477 resultados para Billiard flow


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The present paper discusses the flow visualization for turbulent free convection in a tank of water with the bottom surface being a smooth or a grooved surface and the top of the water surface exposed to ambient. The grooved surface is of parallel 90 degrees V-grooves with groove height of 10 mm and groove width of 20 mm. The experiment is carried out with aspect ratio (AR) of 2.9 and Rayleigh number (Ra) in the range, 1.3 x 10(7) - 4 x 10(7). Here AR is the aspect ratio (= width of fluid layer/height of fluid layer). Heat flux at the bottom surface is from electrical heating. From the pH-dye visualization, interesting flow structures are observed and these structures are analyzed with the help of plumes dynamics and temperature variations with time. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of base dissipation on the granular flow down an inclined plane is examined by altering the coefficient of restitution between the moving and base particles in discrete element (DE) simulations. The interaction laws between two moving particles are kept fixed, and the coefficient of restitution (damping constant in the DE simulations) between the base and moving particles are altered to reduce dissipation, and inject energy from the base. The energy injection does result in an increase in the strain rate by up to an order of magnitude, and the temperature by up to two orders of magnitude at the base. However, the volume fraction, strain rate and temperature profiles in the bulk (above about 15 particle diameters from the base) are altered very little by the energy injection at the base. We also examine the variation of h(stop), the minimum height at the cessation of flow, with energy injection from the base. It is found that at a fixed angle of inclination, h(stop) decreases as the energy dissipation at the base decreases.


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Laminar forced convection heat transfer from two-dimensional sudden expansion flow of different nanofluids is studied numerically. The governing equations are solved using the unsteady stream function-vorticity method. The effect of volume fraction of the nanoparticles and type of nanoparticles on heat transfer is examined and found to have a significant impact. Local and average Nusselt numbers are reported in connection with various nanoparticle, volume fraction, and Reynolds number for expansion ratio 2. The Nusselt number reaches peak values near the reattachment point and reaches asymptotic value in the downstream. Bottom wall eddy and volume fraction shows a significant impact on the average Nusselt number.


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In this article, an extension to the total variation diminishing finite volume formulation of the lattice Boltzmann equation method on unstructured meshes was presented. The quadratic least squares procedure is used for the estimation of first-order and second-order spatial gradients of the particle distribution functions. The distribution functions were extrapolated quadratically to the virtual upwind node. The time integration was performed using the fourth-order RungeKutta procedure. A grid convergence study was performed in order to demonstrate the order of accuracy of the present scheme. The formulation was validated for the benchmark two-dimensional, laminar, and unsteady flow past a single circular cylinder. These computations were then investigated for the low Mach number simulations. Further validation was performed for flow past two circular cylinders arranged in tandem and side-by-side. Results of these simulations were extensively compared with the previous numerical data. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In recent times the demand of ultra-low carbon steel (ULCS) with improved mechanical properties such as good ductility and good workability has been increased as it is used to produce cold-rolled steel sheets for automobiles. For producing ULCS efficiently, it is necessary to improve the productivity of the vacuum degassers such as RH, DH and tank degasser. Recently, it has been claimed that using a new process, called REDA (revolutionary degassing activator), one can achieve the carbon content below 10 ppm in less time. As such, REDA process has not been studied thoroughly in terms of fluid flow and mass transfer which is a necessary precursor to understand and design this process. Therefore, momentum and mass transfer of the process has been studied by solving momentum and species balance equations along with k-epsilon turbulent model in two-dimension (2D) for REDA process. Similarly, computational fluid dynamic studies have been made in 2D for tank and RH degassers to compare them with REDA process. Computational results have been validated with published experimental and theoretical data. It is found that REDA process is the most efficient among all these processes in terms of mixing efficiency. Fluid flow phenomena have been studied in details for REDA process by varying gas flow rate, depth of immersed snorkel in the steel, diameter of the snorkel and change in vacuum pressure. It is found that design of snorkel affects the melt circulation in the bath significantly.


