391 resultados para linear array


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Parabolized stability equation (PSE) models are being deve loped to predict the evolu-tion of low-frequency, large-scale wavepacket structures and their radiated sound in high-speed turbulent round jets. Linear PSE wavepacket models were previously shown to be in reasonably good agreement with the amplitude envelope and phase measured using a microphone array placed just outside the jet shear layer. 1,2 Here we show they also in very good agreement with hot-wire measurements at the jet center line in the potential core,for a different set of experiments. 3 When used as a model source for acoustic analogy, the predicted far field noise radiation is in reasonably good agreement with microphone measurements for aft angles where contributions from large -scale structures dominate the acoustic field. Nonlinear PSE is then employed in order to determine the relative impor-tance of the mode interactions on the wavepackets. A series of nonlinear computations with randomized initial conditions are use in order to obtain bounds for the evolution of the modes in the natural turbulent jet flow. It was found that n onlinearity has a very limited impact on the evolution of the wavepackets for St≥0. 3. Finally, the nonlinear mechanism for the generation of a low-frequency mode as the difference-frequency mode 4,5 of two forced frequencies is investigated in the scope of the high Reynolds number jets considered in this paper.


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This paper presents an efficient approach to the modeling and classification of vehicles using the magnetic signature of the vehicle. A database was created using the magnetic signature collected over a wide range of vehicles(cars). A vehicle is modeled as an array of magnetic dipoles. The strength of the magnetic dipole and the separation between the magnetic dipoles varies for different vehicles and is dependent on the metallic composition and configuration of the vehicle. Based on the magnetic dipole data model, we present a novel method to extract a feature vector from the magnetic signature. In the classification of vehicles, a linear support vector machine configuration is used to classify the vehicles based on the obtained feature vectors.


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Let X-1,..., X-m be a set of m statistically dependent sources over the common alphabet F-q, that are linearly independent when considered as functions over the sample space. We consider a distributed function computation setting in which the receiver is interested in the lossless computation of the elements of an s-dimensional subspace W spanned by the elements of the row vector X-1,..., X-m]Gamma in which the (m x s) matrix Gamma has rank s. A sequence of three increasingly refined approaches is presented, all based on linear encoders. The first approach uses a common matrix to encode all the sources and a Korner-Marton like receiver to directly compute W. The second improves upon the first by showing that it is often more efficient to compute a carefully chosen superspace U of W. The superspace is identified by showing that the joint distribution of the {X-i} induces a unique decomposition of the set of all linear combinations of the {X-i}, into a chain of subspaces identified by a normalized measure of entropy. This subspace chain also suggests a third approach, one that employs nested codes. For any joint distribution of the {X-i} and any W, the sum-rate of the nested code approach is no larger than that under the Slepian-Wolf (SW) approach. Under the SW approach, W is computed by first recovering each of the {X-i}. For a large class of joint distributions and subspaces W, the nested code approach is shown to improve upon SW. Additionally, a class of source distributions and subspaces are identified, for which the nested-code approach is sum-rate optimal.


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In document community support vector machines and naïve bayes classifier are known for their simplistic yet excellent performance. Normally the feature subsets used by these two approaches complement each other, however a little has been done to combine them. The essence of this paper is a linear classifier, very similar to these two. We propose a novel way of combining these two approaches, which synthesizes best of them into a hybrid model. We evaluate the proposed approach using 20ng dataset, and compare it with its counterparts. The efficacy of our results strongly corroborate the effectiveness of our approach.


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We present a study correlating uniaxial stress in a polymer with its underlying structure when it is strained. The uniaxial stress is significantly influenced by the mean-square bond length and mean bond angle. In contrast, the size and shape of the polymer, typically represented by the end-to-end length, mass ratio, and radius of gyration, contribute negligibly. Among externally set control variables, density and polymer chain length play a critical role in influencing the anisotropic uniaxial stress. Short chain polymers more or less behave like rigid molecules. Temperature and rate of loading, in the range considered, have a very mild effect on the uniaxial stress.


