34 resultados para transcripts


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis is known to reside latently in a significant fraction of the human population. Although the bacterium possesses an aerobic mode of metabolism, it adapts to persistence under hypoxic conditions such as those encountered in granulomas. While in mammalian systems hypoxia is a recognized DNA-damaging stress, aspects of DNA repair in mycobacteria under such conditions have not been studied. We subjected Mycobacterium smegmatis, a model organism, to the Wayne's protocol of hypoxia. Analysis of the mRNA of a key DNA repair enzyme, uracil DNA glycosylase (Ung), by real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) revealed its downregulation during hypoxia. However, within an hour of recovery of the culture under normal oxygen levels, the Ung mRNA was restored. Analysis of Ung by immunoblotting and enzyme assays supported the RNA analysis results. To understand its physiological significance, we misexpressed Ung in M. smegmatis by using a hypoxia-responsive promoter of narK2 from M. tuberculosis. Although the misexpression of Ung during hypoxia decreased C-to-T mutations, it compromised bacterial survival upon recovery at normal oxygen levels. RT-PCR analysis of other base excision repair gene transcripts (UdgB and Fpg) suggested that these DNA repair functions also share with Ung the phenomenon of downregulation during hypoxia and recovery with return to normal oxygen conditions. We discuss the potential utility of this phenomenon in developing attenuated strains of mycobacteria.


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Dexamethasone has a potentiating effect on phenobarbitone mediated induction of cytochrome P-450b + e mRNAs in adult rat liver. However, the glucocorticoid inhibits phenobarbitone-activated transcription of cytochrome P-450b + e mRNAs by 60-70%. This inhibitory effect is evident in run-off transcription of the endogenous genes as well as in the transcription of an added cloned gene fragment. Dexamethasone inhibits the phenobarbitone-mediated increase in the binding of a transcription factor(s) to the upstream region of the gene as evidenced by gel retardation and Southwestern blot analysis. The glucocorticoid does not stabilize the phenobarbitone-induced polyribosomal cytochrome P-450b + e mRNAs but appears to stabilize the nuclear transcripts. It is proposed that a negative element may mediate the action of dexamethasone at the level of nuclear transcription and stabilization of the nuclear transcript may account for the potentiating effect of the glucocorticoid on phenobarbitone-mediated increase in cytochrome P-450b + e mRNAs in the cytoplasm of the adult rat liver. However, the cytochrome P-450b protein levels are slightly lower in phenobarbitone + dexamethasone treatment than in phenobarbitone-treated liver microsomes.


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An in vitro transcription system from Candida utilis is described. The template used is a hybrid plasmid containing Saccharomyces cerevisiae CYC1 promoter linked to a synthetic 377-bp G-minus casette (1). In vitro transcriptions are carried out in the presence of RNase. T1. Under these conditions only the transcripts that are resistant to RNase T1 accumulate. Using this protocol, it has been shown that in the absence of cytosolic factors RNA polymerase II (pol II) from C. utilis initiated RNA synthesis randomly. But both C. utilis and S. cerevisiae cell-free extracts could direct pol II from C. utilis to initiate transcription accurately. Results also indicated that the general transcription factors are functionally interchangeable between S. cerevisiae and C. utilis


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Heat shock protein 90 participates in diverse biological processes ranging from protein folding, cell cycle, signal transduction and development to evolution in all eukaryotes. It is also critically involved in regulating growth of protozoa such as Dictyostelium discoideum, Leishmania donovani, Plasmodium falciparum, Trypanosoma cruzi, and Trypanosoma evansi. Selective inhibition of Hsp90 has also been explored as an intervention strategy against important human diseases such as cancer, malaria, or trypanosomiasis. Giardia lamblia, a simple protozoan parasite of humans and animals, is an important cause of diarrheal disease with significant morbidity and some mortality in tropical countries. Here we show that the G. lamblia cytosolic hsp90 ( glhsp90) is split in two similar sized fragments located 777 kb apart on the same scaffold. Intrigued by this unique arrangement, which appears to be specific for the Giardiinae, we have investigated the biosynthesis of GlHsp90. We used genome sequencing to confirm the split nature of the giardial hsp90. However, a specific antibody raised against the peptide detected a product with a mass of about 80 kDa, suggesting a post-transcriptional rescue of the genomic defect. We show evidence for the joining of the two independent Hsp90 transcripts in-trans to one long mature mRNA presumably by RNA splicing. The splicing junction carries hallmarks of classical cis-spliced introns, suggesting that the regular cis-splicing machinery may be sufficient for repair of the open reading frame. A complementary 26-nt sequence in the ``intron'' regions adjacent to the splice sites may assist in positioning the two pre-mRNAs for processing. This is the first example of post-transcriptional rescue of a split gene by trans-splicing.


