482 resultados para Crystal size


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A copper(II) complex containing a NSO-donor Schiff base and NN-donor 2,2'-bipyridine has been prepared and structurally characterized. The square pyramidal complex with an axial sulfur ligation is a structural model for the CUB site of dopamine-hydroxylase in its oxidized form. The copper(II) complex is catalytically active in the oxidation of ascorbic acid by dioxygen mediated by a copper(I) species which is proposed to have a four-coordinate structure with a N3S coordination geometry.


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The title compound I (24-(S)-Hydroxy Coprastan-3-one) crystallises in orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with Z = 4. The unit cell dimensions are a = 6.701(2)Angstrom, b = 11.506(8)Angstrom, c = 32.183(4)Angstrom, V = 2481(2)Angstrom (3), D-cal = 1.077 Mg/m(3). The tide compound II (24-(R)-Hydroxy Coprastan-3-one) crystallises in orthorhombic space group P212121 with two molecules per assymetric unit and with Z = 8. The Unit cell dimensions are a = 10.954(2)Angstrom, b = 21.757(6)Angstrom, c = 21.130(7)Angstrom, V = 5035.0(2)Angstrom (3), D-cal = 1.062 Mg/m(3). In compound I and in both the molecules of compound II, the rings A, B & C are in chair conformation and the five membered ring D is in envelope conformation. The priority sequence attached to the chiral carbon C24 has "S" designation in compound I and "R" designation in compound II. The structures are stabilized by C-H . . .O and O-H---O hydrogen bonds.


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Rv2118c belongs to the class of conserved hypothetical proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. The crystal structure of Rv2118c in complex with S-adenosyl-Image -methionine (AdoMet) has been determined at 1.98 Å resolution. The crystallographic asymmetric unit consists of a monomer, but symmetry-related subunits interact extensively, leading to a tetrameric structure. The structure of the monomer can be divided functionally into two domains: the larger catalytic C-terminal domain that binds the cofactor AdoMet and is involved in the transfer of methyl group from AdoMet to the substrate and a smaller N-terminal domain. The structure of the catalytic domain is very similar to that of other AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases. The N-terminal domain is primarily a β-structure with a fold not found in other methyltransferases of known structure. Database searches reveal a conserved family of Rv2118c-like proteins from various organisms. Multiple sequence alignments show several regions of high sequence similarity (motifs) in this family of proteins. Structure analysis and homology to yeast Gcd14p suggest that Rv2118c could be an RNA methyltransferase, but further studies are required to establish its functional role conclusively.


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In this work, the effect of lattice orientation on the fields prevailing near a notch tip is investigated pertaining to various constraint levels in FCC single crystals. A modified boundary layer formulation is employed and numerical solutions under mode I, plane strain conditions are generated by assuming an elastic-perfectly plastic FCC single crystal. The analysis is carried out corresponding to different lattice orientations with respect to the notch line. It is found that the near-tip deformation field, especially the development of kink or slip shear bands is sensitive to the constraint level. The stress distribution and the size and shape of the plastic zone near the notch tip are also strongly influenced by the level of T-stress. The present results clearly establish that ductile single crystal fracture geometries would progressively lose crack tip constraint as the T-stress becomes more negative irrespective of lattice orientation. Also, the near-tip field for a range of constraint levels can be characterized by two-parameters such as K-T or J-Q as in isotropic plastic solids.


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Evolution of deformation texture in commercially pure titanium with submicron grain size (SMG) was studied using x-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) methods. The material was deformed by rolling at room temperature. The deformation mechanism was found to be slip dominated with a pyramidal slip system facilitating plastic deformation. No evidence of tensile or compressive twinning was detected, as generally seen in the case of titanium with conventional microcrystalline grain size. The absence of twinning and the propensity of the pyramidal slip system in the SMG Ti is attributed to the lack of coordinated motion of zonal partial dislocations that leads to twinning.


