26 resultados para supersymmetry and duality


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We show that the problem of two anyons interacting through a simple harmonic potential or a Coulomb potential is supersymmetric. The supersymmetry operators map a theory described by statistics parameter θ to one described by π+θ. Thus fermions and bosons go into each other, while semions are supersymmetric by themselves. The simple harmonic problem has a Sp(4) symmetry for any value of θ which explains the energy degeneracies.


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We show that the recently proposed Dirac-Born-Infeld extension of new massive gravity emerges naturally as a counterterm in four-dimensional anti-de Sitter space (AdS(4)). The resulting on-shell Euclidean action is independent of the cutoff at zero temperature. We also find that the same choice of counterterm gives the usual area law for the AdS(4) Schwarzschild black hole entropy in a cutoff-independent manner. The parameter values of the resulting counterterm action correspond to a c = 0 theory in the context of the duality between AdS(3) gravity and two-dimensional conformal field theory. We rewrite this theory in terms of the gauge field that is used to recast 3D gravity as a Chern-Simons theory.


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We derive bounds on leptonic double mass insertions of the type delta(l)(i4)delta(l)(4j) in four generational MSSM, using the present limits on l(i) -> l(j) + gamma. Two main features distinguish the rates of these processes in MSSM4 from MSSM3: (a) tan beta is restricted to be very small less than or similar to 3 and (b) the large masses for the fourth generation leptons. In spite of small tan beta, there is an enhancement in amplitudes with LLRR (4 delta(ll)(i4)delta(rr)(4j)) type insertions which pick up the mass of the fourth generation lepton, m(tau'). We find these bounds to be at least two orders of magnitude more stringent than those in MSSM3. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this talk I discuss some aspects of the study of electric dipole moments (EDMs) of the fermions, in the context of R-parity violating (\rpv) Supersymmetry (SUSY). I will start with a brief general discussion of how dipole moments, in general, serve as a probe of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) and an even briefer summary of \rpv SUSY. I will follow by discussing a general method of analysis for obtaining the leading fermion mass dependence of the dipole moments and present its application to \rpv SUSY case. Then I will summarise the constraints that the analysis of $e,n$ and $Hg$ EDMs provide for the case of trilinear \rpv SUSY couplings and make a few comments on the case of bilinear \rpv, where the general method of analysis proposed by us does not work.


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Accurate supersymmetric spectra are required to confront data from direct and indirect searches of supersymmetry. SuSeFLAV is a numerical tool capable of computing supersymmetric spectra precisely for various supersymmetric breaking scenarios applicable even in the presence of flavor violation. The program solves MSSM RGEs with complete 3 x 3 flavor mixing at 2-loop level and one loop finite threshold corrections to all MSSM parameters by incorporating radiative electroweak symmetry breaking conditions. The program also incorporates the Type-I seesaw mechanism with three massive right handed neutrinos at user defined mass scales and mixing. It also computes branching ratios of flavor violating processes such as l(j) -> l(i)gamma, l(j) -> 3 l(i), b -> s gamma and supersymmetric contributions to flavor conserving quantities such as (g(mu) - 2). A large choice of executables suitable for various operations of the program are provided. Program summary Program title: SuSeFLAV Catalogue identifier: AEOD_v1_0 Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEOD_v1_0.html Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: GNU General Public License No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 76552 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 582787 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: Fortran 95. Computer: Personal Computer, Work-Station. Operating system: Linux, Unix. Classification: 11.6. Nature of problem: Determination of masses and mixing of supersymmetric particles within the context of MSSM with conserved R-parity with and without the presence of Type-I seesaw. Inter-generational mixing is considered while calculating the mass spectrum. Supersymmetry breaking parameters are taken as inputs at a high scale specified by the mechanism of supersymmetry breaking. RG equations including full inter-generational mixing are then used to evolve these parameters up to the electroweak breaking scale. The low energy supersymmetric spectrum is calculated at the scale where successful radiative electroweak symmetry breaking occurs. At weak scale standard model fermion masses, gauge couplings are determined including the supersymmetric radiative corrections. Once the spectrum is computed, the program proceeds to various lepton flavor violating observables (e.g., BR(mu -> e gamma), BR(tau -> mu gamma) etc.) at the weak scale. Solution method: Two loop RGEs with full 3 x 3 flavor mixing for all supersymmetry breaking parameters are used to compute the low energy supersymmetric mass spectrum. An adaptive step size Runge-Kutta method is used to solve the RGEs numerically between the high scale and the electroweak breaking scale. Iterative procedure is employed to get the consistent radiative electroweak symmetry breaking condition. The masses of the supersymmetric particles are computed at 1-loop order. The third generation SM particles and the gauge couplings are evaluated at the 1-loop order including supersymmetric corrections. A further iteration of the full program is employed such that the SM masses and couplings are consistent with the supersymmetric particle spectrum. Additional comments: Several executables are presented for the user. Running time: 0.2 s on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 with 3.20 GHz. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We construct and study classical solutions in Chern-Simons supergravity based on the superalgebra sl(N vertical bar N = 1). The algebra for the N = 3 case is written down explicitly using the fact that it arises as the global part of the super conformal W-3 superalgebra. For this case we construct new classical solutions and study their supersymmetry. Using the algebra we write down the Killing spinor equations and explicitly construct the Killing spinor for conical defects and black holes in this theory. We show that for the general sl(N|N - 1) theory the condition for the periodicity of the Killing spinor can be written in terms of the products of the odd roots of the super algebra and the eigenvalues of the holonomy matrix of the background. Thus the supersymmetry of a given background can be stated in terms of gauge invariant and well defined physical observables of the Chern-Simons theory. We then show that for N >= 4, the sl(N|N - 1) theory admits smooth supersymmetric conical defects.


