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Utilization bounds for Earliest Deadline First(EDF) and Rate Monotonic(RM) scheduling are known and well understood for uniprocessor systems. In this paper, we derive limits on similar bounds for the multiprocessor case, when the individual processors need not be identical. Tasks are partitioned among the processors and RM scheduling is assumed to be the policy used in individual processors. A minimum limit on the bounds for a 'greedy' class of algorithms is given and proved, since the actual value of the bound depends on the algorithm that allocates the tasks. We also derive the utilization bound of an algorithm which allocates tasks in decreasing order of utilization factors. Knowledge of such bounds allows us to carry out very fast schedulability tests although we are constrained by the fact that the tests are sufficient but not necessary to ensure schedulability.


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Several methods for improving the strength of metallic materials are available and correlations between strength and various microstructural features have been established. The purpose of this paper is to review parallel developments favouring improved fracture resistance. Resistance to fracture in monotonie loading, cyclic loading and when fracture is environment-aided have been considered in steels, aluminium alloys and anisotropic materials. Finally, the question of optimising alloy behaviour is discussed.


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An implicit sub-grid scale model for large eddy simulation is presented by utilising the concept of a relaxation system for one dimensional Burgers' equation in a novel way. The Burgers' equation is solved for three different unsteady flow situations by varying the ratio of relaxation parameter (epsilon) to time step. The coarse mesh results obtained with a relaxation scheme are compared with the filtered DNS solution of the same problem on a fine mesh using a fourth-order CWENO discretisation in space and third-order TVD Runge-Kutta discretisation in time. The numerical solutions obtained through the relaxation system have the same order of accuracy in space and time and they closely match with the filtered DNS solutions.


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A new throttling system far SI engines is examined. The SMD of the fuel droplets in the induction system is measured to evaluate the performance of the new device with respect to the conventional throttle plate arrangement. The measurements are conducted at steady now conditions. A forward angular scattering technique with a He-Ne laser beam is used for droplet size measurement. The experiments are carried out with different mixture strength, stream velocity and throttle positions. It is observed that A/F ratio has no effect on SMD. However, stream velocity and throttle position have a significant influence on SMD. The new throttling method is found to be more effective in reducing the SMD, particularly at low throttle opening and high stream velocity compared to the conventional throttle plate.


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A computational scheme for determining the dynamic stiffness coefficients of a linear, inclined, translating and viscously/hysteretically damped cable element is outlined. Also taken into account is the coupling between inplane transverse and longitudinal forms of cable vibration. The scheme is based on conversion of the governing set of quasistatic boundary value problems into a larger equivalent set of initial value problems, which are subsequently numerically integrated in a spatial domain using marching algorithms. Numerical results which bring out the nature of the dynamic stiffness coefficients are presented. A specific example of random vibration analysis of a long span cable subjected to earthquake support motions modeled as vector gaussian random processes is also discussed. The approach presented is versatile and capable of handling many complicating effects in cable dynamics in a unified manner.


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NSP3, an acidic nonstructural protein, encoded by gene 7 has been implicated as the key player in the assembly of the 11 viral plus-strand RNAs into the early replication intermediates during rotavirus morphogenesis. To date, the sequence or NSP3 from only three animal rotaviruses (SA11, SA114F, and bovine UK) has been determined and that from a human strain has not been reported. To determine the genetic diversity among gene 7 alleles from group A rotaviruses, the nucleotide sequence of the NSP3 gene from 13 strains belonging to nine different G serotypes, from both humans and animals, has been determined. Based on the amino acid sequence identity as well as phylogenetic analysis, NSP3 from group A rotaviruses falls into three evolutionarily related groups, i.e., the SA11 group, the Wa group, and the S2 group. The SA 11/SA114F gene appears to have a distant ancestral origin from that of the others and codes for a polypeptide of 315 amino acids (aa) in length. NSP3 from all other group A rotaviruses is only 313 aa in length because of a 2-amino-acid deletion near the carboxy-terminus, While the SA114F gene has the longest 3' untranslated region (UTR) of 132 nucleotides, that from other strains suffered deletions of varying lengths at two positions downstream of the translational termination codon. In spite of the divergence of the nucleotide (nt) sequence in the protein coding region, a stretch of about 80 nt in the 3' UTR is highly conserved in the NSP3 gene from all the strains. This conserved sequence in the 3' UTR might play an important role in the regulation of expression of the NSP3 gene. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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Amorphous conducting carbon films are prepared by plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition and their d.c. conductivity (similar to 100 Scm(-1)) is studied from 300K down to 4.2K. The films were irradiated by high energy ion beam(I+13, 170 MeV) with a dose of 10(13) ions/cm(2). As a result a marked decrease in conductivity by two to three orders in magnitude was observed. The structural changes and the defects in the films caused by ion irradiation are studied using photoluminescence, persistent photoconductivity, and ESR spectroscopy.