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Single crystals of a-hopeite exhibiting high transparency were grown by single diffusion gel growth technique. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that the crystal belongs to orthorhombic system. The values of several structural and physical parameters have been determined for the grown crystal. The optical absorption study reveals the transparency of the crystal and is noticed in the entire visible region and the cut-off wavelength was found to be 230 nm. The optical band gap found to be at 3.25 eV. The dependence of extinction co-efficient (k) and the refractive index (n) on the wavelength was also shown. The dielectric constant and dielectric loss of the crystal was studied as a function of frequency and temperature. Transport properties of the grown crystal have been studied from the Cole-Cole plot. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Azophenol complexes of formulation [(η6-p-cymene)RuCl(Ln)] (1–6, n=1–6) were prepared by two synthetic methods involving either an oxygen insertion to the Ru---C bond in cycloruthenated precursors forming complexes 1 and 2 or from the reaction of [{(η6-p-cymene)RuCl}2(μ-Cl)2] with azophenol ligands (HL3–HL6) in the presence of sodium carbonate in CH2Cl2. The molecular structure of the 1-(phenylazo)-2-naphthol complex has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The complex has a η6-p-cymene group, a chloride and a bidentate N,O-donor azophenol ligand. The complexes have been characterized from NMR spectral data. The catalytic activity of the complexes has been studied for the conversion of acetophenone to the corresponding alcohol in the presence of KOH and isopropanol. Complexes 4 and 6 having a methoxy group attached to the ortho-position of the phenylazo moiety and 2 with a methyl group in the meta-position of the phenolic moiety show high percentage conversion (>84%).


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The structure of a type I langbeinite, Rb2Cd2(SO4)(3), displays three different phases, cubic with a = 10.378(5) Angstrom (space group P2(1)3) at room temperature, monoclinic at 120 K with a = 10.328(3), b = 10.322(3), c = 10.325(3) Angstrom, beta = 89.975(1)degrees (space group P2(1)), and orthorhombic at 85 K with a = 10.319(2), b = 10.321(2), c = 10.320(2) Angstrom (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1)), respectively. Precise single-crystal analyses of these phases indicate that Rb2Cd2(SO4)(3) distorts initially from cubic to monoclinic upon cooling followed by a significant reorientation of the SO4 tetrahedra, resulting in an orthorhombic symmetry upon further cooling. The three structures have been established unequivocally using the same crystal. There is no indication of the formation of an intermediate triclinic phase or any lattice disorder as conjectured in several earlier reports on compounds belonging to the type I langbeinite. The bond valence sum analyses of the coordination around the Rb sites indicate asymmetry in the bond strengths which could be the driving force of the ferroelectric behavior in these materials.


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We prove a lower bound of Omega(1/epsilon (m + log(d - a)) where a = [log(m) (1/4epsilon)] for the hitting set size for combinatorial rectangles of volume at least epsilon in [m](d) space, for epsilon is an element of [m(-(d-2)), 2/9] and d > 2. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Films with Fe–25 at.% Ge composition are deposited by the process of laser ablation on single crystal NaCl and Cu substrates at room temperature. Both the vapor and liquid droplets generated in this process are quenched on the substrate. The microstructures of the embedded droplets show size as well as composition dependence. The hierarchy of phase evolution from amorphous to body-centered cubic (bcc) to DO3 has been observed as a function of size. Some of the medium-sized droplets also show direct formation of ordered DO19 phase from the starting liquid. The evolution of disordered bcc structure in some of the droplets indicates disorder trapping during liquid to solid transformation. The microstructural evolution is analyzed on the basis of heat transfer mechanisms and continuous growth model in the solidifying droplets.


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Bi2Nbx V1−xO5.5 ceramics with x ranging from 0.01 to 0.5 have been prepared. The crystal system transforms from an orthorhombic to tetragonal at x 3= 0.1 and it persists until x = 0.5. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) investigations carried out on thermally etched Bi2NbxV1−xO5.5 ceramics confirm that the grain size decreases markedly (18 μm to 4 μm) with increasing x. The shift in the Curie temperature (725 K) toward lower temperatures, with increasing x, is established by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The dielectric constants as well as the loss tangent (tan δ) decrease with increasing x at room temperature.


