316 resultados para topological insulator


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Thin film transistors (TFTs) on elastomers promise flexible electronics with stretching and bending. Recently, there have been several experimental studies reporting the behavior of TFTs under bending and buckling. In the presence of stress, the insulator capacitance is influenced due to two reasons. The first is the variation in insulator thickness depending on the Poisson ratio and strain. The second is the geometric influence of the curvature of the insulator-semiconductor interface during bending or buckling. This paper models the role of curvature on TFT performance and brings to light an elegant result wherein the TFT characteristics is dependent on the area under the capacitance-distance curve. The paper compares models with simulations and explains several experimental findings reported in literature. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The complexity in visualizing volumetric data often limits the scope of direct exploration of scalar fields. Isocontour extraction is a popular method for exploring scalar fields because of its simplicity in presenting features in the data. In this paper, we present a novel representation of contours with the aim of studying the similarity relationship between the contours. The representation maps contours to points in a high-dimensional transformation-invariant descriptor space. We leverage the power of this representation to design a clustering based algorithm for detecting symmetric regions in a scalar field. Symmetry detection is a challenging problem because it demands both segmentation of the data and identification of transformation invariant segments. While the former task can be addressed using topological analysis of scalar fields, the latter requires geometry based solutions. Our approach combines the two by utilizing the contour tree for segmenting the data and the descriptor space for determining transformation invariance. We discuss two applications, query driven exploration and asymmetry visualization, that demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.


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The topological homeostasis of bacterial chromosomes is maintained by the balance between compaction and the topological organization of genomes. Two classes of proteins play major roles in chromosome organization: the nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs) and topoisomerases. The NAPs bind DNA to compact the chromosome, whereas topoisomerases catalytically remove or introduce supercoils into the genome. We demonstrate that HU, a major NAP of Mycobacterium tuberculosis specifically stimulates the DNA relaxation ability of mycobacterial topoisomerase I (TopoI) at lower concentrations but interferes at higher concentrations. A direct physical interaction between M. tuberculosis HU (MtHU) and TopoI is necessary for enhancing enzyme activity both in vitro and in vivo. The interaction is between the amino terminal domain of MtHU and the carboxyl terminal domain of TopoI. Binding of MtHU did not affect the two catalytic trans-esterification steps but enhanced the DNA strand passage, requisite for the completion of DNA relaxation, a new mechanism for the regulation of topoisomerase activity. An interaction-deficient mutant of MtHU was compromised in enhancing the strand passage activity. The species-specific physical and functional cooperation between MtHU and TopoI may be the key to achieve the DNA relaxation levels needed to maintain the optimal superhelical density of mycobacterial genomes.


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An experimental charge density analysis of an anti-TB drug ethionamide was carried out from high resolution X-ray diffraction at 100 K to understand its charge density distribution and electrostatic properties. The experimental results were validated from periodic theoretical charge density calculations performed using CRYSTAL09 at the B3LYP/6-31G** level of theory. The electron density rho(bcp)(r) and the Laplacian of electron density del(2)(rho bcp)(r) of the molecule calculated from both the methods display the charge density distribution of the ethionamide molecule in the crystal field. The electrostatic potential map shows a large electropositive region around the pyridine ring and a large electronegative region at the vicinity of the thiol atom. The calculated experimental dipole moment is 10.6D, which is higher than the value calculated from theory (8.2D). The topological properties of C-H center dot center dot center dot S, N-H center dot center dot center dot N and N-H center dot center dot center dot S hydrogen bonds were calculated, revealing their strength. The charge density analysis of the ethionamide molecule determined from both the experiment and theory gives the topological and electrostatic properties of the molecule, which allows to precisely understand the nature of intra and intermolecular interactions.


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The NO2 center dot center dot center dot I supramolecular synthon is a halogen bonded recognition pattern that is present in the crystal structures of many compounds that contain these functional groups. These synthons have been previously distinguished as P, Q, and R types using topological and geometrical criteria. A five step IR spectroscopic sequence is proposed here to distinguish between these synthon types in solid samples. Sets of known compounds that contain the P, Q, and R synthons are first taken to develop IR spectroscopic identifiers for them. The identifiers are then used to create graded IR filters that sieve the synthons. These filters contain signatures of the individual NO2 center dot center dot center dot I synthons and may be applied to distinguish between P, Q, and R synthon varieties. They are also useful to identify synthons that are of a borderline character, synthons in disordered structures wherein the crystal structure in itself is not sufficient to distinguish synthon types, and in the identification of the NO2 center dot center dot center dot I synthons in compounds with unknown crystal structures. This study establishes clear differences for the three different geometries P, Q, and Rand in the chemical differences in the intermolecular interactions contained in the synthons. Our IR method can be conveniently employed when single crystals are not readily available also in high throughput analysis. It is possible that such identification may also be adopted as an input for crystal structure prediction analysis of compounds with unknown crystal structures.


