36 resultados para weighted mean efficiency factor


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This study considers linear filtering methods for minimising the end-to-end average distortion of a fixed-rate source quantisation system. For the source encoder, both scalar and vector quantisation are considered. The codebook index output by the encoder is sent over a noisy discrete memoryless channel whose statistics could be unknown at the transmitter. At the receiver, the code vector corresponding to the received index is passed through a linear receive filter, whose output is an estimate of the source instantiation. Under this setup, an approximate expression for the average weighted mean-square error (WMSE) between the source instantiation and the reconstructed vector at the receiver is derived using high-resolution quantisation theory. Also, a closed-form expression for the linear receive filter that minimises the approximate average WMSE is derived. The generality of framework developed is further demonstrated by theoretically analysing the performance of other adaptation techniques that can be employed when the channel statistics are available at the transmitter also, such as joint transmit-receive linear filtering and codebook scaling. Monte Carlo simulation results validate the theoretical expressions, and illustrate the improvement in the average distortion that can be obtained using linear filtering techniques.


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The vertical uplift resistance of interfering pipelines buried in sands has been computed using the lower-bound limit analysis in conjunction with finite elements and nonlinear optimization. The soil mass is assumed to follow the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and an associated flow rule. It is specified that all the pipes fail simultaneously at the same magnitude of the failure load. For different clear spacing (S) between the pipes, the magnitude of the efficiency factor (xi(gamma)) is determined. Because of pipes' interference, with a reduction in the spacing between the pipelines, the magnitude of xi(gamma) is found to decrease continuously. The results were found to compare quite well with the available data from literature for horizontal strip anchors. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Approximately 140 million years ago, the Indian plate separated from Gondwana and migrated by almost 90 degrees latitude to its current location, forming the Himalayan-Tibetan system. Large discrepancies exist in the rate of migration of Indian plate during Phanerozoic. Here we describe a new approach to paleo-latitudinal reconstruction based on simultaneous determination of carbonate formation temperature and delta O-18 of soil carbonates, constrained by the abundances of C-13-O-18 bonds in palaeosol carbonates. Assuming that the palaeosol carbonates have a strong relationship with the composition of the meteoric water, delta O-18 carbonate of palaeosol can constrain paleo-latitudinal position. Weighted mean annual rainfall delta O-18 water values measured at several stations across the southern latitudes are used to derive a polynomial equation: delta(18)Ow = -0.006 x (LAT)(2) - 0.294 x (LAT) - 5.29 which is used for latitudinal reconstruction. We use this approach to show the northward migration of the Indian plate from 46.8 +/- 5.8 degrees S during the Permian (269 M. y.) to 30 +/- 11 degrees S during the Triassic (248 M. y.), 14.7 +/- 8.7 degrees S during the early Cretaceous (135 M. y.), and 28 +/- 8.8 degrees S during the late Cretaceous ( 68 M. y.). Soil carbonate delta O-18 provides an alternative method for tracing the latitudinal position of Indian plate in the past and the estimates are consistent with the paleo-magnetic records which document the position of Indian plate prior to 135 +/- 3 M. y.


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Pre-mRNA splicing occurs in spliceosomes whose assembly and activation are critical for splice site selection and catalysis. The highly conserved NineTeen complex protein complex stabilizes various snRNA and protein interactions early in the spliceosome assembly pathway. Among several NineTeen complex-associated proteins is the nonessential protein Bud31/Ycr063w, which is also a component of the Cef1p subcomplex. A role for Bud31 in pre-mRNA splicing is implicated by virtue of its association with splicing factors, but its specific functions and spliceosome interactions are uncharacterized. Here, using in vitro splicing assays with extracts from a strain lacking Bud31, we illustrate its role in efficient progression to the first catalytic step and its requirement for the second catalytic step in reactions at higher temperatures. Immunoprecipitation of functional epitope-tagged Bud31 from in vitro reactions showed that its earliest association is with precatalytic B complex and that the interaction continues in catalytically active complexes with stably bound U2, U5, and U6 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins. In complementary experiments, wherein precatalytic spliceosomes are selected from splicing reactions, we detect the occurrence of Bud31. Cross-linking of proteins to pre-mRNAs with a site-specific 4-thio uridine residue at the -3 position of exon 1 was tested in reactions with WT and bud31 null extracts. The data suggest an altered interaction between a similar to 25-kDa protein and this exonic residue of pre-mRNAs in the arrested bud31 null spliceosomes. These results demonstrate the early spliceosomal association of Bud31 and provide plausible functions for this factor in stabilizing protein interactions with the pre-mRNA.


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A few advanced bus-clamping pulse width modulation (ABCPWM) methods have been proposed recently for a three-phase inverter. With these methods, each phase is clamped, switched at nominal frequency, and switched at twice the nominal frequency in different regions of the fundamental cycle. This study proposes a generalised ABCPWM scheme, encompassing the few ABCPWM schemes that have been proposed and many more ABCPWM schemes that have not been reported yet. Furthermore, analytical closed-form expression is derived for the harmonic distortion factor corresponding to the generalised ABCPWM. This factor is independent of load parameters. The analytical expression derived here brings out the dependence of root-mean-square (RMS) current ripple on modulation index, and can be used to evaluate the RMS current ripple corresponding to any ABCPWM scheme. The analytical closed-form expression is validated experimentally in terms of measured weighted total harmonic distortion (THD) in line voltage (V-WTHD) and measured THD in line current (I-THD) on a 6 kW induction motor drive.


