456 resultados para BONDS


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Model building studies on poly(hydroxypro1ine) indicate that in addition to the well-known helical structure of form A, a left-handed helical structure with trans peptide units and with h = 2.86 A and n = 2.67 (i.e., 8 residues in 3 turns) is also possible. In this structure which is shown to be in agreement with X-ray data of the form B in the next paper, the y-hydroxyl group of an (i + 1)th Hyp residue is hydrogen bonded to the carbonyl oxygen of an (i - 1)th residue. The possibility of a structure with cis peptide units is ruled out. It is shown that both forms A and B are equally favorable from considerations of intramolecular energies. Since form B is further stabilized by intrachain hydrogen bonds, we believe that this is likely to be the ordered conformation for poly(hydroxypro1ine) in water.


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MNDO geometry optimizations were carried out on a series of symmetrically and unsymmetrically coupled strained ring hydrocarbons, R1-R1 and R1–R2 (R1=methyl, cyclopropyl, 1-bicyclo[1.1.0]butyl, 1-bicyclo[1.1.1]pentyl, prismyl, cubyl, 6-tricyclo [,6]heptyl, and tetrahedryl groups; R2=methyl and cyclopropyl). The remarkable contraction of the C---C bond connecting the strained rings found experimentally in a few cases was reproduced correctly by the calculations. A linear correlation was found between the bond length shortening and the bond angle widening at the corresponding carbon atoms for all the structures considered. The reduction in C---C bond lengths due to various ring systems is additive. The additivity indicates that inter-ring interactions which effect the central bond length are absent and confirms the common electronic origin of bond contraction in these systems, viz. enhanced s-character in the exocyclic bonds of strained rings.


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Computer-modelling studies on the modes of binding of the three guanosine monophosphate inhibitors 2'-GMP, 3'-GMP, and 5'-GMP to ribonuclease (RNase) T1 have been carried out by energy minimization in Cartesian-coordinate space. The inhibitory power was found to decrease in the order 2'-GMP > 3'-GMP > 5'-GMP in agreement with the experimental observations. The ribose moiety was found to form hydrogen bonds with the protein in all the enzyme-inhibitor complexes, indicating that it contributes to the binding energy and does not merely act as a spacer between the base and the phosphate moieties as suggested earlier. 2'-GMP and 5'-GMP bind to RNase T1 in either of the two ribose puckered forms (with C3'-endo more favoured over the C2'-endo) and 3'-GMP binds to RNase T1 predominantly in C3'-endo form. The catalytically important residue His-92 was found to form hydrogen bond with the phosphate moiety in all the enzyme-inhibitor complexes, indicating that this residue may serve as a general acid group during catalysis. Such an interaction was not found in either X-ray or two-dimensional NMR studies.


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The Norrish type II process is examined in three ketones containing primary, secondary and tertiary C---H bonds in the γ position relative to the carbonyl groups; the MINDO/3 semiempirical self-consistent field (SCF) molecular orbital (MO) method was used with complete geometry optimization in the unrestricted Hartree—Fock frame for the open-shell species. Results show that barriers to conformational change in ketones play an important role in the triplet reaction.


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Starting from readily available norbornenobenzoquinone 7 and employing a photothermal metathesis reaction as the main strategy, novel "roofed" polyquinane bisenones 3 and 13 have been synthesized. Among these, the former is potentially serviceable for further elaboration to dodecahedrane 1. Catalytic hydrogenation of 3 provided the dione 12, which fully inscribes the circumference of dodecahedrane sphere. The "roofed" C-16-bisenone 3 has been successfully annulated to C19-bisenone 24 and C19-trisenone 26 by employing the Greene methodology and Pauson-Khand reaction, respectively. The molecular structures of 3 and 13 were computed using molecular mechanics and semiempirical MO methods. The nonbonded distances between the double bonds vary strongly with the method employed. The interactions between the pi-MO's were, therefore, probed by means of photoelectron (PE) spectroscopy. Comparison with the PE spectra of a series of model systems with increasing complexity enabled an unambiguous assignment of the observed peaks. The symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of the pi-MO's of the enone moieties of 3 and 13 show large splittings, characteristic of propano-bridged systems in which through-space and through-bond effects act in concert.