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Particle simulations based on the discrete element method are used to examine the effect of base roughness on the granular flow down an inclined plane. The base is composed of a random configuration of fixed particles, and the base roughness is decreased by decreasing the ratio of diameters of the base and moving particles. A discontinuous transition from a disordered to an ordered flow state is observed when the ratio of diameters of base and moving particles is decreased below a critical value. The ordered flowing state consists of hexagonally close packed layers of particles sliding over each other. The ordered state is denser (higher volume fraction) and has a lower coordination number than the disordered state, and there are discontinuous changes in both the volume fraction and the coordination number at transition. The Bagnold law, which states that the stress is proportional to the square of the strain rate, is valid in both states. However, the Bagnold coefficients in the ordered flowing state are lower, by more than two orders of magnitude, in comparison to those of the disordered state. The critical ratio of base and moving particle diameters is independent of the angle of inclination, and varies very little when the height of the flowing layer is doubled from about 35 to about 70 particle diameters. While flow in the disordered state ceases when the angle of inclination decreases below 20 degrees, there is flow in the ordered state at lower angles of inclination upto 14 degrees. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4710543]


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Leaves and leaf sheath of banana and areca husk (Areca catechu) constitute an important component of urban solid waste (USW) in India which are difficult to degrade under normal windrow composting conditions. A successful method of anaerobic digestion built around the fermentation properties of these feedstock has been evolved which uses no moving parts, pretreatment or energy input while enabling recovery of four products: fiber, biogas, compost and pest repellent. An SRT of 27 d and 35 d was found to be optimum for fiber recovery for banana leaf and areca husk, respectively. Banana leaf showed a degradation pattern different from other leaves with slow pectin-1 degradation (80%) and 40% lignin removal in 27 d SRT. Areca husk however, showed a degradation pattern similar to other plant biomass. Mass recovery levels for banana leaf were fiber-20%, biogas-70% (400 ml/g TS) and compost-10%. For areca husk recovery was fiber-50%, biogas-45% (250 ml/g TS) and compost-5%. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The flow over a truncated cone is a classical and fundamental problem for aerodynamic research due to its three-dimensional and complicated characteristics. The flow is made more complex when examining high angles of incidence. Recently these types of flows have drawn more attention for the purposes of drag reduction in supersonic/hypersonic flows. In the present study the flow over a truncated cone at various incidences was experimentally investigated in a Mach 5 flow with a unit Reynolds number of 13.5�10 6m -1. The cone semi-apex angle is 15° and the truncation ratio (truncated length/cone length) is 0.5. The incidence of the model varied from -12° to 12° with 3° intervals relative to the freestream direction. The external flow around the truncated cone was visualised by colour Schlieren photography, while the surface flow pattern was revealed using the oil flow method. The surface pressure distribution was measured using the anodized aluminium pressure-sensitive paint (AA-PSP) technique. Both top and sideviews of the pressure distribution on the model surface were acquired at various incidences. AA-PSP showed high pressure sensitivity and captured the complicated flow structures which correlated well with the colour Schlieren and oil flow visualisation results. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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The unsteady rotating flow of an incompressible laminar viscous electrically conducting fluid over an impulsively rotated infinite disk in the presence of magnetic field and suction is investigated. We have considered the situation where there is a steady state initially (i.e., at t = 0, the fluid is rotating with constant angular velocity over a stationary disk). Then at t > 0, the disk is suddenly rotated with a constant angular velocity either in the same direction or in opposite direction to that of the fluid rotation which causes unsteadiness in the flow field. The effect of the impulsive motion is found to be more pronounced on the tangential shear stress than on the radial shear stress. When the disk and the fluid rotate in the same direction, the tangential shear stress at the surface changes sign in a small time interval immediately after the start of the impulsive motion.


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Control of flow in duct networks has a myriad of applications ranging from heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning to blood flow networks. The system considered here provides vent velocity inputs to a novel 3-D wind display device called the TreadPort Active Wind Tunnel. An error-based robust decentralized sliding-mode control method with nominal feedforward terms is developed for individual ducts while considering cross coupling between ducts and model uncertainty as external disturbances in the output. This approach is important due to limited measurements, geometric complexities, and turbulent flow conditions. Methods for resolving challenges such as turbulence, electrical noise, valve actuator design, and sensor placement are presented. The efficacy of the controller and the importance of feedforward terms are demonstrated with simulations based upon an experimentally validated lumped parameter model and experiments on the physical system. Results show significant improvement over traditional control methods and validate prior assertions regarding the importance of decentralized control in practice.


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This paper deals with the role of the higher-order evanescent modes generated at the area discontinuities in the acoustic attenuation characteristics of an elliptical end-chamber muffler with an end-offset inlet and end-centered outlet. It has been observed that with an increase in length, the muffler undergoes a transition from being acoustically short to acoustically long. Short end chambers and long end chambers are characterized by transverse plane waves and axial plane waves, respectively, in the low-frequency range. The nondimensional frequency limit k(0)(D-1/2) or k(0)R(0) as well as the chamber length to inlet/outlet pipe diameter ratio, i.e., L/d(0), up to which the muffler behaves like a short chamber and the corresponding limit beyond which the muffler is acoustically long are determined. The limits between which neither the transverse plane-wave model nor the conventional axial plane-wave model gives a satisfactory prediction have also been determined, the region being called the intermediate range. The end-correction expression for this muffler configuration in the acoustically long limit has been obtained using 3-D FEA carried on commercial software, covering most of the dimension range used in the design exercise. Development of a method of combining the transverse plane wave model with the axial plane wave model using the impedance Z] matrix is another noteworthy contribution of this work.


