434 resultados para single-peaked preferences


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Ignition delay experiments of 3-carene, a biofuel, have been carried out in a single-pulse shock tube for three equivalence ratios, 0.5, 1 and 2. The temperature was varied from 1140 to 1606 K. In the above-mentioned conditions, ignition delay was found to vary from 1.180 ms to 144 mu s. The ignition delay values of 3-carene were found to be lower than those of JP-10, a kerosene-based fuel being considered for hypersonic applications.


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The interaction of a single bubble with a single vortex ring in water has been studied experimentally. Measurements of both the bubble dynamics and vorticity dynamics have been done to help understand the two-way coupled problem. The circulation strength of the vortex ring (Gamma) has been systematically varied, while keeping the bubble diameter (D-b) constant, with the bubble volume to vortex core volume ratio (V-R) also kept fixed at about 0.1. The other important parameter in the problem is a Weber number based on the vortex ring strength. (We = 0.87 rho(Gamma/2 pi a)(2)/(sigma/D-b); a = vortex core radius, sigma = surface tension), which is varied over a large range, We = 3-406. The interaction between the bubble and ring for each of the We cases broadly falls into four stages. Stage I is before capture of the bubble by the ring where the bubble is drawn into the low-pressure vortex core, while in stage II the bubble is stretched in the azimuthal direction within the ring and gradually broken up into a number of smaller bubbles. Following this, in stage III the bubble break-up is complete and the resulting smaller bubbles slowly move around the core, and finally in stage IV the bubbles escape. Apart from the effect of the ring on the bubble, the bubble is also shown to significantly affect the vortex ring, especially at low We (We similar to 3). In these low-We cases, the convection speed drops significantly compared to the base case without a bubble, while the core appears to fragment with a resultant large decrease in enstrophy by about 50 %. In the higher-We cases (We > 100), there are some differences in convection speed and enstrophy, but the effects are relatively small. The most dramatic effects of the bubble on the ring are found for thicker core rings at low We (We similar to 3) with the vortex ring almost stopping after interacting with the bubble, and the core fragmenting into two parts. The present idealized experiments exhibit many phenomena also seen in bubbly turbulent flows such as reduction in enstrophy, suppression of structures, enhancement of energy at small scales and reduction in energy at large scales. These similarities suggest that results from the present experiments can be helpful in better understanding interactions of bubbles with eddies in turbulent flows.


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Plasmon rulers, consisting of pairs of gold nanoparticles, allow single-molecule analysis without photobleaching or blinking; however, current plasmon rulers are irreversible, restricting detection to only single events. Here, we present a reversible plasmon ruler, comprised of coupled gold nanoparticles linked by a single aptamer, capable of binding individual secreted molecules with high specificity. We show that the binding of target secreted molecules to the reversible plasmon ruler is characterized by single-molecule sensitivity, high specificity, and reversibility. Such reversible plasmon rulers should enable dynamic and adaptive live-cell measurement of secreted single molecules in their local microenvironment.


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We have developed a unique single-step chemical vapor deposition (CVD) route for the synthesis of composite thin films containing carbon nanotubes (CNTs). CVD was carried out in an inert ambient using only iron(III) acetylacetonate as the precursor. Depositions were conducted at 700 degrees C on stainless steel substrates in argon ambient in the absence of any reactive gases (such as oxygen, hydrogen). By changing the deposition parameters, especially the pressure in the CVD reactor, the form of carbon deposited could be changed from amorphous to carbon nanotubes, the latter resulting in Fe-Fe3O4-CNT films. X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and electron microscopy together confirm the formation of the three-component composite and illustrate the nanoscale mixing of the components. Elemental iron formed in this process was protected from oxidation by the co-deposited carbon surrounding it. Irrespective of the substrate used, a composite coating with CNTs was formed under optimum conditions, as verified by analyses of the film formed on polycrystalline alumina and silicon substrates.


