324 resultados para one dimensional


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Phase-change cooling technique is a suitable method for thermal management of electronic equipment subjected to transient or cyclic heat loads. The thermal performance of a phase-change based heat sink under cyclic heat load depends on several design parameters, namely, applied heat flux, cooling heat transfer coefficient, thermophysical properties of phase-change materials (PCMs), and physical dimensions of phase-change storage system during melting and freezing processes. A one-dimensional conduction heat transfer model is formulated to evaluate the effectiveness of preliminary design of practical PCM-based energy storage units. In this model, the phase-change process of the PCM is divided into melting and solidification subprocesses, for which separate equations are written. The equations are solved sequentially and an explicit closed-form solution is obtained. The efficacy of analytical model is estimated by comparing with a finite-volume-based numerical solution for both transient and cyclic heat loads.


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A state-based micropolar peridynamic theory for linear elastic solids is proposed. The main motivation is to introduce additional micro-rotational degrees of freedom to each material point and thus naturally bring in the physically relevant material length scale parameters into peridynamics. Non-ordinary type modeling via constitutive correspondence is adopted here to define the micropolar peridynamic material. Along with a general three dimensional model, homogenized one dimensional Timoshenko type beam models for both the proposed micropolar and the standard non-polar peridynamic variants are derived. The efficacy of the proposed models in analyzing continua with length scale effects is established via numerical simulations of a few beam and plane-stress problems. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Contrary to the actual nonlinear Glauber model, the linear Glauber model (LGM) is exactly solvable, although the detailed balance condition is not generally satisfied. This motivates us to address the issue of writing the transition rate () in a best possible linear form such that the mean squared error in satisfying the detailed balance condition is least. The advantage of this work is that, by studying the LGM analytically, we will be able to anticipate how the kinetic properties of an arbitrary Ising system depend on the temperature and the coupling constants. The analytical expressions for the optimal values of the parameters involved in the linear are obtained using a simple Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse matrix. This approach is quite general, in principle applicable to any system and can reproduce the exact results for one dimensional Ising system. In the continuum limit, we get a linear time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation from the Glauber's microscopic model of non-conservative dynamics. We analyze the critical and dynamic properties of the model, and show that most of the important results obtained in different studies can be reproduced by our new mathematical approach. We will also show in this paper that the effect of magnetic field can easily be studied within our approach; in particular, we show that the inverse of relaxation time changes quadratically with (weak) magnetic field and that the fluctuation-dissipation theorem is valid for our model.


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We study Majorana modes and transport in one-dimensional systems with a p-wave superconductor (SC) and normal metal leads. For a system with an SC lying between two leads, it is known that there is a Majorana mode at the junction between the SC and each lead. If the p-wave pairing Delta changes sign or if a strong impurity is present at some point inside the SC, two additional Majorana modes appear near that point. We study the effect of all these modes on the sub-gap conductance between the leads and the SC. We derive an analytical expression as a function of Delta and the length L of the SC for the energy shifts of the Majorana modes at the junctions due to hybridization between them; the shifts oscillate and decay exponentially as L is increased. The energy shifts exactly match the location of the peaks in the conductance. Using bosonization and the renormalization group method, we study the effect of interactions between the electrons on Delta and the strengths of an impurity inside the SC or the barriers between the SC and the leads; this in turn affects the Majorana modes and the conductance. Finally, we propose a novel experimental realization of these systems, in particular of a system where Delta changes sign at one point inside the SC.


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One-dimensional transient heat flow is interpreted as a procession of `macro-scale translatory motion of indexed isothermal surfaces'. A new analytical model is proposed by introducing velocity of isothermal surface in Fourier heat diffusion equation. The velocity dependent function is extracted by revisiting `the concept of thermal layer of heat conduction in solid' and `exact solution' to estimate thermal diffusivity. The experimental approach involves establishment of 1 D unsteady heat flow inside the sample through Step-temperature excitation. A novel self-reference interferometer is utilized to separate a `unique isothermal surface' in time-varying temperature field. The translatory motion of the said isothermal surface is recorded using digital camera to estimate its velocity. From the knowledge of thermo-optic coefficient, temperature of the said isothermal surface is predicted. The performance of proposed method is evaluated for Quartz sample and compared with literature.


