378 resultados para Friction gripper


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A method is presented for determining the ultimate bearing capacity of a circular footing reinforced with a horizontal circular sheet of reinforcement placed over granular and cohesive-frictional soils. It was assumed that the reinforcement sheet could bear axial tension but not the bending moment. The analysis was performed based on the lower-bound theorem of the limit analysis in combination with finite elements and linear optimization. The present research is an extension of recent work with strip foundations reinforced with different layers of reinforcement. To incorporate the effect of the reinforcement, the efficiency factors eta(gamma) and eta(c), which need to be multiplied by the bearing capacity factors N-gamma and N-c, were established. Results were obtained for different values of the soil internal friction angle (phi). The optimal positions of the reinforcements, which would lead to a maximum improvement in the bearing capacity, were also determined. The variations of the axial tensile force in the reinforcement sheet at different radial distances from the center were also studied. The results of the analysis were compared with those available from literature. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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A self-consistent mode coupling theory (MCT) with microscopic inputs of equilibrium pair correlation functions is developed to analyze electrolyte dynamics. We apply the theory to calculate concentration dependence of (i) time dependent ion diffusion, (ii) intermediate scattering function of the constituent ions, and (iii) ion solvation dynamics in electrolyte solution. Brownian dynamics with implicit water molecules and molecular dynamics method with explicit water are used to check the theoretical predictions. The time dependence of ionic self-diffusion coefficient and the corresponding intermediate scattering function evaluated from our MCT approach show quantitative agreement with early experimental and present Brownian dynamic simulation results. With increasing concentration, the dispersion of electrolyte friction is found to occur at increasingly higher frequency, due to the faster relaxation of the ion atmosphere. The wave number dependence of intermediate scattering function, F(k, t), exhibits markedly different relaxation dynamics at different length scales. At small wave numbers, we find the emergence of a step-like relaxation, indicating the presence of both fast and slow time scales in the system. Such behavior allows an intriguing analogy with temperature dependent relaxation dynamics of supercooled liquids. We find that solvation dynamics of a tagged ion exhibits a power law decay at long times-the decay can also be fitted to a stretched exponential form. The emergence of the power law in solvation dynamics has been tested by carrying out long Brownian dynamics simulations with varying ionic concentrations. The solvation time correlation and ion-ion intermediate scattering function indeed exhibit highly interesting, non-trivial dynamical behavior at intermediate to longer times that require further experimental and theoretical studies. (c) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We carry out an extensive and high-resolution direct numerical simulation of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence in two-dimensional fluid films with air-drag-induced friction and with polymer additives. Our study reveals that the polymers (a) reduce the total fluid energy, enstrophy, and palinstrophy; (b) modify the fluid energy spectrum in both inverse-and forward-cascade regimes; (c) reduce small-scale intermittency; (d) suppress regions of high vorticity and strain rate; and (e) stretch in strain-dominated regions. We compare our results with earlier experimental studies and propose new experiments.


