56 resultados para 1. Plasma Physics


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The unified structure of steady, one-dimensional shock waves in argon, in the absence of an external electric or magnetic field, is investigated. The analysis is based on a two-temperature, three-fluid continuum approach, using the NavierâStokes equations as a model and including non-equilibrium collisional as well as radiative ionization phenomena. Quasi charge neutrality and zero velocity slip are assumed. The integral nature of the radiative terms is reduced to analytical forms through suitable spectral and directional approximations. The analysis is based on the method of matched asymptotic expansions. With respect to a suitably chosen small parameter, which is the ratio of atom-atom elastic collisional mean free-path to photon mean free-path, the following shock morphology emerges: within the radiation and electron thermal conduction dominated outer layer occurs an optically transparent discontinuity which consists of a chemically frozen heavy particle (atoms and ions) shock and a collisional ionization relaxation layer. Solutions are obtained for the first order with respect to the small parameter of the problem for two cases: (i) including electron thermal conduction and (ii) neglecting it in the analysis of the outer layer. It has been found that the influence of electron thermal conduction on the shock structure is substantial. Results for various free-stream conditions are presented in the form of tables and figures.


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It is shown that, although the mathematical analysis of the Alfven-wave equation does not show any variation at non-zero or zero singular points, the role of surface waves in the physical mechanism of resonant absorption of Alfven waves is very different at these points. This difference becomes even greater when resistivity is taken into account. At the neutral point the zero-frequency surface waves that are symmetric surface modes of the structured neutral layer couple to the tearing mode instability of the layer. The importance of this study for the energy balance in tearing modes and the association of surface waves with driven magnetic reconnection is also pointed out.


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We have studied the behaviour of a charged particle in an axially symmetric magnetic field having a neutral point, so as to find a possibility of confining a charged particle in a thermonuclear device. In order to study the motion we have reduced a three-dimensional motion to a two-dimensional one by introducing a fictitious potential. Following Schmidt we have classified the motion, as an â˜off-axis motionâ and â˜encircling motionâ depending on the behaviour of this potential. We see that the particle performs a hybrid type of motion in the negative z-axis, i.e. at some instant it is in â˜off-axis motionâ while at another instant it is in â˜encircling motionâ. We have also solved the equation of motion numerically and the graphs of the particle trajectory verify our analysis. We find that in most of the cases the particle is contained. The magnetic moment is found to be moderately adiabatic.


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Nitrogen plasma exposure (NPE) effects on indium doped bulk n-CdTe are reported here. Excellent rectifying characteristics of Au/n-CdTe Schottky diodes, with an increase in the barrier height, and large reverse breakdown voltages are observed after the plasma exposure. Surface damage is found to be absent in the plasma exposed samples. The breakdown mechanism of the heavily doped Schottky diodes is found to shift from the Zener to avalanche after the nitrogen plasma exposure, pointing to a change in the doping close to the surface which was also verified by C-V measurements. The thermal stability of the plasma exposure process is seen up to a temperature of 350 degrees C, thereby enabling the high temperature processing of the samples for device fabrication. The characteristics of the NPE diodes are stable over a year implying excellent diode quality. A plausible model based on Fermi level pinning by acceptor-like states created by plasma exposure is proposed to explain the observations.


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A method of ion extraction from plasmas is reported in which the interference of field lines due to the extraction system in the plasma region is avoided by proper shaping of the extractor electrode and is supported by field plots.


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In this study, reduction and desorption of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) were conducted using an electrical discharge plasma technique. The study was carried out using a simulated gas mixture to explore the possibility of re-generation of used adsorbents by a nonthermal plasma desorption technique. Three different types of corona electrodes, namely, pipe, helical wire, and straight wire, were used for analyzing their effectiveness in NOx reduction/desorption. The pipe-type corona electrode exhibited a nitric oxide (NO) conversion of 50%, which is 1.5 times that of the straight-wire-type electrode at an energy density of 175J/L. The helical-wire-type corona electrode exhibited a NOx desorption efficiency almost 4 times that of the pipe-type electrode,indicating the possibility that corona-generated species play a crucial role in desorption.