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Computational models based on the phase-field method typically operate on a mesoscopic length scale and resolve structural changes of the material and furthermore provide valuable information about microstructure and mechanical property relations. An accurate calculation of the stresses and mechanical energy at the transition region is therefore indispensable. We derive a quantitative phase-field elasticity model based on force balance and Hadamard jump conditions at the interface. Comparing the simulated stress profiles calculated with Voigt/Taylor (Annalen der Physik 274(12):573, 1889), Reuss/Sachs (Z Angew Math Mech 9:49, 1929) and the proposed model with the theoretically predicted stress fields in a plate with a round inclusion under hydrostatic tension, we show the quantitative characteristics of the model. In order to validate the elastic contribution to the driving force for phase transition, we demonstrate the absence of excess energy, calculated by Durga et al. (Model Simul Mater Sci Eng 21(5):055018, 2013), in a one-dimensional equilibrium condition of serial and parallel material chains. To validate the driving force for systems with curved transition regions, we relate simulations to the Gibbs-Thompson equilibrium condition


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Using first principles calculations, we show that the overlapping defects in bi-layer graphene (both AA-and AB-stacked) interact forming inter-layer covalent bonds, giving rise to two-dimensional (2D) clipped structures, without explicit use of functional groups. These clipped structures can be transformed into one-dimensional (1D) double wall nanotubes (DWCNT) or multi-layered three dimensional (3D) bulk structures. These clipped structures show good mechanical strength due to covalent bonding between multi-layers. Clipping also provides a unique way to simultaneously harness the conductivity of both walls of a double wall nanotube through covalently bonded scattering junctions. With additional conducting channels and improved mechanical stability, these clipped structures can lead to a myriad of applications in novel devices. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of multiplicative noise on a signal when compared with that of additive noise is very large. In this paper, we address the problem of suppressing multiplicative noise in one-dimensional signals. To deal with signals that are corrupted with multiplicative noise, we propose a denoising algorithm based on minimization of an unbiased estimator (MURE) of meansquare error (MSE). We derive an expression for an unbiased estimate of the MSE. The proposed denoising is carried out in wavelet domain (soft thresholding) by considering time-domain MURE. The parameters of thresholding function are obtained by minimizing the unbiased estimator MURE. We show that the parameters for optimal MURE are very close to the optimal parameters considering the oracle MSE. Experiments show that the SNR improvement for the proposed denoising algorithm is competitive with a state-of-the-art method.


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We present results for a finite variant of the one-dimensional Toom model with closed boundaries. We show that the steady state distribution is not of product form, but is nonetheless simple. In particular, we give explicit formulas for the densities and some nearest neighbour correlation functions. We also give exact results for eigenvalues and multiplicities of the transition matrix using the theory of R-trivial monoids in joint work with A. Schilling, B. Steinberg and N. M. Thiery.


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The kinetic theory of fluid turbulence modeling developed by Degond and Lemou in 7] is considered for further study, analysis and simulation. Starting with the Boltzmann like equation representation for turbulence modeling, a relaxation type collision term is introduced for isotropic turbulence. In order to describe some important turbulence phenomenology, the relaxation time incorporates a dependency on the turbulent microscopic energy and this makes difficult the construction of efficient numerical methods. To investigate this problem, we focus here on a multi-dimensional prototype model and first propose an appropriate change of frame that makes the numerical study simpler. Then, a numerical strategy to tackle the stiff relaxation source term is introduced in the spirit of Asymptotic Preserving Schemes. Numerical tests are performed in a one-dimensional framework on the basis of the developed strategy to confirm its efficiency.