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A method based on the minimal-spanning tree is extended to a collection of points in three dimensions. Two parameters, the average edge length and its standard deviation characterize the disorder. The structural phase diagram for a monatomic system of particles and the characteristic values for the uniform random distribution of points have been obtained. The method is applied to hard spheres and Lennard-Jones systems. These systems occupy distinct regions in the structural phase diagram. The structure of the Lennard-Jones system approaches that of the defective close-packed arrangements at low temperatures whereas in the liquid regime, it deviates from the close-packed configuration.


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Copper with four widely differing grain sizes was subjected to high-strain-rate plastic deformation in a special experimental arrangement in which high shear strains of approximately 2 to 7 were generated. The adiabatic plastic deformation produced temperature rises in excess of 300 K, creating conditions favorable for dynamic recrystallization, with an attendant change in the mechanical response. Preshocking of the specimens to an amplitude of 50 GPa generated a high dislocation density; twinning was highly dependent on grain size, being profuse for the 117- and 315-mu m grain-size specimens and virtually absent for the 9.5-mu m grain-size specimens. This has a profound effect on the subsequent mechanical response of the specimens, with the smaller grain-size material undergoing considerably more hardening than the larger grain-size material. A rationale is proposed which leads to a prediction of the shock threshold stress for twinning as a function of grain size. The strain required for localization of plastic deformation was dependent on the combined grain size/shock-induced microstructure, with the large grain-size specimens localizing more readily. The experimental results obtained are rationalized in terms of dynamic recrystallization, and a constitutive equation is applied to the experimental results; it correctly predicts the earlier onset of localization for the large grain-size specimens. It is suggested that the grain-size dependence of shock response can significantly affect the performance of shaped charges.


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This paper presents a model study to understand the effect of surfactants on the physicochemical properties of human hair. FT-IR ATR spectroscopy has been employed to understand the chemical changes induced by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on human scalp hair. In particular, the SDS induced changes in the secondary structure of protein present in the outer protective layer of hair, i.e. cuticle, have been investigated. Conformational changes in the secondary structure of protein were studied by curve fitting of the amide I band after every phase of SDS treatment. It has been found that SDS brings rearrangements in the protein backbone conformations by transforming beta-sheet structure to random coil and beta-turn. Additionally, AFM and SEM studies were carried out to understand the morphological changes induced on the hair surface. SEM and AFM images demonstrated the rupture and partial erosion of cuticle sublayers.


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Callus induction and morphogenesis from different blackgram explants were tested on MS basal medium supplemented with B5 vitamins, IAA, NAA, IBA, KIN and BAP individually and in combinations. The explants were hypocotyl, epicotyl, axillary bud, cotyledonary node and immature leaf. The optimal levels of the frequency of callus induction was 22.8 mu M of IAA or 16.1 mu M NAA and in combination with 2.2 mu M of BAP. Among the seedling explants, hypocotyl was found to be more efficient in producing callus. Shoots mere induced from callus cultures of hypocotyls, epicotyls, axillary bud, cotyledonary node and immature leaf with varying frequencies in the medium containing KIN (2.3-9.3 mu M) or BAP (2.2-8.8 mu M) and in combination with IAA (2.8 mu M) or NAA (2.6 mu M). Multiple shoots were obtained using cotyledonary node segments. The regenerated shoots rooted best on MS basal medium containing 9.8 mu M IBA. Seventy three per cent of the shoots produced roots, and 80-85% of the plantlets survived under greenhouse condition.


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Neural network models of associative memory exhibit a large number of spurious attractors of the network dynamics which are not correlated with any memory state. These spurious attractors, analogous to "glassy" local minima of the energy or free energy of a system of particles, degrade the performance of the network by trapping trajectories starting from states that are not close to one of the memory states. Different methods for reducing the adverse effects of spurious attractors are examined with emphasis on the role of synaptic asymmetry. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Many interesting features of the dynamics of simple liquids near the glass transition may be understood in terms of properties of the free-energy landscape obtained from numerical studies of a model free-energy functional. Main results obtained from this approach are summarized and a list of references to relevant publications is provided. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Site-directed mutagenesis is widely used to study protein and nucleic acid structure and function. Despite recent advancements in the efficiency of procedures for site-directed mutagenesis, the fraction of site-directed mutants by most procedures rarely exceeds 50% on a routine basis and is never 100%. Hence it is typically necessary to sequence two or three clones each time a site-directed mutant is constructed. We describe a simple and robust gradient-PCR-based screen for distinguishing site-directed mutants from the starting, unmutated plasmid. The procedure can use either purified plasmid DNA or colony PCR, starting from a single colony. The screen utilizes the primer used for mutagenesis and a common outside primer that can be used for all other mutants constructed with the same template. Over 30 site-specific mutants in a variety of templates were successfully screened and all of the mutations detected were subsequently confirmed by DNA sequencing. A single base pair mismatch could be detected in an oligonucleotide of 36 bases. Detection efficiency was relatively independent of starting template concentration and the nature of the outside primer used. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.