390 resultados para liquid nitrogen(LN2)


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The paper outlines a technique for sensitive measurement of conduction phenomena in liquid dielectrics. The special features of this technique are the simplicity of the electrical system, the inexpensive instrumentation and the high accuracy. Detection, separation and analysis of a random function of current that is superimposed on the prebreakdown direct current forms the basis of this investigation. In this case, prebreakdown direct current is the output data of a test cell with large electrodes immersed in a liquid medium subjected to high direct voltages. Measurement of the probability-distribution function of a random fluctuating component of current provides a method that gives insight into the mechanism of conduction in a liquid medium subjected to high voltages and the processes that are responsible for the existence of the fluctuating component of the current.


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In normal materials, the nonlinear optical effects arise from nonlinearities in the polarisabilities of the constituent atoms or molecules. On the other hand the nonlinear optical effects in liquid crystals arise from totally different processes. Also they occur at relatively low laser intensities. In a laser field a liquid crystal exhibits many novel and interesting nonlinear optical effects. In addition we also find laser field induced effects that are peculiar to liquid crystals, like structural transformations, orientational transitions, modulated structures and phase transitions, to name a few. Here we dwell upon a few of these interesting and important nonlinear optical phenomena that exist in nematic liquid crystals.


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Recent optical kerr effect (OKE) studies have demonstrated that orientational relaxation of rod-like nematogens exhibits temporal power law decay at intermediate times not only near the isotropic–nematic (I–N) phase boundary but also in the nematic phase. Such behaviour has drawn an intriguing analogy with supercooled liquids. We have investigated both collective and single-particle orientational dynamics of a family of model system of thermotropic liquid crystals using extensive computer simulations. Several remarkable features of glassy dynamics are on display including non-exponential relaxation, dynamical heterogeneity, and non-Arrhenius temperature dependence of the orientational relaxation time. Over a temperature range near the I–N phase boundary, the system behaves remarkably like a fragile glass-forming liquid. Using proper scaling, we construct the usual relaxation time versus inverse temperature plot and explicitly demonstrate that one can successfully define a density dependent fragility of liquid crystals. The fragility of liquid crystals shows a temperature and density dependence which is remarkably similar to the fragility of glass forming supercooled liquids. Energy landscape analysis of inherent structures shows that the breakdown of the Arrhenius temperature dependence of relaxation rate occurs at a temperature that marks the onset of the growth of the depth of the potential energy minima explored by the system. A model liquid crystal, consisting of disk-like molecules, has also been investigated in molecular dynamics simulations for orientational relaxation along two isobars starting from the high temperature isotropic phase. The isobars have been so chosen that the phase sequence isotropic (I)–nematic (N)–columnar (C) appears upon cooling along one of them and the sequence isotropic (I)–columnar(C) along the other. While the orientational relaxation in the isotropic phase near the I–N phase transition shows a power law decay at short to intermediate times, such power law relaxation is not observed in the isotropic phase near the I–C phase boundary. The origin of the power law decay in the single-particle second-rank orientational time correlation function (OTCF) is traced to the growth of the orientational pair distribution functions near the I–N phase boundary. As the system settles into the nematic phase, the decay of the single-particle second-rank orientational OTCF follows a pattern that is similar to what is observed with calamitic liquid crystals and supercooled molecular liquids.


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The liquid crystalline phase represents a unique state of matter where partial order exists on molecular and supra-molecular levels and is responsible for several interesting properties observed in this phase. Hence a detailed study of ordering in liquid crystals is of significant scientific and technological interest. NMR provides several parameters that can be used to obtain information about the liquid crystalline phase. Of these, the measurement of dipolar couplings between nuclei has proved to be a convenient way of obtaining liquid crystalline ordering since the coupling is dependent on the average orientation of the dipolar vector in the magnetic field which also aligns the liquid crystal.However, measurement of the dipolar coupling between a pair of selected nuclei is beset with problems that require special solutions. In this article the use of cross polarization for measuring dipolar couplings in liquid crystals is illustrated. Transient oscillations observed during cross polarization provide the dipolar couplings between essentially isolated nearest neighbor spins which can be extracted for several sites simultaneously by employing two-dimensional NMR techniques. The use of the method for obtaining heteronuclear dipolar couplings and hence the order parameters of liquid crystals is presented. Several modifications to the basic experiment are considered and their utility illustrated. A method for obtaining proton–proton dipolar couplings, by utilizing cross polarization from the dipolar reservoir, is presented. Some applications are also highlighted.