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More than 70 molecules of varied nature have been identified in the envelopes of carbon-rich stars through their spectral fingerprints in the microwave or far infrared regions. Many of them are carbon chain molecules and radicals, and a significant number are unique to the circumstellar medium. The determination of relevant laboratory kinetics data is critical to keep up with the development of the high spectral and spatial resolution observations and of the refinement of chemical models. Neutralneutral reactions of the CN radical with unsaturated hydrocarbons could be a dominant route in the formation of cyanopolyynes, even at low temperatures and deserve a detailed laboratory investigation. The approach we have developed aims to bridge the temperature gap between resistively heated flow tubes and shock tubes. The present kinetic measurements are obtained using a new reactor combining a high-enthalpy source with a flow tube and a pulsed laser photolysislaser-induced fluorescence system to probe the undergoing chemical reactions. The high-enthalpy flow tube has been used to measure the rate constant of the reaction of the CN radical with propane (C3H8), propene (C3H6), allene (C3H4), 1,3-butadiene (1,3-C4H6), and 1-butyne (C4H6) over a temperature range extending from 300 to 1200 K. All studied reactions of CN with unsaturated hydrocarbons are rapid, with rate coefficients greater than 10-10 cm3 center dot molecule-1 center dot s-1 and exhibit slight negative temperature dependence above room temperature. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Chem Kinet 44: 753766, 2012


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Cooling slope (CS) has been used in this study to prepare semi-solid slurry of A356 Al alloy, keeping in view of slurry generation on demand for Rheo-pressure die casting process. Understanding the physics of microstructure evolution during cooling slope slurry formation is important to satisfy the need of semi-sold slurry with desired shape, size and morphology of primary Al phase. Mixture of spherical and rosette shaped primary Al phase has been observed in the samples collected during melt flow through the slope as well as in the cast (mould) samples compared to that of dendritic shape, observed in case of conventionally cast A356 alloy. The liquid melt has been poured into the slope at 650 A degrees C temperature and during flow it falls below the liquidus temperature of the said alloy, which facilitates crystallization of alpha-Al crystals on the cooling slope wall. Crystal separation due to melt flow is found responsible for nearly spherical morphology of the primary Al phase.


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Film flows on inclined surfaces are often assumed to be of constant thickness, which ensures that the velocity profile is half-Poiseuille. It is shown here that by shallow water theory, only flows in a portion of Reynolds number-Froude number (Re-Fr) plane can asymptotically attain constant film thickness. In another portion on the plane, the constant thickness solution appears as an unstable fixed point, while in other regions the film thickness seems to asymptote to a positive slope. Our simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations confirm the predictions of shallow water theory at higher Froude numbers, but disagree with them at lower Froude numbers. We show that different regimes of film flow show completely different stability behaviour from that predicted earlier. Supercritical decelerating flows are shown to be always unstable, whereas accelerating flows become unstable below a certain Reynolds number for a given Froude number. Subcritical flows on the other hand are shown to be unstable above a certain Reynolds number. In some range of parameters, two solutions for the base flowexist, and the attached profile is found to be more stable. All flows except those with separation become more stable as they proceed downstream. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4758299]


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We report on the novel flow sensing application of piezoelectric ZnO thin film deposited on Phynox alloy sensing element. Characterization of piezoelectric ZnO films deposited on Phynox (Elgiloy) substrate at different RF powers is discussed. ZnO films deposited at RF power of 100W were found to have fine c-axis orientation, possesses excellent surface morphology with lower rms surface roughness of 1.87 nm and maximum d(31) coefficient value 4.7 pm V-1. The thin cantilever strip of Phynox alloy with ZnO film as a sensing layer for flow sensing has been tested for flow rates ranging from 2 to 18 L min(-1). A detailed theoretical analysis of the experimental set-up showing the relationship between output voltage and force at a particular flow rate has been discussed. The sensitivity of now sensing element is similar to 18 mV/(L min(-1)) and typical response time is of the order of 20 m s. The sensing element is calibrated using in-house developed testing set-up. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.