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Electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise is one of the major issues during design of grid-tied power converters. A novel LCL filter topology for a single-phase pulsewidth modulation (PWM) rectifier that makes use of bipolar PWM method is proposed for a single-phase to three-phase motor drive power converter. The proposed topology eliminates high dv/dt from the dc-bus common-mode (CM) voltage by making it sinusoidal. Hence, the high-frequency CM current injection to the ground and the motor-side CM current are minimized. The proposed filter configuration makes the system insensitive to circuit non-idealities such as mismatch in inductors values, unequal turn-on and turn-off delays, and dead-time mismatch between the inverter legs. Different variants of the filter topology are compared to establish the effectiveness of the proposed circuit. Experimental results based on the EMI measurement on the grid side and the CM current measurement on the motor side are presented for a 5-kW motor drive. It is shown that the proposed filter topology reduces the EMI noise level by about 35 dB.


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In this paper, we consider spatial modulation (SM) operating in a frequency-selective single-carrier (SC) communication scenario and propose zero-padding instead of the cyclic-prefix considered in the existing literature. We show that the zero-padded single-carrier (ZP-SC) SM system offers full multipath diversity under maximum-likelihood (ML) detection, unlike the cyclic-prefix based SM system. Furthermore, we show that the order of ML detection complexity in our proposed ZP-SC SM system is independent of the frame length and depends only on the number of multipath links between the transmitter and the receiver. Thus, we show that the zero-padding applied in the SC SM system has two advantages over the cyclic prefix: 1) achieves full multipath diversity, and 2) imposes a relatively low ML detection complexity. Furthermore, we extend the partial interference cancellation receiver (PIC-R) proposed by Guo and Xia for the detection of space-time block codes (STBCs) in order to convert the ZP-SC system into a set of narrowband subsystems experiencing flat-fading. We show that full rank STBC transmissions over these subsystems achieves full transmit, receive as well as multipath diversity for the PIC-R. Furthermore, we show that the ZP-SC SM system achieves receive and multipath diversity for the PIC-R at a detection complexity order which is the same as that of the SM system in flat-fading scenario. Our simulation results demonstrate that the symbol error ratio performance of the proposed linear receiver for the ZP-SC SM system is significantly better than that of the SM in cyclic prefix based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing as well as of the SM in the cyclic-prefixed and zero-padded single carrier systems relying on zero-forcing/minimum mean-squared error equalizer based receivers.


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This paper proposes a technique to suppress low-order harmonics for an open-end winding induction motor drive for a full modulation range. One side of the machine is connected to a main inverter with a dc power supply, whereas the other inverter is connected to a capacitor from the other side. Harmonic suppression (with complete elimination of fifth- and seventh-order harmonics) is achieved by realizing dodecagonal space vectors using a combined pulsewidth modulation (PWM) control for the two inverters. The floating capacitor voltage is inherently controlled during the PWM operation. The proposed PWM technique is shown to be valid for the entire modulation range, including overmodulation and six-step mode of operation of the main inverter. Experimental results have been presented to validate the proposed technique.


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Disease conditions like malaria, sickle cell anemia, diabetes mellitus, cancer, etc., are known to significantly alter the deformability of certain types of cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, circulating tumor cells, etc.). To determine the cellular deformability, techniques like micropipette aspiration, atomic force microscopy, optical tweezers, quantitative phase imaging have been developed. Many of these techniques have an advantage of determining the single cell deformability with ultrahigh precision. However, the suitability of these techniques for the realization of a deformability based diagnostic tool is questionable as they are expensive and extremely slow to operate on a huge population of cells. In this paper, we propose a technique for high-throughput (800 cells/s) determination of cellular deformability on a single cell basis. This technique involves capturing the image(s) of cells in flow that have undergone deformation under the influence of shear gradient generated by the fluid flowing through the microfluidic channels. Deformability indices of these cells can be computed by performing morphological operations on these images. We demonstrate the applicability of this technique for examining the deformability index on healthy, diabetic, and sphered red blood cells. We believe that this technique has a strong role to play in the realization of a potential tool that uses deformability as one of the important criteria in disease diagnosis.