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The carbohydrate based mesogens have gained an importance in the field of liquid crystals, primarily through the amphiphilic nature of many sugar derivatives. A constitutional requirement for the amphiphilic mesogen is that the molecule consists of distinct regions within the molecule that separately would have different responses to changes in thermal energies and/or solvations. Such molecules can be synthesized by linking one or more alkyl chains of appropriate length to both cyclic and acyclic sugars. A driving force for the mesophase formation in these molecules is the phase segregation, leading to aggregates, possessing distinct lyophilic and hydrophilic regions. In this review, we discuss the thermotropic behavior of the carbohydrate amphiphiles. We discuss the relationship between constitutions, configurations, functionalities of the sugar component and the length of the hydrophobic chains necessary to form the various types of thermotropic phases. The influence of the linking group between the hydrophilic sugar head groups and lyophilic alkyl chains on the transition temperatures and mesophase stabilities are also presented.


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In this article we review the current status in the modelling of both thermotropic and lyotropic Liquid crystal. We discuss various coarse-graining schemes as well as simulation techniques such as Monte Carlo (MC) and Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.In the area of MC simulations we discuss in detail the algorithm for simulating hard objects such as spherocylinders of various aspect ratios where excluded volume interaction enters in the simulation through overlap test. We use this technique to study the phase diagram, of a special class of thermotropic liquid crystals namely banana liquid crystals. Next we discuss a coarse-grain model of surfactant molecules and study the self-assembly of the surfactant oligomers using MD simulations. Finally we discuss an atomistically informed coarse-grained description of the lipid molecules used to study the gel to liquid crystalline phase transition in the lipid bilayer system.


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Aqueous solutions of Al and Mg nitrates have been spray pyrolysed at 673 K to synthesize powders with compositions varying between MgO and MgAl2O4. This has been carried out with the aim of studying phase selection and phase evolution in this system. The powders have been subsequently heat treated and the sequence of phases characterised by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Metastable extensions of the different phase fields have been calculated based on functions which predict the equilibrium phase diagram accurately. The appearance of phases is closely related to the temperature and to the non-stoichiometry in different compositional ranges of the system. The sequence of phase evolution has been correlated to the thermodynamics of nucleation in the system.


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Water brings its remarkable thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies in the pure liquid state to biological world where water molecules face a multitude of additional interactions that frustrate its hydrogen bond network. Yet the water molecules participate and control enormous number of biological processes in manners which are yet to be understood at a molecular level. We discuss thermodynamics, structure, dynamics and properties of water around proteins and DNA, along with those in reverse micelles. We discuss the roles of water in enzyme kinetics, in drug-DNA intercalation and in kinetic-proof reading ( the theory of lack of errors in biosynthesis). We also discuss how water may play an important role in the natural selection of biomolecules. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports the studies conducted on removal of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from diesel engine exhaust using electrical discharge plasma combined with adsorbing materials such as molecular sieves. This study is being reported for the first time. The exhaust is taken from a diesel engine of 6 kW under no load conditions. The characteristic behavior of a pulse energized dielectric barrier discharge reactor in the diesel exhaust treatment is reported. The NOx removal was not significant (36%) when the reactor without any packing was used. However, when the reactor was packed with molecular sieves (MS -3A, -4A & -13X), the NOx removal efficiency was increased to 78% particularly at a temperature of 200 °C. The studies were conducted at different temperatures and the results were discussed.


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A single-stage plasma-catalytic reactor in which catalytic materials were packed was used to remove nitrogen oxides. The packing material was scoria being made of various metal oxides including Al2O3, MgO, TiO2, etc. Scoria was able to act not only as dielectric pellets but also as a catalyst in the presence of reducing agent such as ethylene and ammonia. Without plasma discharge, scoria did not work well as a catalyst in the temperature range of 100 °C to 200 °C, showing less than 10% of NOx removal efficiency. When plasma is produced inside the reactor, the NOx removal efficiency could be increased to 60% in this temperature range.