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The structural landscape of acid-pyridine cocrystals is explored by adopting a combinatorial matrix method with 4-substituted benzoic acids and 4-substituted pyridines. The choice of the system restricts the primary synthon to the robust acid-pyridine entity. This methodology accordingly provides hints toward the formation of secondary synthons. The pK(a) rule is validated in the landscape by taking all components of the matrix together and exploring it as a whole. Along with the global features, the exploration of landscapes reveals some local features. Apart from the identification of secondary synthons, it also sheds light on the propensity of hydration in cocrystals, synthon competition, and certain topological similarities. The method described here combines two approaches, namely, database analysis and high throughput crystallography, to extract more information with minimal extra experimental effort.


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Protein aggregation, linked to many of diseases, is initiated when monomers access rogue conformations that are poised to form amyloid fibrils. We show, using simulations of src SH3 domain, that mechanical force enhances the population of the aggregation-prone (N*) states, which are rarely populated under force free native conditions but are encoded in the spectrum of native fluctuations. The folding phase diagrams of SH3 as a function of denaturant concentration (C]), mechanical force (f), and temperature exhibit an apparent two-state behavior, without revealing the presence of the elusive N* states. Interestingly, the phase boundaries separating the folded and unfolded states at all C] and f fall on a master curve, which can be quantitatively described using an analogy to superconductors in a magnetic field. The free energy profiles as a function of the molecular extension (R), which are accessible in pulling experiments, (R), reveal the presence of a native-like N* with a disordered solvent-exposed amino-terminal beta-strand. The structure of the N* state is identical with that found in Fyn SH3 by NMR dispersion experiments. We show that the timescale for fibril formation can be estimated from the population of the N* state, determined by the free energy gap separating the native structure and the N* state, a finding that can be used to assess fibril forming tendencies of proteins. The structures of the N* state are used to show that oligomer formation and likely route to fibrils occur by a domain-swap mechanism in SH3 domain. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Streams are periodically disturbed due to flooding, act as edges between habitats and also facilitate the dispersal of propagules, thus being potentially more vulnerable to invasions than adjoining regions. We used a landscape-wide transect-based sampling strategy and a mixed effects modelling approach to understand the effects of distance from stream, a rainfall gradient, light availability and fire history on the distribution of the invasive shrub Lantana camara L.(lantana) in the tropical dry forests of Mudumalai in southern India. The area occupied by lantana thickets and lantana stem abundance were both found to be highest closest to streams across this landscape with a rainfall gradient. There was no advantage in terms of increased abundance or area occupied by lantana when it grew closer to streams in drier areas as compared to moister areas. On an average, the area covered by lantana increased with increasing annual rainfall. Areas that experienced greater number of fires during 1989-2010 had lower lantana stem abundance irrespective of distance from streams. In this landscape, total light availability did not affect lantana abundance. Understanding the spatially variable environmental factors in a heterogeneous landscape influencing the distribution of lantana would aid in making informed management decisions at this scale.


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Rugged energy landscapes find wide applications in diverse fields ranging from astrophysics to protein folding. We study the dependence of diffusion coefficient (D) of a Brownian particle on the distribution width (epsilon) of randomness in a Gaussian random landscape by simulations and theoretical analysis. We first show that the elegant expression of Zwanzig Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 2029 (1988)] for D(epsilon) can be reproduced exactly by using the Rosenfeld diffusion-entropy scaling relation. Our simulations show that Zwanzig's expression overestimates D in an uncorrelated Gaussian random lattice - differing by almost an order of magnitude at moderately high ruggedness. The disparity originates from the presence of ``three-site traps'' (TST) on the landscape - which are formed by the presence of deep minima flanked by high barriers on either side. Using mean first passage time formalism, we derive a general expression for the effective diffusion coefficient in the presence of TST, that quantitatively reproduces the simulation results and which reduces to Zwanzig's form only in the limit of infinite spatial correlation. We construct a continuous Gaussian field with inherent correlation to establish the effect of spatial correlation on random walk. The presence of TSTs at large ruggedness (epsilon >> k(B)T) gives rise to an apparent breakdown of ergodicity of the type often encountered in glassy liquids. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The status of the endemic and endangered lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus) has not been properly assessed in several regions of the Western Ghats of southern India. We conducted a study in Parambikulam Forest Reserve in the state of Kerala to determine the distribution, demography, and status of lion-tailed macaques. We laid 5km(2) grid cells on the map of the study area (644km(2)) and made four replicated walks in each grid cell using GPS. We gathered data on lion-tailed macaque group locations, demography, and site covariates including trail length, duration of walk, proportion of evergreen forest, height of tallest trees, and human disturbance index. We also performed occupancy modeling using PRESENCE ver. 3.0. We estimated a minimum of 17 groups of macaques in these hills. Low detection and occupancy probabilities indicated a low density of lion-tailed macaques in the study area. Height of the tallest trees correlated positively whereas human disturbance and proportion of evergreen forest correlated negatively with occupancy in grid cells. We also used data from earlier studies carried out in the surrounding Anamalai Tiger Reserve and Nelliyampathy Hills to discuss the conservation status in the large Anamalai Hills Landscape. This landscape harbors an estimated population of 1108 individuals of lion-tailed macaques, which is about one third of the entire estimated wild population of this species. A conservation plan for this landscape could be used as a model for conservation in other regions of the Western Ghats.