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In the crystal structure of the antimalarial drug amodiaquine, the bonds linking the quinoline and the phenyl groups show partial double-bond character. The partial double-bond character of the two exocyclic bonds, together with stereochemical constraints, reduce flexibility of the two ring systems of the molecule. The dihedral angle between the two ring planes is lowest compared to those in the antileukaemic drug amsacrine and its derivatives. CPK-modelling studies suggest the way amodiaquine can bind to DNA. Stacking interaction between the quinoline and phenyl groups of independent molecules and the hydrogen-bond network stabilize the crystal structure.


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Valinomycin is an important ionophore which exhibits a high conformational flexibility. The study of various conformations adopted by this molecule together with the study of flexibility in a given conformation can throw light on the ion transport by the ionophore across the membrane. Molecular dynamics (MD) studies are ideal to characterize the flexibility in different parts of the molecule and can also give an idea of various conformations adopted by the molecule at a given temperature. Hence MD studies at 100K have been carried out on the minimized crystal structure of the molecule to scan the possible conformations in the neighbourhood of the well known 'bracelet' like structure of uncomplexed Valinomycin, Properties, like the flexibility, average values, r.m.s. fluctuations of the various intramolecular hydrogen bonds are discussed. Energy minimization has been carried out on selected MD simulated points to analyze the characteristics of the unique conformation adopted by this molecule at this temperature.


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An examination of radiation-damage processes consequent to high-energy irradiation in certain ammonium salts studied using ESR of free radical together with the structural information available from neutron diffraction studies shows that, other factors being equal/nearly equal, symmetry-related bonds are preserved in preference to those unrelated to one another by any symmetry.


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Hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucoside by the beta-glucosidase of a thermophilic and cellulolytic fungus, Humicola insolens was stimulated by two-fold in the presence of high concentrations of beta-mercaptoethanol. This enzyme did not have any free sulfhydryl groups and high concentrations of beta-mercaptoethanol (5% v/v) reduced all of the three disulfide bonds present in the enzyme. In contrast, the hydrolysis of cellobiose and cellulose polymers was inhibited by 50% under the same conditions. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (1% w/v) even in combination with beta-mercaptoethanol did not show any significant effects on this enzyme. These unusual properties suggest that this enzyme may be of significant importance for understanding the structure of the enzyme.


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X-Ray structural data, as well as semiempirical and ab initio molecular orbital calculations, reveal no systematic and substantial difference between the C–C bond lengths of cis and trans 1,2-diketones. Additional results on various conformations of 1,2-diimines and 1,2-dithiones follow the same pattern. Therefore, lone-pair repulsions cannot be implicated in the observed lengthening of C–C bonds in isatin and several related molecules. Conjugation in these systems occurs peripherally avoiding the participation of the central C–C bond. Negative hyperconjugative interaction between the oxygen lone pairs and the adjacent C–C σ* orbital is suggested to be the principal reason for the relatively long C–C bond in diketones. This effect is found in both the cis and trans conformations.


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Qualitative potential energy surfaces for hydrogen abstraction from alkanes containing primary, secondary and tertiary C-H bonds by a photo-excited ketone have been reported, The results suggest that the activation barriers for these processes decrease in the order primary > secondary > tertiary in agreement with the observed trend in the rate constants. The analysis of the electronic structure of the transition-state reveal that electron-transfer from hydrocarbon to ketone and formation of a new bond are almost synchronous in the hydrogen transfer process. The tunneling of hydrogen is not important in the normal temperature region even though the barriers are small.


