454 resultados para spin dynamics


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Three-dimensional (3D) structure of a hairpin DNA d-CTAGAGGATCCTTTUGGATCCT (22mer; abbreviated as U4-hairpin), which has a uracil nucleotide unit at the fourth position from the 5' end of the tetra-loop has been solved by NMR spectroscopy. The H-1 resonances of this hairpin have been assigned almost completely. NMR restrained molecular dynamics and energy minimisation procedures have been used to describe the 3D structure of the U4 hairpin. This study establishes that the stem of the hairpin adopts a right handed B-DNA conformation while the T-12 and U-15 nucleotide stack upon 3' and 5' ends of the stem, respectively. Further, T-14 stacks upon both T-12 and U-15 while T-13 partially stacks upon T-14. Very weak stacking interaction is observed between T-13 and T-12. All the individual nucleotide bases adopt 'anti' conformation with respect to their sugar moiety. The turning phosphate in the loop is located between T-13 and T-14. The stereochemistry of U-15 mimics the situation where uracil would stack in a B-DNA conformation. This could be the reason as to why the U4-hairpin is found to be the best substrate for its interaction with uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) compared to the other substrates in which the uracil is at the first, second and third positions of the tetra-loop from its 5' end, as reported previously.


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Vibrational phase relaxation near gas-liquid and liquid-solid phase coexistence has been studied by molecular dynamics simulations of N-N stretch in N-2. Experimentally observed pronounced insensitivity of phase relaxation from the triple point to beyond the boiling point is found to originate from a competition between density relaxation and resonant-energy transfer terms. The sharp rise in relaxation rate near the critical point (CP) can be attributed at least partly to the sharp, rise in vibration-rotation coupling contribution. Substantial subquadratic quantum number dependence of overtone dephasing rate is found near the CP and in supercritical fluids. [S0031-9007 (99)09318-7].


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Dynamics of the aircraft configuration considered in this paper show a unique characteristic in that there are no stable attractors in the entire high angle-of-attack flight envelope. As a result, once the aircraft has departed from the normal flight regime, no standard technique can be applied to recover the aircraft. In this paper, using feedback linearization technique, a nonlinear controller is designed at high angles of attack, which is engaged after the aircraft departs from normal flight regime. This controller stabilizes the aircraft into a stable spin. Then a set of synthetic pilot inputs is applied to cause an automatic transition from the spin equilibrium to low angles of attack where the second controller is connected. This controller is a normal gain-scheduled controller designed to have a large domain of attraction at low angles of attack. It traps the aircraft into a low angle-of-attack level flight. This entire concept of recovery has been verified using six-degrees-of-freedom nonlinear simulation. Feedback linearization technique used to design a controller ensures internal stability only if the nonlinear plant has stable zero dynamics. Because zero dynamics depend on the selection of outputs, a new method of choosing outputs is described to obtain a plant that has stable zero dynamics. Certain important aspects pertaining to the implementation of a feedback linearization-based controller are also discussed.


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Urban lakes form vital ecosystems supporting livelihood with social, economic and aesthetic benefits that are essential for quality life. This depends on the biotic and abiotic components in an ecosystem. The structure of an ecosystem forms a decisive factor in sustaining its functional abilities which include nutrient cycling, oxygen production, etc. A community assemblage of primary producers (algae) plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance as they form the base of energy pyramid in the ecosystem. Algae assimilate carbon in the environment via photosynthetic activities and releases oxygen for the next level of biotic elements in an ecosystem. Besides these, algal cells rich in protein serve as food and feed, used as manure and for production of biofuels. Understanding algal photosynthetic dynamics helps in assessing the level of dissolved oxygen (DO), food (fish, etc.), waste assimilation, etc. Algal chlorophyll content, algal biomass, primary productivity and algal photosynthetic quotient are some of the parameters that help in assessing the status of urban lakes. Chlorophyll content gives a measure of the growth, spread and quantity of algae. Unplanned rapid urbanization in Bangalore in recent times has resulted in either disappearance of lake ecosystems or deteriorated the lake water quality impairing the ecological processes. This paper computes algal growth, community structure, primary productivity and composition for three major lakes (T G Halli, Bellandur and Varthur lakes) under contrast levels of anthropogenic influences.


