391 resultados para linear array


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This study considers linear filtering methods for minimising the end-to-end average distortion of a fixed-rate source quantisation system. For the source encoder, both scalar and vector quantisation are considered. The codebook index output by the encoder is sent over a noisy discrete memoryless channel whose statistics could be unknown at the transmitter. At the receiver, the code vector corresponding to the received index is passed through a linear receive filter, whose output is an estimate of the source instantiation. Under this setup, an approximate expression for the average weighted mean-square error (WMSE) between the source instantiation and the reconstructed vector at the receiver is derived using high-resolution quantisation theory. Also, a closed-form expression for the linear receive filter that minimises the approximate average WMSE is derived. The generality of framework developed is further demonstrated by theoretically analysing the performance of other adaptation techniques that can be employed when the channel statistics are available at the transmitter also, such as joint transmit-receive linear filtering and codebook scaling. Monte Carlo simulation results validate the theoretical expressions, and illustrate the improvement in the average distortion that can be obtained using linear filtering techniques.


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In this paper, we present the fabrication and characterization of Ti and Au coated hollow silicon microneedles for transdermal drug delivery applications. The hollow silicon microneedles are fabricated using isotropic etching followed by anisotropic etching to obtain a tapered tip. Silicon microneedle of 300 mu m in height, with 130 mu m outer diameter and 110 mu m inner diameter at the tip followed by 80 mu m inner diameter and 160 mu m outer diameter at the base have been fabricated. In order to improve the biocompatibility of microneedles, the fabricated microneedles were coated with Ti (500 nm) by sputtering technique followed by gold coating using electroplating. A breaking force of 225 N was obtained for the fabricated microneedles, which is 10 times higher than the skin resistive force. Hence, fabricated microneedles can easily be inserted inside the skin without breakage. The fluid flow through the microneedles was studied for different inlet pressures. A minimum inlet pressure of 0.66 kPa was required to achieve a flow rate of 50 mu l in 2 s with de-ionized water as a fluid medium. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A design methodology based on the Minimum Bit Error Ratio (MBER) framework is proposed for a non-regenerative Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) relay-aided system to determine various linear parameters. We consider both the Relay-Destination (RD) as well as the Source-Relay-Destination (SRD) link design based on this MBER framework, including the pre-coder, the Amplify-and-Forward (AF) matrix and the equalizer matrix of our system. It has been shown in the previous literature that MBER based communication systems are capable of reducing the Bit-Error-Ratio (BER) compared to their Linear Minimum Mean Square Error (LMMSE) based counterparts. We design a novel relay-aided system using various signal constellations, ranging from QPSK to the general M-QAM and M-PSK constellations. Finally, we propose its sub-optimal versions for reducing the computational complexity imposed. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme indeed achieves a significant BER reduction over the existing LMMSE scheme.


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Time-varying linear prediction has been studied in the context of speech signals, in which the auto-regressive (AR) coefficients of the system function are modeled as a linear combination of a set of known bases. Traditionally, least squares minimization is used for the estimation of model parameters of the system. Motivated by the sparse nature of the excitation signal for voiced sounds, we explore the time-varying linear prediction modeling of speech signals using sparsity constraints. Parameter estimation is posed as a 0-norm minimization problem. The re-weighted 1-norm minimization technique is used to estimate the model parameters. We show that for sparsely excited time-varying systems, the formulation models the underlying system function better than the least squares error minimization approach. Evaluation with synthetic and real speech examples show that the estimated model parameters track the formant trajectories closer than the least squares approach.


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A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based hardware accelerator for multi-conductor parasitic capacitance extraction, using Method of Moments (MoM), is presented in this paper. Due to the prohibitive cost of solving a dense algebraic system formed by MoM, linear complexity fast solver algorithms have been developed in the past to expedite the matrix-vector product computation in a Krylov sub-space based iterative solver framework. However, as the number of conductors in a system increases leading to a corresponding increase in the number of right-hand-side (RHS) vectors, the computational cost for multiple matrix-vector products present a time bottleneck, especially for ill-conditioned system matrices. In this work, an FPGA based hardware implementation is proposed to parallelize the iterative matrix solution for multiple RHS vectors in a low-rank compression based fast solver scheme. The method is applied to accelerate electrostatic parasitic capacitance extraction of multiple conductors in a Ball Grid Array (BGA) package. Speed-ups up to 13x over equivalent software implementation on an Intel Core i5 processor for dense matrix-vector products and 12x for QR compressed matrix-vector products is achieved using a Virtex-6 XC6VLX240T FPGA on Xilinx's ML605 board.


