297 resultados para LOCATION ESTIMATION


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Buffer leakage is an important parasitic loss mechanism in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) and hence various methods are employed to grow semi-insulating buffer layers. Quantification of carrier concentration in such buffers using conventional capacitance based profiling techniques is challenging due to their fully depleted nature even at zero bias voltages. We provide a simple and effective model to extract carrier concentrations in fully depleted GaN films using capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements. Extensive mercury probe C-V profiling has been performed on GaN films of differing thicknesses and doping levels in order to validate this model. Carrier concentrations as extracted from both the conventional C-V technique for partially depleted films having the same doping concentration, and Hall measurements show excellent agreement with those predicted by the proposed model thus establishing the utility of this technique. This model can be readily extended to estimate background carrier concentrations from the depletion region capacitances of HEMT structures and fully depleted films of any class of semiconductor materials.


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Using coherent light interrogating a turbid object perturbed by a focused ultrasound (US) beam, we demonstrate localized measurement of dynamics in the focal region, termed the region-of-interest (ROI), from the decay of the modulation in intensity autocorrelation of light. When the ROI contains a pipe flow, the decay is shown to be sensitive to the average flow velocity from which the mean-squared displacement (MSD) of the scattering centers in the flow can be estimated. While the MSD estimated is seen to be an order of magnitude higher than that obtainable through the usual diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) without the US, it is seen to be more accurate as verified by the volume flow estimated from it. It is further observed that, whereas the MSD from the localized measurement grows with time as tau(alpha) with alpha approximate to 1.65, without using the US, a is seen to be much less. Moreover, with the local measurement, this super-diffusive nature of the pipe flow is seen to persist longer, i.e., over a wider range of initial tau, than with the unassisted DWS. The reason for the super-diffusivity of flow, i.e., alpha < 2, in the ROI is the presence of a fluctuating (thermodynamically nonequilibrium) component in the dynamics induced by the US forcing. Beyond this initial range, both methods measure MSDs that rise linearly with time, indicating that ballistic and near-ballistic photons hardly capture anything beyond the background Brownian motion. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America


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Aerosol loading over the South Asian region has the potential to affect the monsoon rainfall, Himalayan glaciers and regional air-quality, with implications for the billions in this region. While field campaigns and network observations provide primary data, they tend to be location/season specific. Numerical models are useful to regionalize such location-specific data. Studies have shown that numerical models underestimate the aerosol scenario over the Indian region, mainly due to shortcomings related to meteorology and the emission inventories used. In this context, we have evaluated the performance of two such chemistry-transport models: WRF-Chem and SPRINTARS over an India-centric domain. The models differ in many aspects including physical domain, horizontal resolution, meteorological forcing and so on etc. Despite these differences, both the models simulated similar spatial patterns of Black Carbon (BC) mass concentration, (with a spatial correlation of 0.9 with each other), and a reasonable estimates of its concentration, though both of them under-estimated vis-a-vis the observations. While the emissions are lower (higher) in SPRINTARS (WRF-Chem), overestimation of wind parameters in WRF-Chem caused the concentration to be similar in both models. Additionally, we quantified the under-estimations of anthropogenic BC emissions in the inventories used these two models and three other widely used emission inventories. Our analysis indicates that all these emission inventories underestimate the emissions of BC over India by a factor that ranges from 1.5 to 2.9. We have also studied the model simulations of aerosol optical depth over the Indian region. The models differ significantly in simulations of AOD, with WRF-Chem having a better agreement with satellite observations of AOD as far as the spatial pattern is concerned. It is important to note that in addition to BC, dust can also contribute significantly to AOD. The models differ in simulations of the spatial pattern of mineral dust over the Indian region. We find that both meteorological forcing and emission formulation contribute to these differences. Since AOD is column integrated parameter, description of vertical profiles in both models, especially since elevated aerosol layers are often observed over Indian region, could be also a contributing factor. Additionally, differences in the prescription of the optical properties of BC between the models appear to affect the AOD simulations. We also compared simulation of sea-salt concentration in the two models and found that WRF-Chem underestimated its concentration vis-a-vis SPRINTARS. The differences in near-surface oceanic wind speeds appear to be the main source of this difference. In-spite of these differences, we note that there are similarities in their simulation of spatial patterns of various aerosol species (with each other and with observations) and hence models could be valuable tools for aerosol-related studies over the Indian region. Better estimation of emission inventories could improve aerosol-related simulations. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Development of computationally efficient and accurate attitude rate estimation algorithm using low-cost commercially available star sensor arrays and processing unit for micro-satellite mission is presented. Our design reduces the computational load of least square (LS)-based rate estimation method while maintaining the same accuracy compared to other rate estimation approaches. Furthermore, rate estimation accuracy is improved by using recently developed fast and accurate second-order sliding mode observer (SOSMO) scheme. It also gives robust estimation in the presence of modeling uncertainties, unknown disturbances, and measurement noise. Simulation study shows that rate estimation accuracy achieved by our LS-based method is comparable with other methods for a typical commercially available star sensor array. The robustness analysis of SOSMO with respect to measurement noise is also presented in this paper. Simulation test bench for a practical scenario of satellite rate estimation uses moment-of-inertia variation and environmental disturbances affecting a typical micro-satellite at 500km circular orbit. Comparison studies of SOSMO with 1-SMO and pseudo-linear Kalman filter show that satisfactory estimation accuracy is achieved by SOSMO.


