56 resultados para spatiotemporal entropic thresholding


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We propose a novel technique for robust voiced/unvoiced segment detection in noisy speech, based on local polynomial regression. The local polynomial model is well-suited for voiced segments in speech. The unvoiced segments are noise-like and do not exhibit any smooth structure. This property of smoothness is used for devising a new metric called the variance ratio metric, which, after thresholding, indicates the voiced/unvoiced boundaries with 75% accuracy for 0dB global signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A novelty of our algorithm is that it processes the signal continuously, sample-by-sample rather than frame-by-frame. Simulation results on TIMIT speech database (downsampled to 8kHz) for various SNRs are presented to illustrate the performance of the new algorithm. Results indicate that the algorithm is robust even in high noise levels.


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Regular electrical activation waves in cardiac tissue lead to the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the heart that ensures blood supply to the whole body. Irregularities in the propagation of these activation waves can result in cardiac arrhythmias, like ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF), which are major causes of death in the industrialised world. Indeed there is growing consensus that spiral or scroll waves of electrical activation in cardiac tissue are associated with VT, whereas, when these waves break to yield spiral- or scroll-wave turbulence, VT develops into life-threatening VF: in the absence of medical intervention, this makes the heart incapable of pumping blood and a patient dies in roughly two-and-a-half minutes after the initiation of VF. Thus studies of spiral- and scroll-wave dynamics in cardiac tissue pose important challenges for in vivo and in vitro experimental studies and for in silico numerical studies of mathematical models for cardiac tissue. A major goal here is to develop low-amplitude defibrillation schemes for the elimination of VT and VF, especially in the presence of inhomogeneities that occur commonly in cardiac tissue. We present a detailed and systematic study of spiral- and scroll-wave turbulence and spatiotemporal chaos in four mathematical models for cardiac tissue, namely, the Panfilov, Luo-Rudy phase 1 (LRI), reduced Priebe-Beuckelmann (RPB) models, and the model of ten Tusscher, Noble, Noble, and Panfilov (TNNP). In particular, we use extensive numerical simulations to elucidate the interaction of spiral and scroll waves in these models with conduction and ionic inhomogeneities; we also examine the suppression of spiral- and scroll-wave turbulence by low-amplitude control pulses. Our central qualitative result is that, in all these models, the dynamics of such spiral waves depends very sensitively on such inhomogeneities. We also study two types of control chemes that have been suggested for the control of spiral turbulence, via low amplitude current pulses, in such mathematical models for cardiac tissue; our investigations here are designed to examine the efficacy of such control schemes in the presence of inhomogeneities. We find that a local pulsing scheme does not suppress spiral turbulence in the presence of inhomogeneities; but a scheme that uses control pulses on a spatially extended mesh is more successful in the elimination of spiral turbulence. We discuss the theoretical and experimental implications of our study that have a direct bearing on defibrillation, the control of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias such as ventricular fibrillation.


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The process cascade leading to the final accommodation of the carbohydrate ligand in the lectin’s binding site comprises enthalpic and entropic contributions of the binding partners and solvent molecules. With emphasis on lactose, N-acetyllactosamine, and thiodigalactoside as potent inhibitors of binding of galactoside-specific lectins, the question was addressed to what extent these parameters are affected as a function of the protein. The microcalorimetric study of carbohydrate association to the galectin from chicken liver (CG-16) and the agglutinin from Viscum album (VAA) revealed enthalpy–entropy compensation with evident protein type-dependent changes for N-acetyllactosamine. Reduction of the entropic penalty by differential flexibility of loops or side chains and/or solvation properties of the protein will have to be reckoned with to assign a molecular cause to protein type-dependent changes in thermodynamic parameters for lectins sharing the same monosaccharide specificity.


