38 resultados para tablet formulation


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We develop a model of the solar dynamo in which, on the one hand, we follow the Babcock-Leighton approach to include surface processes, such as the production of poloidal field from the decay of active regions, and, on the other hand, we attempt to develop a mean field theory that can be studied in quantitative detail. One of the main challenges in developing such models is to treat the buoyant rise of the toroidal field and the production of poloidal field from it near the surface. A previous paper by Choudhuri, Schüssler, & Dikpati in 1995 did not incorporate buoyancy. We extend this model by two contrasting methods. In one method, we incorporate the generation of the poloidal field near the solar surface by Durney's procedure of double-ring eruption. In the second method, the poloidal field generation is treated by a positive α-effect concentrated near the solar surface coupled with an algorithm for handling buoyancy. The two methods are found to give qualitatively similar results.


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In achieving higher instruction level parallelism, software pipelining increases the register pressure in the loop. The usefulness of the generated schedule may be restricted to cases where the register pressure is less than the available number of registers. Spill instructions need to be introduced otherwise. But scheduling these spill instructions in the compact schedule is a difficult task. Several heuristics have been proposed to schedule spill code. These heuristics may generate more spill code than necessary, and scheduling them may necessitate increasing the initiation interval. We model the problem of register allocation with spill code generation and scheduling in software pipelined loops as a 0-1 integer linear program. The formulation minimizes the increase in initiation interval (II) by optimally placing spill code and simultaneously minimizes the amount of spill code produced. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first integrated formulation for register allocation, optimal spill code generation and scheduling for software pipelined loops. The proposed formulation performs better than the existing heuristics by preventing an increase in II in 11.11% of the loops and generating 18.48% less spill code on average among the loops extracted from Perfect Club and SPEC benchmarks with a moderate increase in compilation time.


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In this paper, we present an algebraic method to study and design spatial parallel manipulators that demonstrate isotropy in the force and moment distributions.We use the force and moment transformation matrices separately,and derive conditions for their isotropy individually as well as in combination. The isotropy conditions are derived in closed-form in terms of the invariants of the quadratic forms associated with these matrices. The formulation has been applied to a class of Stewart platform manipulators. We obtain multi-parameter families of isotropic manipulator analytically. In addition to computing the isotropic configurations of an existing manipulator,we demonstrate a procedure for designing the manipulator for isotropy at a given configuration.


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This paper presents a novel Second Order Cone Programming (SOCP) formulation for large scale binary classification tasks. Assuming that the class conditional densities are mixture distributions, where each component of the mixture has a spherical covariance, the second order statistics of the components can be estimated efficiently using clustering algorithms like BIRCH. For each cluster, the second order moments are used to derive a second order cone constraint via a Chebyshev-Cantelli inequality. This constraint ensures that any data point in the cluster is classified correctly with a high probability. This leads to a large margin SOCP formulation whose size depends on the number of clusters rather than the number of training data points. Hence, the proposed formulation scales well for large datasets when compared to the state-of-the-art classifiers, Support Vector Machines (SVMs). Experiments on real world and synthetic datasets show that the proposed algorithm outperforms SVM solvers in terms of training time and achieves similar accuracies.


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In this article, the Eringen's nonlocal elasticity theory has been incorporated into classical/local Bernoulli-Euler rod model to capture unique properties of the nanorods under the umbrella of continuum mechanics theory. The spectral finite element (SFE) formulation of nanorods is performed. SFE formulation is carried out and the exact shape functions (frequency dependent) and dynamic stiffness matrix are obtained as function of nonlocal scale parameter. It has been found that the small scale affects the exact shape functions and the elements of the dynamic stiffness matrix. The results presented in this paper can provide useful guidance for the study and design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the wave dispersion properties of carbon nanotubes.


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In this article, an extension to the total variation diminishing finite volume formulation of the lattice Boltzmann equation method on unstructured meshes was presented. The quadratic least squares procedure is used for the estimation of first-order and second-order spatial gradients of the particle distribution functions. The distribution functions were extrapolated quadratically to the virtual upwind node. The time integration was performed using the fourth-order RungeKutta procedure. A grid convergence study was performed in order to demonstrate the order of accuracy of the present scheme. The formulation was validated for the benchmark two-dimensional, laminar, and unsteady flow past a single circular cylinder. These computations were then investigated for the low Mach number simulations. Further validation was performed for flow past two circular cylinders arranged in tandem and side-by-side. Results of these simulations were extensively compared with the previous numerical data. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper presents the effect of nonlocal scaling parameter on the coupled i.e., axial, flexural, shear and contraction, wave propagation in single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The axial and transverse motion of SWCNT is modeled based on first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and thickness contraction. The governing equations are derived based on nonlocal constitutive relations and the wave dispersion analysis is also carried out. The studies shows that the nonlocal scale parameter introduces certain band gap region in all wave modes where no wave propagation occurs. This is manifested in the wavenumber plots as the region where the wavenumber tends to infinite or wave speed tends to zero. The frequency at which this phenomenon occurs is called the escape frequency. Explicit expressions are derived for cut-off and escape frequencies of all waves in SWCNT. It is also shown that the cut-off frequencies of shear and contraction mode are independent of the nonlocal scale parameter. The results provided in this article are new and are useful guidance for the study and design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the coupled wave propagation properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes.