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supporting unsteady heat flow with its ambient-humidity; invokes phase transformation of water-vapour molecule and synthesize a `moving optical-mark' at sample-ambient-interface. Under tailored condition, optical-mark exhibits a characteristic macro-scale translatory motion governed by thermal diffusivity of solid. For various step-temperature inputs via cooling, position-dependent velocities of moving optical-mark are measured at a fixed distance. A new approach is proposed. `Product of velocity of optical-mark and distance' versus `non-dimensional velocity' is plotted. The slope reveals thermal diffusivity of solid at ambient-temperature; preliminary results obtained for Quartz-glass is closely matching with literature. (C) 2016 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).


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In this paper, we present two new stochastic approximation algorithms for the problem of quantile estimation. The algorithms uses the characterization of the quantile provided in terms of an optimization problem in 1]. The algorithms take the shape of a stochastic gradient descent which minimizes the optimization problem. Asymptotic convergence of the algorithms to the true quantile is proven using the ODE method. The theoretical results are also supplemented through empirical evidence. The algorithms are shown to provide significant improvement in terms of memory requirement and accuracy.


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The inner ear has been shown to characterize an acoustic stimuli by transducing fluid motion in the inner ear to mechanical bending of stereocilia on the inner hair cells (IHCs). The excitation motion/energy transferred to an IHC is dependent on the frequency spectrum of the acoustic stimuli, and the spatial location of the IHC along the length of the basilar membrane (BM). Subsequently, the afferent auditory nerve fiber (ANF) bundle samples the encoded waveform in the IHCs by synapsing with them. In this work we focus on sampling of information by afferent ANFs from the IHCs, and show computationally that sampling at specific time instants is sufficient for decoding of time-varying acoustic spectrum embedded in the acoustic stimuli. The approach is based on sampling the signal at its zero-crossings and higher-order derivative zero-crossings. We show results of the approach on time-varying acoustic spectrum estimation from cricket call signal recording. The framework gives a time-domain and non-spatial processing perspective to auditory signal processing. The approach works on the full band signal, and is devoid of modeling any bandpass filtering mimicking the BM action. Instead, we motivate the approach from the perspective of event-triggered sampling by afferent ANFs on the stimuli encoded in the IHCs. Though the approach gives acoustic spectrum estimation but it is shallow on its complete understanding for plausible bio-mechanical replication with current mammalian auditory mechanics insights.