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The thermodynamics of the binding of derivatives of galactose and lactose to a 14 kDa beta-galactoside-binding lectin (L-14) from sheep spleen has been studied in 10 nM phosphate/150 mM NaCl/10 mM beta-mercaptoethanol buffer, pH 7.4, and in the temperature range 285-300 K using titration calorimetry. The single-site binding constants of various sugars for the lectin were in the following order: N-acetyl-lactosamine thiodigalactoside > 4-methylumbelliferyl lactoside > lactose > 4-methylumbelliferyl alpha-D-galactoside > methyl-alpha-galactose > methyl-beta-galactose. Reactions were essentially enthalpically driven with the binding enthalpies ranging from -53.8 kJ/mol for thiodigalactoside at 301 K to -2.2 kJ/mol for galactose at 300 K, indicating that hydrogen-bonding and van der Waals interactions provide the major stabilization for these reactions. However, the binding of 4-methylumbelliferyl-alpha-D-galactose displays relatively favourable entropic contributions, indicating the existence of a non-polar site adjacent to the galactose-binding subsite. From the increments in the enthalpies for the binding of lactose, N-acetyl-lactosamine and thiodigalactoside relative to methyl-beta-galactose, the contribution of glucose binding in the subsite adjacent to that for galactose shows that glucose makes a major contribution to the stability of L-14 disaccharide complexes. Observation of enthalpy-entropy compensation for the recognition of saccharides such as lactose by L-14 and the absence of it for monosaccharides such as galactose, together with the lack of appreciable changes in the heat capacity (delta Cp), indicate that reorganization of water plays an important role in these reactions.


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The binding of winged bean basic agglutinin (WBA I) to 4-methylumbelliferyl (MeUmb) galactosides was examined by extrinsic fluorescence titration and stopped-flow spectrofluorimetry. Upon binding to WBA I, MeUmb alpha-galactosides show quenching in fluorescence intensity, decrease in UV absorbance with a concomitant blue shift, and decrease in fluorescence excited-state lifetimes. However, their beta-analogues show enhancement in fluorescence intensity, increase in UV absorbance with a red shift, and an increase in fluorescence excited-state lifetimes. This implies that the umbelliferyl groups of alpha- and beta-galactosides experience non-polar and polar microenvironments, respectively, upon binding to WBA I. Replacement of the anomeric hydroxyl group of galactose by 4-methylumbelliferyl moiety increases the affinity of resulting saccharides. Substitution of C-2 hydroxyl of galactose by an acetamido group leads to increased affinity due to a favorable entropy change. This suggests that acetamido group of MeUmb-alpha/beta-GalNAc binds to a relatively non-polar subsite of WBA I. Most interestingly, this substitution also reduces the association rate constants dramatically. Inspection of the activation parameters reveals that the enthalpy of activation is the limiting factor for the differences in the forward rate constants for these saccharides and the entropic contribution to the activation energy is small


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The binding of Artocarpus integrifolia lectin (jacalin) to 4-methylumbelliferyl (Meumb)-glycosides, Gal alpha Meumb, Gal beta Meumb, GalNAc alpha Meumb, GalNAc beta-Meumb, and Gal beta 3GalNAc beta Meumb was examined by extrinsic fluorescence quenching titration and stopped flow spectrofluorimetry. The binding was characterized by 100% quenching of fluorescence of Meumb-glycosides. Their association constants range from 2.0 x 10(4) to 1.58 x 10(6) M-1 at 15 degrees C. Entropic contribution is the major stabilizing force for avid binding of Meumb-glycosides indicating the existence of a hydrophobic site that is complementary to their methylumbelliferyl group. The second order association rate constants for interaction of these sugars with lectin at 15 degrees C vary from 8.8 x 10(5) to 3.24 x 10(6) M-1 S-1, at pH 7.2. The first order dissociation rate constants range from 2.30 to 43.0 S-1 at 15 degrees C. Despite the differences in their association rate constants, the overall values of association constants for these saccharides are determined by their dissociation rate constants. The second order rate constant for the association of Meumb-glycosides follows a pattern consistent with the magnitude of the activation energies involved therin. Activation parameters for association of all ligands illustrate that the origin of the barrier between binding of jacalin to Meumb-glycosides is entropic, and the enthalpic contribution is small. A correlation between these parameters and the structure of the ligands on the association rates underscores the importance of steric factors in determining protein saccharide recognitions.


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Glycomics is the study of comprehensive structural elucidation and characterization of all glycoforms found in nature and their dynamic spatiotemporal changes that are associated with biological processes. Glycocalyx of mammalian cells actively participate in cell-cell, cell-matrix, and cell-pathogen interactions, which impact embryogenesis, growth and development, homeostasis, infection and immunity, signaling, malignancy, and metabolic disorders. Relative to genomics and proteomics, glycomics is just growing out of infancy with great potential in biomedicine for biomarker discovery, diagnosis, and treatment. However, the immense diversity and complexity of glycan structures and their multiple modes of interactions with proteins pose great challenges for development of analytical tools for delineating structure function relationships and understanding glycocode. Several tools are being developed for glycan profiling based on chromatography,m mass spectrometry, glycan microarrays, and glyco-informatics. Lectins, which have long been used in glyco-immunology, printed on a microarray provide a versatile platform for rapid high throughput analysis of glycoforms of biological samples. Herein, we summarize technological advances in lectin microarrays and critically review their impact on glycomics analysis. Challenges remain in terms of expansion to include nonplant derived lectins, standardization for routine clinical use, development of recombinant lectins, and exploration of plant kingdom for discovery of novel lectins.


