351 resultados para Brain Dynamics


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Flap dynamics of HIV-1 protease (HIV-pr) controls the entry of inhibitors and substrates to the active site. Dynamical models from previous simulations are not all consistent with each other and not all are supported by the NMR results. In the present work, the er effect of force field on the dynamics of HIV-pr is investigated by MD simulations using three AMBER force fields ff99, ff99SB, and ff03. The generalized order parameters for amide backbone are calculated from the three force fields and compared with the NMR S2 values. We found that the ff99SB and ff03 force field calculated order parameters agree reasonably well with the NMR S2 values, whereas ff99 calculated values deviate most from the NMR order parameters. Stereochemical geometry of protein models from each force field also agrees well with the remarks from NMR S2 values. However, between ff99SB and ff03, there are several differences, most notably in the loop regions. It is found that these loops are, in general, more flexible in the ff03 force field. This results in a larger active site cavity in the simulation with the ff03 force field. The effect of this difference in computer-aided drug design against flexible receptors is discussed.


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The structure of the hydrogen bond network is a key element for understanding water's thermodynamic and kinetic anomalies. While ambient water is strongly believed to be a uniform, continuous hydrogen-bonded liquid, there is growing consensus that supercooled water is better described in terms of distinct domains with either a low-density ice-like structure or a high-density disordered one. We evidenced two distinct rotational mobilities of probe molecules in interstitial supercooled water of polycrystalline ice Banerjee D, et al. (2009) ESR evidence for 2 coexisting liquid phases in deeply supercooled bulk water. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106: 11448-11453]. Here we show that, by increasing the confinement of interstitial water, the mobility of probe molecules, surprisingly, increases. We argue that loose confinement allows the presence of ice-like regions in supercooled water, whereas a tighter confinement yields the suppression of this ordered fraction and leads to higher fluidity. Compelling evidence of the presence of ice-like regions is provided by the probe orientational entropy barrier which is set, through hydrogen bonding, by the configuration of the surrounding water molecules and yields a direct measure of the configurational entropy of the same. We find that, under loose confinement of supercooled water, the entropy barrier surmounted by the slower probe fraction exceeds that of equilibrium water by the melting entropy of ice, whereas no increase of the barrier is observed under stronger confinement. The lower limit of metastability of supercooled water is discussed.


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We investigate the possibility of projecting low-dimensional chaos from spatiotemporal dynamics of a model for a kind of plastic instability observed under constant strain rate deformation conditions. We first discuss the relationship between the spatiotemporal patterns of the model reflected in the nature of dislocation bands and the nature of stress serrations. We show that at low applied strain rates, there is a one-to-one correspondence with the randomly nucleated isolated bursts of mobile dislocation density and the stress drops. We then show that the model equations are spatiotemporally chaotic by demonstrating the number of positive Lyapunov exponents and Lyapunov dimension scale with the system size at low and high strain rates. Using a modified algorithm for calculating correlation dimension density, we show that the stress-strain signals at low applied strain rates corresponding to spatially uncorrelated dislocation bands exhibit features of low-dimensional chaos. This is made quantitative by demonstrating that the model equations can be approximately reduced to space-independent model equations for the average dislocation densities, which is known to be low-dimensionally chaotic. However, the scaling regime for the correlation dimension shrinks with increasing applied strain rate due to increasing propensity for propagation of the dislocation bands.


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The detection of sound signals in vertebrates involves a complex network of different mechano-sensory elements in the inner ear. An especially important element in this network is the hair bundle, an antenna-like array of stereocilia containing gated ion channels that operate under the control of one or more adaptation motors. Deflections of the hair bundle by sound vibrations or thermal fluctuations transiently open the ion channels, allowing the flow of ions through them, and producing an electrical signal in the process, eventually causing the sensation of hearing. Recent high frequency (0.1-10 kHz) measurements by Kozlov et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109, 2896 (2012)] of the power spectrum and the mean square displacement of the thermal fluctuations of the hair bundle suggest that in this regime the dynamics of the hair bundle are subdiffusive. This finding has been explained in terms of the simple Brownian motion of a filament connecting neighboring stereocilia (the tip link), which is modeled as a viscoelastic spring. In the present paper, the diffusive anomalies of the hair bundle are ascribed to tip link fluctuations that evolve by fractional Brownian motion, which originates in fractional Gaussian noise and is characterized by a power law memory. The predictions of this model for the power spectrum of the hair bundle and its mean square displacement are consistent with the experimental data and the known properties of the tip link. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4768902]


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We report the temperature evolution of coherently excited acoustic and optical phonon dynamics in the superconducting iron pnictide single crystal Ca(Fe0.944Co0.056)(2)As-2 across the spin density wave transition at T-SDW similar to 85 K and the superconducting transition at T-SC similar to 20 K. The strain pulse propagation model applied to the generation of the acoustic phonons yields the temperature dependence of the optical constants, and longitudinal and transverse sound velocities in the temperature range from 3.1 K to 300 K. The frequency and dephasing times of the phonons show anomalous temperature dependence below T-SC indicating a coupling of these low-energy excitations with the Cooper-pair quasiparticles. A maximum in the amplitude of the acoustic modes at T similar to 170 is seen, attributed to spin fluctuations and strong spin-lattice coupling before T-SDW. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2012


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We investigate the effect of bilayer melting transition on thermodynamics and dynamics of interfacial water using molecular dynamics simulation with the two-phase thermodynamic model. We show that the diffusivity of interface water depicts a dynamic crossover at the chain melting transition following an Arrhenius behavior until the transition temperature. The corresponding change in the diffusion coefficient from the bulk to the interface water is comparable with experimental observations found recently for water near 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) vesicles Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 7732 (2011)]. The entropy and potential energy of interfacial water show distinct changes at the bilayer melting transition, indicating a strong correlation in the thermodynamic state of water and the accompanying first-order phase transition of the bilayer membrane. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.018303