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Chlorine-35 NQR frequency and spin-lattice relaxation time measurements as a function of temperature in the range 77-300 K were carried out on 2-amino-3,5-dichloropyridine. Two NQR signals were observed and were assigned to the two chlorines present in the molecule using the additive model for substituent effects. The temperature dependence of the NQR frequency was analysed in terms of the torsional oscillations of the molecule and the torsional frequencies and their temperature dependence were calculated numerically using a two-mode approximation. The temperature dependence of the NQR spin-lattice relaxation time was found to be mainly due to the torsional oscillations of the molecule, with anharmonicity effects showing up at higher temperatures. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of lithium phosphate (Li2O-P2O5) glasses with varying Li2O content has been carried out. Two different P-O distances corresponding to phosphorus coordination with bridging oxygen (BO) and non-bridging oxygen (NBO) were identified in the simulated glasses. NBO-BO interconversion or bond switching was noted, which results in a dynamic equilibration of the tetrahedral phosphate units (P-n, n = 1,3 indicates the number of bridging oxygen atoms in the coordination of phosphorus). The NBO-BO bond switching is mildly activated with an effective activation barrier of 0.03-0.05 eV. Lithium ion jumps do not appear to be strongly coupled to bond switching. But the number of Li+ ions coordinated to an optimum number of NBOs and the number of Li+ ions jumping out of their sites appear to be correlated. Detailed analysis was made of the dynamics of P-n species and new insights have been obtained regarding ion migration in network-modified phosphate glasses.


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We discuss a recently formulated microscopic theory of the unusual coexistence of spin density waves (SDWs) and charge density waves (CDWs) that has been seen in recent experiments on (TMTTF)2Br, (TMTSF)2PF6 and α-(BEDT-TTF)2MHg(SCN)4.


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Recent experiments indicate that the spin-density waves (SDWs) in (TMTTF)(2)Br, (TMTSF)(2)PF6, and alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)MHg(SCN)(4) are highly unconventional and coexist with charge-density waves (CDWs). We present a microscopic theory of this unusual CDW-SDW coexistence. A complete understanding requires the explicit inclusion of strong Coulomb interactions, lattice discreteness, the anisotropic two-dimensional nature of the lattice, and the correct hand filling within the starting Hamiltonian. [S0031-9007(99)08498-7].


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The unique features of a macromolecule and water as a solvent make the issue of solvation unconventional, with questions about the static versus dynamic nature of hydration and the, physics of orientational and translational diffusion at the boundary. For proteins, the hydration shell that covers the surface is critical to the stability of its structure and function. Dynamically speaking, the residence time of water at the surface is a signature of its mobility and binding. With femtosecond time resolution it is possible to unravel the shortest residence times which are key for the description of the hydration layer, static or dynamic. In this article we review these issues guided by experimental studies, from this laboratory, of polar hydration dynamics at the surfaces of two proteins (Subtilisin Carlsberg (SC) and Monellin). The natural probe tryptophan amino acid was used for the interrogation of the dynamics, and for direct comparison we also studied the behavior in bulk water - a complete hydration in 1 ps. We develop a theoretical description of solvation and relate the theory to the experimental observations. In this - theoretical approach, we consider the dynamical equilibrium in the hydration shell, defining the rate processes for breaking and making the transient hydrogen bonds, and the effective friction in the layer which is defined by the translational and orientational motions of water molecules. The relationship between the residence time of water molecules and the observed slow component in solvation dynamics is a direct one. For the two proteins studied, we observed a "bimodal decay" for the hydration correlation function, with two primary relaxation times: ultrafast, typically 1 ps or less, and longer, typically 15-40 ps, and both are related to the residence time at the protein surface, depending on the binding energies. We end by making extensions to studies of the denatured state of the protein, random coils, and the biomimetic micelles, and conclude with our thoughts on the relevance of the dynamics of native structures to their functions.