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A new approach is proposed to estimate the thermal diffusivity of optically transparent solids at ambient temperature based on the velocity of an effective temperature point (ETP), and by using a two-beam interferometer the proposed concept is corroborated. 1D unsteady heat flow via step-temperature excitation is interpreted as a `micro-scale rectilinear translatory motion' of an ETP. The velocity dependent function is extracted by revisiting the Fourier heat diffusion equation. The relationship between the velocity of the ETP with thermal diffusivity is modeled using a standard solution. Under optimized thermal excitation, the product of the `velocity of the ETP' and the distance is a new constitutive equation for the thermal diffusivity of the solid. The experimental approach involves the establishment of a 1D unsteady heat flow inside the sample through step-temperature excitation. In the moving isothermal surfaces, the ETP is identified using a two-beam interferometer. The arrival-time of the ETP to reach a fixed distance away from heat source is measured, and its velocity is calculated. The velocity of the ETP and a given distance is sufficient to estimate the thermal diffusivity of a solid. The proposed method is experimentally verified for BK7 glass samples and the measured results are found to match closely with the reported value.


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The tropical easterly jet (TEJ) is a prominent atmospheric circulation feature observed during the Asian summer monsoon. It is generally assumed that sensible heating over the Tibetan Plateau directly influences the location of the TEJ. However, other studies have suggested the importance of latent heating in determining the jet location. In this paper, the relative importance of latent heating on the maintenance of the TEJ is explored through simulations with a general circulation model. The simulation of the TEJ by the Community Atmosphere Model, version 3.1 is discussed in detail. These simulations showed that the location of the TEJ is well correlated with the location of the precipitation. Significant zonal shifts in the location of the precipitation resulted in similar shifts in the zonal location of the TEJ. These zonal shifts had minimal effect on the large-scale structure of the jet. Further, provided that precipitation patterns were relatively unchanged, orography did not directly impact the location of the TEJ. These changes were robust even with changes in the cumulus parameterization. This suggests the potential important role of latent heating in determining the location and structure of the TEJ. These results were used to explain the significant differences in the zonal location of the TEJ in the years 1988 and 2002. To understand the contribution of the latitudinal location of latent heating on the strength of the TEJ, aqua-planet simulations were carried out. It has been shown that for similar amounts of net latent heating, the jet is stronger when heating is in the higher tropical latitudes. This may partly explain the reason for the jet to be very strong during the JJA monsoon season.


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We propose a Monte Carlo filter for recursive estimation of diffusive processes that modulate the instantaneous rates of Poisson measurements. A key aspect is the additive update, through a gain-like correction term, empirically approximated from the innovation integral in the time-discretized Kushner-Stratonovich equation. The additive filter-update scheme eliminates the problem of particle collapse encountered in many conventional particle filters. Through a few numerical demonstrations, the versatility of the proposed filter is brought forth.


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Acoustic feature based speech (syllable) rate estimation and syllable nuclei detection are important problems in automatic speech recognition (ASR), computer assisted language learning (CALL) and fluency analysis. A typical solution for both the problems consists of two stages. The first stage involves computing a short-time feature contour such that most of the peaks of the contour correspond to the syllabic nuclei. In the second stage, the peaks corresponding to the syllable nuclei are detected. In this work, instead of the peak detection, we perform a mode-shape classification, which is formulated as a supervised binary classification problem - mode-shapes representing the syllabic nuclei as one class and remaining as the other. We use the temporal correlation and selected sub-band correlation (TCSSBC) feature contour and the mode-shapes in the TCSSBC feature contour are converted into a set of feature vectors using an interpolation technique. A support vector machine classifier is used for the classification. Experiments are performed separately using Switchboard, TIMIT and CTIMIT corpora in a five-fold cross validation setup. The average correlation coefficients for the syllable rate estimation turn out to be 0.6761, 0.6928 and 0.3604 for three corpora respectively, which outperform those obtained by the best of the existing peak detection techniques. Similarly, the average F-scores (syllable level) for the syllable nuclei detection are 0.8917, 0.8200 and 0.7637 for three corpora respectively. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The utility of canonical correlation analysis (CCA) for domain adaptation (DA) in the context of multi-view head pose estimation is examined in this work. We consider the three problems studied in 1], where different DA approaches are explored to transfer head pose-related knowledge from an extensively labeled source dataset to a sparsely labeled target set, whose attributes are vastly different from the source. CCA is found to benefit DA for all the three problems, and the use of a covariance profile-based diagonality score (DS) also improves classification performance with respect to a nearest neighbor (NN) classifier.