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Levy flights can be described using a Fokker-Planck equation, which involves a fractional derivative operator in the position coordinate. Such an operator has its natural expression in the Fourier domain. Starting with this, we show that the solution of the equation can be written as a Hamiltonian path integral. Though this has been realized in the literature, the method has not found applications as the path integral appears difficult to evaluate. We show that a method in which one integrates over the position coordinates first, after which integration is performed over the momentum coordinates, can be used to evaluate several path integrals that are of interest. Using this, we evaluate the propagators for (a) free particle, (b) particle subjected to a linear potential, and (c) harmonic potential. In all the three cases, we have obtained results for both overdamped and underdamped cases. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.061105


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A superior drug formulation capable of achieving efficient osteogenesis is in imperative demand for the treatment of osteoporosis. In the present study we investigated the potential of using novel risedronate-hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoparticle based formulation in an animal model of established osteoporosis. Nanoparticles of HA loaded with risedronate (NHLR) of various sizes (80-130 nm) were generated for bone targeted drug delivery. Three months after ovariectomy, 36 ovariectomized (OVX) rats were divided into 6 equal groups and treated with various doses of NHLR (500,350 and 250 mu g/kg intravenous single dose) and sodium risedronate (500 mu g/kg, intravenous single dose). Untreated OVX and sham OVX served as controls. One month after drug administration, the left tibia and femur were tested for bone mechanical properties and histology, respectively. In the right femur, bone density was measured by method based on Archimedes principle and bone porosity analyses were performed using X-ray imaging. NHLR (250 mu g/kg) showed a significant increase in bone density and reduced bone porosity when compared with OVX control. Moreover, NHLR (250 mu g/kg) significantly increased bone mechanical properties and bone quality when compared with OVX control. The results strongly suggest that the NHLR, which is a novel nanoparticle based formulation, has a therapeutic advantage over risedronate sodium monotherapy for the treatment of osteoporosis in a rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis.


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The goal of speech enhancement algorithms is to provide an estimate of clean speech starting from noisy observations. The often-employed cost function is the mean square error (MSE). However, the MSE can never be computed in practice. Therefore, it becomes necessary to find practical alternatives to the MSE. In image denoising problems, the cost function (also referred to as risk) is often replaced by an unbiased estimator. Motivated by this approach, we reformulate the problem of speech enhancement from the perspective of risk minimization. Some recent contributions in risk estimation have employed Stein's unbiased risk estimator (SURE) together with a parametric denoising function, which is a linear expansion of threshold/bases (LET). We show that the first-order case of SURE-LET results in a Wiener-filter type solution if the denoising function is made frequency-dependent. We also provide enhancement results obtained with both techniques and characterize the improvement by means of local as well as global SNR calculations.


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The classical Chapman-Enskog expansion is performed for the recently proposed finite-volume formulation of lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) method D.V. Patil, K.N. Lakshmisha, Finite volume TVD formulation of lattice Boltzmann simulation on unstructured mesh, J. Comput. Phys. 228 (2009) 5262-5279]. First, a modified partial differential equation is derived from a numerical approximation of the discrete Boltzmann equation. Then, the multi-scale, small parameter expansion is followed to recover the continuity and the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations with additional error terms. The expression for apparent value of the kinematic viscosity is derived for finite-volume formulation under certain assumptions. The attenuation of a shear wave, Taylor-Green vortex flow and driven channel flow are studied to analyze the apparent viscosity relation.


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In the present investigation an attempt has been made to develop a new co-polymeric material for controlled release tablet formulations. The acrylamide grafting was successfully performed on the backbone of sago starch. The modified starch was tested for acute toxicity and drug-excipient compatibility study. The grafted material was used in making of controlled release tablets of lamivudine. The formulations were evaluated for physical characteristics such as hardness, friability, %drug content and weight variations. The in vitro release study showed that the optimized formulation exhibited highest correlation (R) value in case of Higuchi model and the release mechanism of the optimized formulation predominantly exhibited combination of diffusion and erosion process. There was a significant difference in the pharmacokinetic parameters (T-max, C-max, AUC, V-d, T-1/2 and MDT) of the optimized formulation as compared to the marketed conventional tablet Lamivir (R) was observed. The pharmacokinetics parameters were showed controlled pattern and better bioavailability. The optimized formulation exhibited good stability and release profile at the accelerated stability conditions. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Estimation of design quantiles of hydrometeorological variables at critical locations in river basins is necessary for hydrological applications. To arrive at reliable estimates for locations (sites) where no or limited records are available, various regional frequency analysis (RFA) procedures have been developed over the past five decades. The most widely used procedure is based on index-flood approach and L-moments. It assumes that values of scale and shape parameters of frequency distribution are identical across all the sites in a homogeneous region. In real-world scenario, this assumption may not be valid even if a region is statistically homogeneous. To address this issue, a novel mathematical approach is proposed. It involves (i) identification of an appropriate frequency distribution to fit the random variable being analyzed for homogeneous region, (ii) use of a proposed transformation mechanism to map observations of the variable from original space to a dimensionless space where the form of distribution does not change, and variation in values of its parameters is minimal across sites, (iii) construction of a growth curve in the dimensionless space, and (iv) mapping the curve to the original space for the target site by applying inverse transformation to arrive at required quantile(s) for the site. Effectiveness of the proposed approach (PA) in predicting quantiles for ungauged sites is demonstrated through Monte Carlo simulation experiments considering five frequency distributions that are widely used in RFA, and by case study on watersheds in conterminous United States. Results indicate that the PA outperforms methods based on index-flood approach.