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We compute the entropy and transport properties of water in the hydration layer of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer by using a recently developed theoretical scheme two-phase thermodynamic model, termed as 2PT method; S.-T. Lin et al., J. Chem. Phys. 119, 11792 (2003)] based on the translational and rotational velocity autocorrelation functions and their power spectra. The weights of translational and rotational power spectra shift from higher to lower frequency as one goes from the bilayer interface to the bulk. Water molecules near the bilayer head groups have substantially lower entropy (48.36 J/mol/K) than water molecules in the intermediate region (51.36 J/mol/K), which have again lower entropy than the molecules (60.52 J/mol/K) in bulk. Thus, the entropic contribution to the free energy change (T Delta S) of transferring an interface water molecule to the bulk is 3.65 kJ/mol and of transferring intermediate water to the bulk is 2.75 kJ/mol at 300 K, which is to be compared with 6.03 kJ/mol for melting of ice at 273 K. The translational diffusion of water in the vicinity of the head groups is found to be in a subdiffusive regime and the rotational diffusion constant increases going away from the interface. This behavior is supported by the slower reorientational relaxation of the dipole vector and OH bond vector of interfacial water. The ratio of reorientational relaxation time for Legendre polynomials of order 1 and 2 is approximately 2 for interface, intermediate, and bulk water, indicating the presence of jump dynamics in these water molecules. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3494115]


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Dephosphocoenzyme A kinase performs the transfer of the c-phosphate of ATP to dephosphocoenzyme A, catalyzing the last step of coenzyme A biosynthesis. This enzyme belongs to the P-loop-containing NTP hydrolase superfamily, all members of which posses a three domain topology consisting of a CoA domain that binds the acceptor substrate, the nucleotide binding domain and the lid domain. Differences in the enzymatic organization and regulation between the human and mycobacterial counterparts, have pointed out the tubercular CoaE as a high confidence drug target (HAMAP database). Unfortunately the absence of a three-dimensional crystal structure of the enzyme, either alone or complexed with either of its substrates/regulators, leaves both the reaction mechanism unidentified and the chief players involved in substrate binding, stabilization and catalysis unknown. Based on homology modeling and sequence analysis, we chose residues in the three functional domains of the enzyme to assess their contributions to ligand binding and catalysis using site-directed mutagenesis. Systematically mutating the residues from the P-loop and the nucleotide-binding site identified Lys14 and Arg140 in ATP binding and the stabilization of the phosphoryl intermediate during the phosphotransfer reaction. Mutagenesis of Asp32 and Arg140 showed catalytic efficiencies less than 5-10% of the wild type, indicating the pivotal roles played by these residues in catalysis. Non-conservative substitution of the Leu114 residue identifies this leucine as the critical residue from the hydrophobic cleft involved in leading substrate, DCoA binding. We show that the mycobacterial enzyme requires the Mg2+ for its catalytic activity. The binding energetics of the interactions of the mutant enzymes with the substrates were characterized in terms of their enthalpic and entropic contributions by ITC, providing a complete picture of the effects of the mutations on activity. The properties of mutants defective in substrate recognition were consistent with the ordered sequential mechanism of substrate addition for CoaE.


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We present a method for measuring the local velocities and first-order variations in velocities in a timevarying image. The scheme is an extension of the generalized gradient model that encompasses the local variation of velocity within a local patch of the image. Motion within a patch is analyzed in parallel by 42 different spatiotemporal filters derived from 6 linearly independent spatiotemporal kernels. No constraints are imposed on the image structure, and there is no need for smoothness constraints on the velocity field. The aperture problem does not arise so long as there is some two-dimensional structure in the patch being analyzed. Among the advantages of the scheme is that there is no requirement to calculate second or higher derivatives of the image function. This makes the scheme robust in the presence of noise. The spatiotemporal kernels are of simple form, involving Gaussian functions, and are biologically plausible receptive fields. The validity of the scheme is demonstrated by application to both synthetic and real video images sequences and by direct comparison with another recently published scheme Biol. Cybern. 63, 185 (1990)] for the measurement of complex optical flow.