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A clone showing female-specific expression was identified from an embryonic cDNA library of a mealybug, Planococcus lilacinus, In Southern blots this clone (P7) showed hybridization to genomic DNA of females, but not to that of males, However, P7 showed no hybridization to nuclei of either sex, raising the possibility that it was extrachromosomal in origin, In sectioned adult females P7 hybridized to an abdominal organ called the mycetome. The mycetome is formed by mycetocytes, which are polyploid cells originating from the polar bodies and cleavage nuclei that harbour maternally transmitted, intracellular symbionts. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of symbionts within the mycetocytes, Sequence analysis showed that P7 is a 16S rRNA gene, confirming its prokaryotic origin, P7 transcripts are localized to one pole in young embryos but are found in the pole as well as in the germ band during later stages of development, P7 expression is detectable in young embryos of both sexes but the absence of P7 in third instar and adult males suggests that this gene, and hence the endosymbionts, are subject to sex-specific elimination. Copyright (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Physalis mottle virus (PhMV) belongs to the tymogroup of positive-strand RNA viruses with a genome size of 6 kb. Crude membrane preparations from PhMV-infected Nicotiana glutinosa plants catalyzed the synthesis of PhMV genomic RNA from endogenously bound template. Addition of exogenous genomic RNA enhanced the synthesis which was specifically inhibited by the addition of sense and antisense transcripts corresponding to 3' terminal 242 nucleotides as well as the 5' terminal 458 nucleotides of PhMV genomic RNA while yeast tRNA or ribosomal RNA failed to inhibit the synthesis. This specific inhibition suggested that the 5' and 3' non-coding regions of PhMV RNA might play an important role in viral replication.


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Uroguanylin, guanylin, and lymphoguanylin are small peptides that activate renal and intestinal receptor guanylate cyclases (GC). They are structurally similar to bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins (ST) that cause secretory diarrhea. Uroguanylin, guanylin, and ST elicit natriuresis, kaliuresis, and diuresis by direct actions on kidney GC receptors. A 3,762-bp cDNA characterizing a uroguanylin/guanylin/ST receptor was isolated from opossum kidney (OK) cell RNA/cDNA. This kidney cDNA (OK-GC) encodes a mature protein containing 1,049 residues sharing 72.4�75.8% identity with rat, human, and porcine forms of intestinal GC-C receptors. COS or HEK-293 cells expressing OK-GC receptor protein were activated by uroguanylin, guanylin, or ST13 peptides. The 3.8-kb OK-GC mRNA transcript is most abundant in the kidney cortex and intestinal mucosa, with lower mRNA levels observed in urinary bladder, adrenal gland, and myocardium and with no detectable transcripts in skin or stomach mucosa. We propose that OK-GC receptor GC participates in a renal mechanism of action for uroguanylin and/or guanylin in the physiological regulation of urinary sodium, potassium, and water excretion. This renal tubular receptor GC may be a target for circulating uroguanylin in an endocrine link between the intestine and kidney and/or participate in an intrarenal paracrine mechanism for regulation of kidney function via the intracellular second messenger, cGMP.


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Uroguanylin, guanylin, and lymphoguanylin are small peptides that activate renal and intestinal receptor guanylate cyclases (GC). They are structurally similar to bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins (ST) that cause secretory diarrhea. Uroguanylin, guanylin, and ST elicit natriuresis, kaliuresis, and diuresis by direct actions on kidney GC receptors. A 3,762-bp cDNA characterizing a uroguanylin/guanylin/ST receptor was isolated from opossum kidney (OK) cell RNA/cDNA. This kidney cDNA (OK-GC) encodes a mature protein containing 1,049 residues sharing 72.4-75.8% identity with rat, human, and porcine forms of intestinal GC-C receptors. COS or HEK-293 cells expressing OK-GC receptor protein were activated by uroguanylin, guanylin, or ST13 peptides. The 3.8-kb OK-GC mRNA transcript is most abundant in the kidney cortex and intestinal mucosa, with lower mRNA levels observed in urinary bladder, adrenal gland, and myocardium and with no detectable transcripts in skin or stomach mucosa. We propose that OK-GC receptor GC participates in a renal mechanism of action for uroguanylin and/or guanylin in the physiological regulation of urinary sodium, potassium, and water excretion. This renal tubular receptor GC may be a target for circulating uroguanylin in an endocrine link between the intestine and kidney and/or participate in an intrarenal paracrine mechanism for regulation of kidney function via the intracellular second messenger, cGMP.