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A large number of crystal forms, polymorphs and pseudopolymorphs, have been isolated in the phloroglucinol-dipyridylethylene (PGL:DPE) and phloroglucinol-phenazine (PGL:PHE) systems. An understanding of the intermolecular interactions and synthon preferences in these binary systems enables one to design a ternary molecular solid that consists of PGL, PHE, and DPE, and also others where DPE is replaced by other heterocycles. Clean isolation of these ternary cocrystals demonstrates synthon amplification during crystallization. These results point to the lesser likelihood of polymorphism in multicomponent crystals compared to single-component crystals. The appearance of several crystal forms during crystallization of a multicomponent system can be viewed as combinatorial crystal synthesis with synthon selection from a solution library. The resulting polymorphs and pseudopolymorphs that are obtained constitute a crystal structure landscape.


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While considered as sustainable and low-cost agricultural amendments, the impacts of organic fertilizers on downstream aquatic microbial communities remain poorly documented. We investigated the quantity and quality of the dissolved organic matter leaching from agricultural soil amended with compost, vermicompost or biochar and assessed their effects on lake microbial communities, in terms of viral and bacterial abundances, community structure and metabolic potential. The addition of compost and vermicompost significantly increased the amount of dissolved organic carbon in the leachate compared with soil alone. Leachates from these additions, either with or without biochar, were highly bioavailable to aquatic microbial communities, although reducing the metabolic potential of the community and harbouring more specific communities. Although not affecting bacterial richness or taxonomic distributions, the specific addition of biochar affected the original lake bacterial communities, resulting in a strongly different community. This could be partly explained by viral burst and converging bacterial abundances throughout the samples. These results underline the necessity to include off-site impacts of agricultural amendments when considering their cascading effect on downstream aquatic ecosystems.


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The crystal structure landscape of the 2:1 benzoic acid:dipyridylethylene cocrystal (BA:DPE-I) is explored experimentally with fluoro-substituted benzoic acids and extended with studies employing the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). The interpretation of the cocrystal landscape is facilitated by considering the kinetically favored and robust acidpyridine heterosynthon as a modular unit. Information based on high-throughput crystallography shows that polymorphs and pseudopolymorphs may belong to the same landscape but arise from different crystallization pathways because of complex and different kinetic features, and secondary synthon preferences. Using the CSD as a guide, the coformer was changed from 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene (DPE-I) to 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane (DPE-II) and this provides an extended interpretation of the BA:DPE-I cocrystal landscape, also highlighting the complexity of the kineticthermodynamic dichotomy during the molecule-to-crystal progression.


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Multi temporal land use information were derived using two decades remote sensing data and simulated for 2012 and 2020 with Cellular Automata (CA) considering scenarios, change probabilities (through Markov chain) and Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE). Agents and constraints were considered for modeling the urbanization process. Agents were nornmlized through fiizzyfication and priority weights were assigned through Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) pairwise comparison for each factor (in MCE) to derive behavior-oriented rules of transition for each land use class. Simulation shows a good agreement with the classified data. Fuzzy and AHP helped in analyzing the effects of agents of growth clearly and CA-Markov proved as a powerful tool in modelling and helped in capturing and visualizing the spatiotemporal patterns of urbanization. This provided rapid land evaluation framework with the essential insights of the urban trajectory for effective sustainable city planning.