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Strength and stiffness properties of municipal solid waste (MSW) are important in landfill design. This paper presents the results of comprehensive testing of shear strength properties of mechanically biologically treated municipal solid waste (MBT-MSW) in laboratory. Changes in shear strength of MSW as a function of unit weight and particle size were investigated by performing laboratory studies on the MSW collected from Mavallipura landfill site in Bangalore. Direct shear tests, small scale and large scale consolidated undrained and drained triaxial tests were conducted on reconstituted compost reject MSW samples. The triaxial test results showed that the MSW samples exhibited a strain-hardening behaviour and the strength of MSW increased with increase in unit weight. Consolidated drained tests showed that the mobilized shear strength of the MSW increased by 40% for a unit weight increase from 7.3 kN/m(3) to 10.3 kN/m(3) at 20% strain levels. The mobilized cohesion and friction angle ranged from 5 to 9 kPa and 8 degrees to 33 degrees corresponding to a strain level of 20%. The consolidated undrained tests exhibited reduced friction angle values compared to the consolidated drained tests. The friction angle increased with increase in the unit weight from 8 degrees to 55 degrees in the consolidated undrained tests. Minor variations were found in the cohesion values. Relationships for strength and stiffness of MSW in terms of strength and stiffness ratios are developed and discussed. The stiffness ratio and the strength ratio of MSW were found to be 10 and 0.43. (c) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Biomechanical assays offer a good alternative to biochemical assays in diagnosing disease states and assessing the efficacy of drugs. In view of this, we have developed a miniature compliant tool to estimate the bulk stiffness of cells, particularly MCF-7 (Michigan Cancer Foundation) cells whose diameter is 12-15 mu m in suspension. The compliant tool comprises a gripper and a displacement-amplifying compliant mechanism (DaCM), where the former helps in grasping the cell and the latter enables vision-based force-sensing. A DaCM is necessary because the microscope's field of view at the required magnification is not sufficient to simultaneously observe the cell and the movement of a point on the gripper, in order to estimate the force. Therefore, a DaCMis strategically embedded within an existing gripper design leading to a composite compliant mechanism. The DaCM is designed using the kinetoelastostatic map technique to achieve a 42 nN resolution of the force. The gripper, microfabricated with SU-8 using photolithography, is within the footprint of about 10 mm by 10 mm with the smallest feature size of about 5 mu m. The experiments with MCF-7 cells suggest that the bulk stiffness of these is in the range of 8090 mN/m. The details of design, prototyping and testing comprise the paper. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The quantum statistical mechanical propagator for a harmonic oscillator with a time-dependent force constant, m omega(2)(t), has been investigated in the past and was found to have only a formal solution in terms of the solutions of certain ordinary differential equations. Such path integrals are frequently encountered in semiclassical path integral evaluations and having exact analytical expressions for such path integrals is of great interest. In a previous work, we had obtained the exact propagator for motion in an arbitrary time-dependent harmonic potential in the overdamped limit of friction using phase space path integrals in the context of Levy flights - a result that can be easily extended to Brownian motion. In this paper, we make a connection between the overdamped Brownian motion and the imaginary time propagator of quantum mechanics and thereby get yet another way to evaluate the latter exactly. We find that explicit analytic solution for the quantum statistical mechanical propagator can be written when the time-dependent force constant has the form omega(2)(t) = lambda(2)(t) - d lambda(t)/dt where lambda(t) is any arbitrary function of t and use it to evaluate path integrals which have not been evaluated previously. We also employ this method to arrive at a formal solution of the propagator for both Levy flights and Brownian subjected to a time-dependent harmonic potential in the underdamped limit of friction. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Investigations on texture evolution and through-thickness texture heterogeneity during equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) of pure magnesium at 200 degrees C, 150 degrees C and room temperature (RT) was carried out by neutron, high energy synchrotron X-ray and electron back-scatter diffraction. Irrespective of the ECAP temperature, a distinctive basal (B) and pyramidal (C-2) II type of fibers forms. The texture differs in the bottom 1 mm portion, where the B-fiber is shifted similar to 55 degrees due to negative shear attributed to friction. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In a practical situation, it is difficult to model exact contact conditions clue to challenges involved in the estimation of contact forces, and relative displacements between the contacting bodies. Sliding and seizure conditions were simulated on first-of-a-kind displacement controlled system. Self-mated stainless steels have been investigated in detail. Categorization of contact conditions prevailing at the contact interface has been carried out based on the variation of coefficient of friction with number of cycles, and three-dimensional fretting loops. Surface and subsurface micro-cracks have been observed, and their characteristic shows strong dependence on loading conditions. Existence of shear bands in the subsurface region has been observed for high strain and low strain rate loading conditions. Studies also include the influence of initial surface roughness on the damage under two extreme contact conditions. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The work reports the preparation of fly ash cenospheres bearing polymer composites, using various polymer matrix materials namely, low density polyethylene, high density polyethylene, polystyrene and polymethylmethacrylate followed by evaluation of properties. The composites are synthesized by including about 18% by weight fly ash cenospheres, into various polymer matrices using brabender facility in the temperature range 120-160 degrees C and at a mixing pressure of 50 MPa. Subsequently, they are cast into sheets through compression moulding. The test samples, made from the sheets, are characterized for physical as well as mechanical properties such as density, hardness, compression strength, impact response, wear and friction. The investigation reveals that the addition of fly ash cenospheres to various polymer matrices results in reduction of density. Further, improvements in the slide wear resistance and decrease in the co-efficient of friction values are noticed. As for interpreting the slide wear data, recourse to examination under scanning electron microscope is made in this paper. As regards the mechanical properties, hardness increases while the compression strength and impact energy decreases with inclusion of cenospheres in all the four types of samples investigated.


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In comparison to the flow in a rigid channel, there is a multifold reduction in the transition Reynolds number for the flow in a microchannel when one of the walls is made sufficiently soft, due to a dynamical instability induced by the fluid-wall coupling, as shown by Verma & Kumaran (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 727, 2013, pp. 407-455). The flow after transition is characterised using particle image velocimetry in the x-y plane, where x is the streamwise direction and y is the cross-stream coordinate along the small dimension of the channel of height 0.2-0.3 mm. The flow after transition is characterised by a mean velocity profile that is flatter at the centre and steeper at the walls in comparison to that for a laminar flow. The root mean square of the streamwise fluctuating velocity shows a characteristic sharp increase away from the wall and a maximum close to the wall, as observed in turbulent flows in rigid-walled channels. However, the profile is asymmetric, with a significantly higher maximum close to the soft wall in comparison to that close to the hard wall, and the Reynolds stress is found to be non-zero at the soft wall, indicating that there is a stress exerted by fluid velocity fluctuations on the wall. The maximum of the root mean square of the velocity fluctuations and the Reynolds stress (divided by the fluid density) in the soft-walled microchannel for Reynolds numbers in the range 250-400, when scaled by suitable powers of the maximum velocity, are comparable to those in a rigid channel at Reynolds numbers in the range 5000-20 000. The near-wall velocity profile shows no evidence of a viscous sublayer for (y upsilon(*)/nu) as low as two, but there is a logarithmic layer for (y upsilon(*)/nu) up to approximately 30, where the von Karman constants are very different from those for a rigid-walled channel. Here, upsilon(*) is the friction velocity, nu is the kinematic viscosity and y is the distance from the soft surface. The surface of the soft wall in contact with the fluid is marked with dye spots to monitor the deformation and motion along the fluid-wall interface. Low-frequency oscillations in the displacement of the surface are observed after transition in both the streamwise and spanwise directions, indicating that the velocity fluctuations are dynamically coupled to motion in the solid.