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Measurements of the ratio of diffusion coefficient to mobility (D/ mu ) of electrons in SF6-N2 and CCl2F2-N2 mixtures over the range 80mean energies epsilon c.mix corresponding to (E/p)c.mix, are found to vary with the percentage of the electronegative gas in the mixture (F) according to the following relationship: (E/p)c.mix=(E/p)c.N(2)+((E/p)c.A-(E/p)c.N(2)) (1-exp(- beta F/100-F)) and epsilon c.mix= epsilon c.N(2)+( epsilon c.A- epsilon c.N(2)) (1-exp(- beta F/100-F)) where A refers to the attaching gas, either SF6 or CCl2F2 and beta is a constant, equal to 2.43 for SF6 mixtures and 5.12 for CCl2F2 mixtures. In the present study, it has been possible to show that beta is indeed to a factor of synergism. Estimated gamma values (secondary ionisation coefficients) did not show any significant variation with F for F<50.


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The transmission-line or the impedance-tube method for the measurement of the acoustic impedance of any termination involves a search for various minima and maxima of pressure. For this purpose, arrangement has to be made for the microphone to travel along the length of the impedance tube, and this complicates the design of the tube considerably. The present paper discusses a method which consists in evaluating the tube attenuation factor at any convenient frequency by making use of measured SPL's at two (or more) fixed locations with a rigid termination, calculating the tube attenuation factor and wave number at the required frequency of interest with or without mean flow (as applicable), and finally evaluating the impedance of the given termination by measuring and using SPL's at three (or more) fixed locations. Thus, the required impedance tube is considerably smaller in length, simpler in design, easier to manufacture, cheaper in cost and more convenient to use. The design of the tube is also discussed. Incidentally, it is also possible to evaluate the impedance at any low frequency without having to use a larger impedance tube.


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The effect of using a spatially smoothed forward-backward covariance matrix on the performance of weighted eigen-based state space methods/ESPRIT, and weighted MUSIC for direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is analyzed. Expressions for the mean-squared error in the estimates of the signal zeros and the DOA estimates, along with some general properties of the estimates and optimal weighting matrices, are derived. A key result is that optimally weighted MUSIC and weighted state-space methods/ESPRIT have identical asymptotic performance. Moreover, by properly choosing the number of subarrays, the performance of unweighted state space methods can be significantly improved. It is also shown that the mean-squared error in the DOA estimates is independent of the exact distribution of the source amplitudes. This results in a unified framework for dealing with DOA estimation using a uniformly spaced linear sensor array and the time series frequency estimation problems.


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Using intensity autocorrelation of multiply scattered light, we show that the increase in interparticle interaction in dense, binary colloidal fluid mixtures of particle diameters 0.115µm and 0.089µm results in freezing into a crystalline phase at volume fraction? of 0.1 and into a glassy state at?=0.2. The functional form of the field autocorrelation functiong (1)(t) for the binary fluid phase is fitted to exp[??(6k 0 2 D eff t)1/2] wherek 0 is the magnitude of the incident light wavevector and? is a parameter inversely proportional to the photon transport mean free pathl*. TheD eff is thel* weighted average of the individual diffusion coefficients of the pure species. Thel* used in calculatingD eff was computed using the Mie theory. In the solid (crystal or glass) phase, theg (1)(t) is fitted (only with a moderate success) to exp[??(6k 0 2 W(t))1/2] where the mean-squared displacementW(t) is evaluated for a harmonically bound overdamped Brownian oscillator. It is found that the fitted parameter? for both the binary and monodisperse suspensions decreases significantly with the increase of interparticle interactions. This has been justified by showing that the calculated values ofl* in a monodisperse suspension using Mie theory increase very significantly with the interactions incorporated inl* via the static structure factor.


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After initiation of transcription, a number of proteins participate during elongation and termination modifying the properties of the RNA polymerase (RNAP). Gre factors are one such group conserved across bacteria. They regulate transcription by projecting their N-terminal coiled-coil domain into the active center of RNAP through the secondary channel and stimulating hydrolysis of the newly synthesized RNA in backtracked elongation complexes. Rv1080c is a putative gre factor (MtbGre) in the genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The protein enhanced the efficiency of promoter clearance by lowering abortive transcription and also rescued arrested and paused elongation complexes on the GC rich mycobacterial template. Although MtbGre is similar in domain organization and shares key residues for catalysis and RNAP interaction with the Gre factors of Escherichia coli, it could not complement an E. coli gre deficient strain. Moreover, MtbGre failed to rescue E. coli RNAP stalled elongation complexes, indicating the importance of specific protein-protein interactions for transcript cleavage. Decrease in the level of MtbGre reduced the bacterial survival by several fold indicating its essential role in mycobacteria. Another Gre homolog, Rv3788 was not functional in transcript cleavage activity indicating that a single Gre is sufficient for efficient transcription of the M. tuberculosis genome.