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An attempt has been made to bring out the influence on strength and volume change behavior of fabric changes and new cementitious compound formation in a soil upon addition of various lime contents and with curing periods. The effects of changes in fabric of treatment with various lime contents (0, 2,4 and 6%) and with curing periods (0, 7, 14 and 28 days) have been evaluated by one-dimensional consolidation tests, in terms of void ratio changes and compressibility. The strength of soil treated with different lime contents with curing periods up to 28 days, and with the optimum lime content of 6% up to one year has been determined by unconfined compression tests. Comparison of effects of lime on the strength and volume change behavior of the soil brings out that the formation of flocculated fabric and cation exchange significantly reduces the compressibility of soil but marginally increases the strength. Cementation of soil particles and filling with cementitious compounds of the voids of flocculated fabric in the soil marginally reduces the compressibility but significantly increases the strength. Thus, the mechanism of volume change behavior of soil treated with lower lime content at short curing periods is distinctly different from that of the soil treated with optimum lime content at longer curing periods. This is consistent with the increase in the permeability caused by the addition from 2 to 4% lime and the decrease following the addition of 6% lime. Changes consistent with mechanical behavior have been determined by scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction and thermal analyses, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer and pH value in microstructure, mineralogy, chemical composition and alkalinity, respectively. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The ``synthetic dimension'' proposal A. Celi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 043001 (2014)] uses atoms with M internal states (''flavors'') in a one-dimensional (1D) optical lattice, to realize a hopping Hamiltonian equivalent to the Hofstadter model (tight-binding model with a given magnetic flux per plaquette) on an M-sites-wide square lattice strip. We investigate the physics of SU(M) symmetric interactions in the synthetic dimension system. We show that this system is equivalent to particles with SU(M) symmetric interactions] experiencing an SU(M) Zeeman field at each lattice site and a non-Abelian SU(M) gauge potential that affects their hopping. This equivalence brings out the possibility of generating nonlocal interactions between particles at different sites of the optical lattice. In addition, the gauge field induces a flavor-orbital coupling, which mitigates the ``baryon breaking'' effect of the Zeeman field. For M particles, concomitantly, the SU(M) singlet baryon which is site localized in the usual 1D optical lattice, is deformed to a nonlocal object (''squished baryon''). We conclusively demonstrate this effect by analytical arguments and exact (numerical) diagonalization studies. Our study promises a rich many-body phase diagram for this system. It also uncovers the possibility of using the synthetic dimension system to laboratory realize condensed-matter models such as the SU(M) random flux model, inconceivable in conventional experimental systems.


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Most often the measurement of VHF from the conventional 1D H-1 NMR spectrum is severely hindered consequent to similar magnitudes of JHF and JHH couplings and the spectral multiplicity pattern. The present study reports a new 1D NMR technique based on real time spin edition, which removes all JHF and JHH while retaining only VHF of a chosen fluorine. The obtained spectrum is significantly simplified and permits straightforward determination of all possible VHF values of a chosen fluorine. Due to one dimensional nature, the method is much faster compared to 2D GET-SERF by 1-2 orders of magnitude. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We performed numerical experiments on a one-dimensional elastic solid oscillating in a two-dimensional viscous incompressible fluid with the intent of discerning the interplay of vorticity and elastodynamics in flapping wing propulsion. Perhaps for the first time, we have established the role of foil deflection topology and its influence on vorticity generation, through spatially and temporally evolving foil slope and curvature. Though the frequency of oscillation of the foil has a definite role, it is the phase relation between foil slope and pressure that determines thrust or drag. Similarly, the phase difference between flapping velocity, and pressure and inertial forces, determine the power input to the foil, and in turn drives propulsive efficiency. At low frequencies of oscillation, the sympathetic slope and curvature of deformation of the foil allow generation of leading-edge vortices that do not separate; they cause substantial rise in pressure between the leading edge and mid-chord. The circulatory component of pressure is determined primarily by the leading-edge vortex and therefore thrust too is predominantly circulatory in origin at low frequencies. In the intermediate and high-frequency range, thrust and drag on the foil spatially alternate and non-circulatory forces dominate over circulatory and viscous forces. For the mass ratios we simulated, thrust due to flapping varies quadratically as a function of Strouhal number or trailing-edge flapping velocity; further, the trailing edge flapping velocities peak at the same set of frequencies where the thrust is also a maximum. Propulsive efficiency, on the other hand, is roughly a mirror image of the thrust variation with respect to Strouhal number. Given that most instances of flapping propulsion in nature are primarily through distributed muscular actuation that enables precise control of deformation shape, leading to high thrust and efficiency, the results presented here are pointers towards understanding some of the mechanisms that drive thrust and propulsive efficiency.


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This paper deals with the study of the nonlinear dynamics of a rotating flexible link modeled as a one dimensional beam, undergoing large deformation and with geometric nonlinearities. The partial differential equation of motion is discretized using a finite element approach to yield four nonlinear, nonautonomous and coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The equations are nondimensionalized using two characteristic velocities-the speed of sound in the material and a velocity associated with the transverse bending vibration of the beam. The method of multiple scales is used to perform a detailed study of the system. A set of four autonomous equations of the first-order are derived considering primary resonances of the external excitation and one-to-one internal resonances between the natural frequencies of the equations. Numerical simulations show that for certain ranges of values of these characteristic velocities, the slow flow equations can exhibit chaotic motions. The numerical simulations and the results are related to a rotating wind turbine blade and the approach can be used for the study of the nonlinear dynamics of a single link flexible manipulator.