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The cis-regulatory regions on DNA serve as binding sites for proteins such as transcription factors and RNA polymerase. The combinatorial interaction of these proteins plays a crucial role in transcription initiation, which is an important point of control in the regulation of gene expression. We present here an analysis of the performance of an in silico method for predicting cis-regulatory regions in the plant genomes of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and rice (Oryza sativa) on the basis of free energy of DNA melting. For protein-coding genes, we achieve recall and precision of 96% and 42% for Arabidopsis and 97% and 31% for rice, respectively. For noncoding RNA genes, the program gives recall and precision of 94% and 75% for Arabidopsis and 95% and 90% for rice, respectively. Moreover, 96% of the false-positive predictions were located in noncoding regions of primary transcripts, out of which 20% were found in the first intron alone, indicating possible regulatory roles. The predictions for orthologous genes from the two genomes showed a good correlation with respect to prediction scores and promoter organization. Comparison of our results with an existing program for promoter prediction in plant genomes indicates that our method shows improved prediction capability.


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We describe here the characterization of the gene gp64 encoding the envelope fusion protein GP64 (open reading frame) ORF 105 from Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV). gp64 was transcribed from the early to late stages of infection and the transcripts were seen from 6 to 72 h post infection (hpi). The early transcripts initiated from a consensus CAGT motif while the late transcripts arose from three conserved TAAG motifs, all of which were located in the near upstream region of the coding sequence. Both early and late transcripts terminated at a run of T residues following the second polyadenylation signal located 31 nt downstream of the translation termination codon. BmGP64 protein was detectable from 6 hpi and was present in larger quantities throughout the infection process from 12 hpi, in BmNPV-infected BmN cells. The persistent presence of GP64 in BmN cells differed from the protein expression pattern of GP64 in Autographa californica multinucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus infection, where the protein levels decreased significantly by late times (48 hpi). BmGP64 was located in the membrane and cytoplasm of the infected host cells and as a component of the budded virions. The production of infectious budded virus and the fusion activity were reduced when glycosylation of GP64 was inhibited. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A partial genomic clone of Bombyx mori homologue of the segment polarity gene Cubitus interruptus (BmCi), encoding the conserved zinc finger domain and harbouring two introns, has been characterized. BmCi was expressed in the silkglands of B. mori from embryonic to the late larval stages(3rd, 4th and 5th intermoults). The expression was confined to the anterior region of the middle silkglands, overlapping with the domain of sericin-2 expression and excluding the domains of Bm invected expression, namely the middle and posterior regions of the middle silkglands. In the wing discs, the expression was restricted to the anterior compartment, which increased from 4th to 5th larval intermoults and declined later in the pupal wing buds. In gonadal tissues (both ovaries and testes) BmCi was expressed from the larval to pupal stages. The transcripts were localized to the sperm tubes containing spermatogonia in the testis of Bombyx larvae. BmCi expression, however, was not detected in any of these tissues during the moulting stages. Expression of Ci in the wing discs and gonads is evolutionarily conserved, while the silkgland represents a novel domain. Our results imply that BmCi is involved in the specification and maintenance of micro-compartment identity within the middle silkglands.


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The yeast Bud31 protein, a Prp19 complex (NTC) member, aids spliceosome assembly and thus promotes efficient pre-mRNA splicing. The bud31 null cells show mild budding abnormalities at optimal growth temperatures and, at higher temperatures, have growth defects with aberrant budding. Here we have assessed cell cycle transitions which require Bud31. We find Bud31 facilitates passage through G1-S regulatory point (Start) but is not needed for G2-M transition or for exit from mitosis. To co-relate Bud31 functions in cell division with splicing, we studied the splicing status of transcripts that encode proteins involved in budding. We find Bud31 promotes efficient splicing of only some of these pre-mRNAs, for example, ARP2 and SRC1. Wild type cells have a long and a short isoform of SRC1 mRNA and protein, out of which the shorter mRNA splice variant is predominant. bud31 Delta cells show inefficient SRC1 splicing and entirely lack the shorter SRC1 spliced mRNA isoform. Yeast PRP17, another NTC sub-complex member, is also required for G1-S and G2-M cell cycle transitions. We examined genetic interactions between BUD31 and PRP17. While both factors were needed for efficient cell cycle dependent gene expression, our data indicate that distinct pre-mRNAs depend on each of these non-essential splicing factors.