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The estimation of water and solute transit times in catchments is crucial for predicting the response of hydrosystems to external forcings (climatic or anthropogenic). The hydrogeochemical signatures of tracers (either natural or anthropogenic) in streams have been widely used to estimate transit times in catchments as they integrate the various processes at stake. However, most of these tracers are well suited for catchments with mean transit times lower than about 4-5 years. Since the second half of the 20th century, the intensification of agriculture led to a general increase of the nitrogen load in rivers. As nitrate is mainly transported by groundwater in agricultural catchments, this signal can be used to estimate transit times greater than several years, even if nitrate is not a conservative tracer. Conceptual hydrological models can be used to estimate catchment transit times provided their consistency is demonstrated, based on their ability to simulate the stream chemical signatures at various time scales and catchment internal processes such as N storage in groundwater. The objective of this study was to assess if a conceptual lumped model was able to simulate the observed patterns of nitrogen concentration, at various time scales, from seasonal to pluriannual and thus if it was relevant to estimate the nitrogen transit times in headwater catchments. A conceptual lumped model, representing shallow groundwater flow as two parallel linear stores with double porosity, and riparian processes by a constant nitrogen removal function, was applied on two paired agricultural catchments which belong to the Research Observatory ORE AgrHys. The Global Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) approach was used to estimate parameter values and uncertainties. The model performance was assessed on (i) its ability to simulate the contrasted patterns of stream flow and stream nitrate concentrations at seasonal and inter-annual time scales, (ii) its ability to simulate the patterns observed in groundwater at the same temporal scales, and (iii) the consistency of long-term simulations using the calibrated model and the general pattern of the nitrate concentration increase in the region since the beginning of the intensification of agriculture in the 1960s. The simulated nitrate transit times were found more sensitive to climate variability than to parameter uncertainty, and average values were found to be consistent with results from others studies in the same region involving modeling and groundwater dating. This study shows that a simple model can be used to simulate the main dynamics of nitrogen in an intensively polluted catchment and then be used to estimate the transit times of these pollutants in the system which is crucial to guide mitigation plans design and assessment. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polymorphism in the orcinol: 4,4'-bipyridine cocrystal system is analyzed in terms of a robust convergent modular phenol...pyridine supramolecular synthon. Employing the Synthon Based Fragments Approach (SBFA) to transfer the multipole charge density parameters, it is demonstrated that the crystal landscape can be quantified in terms of intermolecular interaction energies in the five crystal forms so far isolated in this complex system. There are five crystal forms. The first has an open, divergent O-H...N based structure with alternating orcinol and bipyridine molecules. The other four polymorphs have different three-dimensional packing but all of them are similar at an interaction level, and are based on a modular O-H...N mediated supramolecular synthon that consists of two orcinol and two bipyridine molecules in a closed, convergent structure. The SBFA method, which depends on the modularity of synthons, provides good agreement between experiment and theory because it takes into account the supramolecular contribution to charge density. The existence of five crystal forms in this system shows that polymorphism in cocrystals need not be considered to be an unusual phenomenon. Studies of the crystal landscape could lead to an understanding of the kinetic pathways that control the crystallization processes, in other words the valleys in the landscape. These pathways are traditionally not considered in exercises pertaining to computational crystal structure prediction, which rather monitors the thermodynamics of the various stable forms in the system, in other words the peaks in the landscape.


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Diffusion-a measure of dynamics, and entropy-a measure of disorder in the system are found to be intimately correlated in many systems, and the correlation is often strongly non-linear. We explore the origin of this complex dependence by studying diffusion of a point Brownian particle on a model potential energy surface characterized by ruggedness. If we assume that the ruggedness has a Gaussian distribution, then for this model, one can obtain the excess entropy exactly for any dimension. By using the expression for the mean first passage time, we present a statistical mechanical derivation of the well-known and well-tested scaling relation proposed by Rosenfeld between diffusion and excess entropy. In anticipation that Rosenfeld diffusion-entropy scaling (RDES) relation may continue to be valid in higher dimensions (where the mean first passage time approach is not available), we carry out an effective medium approximation (EMA) based analysis of the effective transition rate and hence of the effective diffusion coefficient. We show that the EMA expression can be used to derive the RDES scaling relation for any dimension higher than unity. However, RDES is shown to break down in the presence of spatial correlation among the energy landscape values. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.