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Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) grown on substrates are potential electron sources in field emission applications. Several studies have reported the use of CNTs in field emission devices, including field emission displays, X-ray tube, electron microscopes, cathode-ray lamps, etc. Also, in recent years, conventional cold field emission cathodes have been realized in micro-fabricated arrays for medical X-ray imaging. CNTbased field emission cathode devices have potential applications in a variety of industrial and medical applications, including cancer treatment. Field emission performance of a single isolated CNT is found to be remarkable, but the situation becomes complex when an array of CNTs is used. At the same time, use of arrays of CNTs is practical and economical. Indeed, such arrays on cathode substrates can be grown easily and their collective dynamics can be utilized in a statistical sense such that the average emission intensity is high enough and the collective dynamics lead to longer emission life. The authors in their previous publications had proposed a novel approach to obtain stabilized field emission current from a stacked CNT array of pointed height distribution. A mesoscopic modeling technique was employed, which took into account electro-mechanical forces in the CNTs, as well as transport of conduction electron coupled with electron phonon induced heat generation from the CNT tips. The reported analysis of pointed arrangements of the array showed that the current density distribution was greatly localized in the middle of the array, the scatter due to electrodynamic force field was minimized, and the temperature transients were much smaller compared to those in an array with random height distribution. In the present paper we develop a method to compute the emission efficiency of the CNT array in terms of the amount of electrons hitting the anode surface using trajectory calculations. Effects of secondary electron emission and parasitic capacitive nonlinearity on the current-voltage signals are accounted. Field emission efficiency of a stacked CNT array with various pointed height distributions are compared to that of arrays with random and uniform height distributions. Effect of this parasitic nonlinearity on the emission switch-on voltage is estimated by model based simulation and Monte Carlo method.


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State estimation is one of the most important functions in an energy control centre. An computationally efficient state estimator which is free from numerical instability/ill-conditioning is essential for security assessment of electric power grid. Whereas approaches to successfully overcome the numerical ill-conditioning issues have been proposed, an efficient algorithm for addressing the convergence issues in the presence of topological errors is yet to be evolved. Trust region (TR) methods have been successfully employed to overcome the divergence problem to certain extent. In this study, case studies are presented where the conventional algorithms including the existing TR methods would fail to converge. A linearised model-based TR method for successfully overcoming the convergence issues is proposed. On the computational front, unlike the existing TR methods for state estimation which employ quadratic models, the proposed linear model-based estimator is computationally efficient because the model minimiser can be computed in a single step. The model minimiser at each step is computed by minimising the linearised model in the presence of TR and measurement mismatch constraints. The infinity norm is used to define the geometry of the TR. Measurement mismatch constraints are employed to improve the accuracy. The proposed algorithm is compared with the quadratic model-based TR algorithm with case studies on the IEEE 30-bus system, 205-bus and 514-bus equivalent systems of part of Indian grid.


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The random eigenvalue problem arises in frequency and mode shape determination for a linear system with uncertainties in structural properties. Among several methods of characterizing this random eigenvalue problem, one computationally fast method that gives good accuracy is a weak formulation using polynomial chaos expansion (PCE). In this method, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are expanded in PCE, and the residual is minimized by a Galerkin projection. The goals of the current work are (i) to implement this PCE-characterized random eigenvalue problem in the dynamic response calculation under random loading and (ii) to explore the computational advantages and challenges. In the proposed method, the response quantities are also expressed in PCE followed by a Galerkin projection. A numerical comparison with a perturbation method and the Monte Carlo simulation shows that when the loading has a random amplitude but deterministic frequency content, the proposed method gives more accurate results than a first-order perturbation method and a comparable accuracy as the Monte Carlo simulation in a lower computational time. However, as the frequency content of the loading becomes random, or for general random process loadings, the method loses its accuracy and computational efficiency. Issues in implementation, limitations, and further challenges are also addressed.


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We study absorption spectra and two photon absorption coefficient of expanded porphyrins (EPs) by the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) technique. We employ the Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) Hamiltonian which includes long-range electron-electron interactions. We find that, in the 4n+2 EPs, there are two prominent low-lying one-photon excitations, while in 4n EPs, there is only one such excitation. We also find that 4n+2 EPs have large two-photon absorption cross sections compared to 4n EPs. The charge density rearrangement in the one-photon excited state is mostly at the pyrrole nitrogen site and at the meso carbon sites. In the two-photon states, the charge density rearrangement occurs mostly at the aza-ring sites. In the one-photon state, the C-C bond length in aza rings shows a tendency to become uniform. In the two-photon state, the bond distortions are on C-N bonds of the pyrrole ring and the adjoining C-C bonds which connect the pyrrole ring to the aza or meso carbon sites.


