320 resultados para 040108 Tropospheric and Stratospheric Physics


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An automated ultrasonic spray pyrolysis system is fabricated for the growth of thin films. The system is equipped with x-y movement and enables film deposition in different patterns and spray rates. Cu-2(Zn,Sn)S-4 (CZTS) films are deposited using this setup. The substrate temperature (T-s) is varied from 240 to 490 degrees C. Kesterite CZTS phase is observed in all the films together with binary phases. The films prepared at T-s <340 degrees C showed SnxSy phase and those at T-s >340 degrees C showed Cu2S phase. Sulfur incorporation is maximum (40%) at 440 degrees C and the films showed better morphology. The Cu and S concentrations are varied to remove binary phases. Depth wise elemental analysis confirmed the existence of single phase CZTS. p-Type CZTS films of resistivity in the range of 10(2)-10(3) Omega cm are obtained. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Titanium oxide (Titania) thin films were synthesized on different substrates via the sol-gel dip-coating method using alkoxide solution. Some selected samples were also prepared with different percentage of Lead (Pb). The influence of Pb addition in precursor sol on the optical properties of titanium dioxide thin films was studied. The optical transmittance in the visible region has increased with increase in weight percentage of lead. The refractive index was slightly decreased with Pb addition. Crystallization of these coatings was achieved through thermal annealing at temperatures above 400 degrees C. The structural properties and surface morphology of the crystallized coatings were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Increase in average grain size from 250 nm to 350 nm with increase in Pb concentration is observed. Films were appeared to more coarse with increase in Pb addition. An increase in Pb addition resulted increase in average roughness from 12 nm to 25 nm.


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Mixing at low Reynolds number is usually due to diffusion and requires longer channel lengths for complete mixing. In order to reduce the mixing lengths, advective flow can be induced by varying the channel geometry. Additionally, in non-newtonian fluids, appropriate modifications to channel geometry can be used to aid the mixing process by capitalizing on their viscoelastic nature. Here we have exploited the advection and viscoelastic effects to implement a planar passive micro-mixer. Microfluidic devices incorporating different blend of mixing geometries were conceived. The optimum design was chosen based on the results of the numerical simulations performed in COMSOL. The chosen design had sudden expansion and contraction along with teeth patterns along the channel walls to improve mixing. Mixing of two different dyes was performed to validate the mixing efficiency. Particle dispersion experiments were also carried out. The results indicated effective mixing. In addition, the same design was also found to be compatible with electrical power free pumping mechanism like suction. The proposed design was then used to carry out on-chip chemical cell lysis with human whole blood samples to establish its use with non-newtonian fluids. Complete lysis of the erythrocytes was observed leaving behind the white blood cells at the outlet.


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The tropical easterly jet (TEJ) is a prominent atmospheric circulation feature observed during the Asian summer monsoon. It is generally assumed that sensible heating over the Tibetan Plateau directly influences the location of the TEJ. However, other studies have suggested the importance of latent heating in determining the jet location. In this paper, the relative importance of latent heating on the maintenance of the TEJ is explored through simulations with a general circulation model. The simulation of the TEJ by the Community Atmosphere Model, version 3.1 is discussed in detail. These simulations showed that the location of the TEJ is well correlated with the location of the precipitation. Significant zonal shifts in the location of the precipitation resulted in similar shifts in the zonal location of the TEJ. These zonal shifts had minimal effect on the large-scale structure of the jet. Further, provided that precipitation patterns were relatively unchanged, orography did not directly impact the location of the TEJ. These changes were robust even with changes in the cumulus parameterization. This suggests the potential important role of latent heating in determining the location and structure of the TEJ. These results were used to explain the significant differences in the zonal location of the TEJ in the years 1988 and 2002. To understand the contribution of the latitudinal location of latent heating on the strength of the TEJ, aqua-planet simulations were carried out. It has been shown that for similar amounts of net latent heating, the jet is stronger when heating is in the higher tropical latitudes. This may partly explain the reason for the jet to be very strong during the JJA monsoon season.


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Biomolecular structure elucidation is one of the major techniques for studying the basic processes of life. These processes get modulated, hindered or altered due to various causes like diseases, which is why biomolecular analysis and imaging play an important role in diagnosis, treatment prognosis and monitoring. Vibrational spectroscopy (IR and Raman), which is a molecular bond specific technique, can assist the researcher in chemical structure interpretation. Based on the combination with microscopy, vibrational microspectroscopy is currently emerging as an important tool for biomedical research, with a spatial resolution at the cellular and sub-cellular level. These techniques offer various advantages, enabling label-free, biomolecular fingerprinting in the native state. However, the complexity involved in deciphering the required information from a spectrum hampered their entry into the clinic. Today with the advent of automated algorithms, vibrational microspectroscopy excels in the field of spectropathology. However, researchers should be aware of how quantification based on absolute band intensities may be affected by instrumental parameters, sample thickness, water content, substrate backgrounds and other possible artefacts. In this review these practical issues and their effects on the quantification of biomolecules will be discussed in detail. In many cases ratiometric analysis can help to circumvent these problems and enable the quantitative study of biological samples, including ratiometric imaging in 1D, 2D and 3D. We provide an extensive overview from the recent scientific literature on IR and Raman band ratios used for studying biological systems and for disease diagnosis and treatment prognosis.