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Noble metal such as Ag normally exists in an fcc crystal structure. However as the size of the material is decreased to nanometer lengthscales, a structural transformation from that of its bulk state can be expected with new atomic arrangements due to competition between internal packing and minimization of surface energy. In many previous studies, it has been shown that silver nanowires (AGNWs) grown inside anodic alumina (AAO) templates by ac or dc electrochemical deposition from silver salts or complexes, adopt fcc structure and below some critical diameter ∼ 20 nm they may acquire hcp structure at low temperature. This is, however, critically dependant on the nature of confinement, as AgNWs grown inside nanotube confinement with subnanometer diameter have been reported to have fcc structure. Hence the question of the crystal structure of metal nanowires under combined influence of confinement, temperature and deposition condition remains open. In this abstract we show that the alternative crystal structures of AGNWs at room temperature can be achieved with electrochemical growth processes under specific conditions determined by the deposition parameters and nature of confinement. We fabricated AgNWs of 4H hexagonal structure with diameters 30 – 80 nm inside polycarbonate (PC) templates with a modified dc electrodeposition technique, where the nanowires were grown at deposition potentials as low as 10 mV in 2 M silver nitrate solution[1]. We call this low-potential electrodeposition (LPED) since the electrodeposition process occurs at potential much less than the standard Nernst potential (770 mV) of silver. Two types of electrodes were used – stainless steel and sputtered thin Pt film, neither of which had any influence on the crystal structure of the nanowires. EDS elemental analysis showed the nanowires to consist only of silver. Although the precise atomic dynamics during the LPED process is unclear at present, we investigated this with HRTEM (high-resolution transmission electron microscopy) characterization of nanowires grown over various deposition times, as well as electrical conductivity measurements. These experiments indicate that nanowire growth does not occur through a three-dimensional diffusion controlled process, as proposed for conventional over-potential deposition, but follow a novel instantaneous linear growth mechanism. Further experiments showed that, (a) conventional electrochemical growth at a small over-potential in a 2 mM AgNO3 solution yields nanowires with expected fcc structure inside the same PC templates, and (2) no nanowire was observed under the LPED conditions inside hard AAO templates, indicating that LPED-growth process, and hcp structure of the corresponding nanowires depend on deposition parameters, as well as nature of confinement.


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Metabolism of D-amino acids is of considerable interest due to their key importance in cell structure and function. Salmonella typhimurium D-serine deaminase (StDSD) is a pyridoxal 5' phosphate (PLP) dependent enzyme that catalyses degradation of D-Ser to pyruvate and ammonia. The first crystal structure of D-serine deaminase described here reveals a typical Foldtype II or tryptophan synthase beta subunit fold of PLP-dependent enzymes. Although holoenzyme was used for crystallization of both wild-type StDSD (WtDSD) and selenomethionine labelled StDSD (SeMetDSD), significant electron density was not observed for the cofactor, indicating that the enzyme has a low affinity for the cofactor under crystallization conditions. Interestingly, unexpected conformational differences were observed between the two structures. The WtDSD was in an open conformation while SeMetDSD, crystallized in the presence of isoserine, was in a closed conformation suggesting that the enzyme is likely to undergo conformational changes upon binding of substrate as observed in other Foldtype II PLP-dependent enzymes. Electron density corresponding to a plausible sodium ion was found near the active site of the closed but not in the open state of the enzyme. Examination of the active site and substrate modelling suggests that Thr166 may be involved in abstraction of proton from the C alpha atom of the substrate. Apart from the physiological reaction, StDSD catalyses a, b elimination of D-Thr, D-Allothr and L-Ser to the corresponding alpha-keto acids and ammonia. The structure of StDSD provides a molecular framework necessary for understanding differences in the rate of reaction with these substrates.


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A careful study of the existing literature available in the field of cavitation reveals the potential of ultrasonics as a tool for controlling and, if possible, eliminating certain types of hydrodynamic cavitation through the manipulation of nuclei size present in a flow. A glass venturi is taken to be an ideal device to study the cavitation phenomenon at its throat and its potential control. A piezoelectric transducer, driven at the crystal resonant frequency, is used to generate an acoustic pressure field and is termed an �ultrasonic nuclei manipulator (UNM)�. Electrolysis bubbles serve as artificial nuclei to produce travelling bubble cavitation at the venturi throat in the absence of a UNM but this cavitation is completely eliminated when a UNM is operative. This is made possible because the nuclei, which pass through the acoustic field first, cavitate, collapse violently and perhaps fragment and go into dissolution before reaching the venturi throat. Thus, the potential nuclei for travelling bubble cavitation at the venturi throat seem to be systematically destroyed through acoustic cavitation near the UNM. From the solution to the bubble dynamics equation, it has been shown that the potential energy of a bubble at its maximum radius due to an acoustic field is negligible compared to that for the hydrodynamic field. Hence, even though the control of hydrodynamic macro cavitation achieved in this way is at the expense of acoustic micro cavitation, it can still be considered to be a significant gain. These are some of the first results in this direction.