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Background: Peste-des-petits ruminants virus (PPRV) is a non segmented negative strand RNA virus of the genus Morbillivirus within Paramyxoviridae family. Negative strand RNA viruses are known to carry nucleocapsid (N) protein, phospho (P) protein and RNA polymerase (L protein) packaged within the virion which possess all activities required for transcription, post-transcriptional modification of mRNA and replication. In order to understand the mechanism of transcription and replication of the virus, an in vitro transcription reconstitution system is required. In the present work, an in vitro transcription system has been developed with ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex purified from virus infected cells as well as partially purified recombinant polymerase (L-P) complex from insect cells along with N-RNA (genomic RNA encapsidated by N protein) template isolated from virus infected cells. Results: RNP complex isolated from virus infected cells and recombinant L-P complex purified from insect cells was used to reconstitute transcription on N-RNA template. The requirement for this transcription reconstitution has been defined. Transcription of viral genes in the in vitro system was confirmed by PCR amplification of cDNAs corresponding to individual transcripts using gene specific primers. In order to measure the relative expression level of viral transcripts, real time PCR analysis was carried out. qPCR analysis of the transcription products made in vitro showed a gradient of polarity of transcription from 3' end to 5' end of the genome similar to that exhibited by the virus in infected cells. Conclusion: This report describes for the first time, the development of an in vitro transcription reconstitution system for PPRV with RNP complex purified from infected cells and recombinant L-P complex expressed in insect cells. Both the complexes were able to synthesize all the mRNA species in vitro, exhibiting a gradient of polarity in transcription.


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The multiple short introns in Schizosaccharomyces pombe genes with degenerate cis sequences and atypically positioned polypyrimidine tracts make an interesting model to investigate canonical and alternative roles for conserved splicing factors. Here we report functions and interactions of the S. pombe slu7(+) (spslu7(+)) gene product, known from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and human in vitro reactions to assemble into spliceosomes after the first catalytic reaction and to dictate 3' splice site choice during the second reaction. By using a missense mutant of this essential S. pombe factor, we detected a range of global splicing derangements that were validated in assays for the splicing status of diverse candidate introns. We ascribe widespread, intron-specific SpSlu7 functions and have deduced several features, including the branch nucleotide-to-3' splice site distance, intron length, and the impact of its A/U content at the 5' end on the intron's dependence on SpSlu7. The data imply dynamic substrate-splicing factor relationships in multiintron transcripts. Interestingly, the unexpected early splicing arrest in spslu7-2 revealed a role before catalysis. We detected a salt-stable association with U5 snRNP and observed genetic interactions with spprp1(+), a homolog of human U5-102k factor. These observations together point to an altered recruitment and dependence on SpSlu7, suggesting its role in facilitating transitions that promote catalysis, and highlight the diversity in spliceosome assembly.


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Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common, malignant adult primary tumor with dismal patient survival, yet the molecular determinants of patient survival are poorly characterized. Global methylation profile of GBM samples (our cohort; n = 44) using high-resolution methylation microarrays was carried out. Cox regression analysis identified a 9-gene methylation signature that predicted survival in GBM patients. A risk-score derived from methylation signature predicted survival in univariate analysis in our and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) cohort. Multivariate analysis identified methylation risk score as an independent survival predictor in TCGA cohort. Methylation risk score stratified the patients into low-risk and high-risk groups with significant survival difference. Network analysis revealed an activated NF-kappa B pathway association with high-risk group. NF-kappa B inhibition reversed glioma chemoresistance, and RNA interference studies identified interleukin-6 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 as key NF-kappa B targets in imparting chemoresistance. Promoter hypermethylation of neuronal pentraxin II (NPTX2), a risky methylated gene, was confirmed by bisulfite sequencing in GBMs. GBMs and glioma cell lines had low levels of NPTX2 transcripts, which could be reversed upon methylation inhibitor treatment. NPTX2 overexpression induced apoptosis, inhibited proliferation and anchorage-independent growth, and rendered glioma cells chemosensitive. Furthermore, NPTX2 repressed NF-kappa B activity by inhibiting AKT through a p53-PTEN-dependent pathway, thus explaining the hypermethylation and downregulation of NPTX2 in NF-kappa B-activated high-risk GBMs. Taken together, a 9-gene methylation signature was identified as an independent GBM prognosticator and could be used for GBM risk stratification. Prosurvival NF-kappa B pathway activation characterized high-risk patients with poor prognosis, indicating it to be a therapeutic target. (C) 2013 AACR.