs9306160) with breast cancer development and progression. The study consists of 493 breast cancer cases recruited from Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, and 558 age-matched healthy female controls from rural and urban areas. Genomic DNA was isolated by non-enzymatic method. Genotyping was done by amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS-PCR) method. Genotypes were reconfirmed by sequencing and results were analyzed statistically. We have performed Insilco analysis to know the RNA secondary structure by using online tool m fold. The TT genotype and T allele frequencies of Rrp1B1307 T > C polymorphism were significantly elevated in breast cancer (chi (2); p = < 0.008) cases compared to controls under different genetic models. The presence of T allele had conferred 1.75-fold risk for breast cancer development (OR = 1.75; 95 % CI = 1.15-2.67). The frequency of TT genotype of Rrp1b 1307T > C polymorphism was significantly elevated in obese patients (chi (2); p = 0.008) and patients with advanced disease (chi (2); p = 0.01) and with increased tumor size (chi (2); p = 0.01). Moreover, elevated frequency of T allele was also associated with positive lymph node status (chi (2); p = 0.04) and Her2 negative receptor status (chi (2); p = 0.006). Presence of Rrp1b1307TT genotype and T allele confer strong risk for breast cancer development and progression.


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Small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) are a family of ATP-independent molecular chaperones which prevent cellular protein aggregation by binding to misfolded proteins. sHSPs form large oligomers that undergo drastic rearrangement/dissociation in order to execute their chaperone activity in protecting substrates from stress. Substrate-binding sites on sHSPs have been predominantly mapped on their intrinsically disordered N-terminal arms. This region is highly variable in sequence and length across species, and has been implicated in both oligomer formation and in mediating chaperone activity. Here, we present our results on the functional and structural characterization of five sHSPs in rice, each differing in their subcellular localisation, viz., cytoplasm, nucleus, chloroplast, mitochondria and peroxisome. We performed activity assays and dynamic light scattering studies to highlight differences in the chaperone activity and quaternary assembly of sHSPs targeted to various organelles. By cloning constructs that differ in the length and sequence of the tag in the N-terminal region, we have probed the sensitivity of sHSP oligomer assembly and chaperone activity to the length and amino acid composition of the N-terminus. In particular, we have shown that the incorporation of an N-terminal tag has significant consequences on sHSP quaternary structure.


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Kinases are ubiquitous enzymes that are pivotal to many biochemical processes. There are contrasting views on the phosphoryl-transfer mechanism in propionate kinase, an enzyme that reversibly transfers a phosphoryl group from propionyl phosphate to ADP in the final step of non-oxidative catabolism of L-threonine to propionate. Here, X-ray crystal structures of propionate- and nucleotide-bound Salmonella typhimurium propionate kinase are reported at 1.8-2.0 angstrom resolution. Although the mode of nucleotide binding is comparable to those of other members of the ASKHA superfamily, propionate is bound at a distinct site deeper in the hydrophobic pocket defining the active site. The propionate carboxyl is at a distance of approximate to 5 angstrom from the -phosphate of the nucleotide, supporting a direct in-line transfer mechanism. The phosphoryl-transfer reaction is likely to occur via an associative S(N)2-like transition state that involves a pentagonal bipyramidal structure with the axial positions occupied by the nucleophile of the substrate and the O atom between the - and the -phosphates, respectively. The proximity of the strictly conserved His175 and Arg236 to the carboxyl group of the propionate and the -phosphate of ATP suggests their involvement in catalysis. Moreover, ligand binding does not induce global domain movement as reported in some other members of the ASKHA superfamily. Instead, residues Arg86, Asp143 and Pro116-Leu117-His118 that define the active-site pocket move towards the substrate and expel water molecules from the active site. The role of Ala88, previously proposed to be the residue determining substrate specificity, was examined by determining the crystal structures of the propionate-bound Ala88 mutants A88V and A88G. Kinetic analysis and structural data are consistent with a significant role of Ala88 in substrate-specificity determination. The active-site pocket-defining residues Arg86, Asp143 and the Pro116-Leu117-His118 segment are also likely to contribute to substrate specificity.


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Tobacco streak virus (TSV), the type member of Ilarvirus genus, is a major plant pathogen. TSV purified from infected plants consists of a ss-RNA genome encapsidated in spheroidal particles with diameters of 27, 30 and 33 nm constructed from multiple copies of a single species of coat protein (CP) subunits. Apart from protecting the viral genome, CPs of ilarviruses play several key roles in the life cycle of these viruses. Unlike the related bromo and cucumoviruses, ilarvirus particles are labile and pleomorphic, which has posed difficulties in their crystallization and structure determination. In the current study, a truncated TSV-CP was crystallized in two distinct forms and their structures were determined at resolutions of 2.4 angstrom and 2.1 angstrom, respectively. The core of TSV CP was found to possess the canonical beta-barrel jelly roll tertiary structure observed in several other viruses. Dimers of CP with swapped C-terminal arms (C-arm) were observed in both the crystal forms. The C-arm was found to be flexible and is likely to be responsible for the polymorphic and pleomorphic nature of TSV capsids. Consistent with this observation, mutations in the hinge region of the C-arm that reduce the flexibility resulted in the formation of more uniform particles. TSV CP was found to be structurally similar to that of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) accounting for similar mechanism of genome activation in alfamo and ilar viruses. This communication represents the first report on the structure of the CP from an ilarvirus. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An efficient density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm is presented and applied to Y junctions, systems with three arms of n sites that meet at a central site. The accuracy is comparable to DMRG of chains. As in chains, new sites are always bonded to the most recently added sites and the superblock Hamiltonian contains only new or once renormalized operators. Junctions of up to N = 3n + 1 approximate to 500 sites are studied with antiferromagnetic (AF) Heisenberg exchange J between nearest-neighbor spins S or electron transfer t between nearest neighbors in half-filled Hubbard models. Exchange or electron transfer is exclusively between sites in two sublattices with N-A not equal N-B. The ground state (GS) and spin densities rho(r) = < S-r(z)> at site r are quite different for junctions with S = 1/2, 1, 3/2, and 2. The GS has finite total spin S-G = 2S(S) for even (odd) N and for M-G = S-G in the S-G spin manifold, rho(r) > 0(< 0) at sites of the larger (smaller) sublattice. S = 1/2 junctions have delocalized states and decreasing spin densities with increasing N. S = 1 junctions have four localized S-z = 1/2 states at the end of each arm and centered on the junction, consistent with localized states in S = 1 chains with finite Haldane gap. The GS of S = 3/2 or 2 junctions of up to 500 spins is a spin density wave with increased amplitude at the ends of arms or near the junction. Quantum fluctuations completely suppress AF order in S = 1/2 or 1 junctions, as well as in half-filled Hubbard junctions, but reduce rather than suppress AF order in S = 3/2 or 2 junctions.