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We present the first direct-numerical-simulation study of the statistical properties of two-dimensional superfluid turbulence in the simplified, Hall-Vinen-Bekharevich-Khalatnikov two-fluid model. We show that both normalfluid and superfluid energy spectra can exhibit two power-law regimes, the first associated with an inverse cascade of energy and the second with the forward cascade of enstrophy. We quantify the mutual-friction-induced alignment of normal and superfluid velocities by obtaining probability distribution functions of the angle between them and the ratio of their moduli.


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Geocells are three-dimensional expandable panels with a wide range of applications in geotechnical engineering. A geocell is made up of many internally connected single cells. The current study discusses the joint strength and the wall deformation characteristics of a single cell when it is subjected to uniaxial compression. The study helps to understand the causes for the failure of the single cell in a cellular confinement system. Experimental studies were conducted on single cells with cell pockets filled up with three different infill materials, namely silty clay, sand, and the aggregates. The results of the experimental study revealed that the deformation of the geocell wall decreases with the increase in the friction angle of the infill material. Experimental results were also validated using numerical simulations carried out using Lagrangian analysis software. The experiment and the numerical results were found to be in good agreement with each other. A simple analytical model based on the theory of thin cylinders is also proposed to calculate the accumulated strain of the geocell wall. This model operates under a simple elastic solution framework. The proposed model slightly overestimates the strains as compared with experimental and numerical values. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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In this paper, we integrate two or more compliant mechanisms to get enhanced functionality for manipulating and mechanically characterizing the grasped objects of varied size (cm to sub-mm), stiffness (1e5 to 10 N/m), and materials (cement to biological cells). The concepts of spring-lever (SL) model, stiffness maps, and non-dimensional kinetoelastostatic maps are used to design composite and multi-scale compliant mechanisms. Composite compliant mechanisms comprise two or more different mechanisms within a single elastic continuum while multi-scale ones possess the additional feature of substantial difference in the sizes of the mechanisms that are combined into one. We present three applications: (i) a composite compliant device to measure the failure load of the cement samples; (ii) a composite multi-scale compliant gripper to measure the bulk stiffness of zebrafish embryos; and (iii) a compliant gripper combined with a negative-stiffness element to reduce the overall stiffness. The prototypes of all three devices are made and tested. The cement sample needed a breaking force of 22.5 N; the zebrafish embryo is found to have bulk stiffness of about 10 N/m; and the stiffness of a compliant gripper was reduced by 99.8 % to 0.2 N/m.


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Dry sliding wear behavior of epoxy matrix syntactic foams filled with 20, 40 and 60 wt% fly ash cenosphere is reported based on response surface methodology. Empirical models are constructed and validated based on analysis of variance. Results show that syntactic foams have higher wear resistance than the matrix resin. Among the parameters studied, the applied normal load (F) had a prominent effect on wear rate, specific wear rate (w(s)) and coefficient of friction (mu). With increasing F, the wear rate increased, whereas ws and mu decreased. With increase in filler content, the wear rate and w(s) decreased, while the mu increased. With increase in sliding velocity as well as sliding distance, the wear rate and ws show decreasing trends. Microscopy revealed broken cenospheres forming debris and extensive deformation marks on the wear surface. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The bearing capacity of a circular footing lying over fully cohesive strata, with an overlaying sand layer, is computed using the axisymmetric lower bound limit analysis with finite elements and linear optimization. The effects of the thickness and the internal friction angle of the sand are examined for different combinations of c(u)/(gamma b) and q, where c(u)=the undrained shear strength of the cohesive strata, gamma=the unit weight of either layer, b=the footing radius, and q=the surcharge pressure. The results are given in the form of a ratio (eta) of the bearing capacity with an overlaying sand layer to that for a footing lying directly over clayey strata. An overlaying medium dense to dense sand layer considerably improves the bearing capacity. The improvement continuously increases with decreases in c(u)/(gamma b) and increases in phi and q/(gamma b). A certain optimum thickness of the sand layer exists beyond which no further improvement occurs. This optimum thickness increases with an increase in 0 and q and with a decrease in c(u)/(gamma b). Failure patterns are also drawn to examine the inclusion of the sand layer. (C) 2015 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.