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Thin films of conducting palladium selenide phases (Pd17Se15 and Pd7Se4) are prepared using a single source molecular precursor by thermolysis. Varying the mole ratios of palladium and selenium precursors results in palladium organo-selenolate complexes which on thermolysis at different temperatures yield Pd17Se15 and Pd7Se4 phases that are very stable and adherent to the substrate. The organo-selenolate complexes are characterized using small angle XRD, Se-77 NMR and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The palladium selenide films are characterized by various techniques such as XRD, XPS, TEM and SEM. Electrical conductivities of the films are determined using the four probe method. The strong adherence of the films to glass substrates coupled with high corrosion resistant behavior towards strong acid and alkaline environments render them to be very effective as electrocatalysts. The catalytic activity towards the I-3(-)/I- redox couple, which is an important reaction in the regeneration of the dye in a dye-sensitized solar cell, is studied. Between the two phases, the Pd17Se15 film shows superior activity as the counter electrode for dye sensitized solar cells with a photocurrent conversion efficiency of 7.45%.


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Single-phase DC/AC power electronic converters suffer from pulsating power at double the line frequency. The commonest practice to handle the issue is to provide a huge electrolytic capacitor for smoothening out the ripple. But, the electrolytic capacitors having short end of lifetimes limit the overall lifetime of the converter. Another way of handling the ripple power is by active power decoupling (APD) using the storage devices and a set of semiconductor switches. Here, a novel topology has been proposed implementing APD. The topology claims the benefit of 1) reduced stress on converter switches 2) using smaller capacitance value thus alleviating use of electrolytic capacitor in turn improving the lifetime of the converter. The circuit consists of a third leg, a storage capacitor and a storage inductor. The analysis and the simulation results are shown to prove the effectiveness of the topology.


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Molecular mechanics based finite element analysis is adopted in the current work to evaluate the mechanical properties of Zigzag, Armchair and Chiral Single wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT) of different diameters and chiralities. Three different types of atomic bonds, that is Carbon Carbon covalent bond and two types of Carbon Carbon van der Waals bonds are considered in the carbon nanotube system. The stiffness values of these bonds are calculated using the molecular potentials, namely Morse potential function and Lennard-Jones interaction potential function respectively and these stiffness's are assigned to spring elements in the finite element model of the CNT. The geometry of CNT is built using a macro that is developed for the finite element analysis software. The finite element model of the CNT is constructed, appropriate boundary conditions are applied and the behavior of mechanical properties of CNT is studied.


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Morphological changes in cells associated with disease states are often assessed using clinical microscopy. However, the changes in chemical composition of cells can also be used to detect disease conditions. Optical absorption measurements carried out on single cells using inexpensive sources, detectors can help assess the chemical composition of cells; thereby enable detection of diseases. In this article, we present a novel technique capable of simultaneously detecting changes in morphology and chemical composition of cells. The presented technique enables characterization of optical absorbance-based methods against microscopy for detection of disease states. Using the technique, we have been able to achieve a throughput of about 1000 cells per second. We demonstrate the proof-of-principle by detecting malaria in a given blood sample. The presented technique is capable of detecting very lower levels of parasitemia within time scales comparable to antigen-based rapid diagnostic tests.


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This study reports (1S,2S)-N,N'-dihydroxy-N,N'-bis(diphenylacetyl)-1,2-cyclohexanediamine, a C-2 symmetric chiral hydroxamic acid ((S)-CBHA-DPA), as a unique probe for discrimination of molecules with diverse functionalities. The proposed CSA is also utilized for the accurate measurement of enantiomeric excess.


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We present estimates of single spin asymmetry (SSA) in the electroproduction of taking into account the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) evolution of the gluon Sivers function and using Color Evaporation Model of charmonium production. We estimate SSA for JLab, HERMES, COMPASS and eRHIC energies using recent parameters for the quark Sivers functions which are fitted using an evolution kernel in which the perturbative part is resummed up to next-to-leading logarithms accuracy. We find that these SSAs are much smaller as compared to our first estimates obtained using DGLAP evolution but are comparable to our estimates obtained using TMD evolution where we had used approximate analytical solution of the TMD evolution equation for the purpose.


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Finite element analysis has been carried out to obtain temperature dependent transversely isotropic properties of the single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). Finite element models of SWCNTs are generated by specifying the C-C bond rigidities. The five independent transversely isotropic properties for different chiralities are evaluated using the stress fields of thick-walled cylinders and the elastic deformations of SWCNTs subjected to pure extension, internal pressure and pure torsion loads. Empirical relations are provided for the five independent elastic constants useful to armchair and zigzag SWCNTs.