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Systematic experiments have been carried out by monitoring the in-situ pressure and thickness profiles for three different configurations, viz., flat plate, flat plate with a central circular hole, and an L-section using vacuum assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) process. The effect of anisotropy on resin flow has been quantified by considering uni-directional carbon fiber preforms with 0 degrees and 90 degrees orientation to the flow direction for each configuration. A quasi-isotropic 45 degrees/0 degrees/-45 degrees/90 degrees](S) layup has also been included for flat plate case. Additionally, the study has been extended to understand the effect of using high permeability medium for each configuration. Fluid pressure profiles and thickness variation profiles have been obtained using an array of pressure sensors and linear variable differential transformers for each configuration. Experimental data reveal that anisotropy (due to changing fiber orientations), configuration, and gravity significantly change fluid pressure and displacement fields obtained during VARTM.


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Discrete polymatroids are the multi-set analogue of matroids. In this paper, we explore the connections between linear index coding and representable discrete polymatroids. The index coding problem involves a sender which generates a set of messages X = {x(1), x(2), ... x(k)} and a set of receivers R which demand messages. A receiver R is an element of R is specified by the tuple (x, H) where x. X is the message demanded by R and H subset of X \textbackslash {x} is the side information possessed by R. It is first shown that a linear solution to an index coding problem exists if and only if there exists a representable discrete polymatroid satisfying certain conditions which are determined by the index coding problem considered. El Rouayheb et. al. showed that the problem of finding a multi-linear representation for a matroid can be reduced to finding a perfect linear index coding solution for an index coding problem obtained from that matroid. Multi-linear representation of a matroid can be viewed as a special case of representation of an appropriate discrete polymatroid. We generalize the result of El Rouayheb et. al. by showing that the problem of finding a representation for a discrete polymatroid can be reduced to finding a perfect linear index coding solution for an index coding problem obtained from that discrete polymatroid.


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Let C be a smooth irreducible projective curve of genus g and L a line bundle of degree d generated by a linear subspace V of H-0 (L) of dimension n+1. We prove a conjecture of D. C. Butler on the semistability of the kernel of the evaluation map V circle times O-C -> L and obtain new results on the stability of this kernel. The natural context for this problem is the theory of coherent systems on curves and our techniques involve wall crossing formulae in this theory.


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QR decomposition (QRD) is a widely used Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA) kernel with applications ranging from SONAR beamforming to wireless MIMO receivers. In this paper, we propose a novel Givens Rotation (GR) based QRD (GR QRD) where we reduce the computational complexity of GR and exploit higher degree of parallelism. This low complexity Column-wise GR (CGR) can annihilate multiple elements of a column of a matrix simultaneously. The algorithm is first realized on a Two-Dimensional (2 D) systolic array and then implemented on REDEFINE which is a Coarse Grained run-time Reconfigurable Architecture (CGRA). We benchmark the proposed implementation against state-of-the-art implementations to report better throughput, convergence and scalability.


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The trapezoidal rule, which is a special case of the Newmark family of algorithms, is one of the most widely used methods for transient hyperbolic problems. In this work, we show that this rule conserves linear and angular momenta and energy in the case of undamped linear elastodynamics problems, and an ``energy-like measure'' in the case of undamped acoustic problems. These conservation properties, thus, provide a rational basis for using this algorithm. In linear elastodynamics problems, variants of the trapezoidal rule that incorporate ``high-frequency'' dissipation are often used, since the higher frequencies, which are not approximated properly by the standard displacement-based approach, often result in unphysical behavior. Instead of modifying the trapezoidal algorithm, we propose using a hybrid finite element framework for constructing the stiffness matrix. Hybrid finite elements, which are based on a two-field variational formulation involving displacement and stresses, are known to approximate the eigenvalues much more accurately than the standard displacement-based approach, thereby either bypassing or reducing the need for high-frequency dissipation. We show this by means of several examples, where we compare the numerical solutions obtained using the displacement-based and hybrid approaches against analytical solutions.