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Surface instability of a collisionless semi-infinite current carrying plasma is studied. The semi-infinite plasma bounded by a plane surface is under the influence of a high frequency (hf) field. There are two classes of surface modes. One is a normal extension of zero high frequency field and the other due entirely to the presence ofhf field. As expected, with the increase in thehf field, the growth rates of the surface instabilities decrease. There are regions defined by the electron drift velocityu where the unstable surface and bulk regions overlap. The interesting result is that unlike the bulk plasma, there is a stable region on theu-axis flanked by two unstable regions. The width of this stable region increases with the increase in the field strength.


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A method for finding the roots of the equation D = O in a multicomponent plasma with positive and negative ion species is given. The use of dispersion diagrams (omega-k diagrams) for right- and left-circularly polarized waves is made to locate these roots in pass or stop bands. ©1973 American Institute of Physics.


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Purity of the glow-discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure for surface modification applications is always debatable, since it works at ambient atmosphere. We have demonstrated on the use of optical emission spectroscopy to test the purity of this kind of plasma. The effect of gas flow pattern, nature of gas, and its flow rate on the plasma chemistry was studied. The importance of proper system design in maintaining a uniform flow of heavy and inert gases as carrier gas in atmospheric glow-discharge plasma was confirmed. The surface of a plasma-treated PET sample was analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to verify the studies on plasma purity done using emission spectrum.


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A linear excitation of electromagnetic modes at frequencies (n + ı89 in a plasma through which two electron beams are contra-streaming along the magnetic field is investigated. This may be a source of the observed {cote emissions at auroral latitudes.


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The problem of two-stream instability in plasma is studied by specifying the importance of initial magnetic field associated with the motion of the charged particles and the boundary effects. In Part I the accurate initial steady state is studied when the streams of electrons and ions move with different uniform speeds in plasmas with plane and cylindrical geometry. In Part II, in order to show the effects of finiteness and inhomogeneity of the system, small transverse plasma oscillations are studied in the case of plane plasmas. The role of plasma-sheath oscillations at the boundaries is found to be very important in driving the instabilities associated with the electromagnetic modes. The numerical estimates of the growth rates of the instability are given for the specific case of the physical data in discharge tubes.


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The ion energy distribution of inductively coupled plasma ion source for focused ion beam application is measured using a four grid retarding field energy analyzer. Without using any Faraday shield, ion energy spread is found to be 50 eV or more. Moreover, the ion energy distribution is found to have double peaks showing that the power coupling to the plasma is not purely inductive, but a strong parasitic capacitive coupling is also present. By optimizing the various source parameters and Faraday shield, ion energy distribution having a single peak, well separated from zero energy and with ion energy spread of 4 eV is achieved. A novel plasma chamber, with proper Faraday shield is designed to ignite the plasma at low RF powers which otherwise would require 300-400 W of RF power. Optimization of various parameters of the ion source to achieve ions with very low energy spread and the experimental results are presented in this article. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The modulational instability of a large-amplitude, linearly polarized electromagnetic wave propagating in an electron-positron plasma is considered, including the combined effect of relativistic mass variation of the plasma particles, harmonic generation, and the non-resonant, finite-frequency electrostatic density perturbations, all caused by the large-amplitude radiation field. The radiation from many strong sources, such as AGN and pulsars, has been observed to vary over a host of time-scales. It is possible that the extremely rapid variations in the non-thermal continuum of AGN, as well as in the non-thermal radio radiation from pulsars, can be accounted for by the modulational instabilities to which radiation may be subjected during its propagation out of the emission region.


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Using steady state and transient capacitance measurements, the electrical characteristics of a defect layer on the surface of bulk GaSb created during the hydrogen plasma treatment is presented. The trap density, activation energies, and the thickness of the defect layer have been calculated. The trap densities are comparable in magnitude to the carrier concentration. The defects introduce multiple energy levels in the band gap. Typical defect layer thicknesses range from a few angstroms to a fraction of a micron. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.