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We report the room temperature fabrication of Ta/TiO2/Ta metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors (mainly, for DRAM applications). The fabricated devices show high capacitance density (similar to 15 fF/mu m(2)), and low leakage current density of 6.4 X 10(-8) A/cm(2) (27 degrees C) and 3.3 x 10(-6) A/cm(2) (125 degrees C) at -1 V. We analyze the electrical and material characteristics of the fabricated capacitors, and compare the device performance of these capacitors with other TiO2 and TiO2-based MIM capacitors reported in recent literature.


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Electrical resistance of both the electrodes of a lead-acid battery increases during discharge due to formation of lead sulfate, an insulator. Work of Metzendorf 1] shows that resistance increases sharply at about 65% conversion of active materials, and battery stops discharging once this critical conversion is reached. However, these aspects are not incorporated into existing mathematical models. Present work uses the results of Metzendorf 1], and develops a model that includes the effect of variable resistance. Further, it uses a reasonable expression to account for the decrease in active area during discharge instead of the empirical equations of previous work. The model's predictions are compared with observations of Cugnet et al. 2]. The model is as successful as the non-mechanistic models existing in literature. Inclusion of variation in resistance of electrodes in the model is important if one of the electrodes is a limiting reactant. If active materials are stoichiometrically balanced, resistance of electrodes can be very large at the end of discharge but has only a minor effect on charging of batteries. The model points to the significance of electrical conductivity of electrodes in the charging of deep discharged batteries. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate the growth of high quality single phase films of VO2(A, B, and M) on SrTiO3 substrate by controlling the vanadium arrival rate (laser frequency) and oxidation of the V atoms. A phase diagram has been developed (oxygen pressure versus laser frequency) for various phases of VO2 and their electronic properties are investigated. VO2(A) phase is insulating VO2(B) phase is semi-metallic, and VO2(M) phase exhibits a metal-insulator transition, corroborated by photoelectron spectroscopic studies. The ability to control the growth of various polymorphs opens up the possibility for novel (hetero) structures promising new device functionalities. (C) 2015 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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We use general arguments to show that colored QCD states when restricted to gauge invariant local observables are mixed. This result has important implications for confinement: a pure colorless state can never evolve into two colored states by unitary evolution. Furthermore, the mean energy in such a mixed colored state is infinite. Our arguments are confirmed in a matrix model for QCD that we have developed using the work of Narasimhan and Ramadas(3) and Singer.(2) This model, a (0 + 1)-dimensional quantum mechanical model for gluons free of divergences and capturing important topological aspects of QCD, is adapted to analytical and numerical work. It is also suitable to work on large N QCD. As applications, we show that the gluon spectrum is gapped and also estimate some low-lying levels for N = 2 and 3 (colors). Incidentally the considerations here are generic and apply to any non-Abelian gauge theory.


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The present experimental work is concerned with the study of amplitude dependent acoustic response of an isothermal coaxial swirling jet. The excitation amplitude is increased in five distinct steps at the burner's Helmholtz resonator mode (i.e., 100 Hz). Two flow states are compared, namely, sub-critical and super-critical vortex breakdown (VB) that occur before and after the critical conical sheet breakdown, respectively. The geometric swirl number is varied in the range 2.14-4.03. Under the influence of external pulsing, global response characteristics are studied based on the topological changes observed in time-averaged 2D flow field. These are obtained from high resolution 2D PIV (particle image velocimetry) in the longitudinal-mid plane. PIV results also illustrate the changes in the normalized vortex core coordinates (r(vcc)/(r(vcc))(0) (Hz), y(vcc)/(y(vcc))(0) (Hz)) of internal recirculation zone (IRZ). A strong forced response is observed at 100 Hz (excitation frequency) in the convectively unstable region which get amplified based on the magnitude of external forcing. The radial extent of this forced response region at a given excitation amplitude is represented by the acoustic response region (b). The topological placement of the responsive convectively unstable region is a function of both the intensity of imparted swirl (characterized by swirl number) and forcing amplitude. It is observed that for sub-critical VB mode, an increase in the excitation amplitude till a critical value shifts the vortex core centre (particularly, the vortex core moves downstream and radially outwards) leading to drastic fanning-out/widening of the IRZ. This is accompanied by similar to 30% reduction in the recirculation velocity of the IRZ. It is also observed that b < R (R: radial distance from central axis to outer shear layer-OSL). At super-critical amplitudes, the sub-critical IRZ topology transits back (the vortex core retracts upstream and radially inwards) and finally undergoes a transverse shrinkage ((r(vcc))/(r(vcc))(0 Hz) decreases by similar to 20%) when b >= R. In contrast, the vortex core of super-critical breakdown mode consistently spreads radially outwards and is displaced further downstream. Finally, the IRZ fans-out at the threshold excitation amplitude. However, the acoustic response region b is still less than R. This is explained based on the characteristic geometric swirl number (S-G) of the flow regimes. The super-critical flow mode with higher S-G (hence, higher radial pressure drop due to rotational effect which scales as Delta P similar to rho u theta(2) and acts inwards towards the center line) compared to sub-critical state imposes a greater resistance to the radial outward spread of b. As a result, the acoustic energy supplied to the super-critical flow mode increases the degree of acoustic response at the pulsing frequency and energizes its harmonics (evident from power spectra). As a disturbance amplifier, the stronger convective instability mode within the flow structure of super-critical VB causes the topology to widen/fan-out severely at threshold excitation amplitude. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A tri-layer metamaterial absorber, composed of a metal structure/dielectric spacer/vanadium dioxide (VO2) ground plane, is shown to switch reversibly between reflective and absorptive states as a function of temperature. The VO2 film, which changes its conductivity by four orders of magnitude across a insulator-metal transition at about 68 degrees C, enables the switching by forming a resonant absorptive structure at high temperatures while being inactive at low temperatures. The fabricated metamaterial shows a modulation of the reflectivity levels of 58% at a frequency of 22.5 THz and 57% at a frequency of 34.5 THz. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Structural studies on the polymorphs of the organoselenium antioxidant ebselen and its derivative show the potential of organic selenium to form unusually short Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonds that lead to conserved supramolecular recognition units. Se center dot center dot center dot O interactions observed in these polymorphs are the shortest such chalcogen bonds known for organoselenium compounds. The FTIR spectral evolution characteristics of this interaction from solution state to solid crystalline state further validates the robustness of this class of supramolecular recognition units. The strength and electronic nature of the Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonds were explored using high-resolution X-ray charge density analysis and atons-in-molecules (AIM) theoretical analysis. A charge density study unravels the strong electrostatic nature of Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonding and soft-metal-like behavior of organoselenium. An analysis of the charge density around Se-N and Se-C covalent bonds in conjunction with the Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonding modes in ebselen and its analogues provides insights into the mechanism of drug action in this class of organoselenium antioxidants. The potential role of the intermolecular Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonding in forming the intermediate supramolecular assembly that leads to the bond cleavage mechanism has been proposed in terms of electron density topological parameters in a series of molecular complexes of ebselen with reactive oxygen species (ROS).