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A state-based micropolar peridynamic theory for linear elastic solids is proposed. The main motivation is to introduce additional micro-rotational degrees of freedom to each material point and thus naturally bring in the physically relevant material length scale parameters into peridynamics. Non-ordinary type modeling via constitutive correspondence is adopted here to define the micropolar peridynamic material. Along with a general three dimensional model, homogenized one dimensional Timoshenko type beam models for both the proposed micropolar and the standard non-polar peridynamic variants are derived. The efficacy of the proposed models in analyzing continua with length scale effects is established via numerical simulations of a few beam and plane-stress problems. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Contrary to the actual nonlinear Glauber model, the linear Glauber model (LGM) is exactly solvable, although the detailed balance condition is not generally satisfied. This motivates us to address the issue of writing the transition rate () in a best possible linear form such that the mean squared error in satisfying the detailed balance condition is least. The advantage of this work is that, by studying the LGM analytically, we will be able to anticipate how the kinetic properties of an arbitrary Ising system depend on the temperature and the coupling constants. The analytical expressions for the optimal values of the parameters involved in the linear are obtained using a simple Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse matrix. This approach is quite general, in principle applicable to any system and can reproduce the exact results for one dimensional Ising system. In the continuum limit, we get a linear time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation from the Glauber's microscopic model of non-conservative dynamics. We analyze the critical and dynamic properties of the model, and show that most of the important results obtained in different studies can be reproduced by our new mathematical approach. We will also show in this paper that the effect of magnetic field can easily be studied within our approach; in particular, we show that the inverse of relaxation time changes quadratically with (weak) magnetic field and that the fluctuation-dissipation theorem is valid for our model.


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Surface electrodes in Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) phantoms usually reduce the SNR of the boundary potential data due to their design and development errors. A novel gold sensors array with high geometric precision is developed for EIT phantoms to improve the resistivity image quality. Gold thin films are deposited on a flexible FR4 sheet using electro-deposition process to make a sixteen electrode array with electrodes of identical geometry. A real tissue gold electrode phantom is developed with chicken tissue paste and the fat cylinders as the inhomogeneity. Boundary data are collected using a USB based high speed data acquisition system in a LabVIEW platform for different inhomogeneity positions. Resistivity images are reconstructed using EIDORS and compared with identical stainless steel electrode systems. Image contrast parameters are calculated from the resistivity matrix and the reconstructed images are evaluated for both the phantoms. Image contrast and image resolution of resistivity images are improved with gold electrode array.


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We revisit a problem studied by Padakandla and Sundaresan SIAM J. Optim., August 2009] on the minimization of a separable convex function subject to linear ascending constraints. The problem arises as the core optimization in several resource allocation problems in wireless communication settings. It is also a special case of an optimization of a separable convex function over the bases of a specially structured polymatroid. We give an alternative proof of the correctness of the algorithm of Padakandla and Sundaresan. In the process we relax some of their restrictions placed on the objective function.


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Microneedle technology is one of the attractive methods in transdermal drug delivery. However, the clinical applications of this method are limited owing to: complexity in the preparation of multiple coating solutions, drug leakage while inserting the microneedles into the skin and the outer walls of the solid microneedle can hold limited quantity of drug. Here, the authors present the fabrication of an array of rectangular cup shaped silicon microneedles, which provide for reduced drug leakage resulting in improvement of efficiency of drug delivery and possibility of introducing multiple drugs. The fabricated solid microneedles with rectangular cup shaped tip have a total height of 200 mu m. These cup shaped tips have dimensions: 60 x 60 mu m (length x breadth) with a depth of 60 mu m. The cups are filled with drug using a novel in-house built drop coating system. Successful drug dissolution was observed when the coated microneedle was used on mice. Also, using the above method, it is possible to fill the cups selectively with different drugs, which enables simultaneous multiple drug delivery. (C) 2015 American Vacuum Society.