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This paper presents the formulation and performance analysis of four techniques for detection of a narrowband acoustic source in a shallow range-independent ocean using an acoustic vector sensor (AVS) array. The array signal vector is not known due to the unknown location of the source. Hence all detectors are based on a generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) which involves estimation of the array signal vector. One non-parametric and three parametric (model-based) signal estimators are presented. It is shown that there is a strong correlation between the detector performance and the mean-square signal estimation error. Theoretical expressions for probability of false alarm and probability of detection are derived for all the detectors, and the theoretical predictions are compared with simulation results. It is shown that the detection performance of an AVS array with a certain number of sensors is equal to or slightly better than that of a conventional acoustic pressure sensor array with thrice as many sensors.


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The algebraic formulation for linear network coding in acyclic networks with each link having an integer delay is well known. Based on this formulation, for a given set of connections over an arbitrary acyclic network with integer delay assumed for the links, the output symbols at the sink nodes at any given time instant is a Fq-linear combination of the input symbols across different generations, where Fq denotes the field over which the network operates. We use finite-field discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to convert the output symbols at the sink nodes at any given time instant into a Fq-linear combination of the input symbols generated during the same generation. We call this as transforming the acyclic network with delay into n-instantaneous networks (n is sufficiently large). We show that under certain conditions, there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the usual (non-transform) approach if and only if there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the transform approach. Furthermore, assuming time invariant local encoding kernels, we show that the transform method can be employed to achieve half the rate corresponding to the individual source-destination mincut (which are assumed to be equal to 1) for some classes of three-source three-destination multiple unicast network with delays using alignment strategies when the zero-interference condition is not satisfied.


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Visual search in real life involves complex displays with a target among multiple types of distracters, but in the laboratory, it is often tested using simple displays with identical distracters. Can complex search be understood in terms of simple searches? This link may not be straightforward if complex search has emergent properties. One such property is linear separability, whereby search is hard when a target cannot be separated from its distracters using a single linear boundary. However, evidence in favor of linear separability is based on testing stimulus configurations in an external parametric space that need not be related to their true perceptual representation. We therefore set out to assess whether linear separability influences complex search at all. Our null hypothesis was that complex search performance depends only on classical factors such as target-distracter similarity and distracter homogeneity, which we measured using simple searches. Across three experiments involving a variety of artificial and natural objects, differences between linearly separable and nonseparable searches were explained using target-distracter similarity and distracter heterogeneity. Further, simple searches accurately predicted complex search regardless of linear separability (r = 0.91). Our results show that complex search is explained by simple search, refuting the widely held belief that linear separability influences visual search.


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Earlier work on cyclic pursuit systems has shown that using heterogeneous gains for agents in linear cyclic pursuit, the point of convergence (rendezvous point) can be chosen arbitrarily. But there are some restrictions on this set of reachable points. The use of deviated cyclic pursuit, as discussed in this paper, expands this set of reachable points to include points which are not reachable by any known linear cyclic pursuit scheme. The limits on the deviations are determined by stability considerations. Such limits have been analytically obtained in this paper along with results on the expansion in reachable set and the latter has also been verified through simulations.


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Three codes, that can solve three dimensional linear elastostatic problems using constant boundary elements while ignoring body forces, are provided here. The file 'bemconst.m' contains a MATLAB code for solving three dimensional linear elastostatic problems using constant boundary elements while ignoring body forces. The file 'bemconst.f90' is a Fortran translation of the MATLAB code contained in the file 'bemconst.m'. The file 'bemconstp.f90' is a parallelized version of the Fortran code contained in the file 'bemconst.f90'. The file 'inbem96.txt' is the input file for the Fortran codes contained in the files 'bemconst.f90' and 'bemconstp.f90'. Author hereby declares that the present codes are the original works of the author. Further, author hereby declares that any of the present codes, in full or in part, is not a translation or a copy of any of the existing codes written by someone else. Author's institution (Indian Institute of Science) has informed the author in writing that the institution is not interested in claiming any copyright on the present codes. Author is hereby distributing the present codes under the MIT License; full text of the license is included in each of the files that contain the codes.