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The dynamics of three liquid crystals, 4'(pentyloxy)-4-biphenylcarbonitrile (5-OCB), 4'-pentyl-4-biphenylcarbonitrile (5-CB), and 1-isothiocyanato-(4-propylcyclohexyl)benzene (3-CHBT), are investigated from very short time (similar to1 ps) to very long time (>100 ns) as a function of temperature using optical heterodyne detected optical Kerr effect experiments. For all three liquid crystals, the data decay exponentially only on the longest time scale (> several ns). The temperature dependence of the long time scale exponential decays is described well by the Landau-de Gennes theory of the randomization of pseudonematic domains that exist in the isotropic phase of liquid crystals near the isotropic to nematic phase transition. At short time, all three liquid crystals display power law decays. Over the full range of times, the data for all three liquid crystals are fit with a model function that contains a short time power law. The power law exponents for the three liquid crystals range between 0.63 and 0.76, and the power law exponents are temperature independent over a wide range of temperatures. Integration of the fitting function gives the empirical polarizability-polarizability (orientational) correlation function. A preliminary theoretical treatment of collective motions yields a correlation function that indicates that the data can decay as a power law at short times. The power law component of the decay reflects intradomain dynamics. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We present a comparative study of the spin states and electronic properties of La1-xSrxCoO3 and La2-xSrxLi0.5Co0.5O4 using X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy at both the O-K and Co-L-2.3 thresholds. In the La2-xSrxLi0.5Co0.5O4 system the CoO6 octahedra are isolated, the holes induced by Sr doping are trapped in the isolated Co(IV)O-6 octahedra, and a low-spin state is found for the Co ions, which does not change upon Sr doping. In the La1-xSrxCoO3 system, the interconnected CoO6 octahedra, with a 180degrees Co-O-Co bond angle, give rise to a transition from low-spin to intermediate-spin state with a ferromagnetic alignment of the Co spins. The double-exchange, ferromagnetic coupling between Co ions mediated by the 180degrees bond angle is responsible for suppressing the low spin-state. We find that the branching ratio of spectral intensities at the L-2 and L-3 thresholds in the Co-L-2.3 X-ray absorption spectra is sensitive to the spin state of the Co ions allowing its direct spectroscopic determination. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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The growth and dissolution dynamics of nonequilibrium crystal size distributions (CSDs) can be determined by solving the governing population balance equations (PBEs) representing reversible addition or dissociation. New PBEs are considered that intrinsically incorporate growth dispersion and yield complete CSDs. We present two approaches to solving the PBEs, a moment method and a numerical scheme. The results of the numerical scheme agree with the moment technique, which can be solved exactly when powers on mass-dependent growth and dissolution rate coefficients are either zero or one. The numerical scheme is more general and can be applied when the powers of the rate coefficients are non-integers or greater than unity. The influence of the size dependent rates on the time variation of the CSDs indicates that as equilibrium is approached, the CSDs become narrow when the exponent on the growth rate is less than the exponent on the dissolution rate. If the exponent on the growth rate is greater than the exponent on the dissolution rate, then the polydispersity continues to broaden. The computation method applies for crystals large enough that interfacial stability issues, such as ripening, can be neglected. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Eosinophil Cationic Protein (ECP) is a member of RNase A superfamily which carries out the obligatory catalytic role of cleaving RNA. It is involved in a variety of biological functions. Molecular dynamics simulations followed by essential dynamics analysis on this protein are carried out with the goal of gaining insights into the dynamical properties at atomic level. The top essential modes contribute to subspaces and to the transition phase. Further, the sidechain-sidechain/sidechain-mainchain hydrogen bond clusters are analyzed in the top modes, and compared with those of crystal structure. The role of residues identified by these methods is discussed in the context of concerted motion, structure and stability of the protein.


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p-Benzoquinone and its halogen substituted derivatives are known to have differing reactivities in the triplet excited state. While bromanil catalyzes the reduction of octaethylporphyrin most efficiently among the halogenated p-benzoquinones, the reaction does not take place in presence of the unsubstituted p-benzoquinone (T. Nakano and Y. Mori, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 67, 2627 (1994)). Understanding of such differences requires a detailed knowledge of the triplet state structures, normal mode compositions and excited state dynamics. In this paper, we apply a recently presented scheme (M. Puranik, S. Umapathy, J. G. Snijders, and J. Chandrasekhar, J. Chem, Phys., 115, 6106 (2001)) that combines parameters from experiment and computation in a wave packet dynamics simulation to the triplet states of p-benzoquinone and bromanil. The absorption and resonance Raman spectra of both the molecules have been simulated. The normal mode compositions and mode specific excited state displacements have been presented and compared. Time-dependent evolution of the absorption and Raman overlaps for all the observed modes has been discussed in detail. In p-benzoquinone, the initial dynamics is along the C=C stretching and C-H bending modes whereas in bromanil nearly equal displacements are observed along all the stretching coordinates.