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This paper analyses the efficiency and productivity growth of Electronics industry, which is considered one of the vibrant and rapidly growing manufacturing industry sub-sectors of India in the liberalization era since 1991. The main objective of the paper is to examine the extent and growth of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and its components namely, Technical Efficiency Change (TEC) and Technological Progress (TP) and its contribution to total output growth. In this study, the electronics industry is broadly classified into communication equipments, computer hardware, consumer electronics and other electronics, with the purpose of performing a comparative analysis of productivity growth for each of these sub-sectors for the time period 1993-2004. The paper found that the sub-sectors have improved in terms of economies of scale and contribution of capital.The change in technical efficiency and technological progress moved in reverse directions. Three of the four industry witnessed growth in the output primarily due to TFPG and the contribution of input growth to output growth had been negative/negligible, except for Computer hardware where contribution from both input growth and TFPG to output growth were prominent. The paper explored the possible reasons that addressed the issue of low technical efficiency and technological progress in the industry.


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This paper analyses the efficiency and productivity growth of the Electronic Sector of India in the liberalization era since 1991. The study gives an insight into the process of the growth of one of the most upcoming sector of this decade. This sector has experienced a vast structural change along with the changing economic structures in India after liberalisation. With the opening up of this sector to foreign market and incoming of multinational companies, the environment has become highly competitive. The law that operates is that of Darwin’s ‘Survival of the fittest’. Existing industries experience a continuous threat of exit due to entrance of new potential entrants. Thus, it becomes inevitable for the existing industries in this sector to improve productivity growth for their survival. It is thus important to analyze how the industries in this sector have performed over the years and what are the factors that have contributed to the overall output growth.


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We calculate upper and lower bounds on the modulus of the pion electromagnetic form factor on the unitarity cut below the omega pi inelastic threshold, using as input the phase in the elastic region known via the Fermi-Watson theorem from the pi pi P-wave phase shift, and a suitably weighted integral of the modulus squared above the inelastic threshold. The normalization at t = 0, the pion charge radius and experimental values at spacelike momenta are used as additional input information. The bounds are model independent, in the sense that they do not rely on specific parametrizations and do not require assumptions on the phase of the form factor above the inelastic threshold. The results provide nontrivial consistency checks on the recent experimental data on the modulus available below the omega pi threshold from e(+)e(-) annihilation and tau-decay experiments. In particular, at low energies the calculated bounds offer a more precise description of the modulus than the experimental data.


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Recombinant AAV-8 vectors have shown significant promise for hepatic gene therapy of hemophilia B. However, the theme of AAV vector dose dependent immunotoxicity seen with AAV2 vectors earlier seem to re-emerge with AAV8 vectors as well. It is therefore important to develop novel AAV8 vectors that provide enhanced gene expression at significantly less vector doses. We hypothesized that AAV8 during its intracellular trafficking, are targeted for destruction in the cytoplasm by the host-cellular kinase/ubiquitination/proteasomal degradation machinery and modification of specific serine/threonine kinase or ubiquitination targets on AAV8 capsid (Fig.1A) may improve its transduction efficiency. To test this, point mutations at specific serine (S)/threonine (T) > alanine (A) or lysine (K)>arginine (R) residues were generated on AAV8 capsid. scAAV8-EGFP vectors containing the wild-type (WT) and each one of the 5 S/T/K-mutant(S276A, S501A, S671A, T251A and K137R) capsids were evaluated for their liver transduction efficiency at a dose of 5 X 1010 vgs/ animal in C57BL/6 mice in vivo. The best performing mutant was found to be the K137R vector in terms of either the gene expression (46-fold) or the vector copy numbers in the hepatocytes (22-fold) compared to WT-AAV8 (Fig.1B). The K137R-AAV8 vector that showed significantly decreased ubiquitination of the viral capsid had reduced activation of markers of innate immune response [IL-6, IL-12, tumor necrosis factor α, Kupffer cells and TLR-9]. In addition, animals injected with the K137R mutant also demonstrated decreased (2-fold) levels of cross-neutralizing antibodies when compared to animals that received the WT-AAV8 vector. To study further the utility of the novel AAV8-K137R mutant in a therapeutic setting, we delivered human coagulation factor IX (h.FIX) under the control of liver specific promoters (LP1 or hAAT) at two different doses (2.5x10^10 and 1x10^11 vgs per mouse) in 8-12 weeks old male C57BL/6 mice. As can be seen in Fig.1C/D, the circulating levels of h.FIX were higher in all the K137R-AAV8 treated groups as compared to the WT-AAV8 treated groups either at 2 weeks (62% vs 37% for hAAT constructs and 47% vs 21% for LP1 constructs) or 4 weeks (78% vs 56% for hAAT constructs and 64% vs 30% for LP1 constructs) post hepatic gene transfer. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of the use of this novel vector for potential gene therapy of hemophilia B.