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Gribov's observation that global gauge fixing is impossible has led to suggestions that there may be a deep connection between gauge fixing and confinement. We find an unexpected relation between the topological nontriviality of the gauge bundle and colored states in SU(N) Yang-Mills theory, and show that such states are necessarily impure. We approximate QCD by a rectangular matrix model that captures the essential topological features of the gauge bundle, and demonstrate the impure nature of colored states explicitly. Our matrix model also allows the inclusion of the QCD theta-term, as well as to perform explicit computations of low-lying glueball masses. This mass spectrum is gapped. Since an impure state cannot evolve to a pure one by a unitary transformation, our result shows that the solution to the confinement problem in pure QCD is fundamentally quantum information-theoretic.


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DNA intercalators are one of the interesting groups in cancer chemotherapy. The development of novel anticancer small molecule has gained remarkable interest over the last decade. In this study, we synthesized and investigated the ability of a tetracyclic-condensed quinoline compound, 4-butylaminopyrimido4',5':4,5]thieno(2,3-b)quinoline (BPTQ), to interact with double-stranded DNA and inhibit cancer cell proliferation. Circular dichroism, topological studies, molecular docking, absorbance, and fluorescence spectral titrations were employed to study the interaction of BPTQ with DNA. Cytotoxicity was studied by performing 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay. Further, cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry, annexin V staining, mitochondrial membrane potential assay, DNA fragmentation, and western blot analysis were used to elucidate the mechanism of action of BPTQ at the cellular level. Spectral, topological, and docking studies confirmed that BPTQ is a typical intercalator of DNA. BPTQ induces dose-dependent inhibitory effect on the proliferation of cancer cells by arresting cells at S and G2/M phase. Further, BPTQ activates the mitochondria-mediated apoptosis pathway, as explicated by a decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential, increase in the Bax:Bcl-2 ratio, and activation of caspases. These results confirmed that BPTQ is a DNA intercalative anticancer molecule, which could aid in the development of future cancer therapeutic agents.


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We theoretically explore quench dynamics in a finite-sized topological fermionic p-wave superconducting wire with the goal of demonstrating that topological order can have marked effects on such non-equilibrium dynamics. In the case studied here, topological order is reflected in the presence of two (nearly) isolated Majorana fermionic end bound modes together forming an electronic state that can be occupied or not, leading to two (nearly) degenerate ground states characterized by fermion parity. Our study begins with a characterization of the static properties of the finite-sized wire, including the behavior of the Majorana end modes and the form of the tunnel coupling between them; a transfer matrix approach to analytically determine the locations of the zero energy contours where this coupling vanishes; and a Pfaffian approach to map the ground state parity in the associated phase diagram. We next study the quench dynamics resulting from initializing the system in a topological ground state and then dynamically tuning one of the parameters of the Hamiltonian. For this, we develop a dynamic quantum many-body technique that invokes a Wick's theorem for Majorana fermions, vastly reducing the numerical effort given the exponentially large Hilbert space. We investigate the salient and detailed features of two dynamic quantities-the overlap between the time-evolved state and the instantaneous ground state (adiabatic fidelity) and the residual energy. When the parity of the instantaneous ground state flips successively with time, we find that the time-evolved state can dramatically switch back and forth between this state and an excited state even when the quenching is very slow, a phenomenon that we term `parity blocking'. This parity blocking becomes prominently manifest as non-analytic jumps as a function of time in both dynamic quantities.