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We present a method for measuring the local velocities and first-order variations in velocities in a time-varying image. The scheme is an extension of the generalized gradient model that encompasses the local variation of velocity within a local patch of the image. Motion within a patch is analyzed in parallel by 42 different spatiotemporal filters derived from 6 linearly independent spatiotemporal kernels. No constraints are imposed on the image structure, and there is no need for smoothness constraints on the velocity field. The aperture problem does not arise so long as there is some two-dimensional structure in the patch being analyzed. Among the advantages of the scheme is that there is no requirement to calculate second or higher derivatives of the image function. This makes the scheme robust in the presence of noise. The spatiotemporal kernels are of simple form, involving Gaussian functions, and are biologically plausible receptive fields. The validity of the scheme is demonstrated by application to both synthetic and real video images sequences and by direct comparison with another recently published scheme [Biol. Cybern. 63, 185 (1990)] for the measurement of complex optical flow.


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The oil phase, in an oil-in-water emulsion on a steel substrate, is strongly repelled by the substrate. The oil in this situation does not wet the steel and steel/steel friction is high. In this work we disperse anionic surfactants in an oil film and study the effect of this dispersion on the force of interaction between a silica colloid probe (AFM) carrying the oil film and a steel substrate in water. It is observed that when the surfactant is oil insoluble and the interaction time is short the strong entropic repulsion (without the surfactant) is replaced by a strong attraction. The steel on steel sliding friction in this case is low compared to that what is achieved when the surfactant is soluble in oil. The rationale underlying these interactions is explored here. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cardiac arrhythmias, such as ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF), are among the leading causes of death in the industrialized world. These are associated with the formation of spiral and scroll waves of electrical activation in cardiac tissue; single spiral and scroll waves are believed to be associated with VT whereas their turbulent analogs are associated with VF. Thus, the study of these waves is an important biophysical problem. We present a systematic study of the combined effects of muscle-fiber rotation and inhomogeneities on scroll-wave dynamics in the TNNP (ten Tusscher Noble Noble Panfilov) model for human cardiac tissue. In particular, we use the three-dimensional TNNP model with fiber rotation and consider both conduction and ionic inhomogeneities. We find that, in addition to displaying a sensitive dependence on the positions, sizes, and types of inhomogeneities, scroll-wave dynamics also depends delicately upon the degree of fiber rotation. We find that the tendency of scroll waves to anchor to cylindrical conduction inhomogeneities increases with the radius of the inhomogeneity. Furthermore, the filament of the scroll wave can exhibit drift or meandering, transmural bending, twisting, and break-up. If the scroll-wave filament exhibits weak meandering, then there is a fine balance between the anchoring of this wave at the inhomogeneity and a disruption of wave-pinning by fiber rotation. If this filament displays strong meandering, then again the anchoring is suppressed by fiber rotation; also, the scroll wave can be eliminated from most of the layers only to be regenerated by a seed wave. Ionic inhomogeneities can also lead to an anchoring of the scroll wave; scroll waves can now enter the region inside an ionic inhomogeneity and can display a coexistence of spatiotemporal chaos and quasi-periodic behavior in different parts of the simulation domain. We discuss the experimental implications of our study.


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A binary aqueous suspension of large (L) and small (S) nearly-hard-sphere colloidal polystyrene spheres is shown to segregate spontaneously into L-rich and S-rich regions for suitable choices of volume fraction and size ratio. This is the first observation of such purely entropic phase separation of chemically identical species in which at least one component remains fluid. Simple theoretical arguments are presented to make this effect plausible.


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The simple dialkyl oxalates are generally liquids at room temperature except for dimethyl and di-tert-butyl oxalate which melt at 327 and 343 K. The crystal structures of diethyl, di-iso-propyl, di-n-butyl, di-tert-butyl and methyl ethyl oxalates were determined. The liquid esters were crystallized using the cryocrystallization technique. A comparison of the intermolecular interactions and packing features in these crystal structures was carried out. The crystal structure of dimethyl oxalate was redetermined at various temperatures. The other compounds were also studied at several temperatures in order to assess the attractive nature of the hydrogen bonds therein. A number of moderate to well defined C-H center dot center dot center dot O interactions account for the higher melting points of the two solid esters. Additionally, a diminished entropic contribution Delta S(m) in di-tert-butyl oxalate possibly increases the melting point of this compound further.