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X-ray crystallographlc studies on 3′–5′ ollgomers have provided a great deal of information on the stereochemistry and conformational flexibility of nucleic acids and polynucleotides. In contrast, there is very little Information available on 2′–5′ polynucleotides. We have now obtained the crystal structure of Cytidylyl-2′,5′-Adenoslne (C2′p5′A) at atomic resolution to establish the conformational differences between these two classes of polymers. The dlnucleoside phosphate crystallises in the monocllnlc space group C2, with a = 33.912(4)Å, b =16.824(4)Å, c = 12.898(2)Å and 0 = 112.35(1) with two molecules in the asymmetric unit. Spectacularly, the two independent C2′p5′A molecules in the asymmetric unit form right handed miniature parallel stranded double helices with their respective crystallographic two fold (b axis) symmetry mates. Remarkably, the two mini duplexes are almost indistinguishable. The cytosines and adenines form self-pairs with three and two hydrogen bonds respectively. The conformation of the C and A residues about the glycosyl bond is anti same as in the 3′–5′ analog but contrasts the anti and syn geometry of C and A residues in A2′p5′C. The furanose ring conformation is C3′endo, C2′endo mixed puckering as in the C3′p5′A-proflavine complex. A comparison of the backbone torsion angles with other 2′–5′ dinucleoside structures reveals that the major deviations occur in the torsion angles about the C3′–C2′ and C4′-C3′ bonds. A right-handed 2′–5′ parallel stranded double helix having eight base pairs per turn and 45° turn angle between them has been constructed using this dinucleoside phosphate as repeat unit. A discussion on 2′–5′ parallel stranded double helix and its relevance to biological systems is presented.


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Fourfold helical structures for polypeptides and their association in regular lattices with interchain hydrogen bonds were investigated by model building studies. These studies revealed that stereochemically satisfactory fourfold helical sturctures are possible for polyglycine, polyproline, and copolymers of glycine and proline with two and four units in the monomer. In these structures the unit height h for the backbone has been found to be restricted from 2.7 to 3.1 k, with four peptide units per turn of the helix. Energetically both fourfold and threefold helical structures are equally favorable.


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The torsional potential functions Vt(φ) and Vt(ψ) around single bonds N–Cα and Cα-C, which can be used in conformational studies of oligopeptides, polypeptides and proteins, have been derived, using crystal structure data of 22 globular proteins, fitting the observed distribution in the (φ, ψ)-plane with the value of Vtot(φ, ψ), using the Boltzmann distribution. The averaged torsional potential functions, obtained from various amino acid residues in l-configuration, are Vt(φ) = – 1.0 cos (φ + 60°); Vt(ψ) = – 0.5 cos (ψ + 60°) – 1.0 cos (2ψ + 30°) – 0.5 cos (3ψ + 30°). The dipeptide energy maps Vtot(φ, ψ) obtained using these functions, instead of the normally accepted torsional functions, were found to explain various observations, such as the absence of the left-handed alpha helix and the C7 conformation, and the relatively high density of points near the line ψ = 0°. These functions, derived from observational data on protein structures, will, it is hoped, explain various previously unexplained facts in polypeptide conformation.


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CsHllNO2.C9HilNO2, Mr = 282.3, P1, a = 5.245 (1), b = 5.424 (1), c = 14.414 (2) A, a = 97.86 (1), fl = 93-69 (2), y = 70-48 (2) °, V= 356 A 3, Z = 1, O m = 1-32 (2), Dx = 1.32 g cm-3, h(Mo Ka) = 0-7107 A, g = 5-9 cm-1, F(000) = 158, T= 298 K, R=0.035 for 1518 observed reflections with I>2tr(I). The molecules aggregate in double layers, one ayer made up of L-phenylalanine molecules and the other of D-valine molecules. Each double layer is stabilized by interactions involving main-chain atoms of both types of molecules. The interactions include hydrogen bonds which give rise to two head-to-tail sequences. The arrangement of molecules in the complex is almost the same as that in the structure of DL-valine (and DL-leucine and DL-isoleucine) except for the change in the side chain of L molecules. The molecules in crystals containing an equal number of L and O hydrophobic amino-acid molecules thus appear to aggregate in a similar fashion, irrespective of the precise details of the side chain.