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We present a comprehensive study of two of the most experimentally relevant extensions of Kitaev's spinless model of a one-dimensional p-wave superconductor: those involving (i) longer-range hopping and superconductivity and (ii) inhomogeneous potentials. We commence with a pedagogical review of the spinless model and, as a means of characterizing topological phases exhibited by the systems studied here, we introduce bulk topological invariants as well as those derived from an explicit consideration of boundary modes. In time-reversal symmetric systems, we find that the longer range hopping leads to topological phases characterized by multiple Majorana modes. In particular, we investigate a spin model that respects a duality and maps to a fermionic model with multiple Majorana modes; we highlight the connection between these topological phases and the broken symmetry phases in the original spin model. In the presence of time-reversal symmetry breaking terms, we show that the topological phase diagram is characterized by an extended gapless regime. For the case of inhomogeneous potentials, we explore phase diagrams of periodic, quasiperiodic, and disordered systems. We present a detailed mapping between normal state localization properties of such systems and the topological phases of the corresponding superconducting systems. This powerful tool allows us to leverage the analyses of Hofstadter's butterfly and the vast literature on Anderson localization to the question of Majorana modes in superconducting quasiperiodic and disordered systems, respectively. We briefly touch upon the synergistic effects that can be expected in cases where long-range hopping and disorder are both present.


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The analytic signal (AS) was proposed by Gabor as a complex signal corresponding to a given real signal. The AS has a one-sided spectrum and gives rise to meaningful spectral averages. The Hilbert transform (HT) is a key component in Gabor's AS construction. We generalize the construction methodology by employing the fractional Hilbert transform (FrHT), without going through the standard fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) route. We discuss some properties of the fractional Hilbert operator and show how decomposition of the operator in terms of the identity and the standard Hilbert operators enables the construction of a family of analytic signals. We show that these analytic signals also satisfy Bedrosian-type properties and that their time-frequency localization properties are unaltered. We also propose a generalized-phase AS (GPAS) using a generalized-phase Hilbert transform (GPHT). We show that the GPHT shares many properties of the FrHT, in particular, selective highlighting of singularities, and a connection with Lie groups. We also investigate the duality between analyticity and causality concepts to arrive at a representation of causal signals in terms of the FrHT and GPHT. On the application front, we develop a secure multi-key single-sideband (SSB) modulation scheme and analyze its performance in noise and sensitivity to security key perturbations. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider minimal models of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking with an extra U(1) factor in addition to the Standard Model gauge group. A U(1) charged, Standard Model singlet is assumed to be present which allows for an additional NMSSM like coupling, lambda HuHdS. The U(1) is assumed to be flavour universal. Anomaly cancellation in the MSSM sector requires additional coloured degrees of freedom. The S field can get a large vacuum expectation value along with consistent electroweak symmetry breaking. It is shown that the lightest CP even Higgs boson can attain mass of the order of 125 GeV. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).


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In this paper, based on the AdS(4)/CFT3 duality, we have explored the precise connection between the abelian Chern-Simons (CS) Higgs model in (2 + 1) dimensions to that with its dual gravitational counterpart living in one higher dimension. It has been observed that theU(1) current computed at the boundary of the AdS(4) could be expressed as the local function of the vortex solution that has the remarkable structural similarity to that with the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) type local expression for the current associated with the Maxwell-CS type vortices in (2 + 1) dimensions. In order to explore this duality a bit further we have also computed the coherence length as well as the magnetic penetration depth associated with these vortices. Finally using the knowledge of both the coherence length as well as the magnetic penetration depth we have computed the Ginzburg-Landau coefficient for the Maxwell-CS type vortices in (2 + 1) dimensions.


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We present an analysis of the rate of sign changes in the discrete Fourier spectrum of a sequence. The sign changes of either the real or imaginary parts of the spectrum are considered, and the rate of sign changes is termed as the spectral zero-crossing rate (SZCR). We show that SZCR carries information pertaining to the locations of transients within the temporal observation window. We show duality with temporal zero-crossing rate analysis by expressing the spectrum of a signal as a sum of sinusoids with random phases. This extension leads to spectral-domain iterative filtering approaches to stabilize the spectral zero-crossing rate and to improve upon the location estimates. The localization properties are compared with group-delay-based localization metrics in a stylized signal setting well-known in speech processing literature. We show applications to epoch estimation in voiced speech signals using the SZCR on the integrated linear prediction residue. The performance of the SZCR-based epoch localization technique is competitive with the state-of-the-art epoch estimation techniques that are based on average pitch period.