133 resultados para spacing


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The experimental results of delay time of a vacuum gap triggered by an exploding wire plasma have been reported. It consists of explosion delay time and propagation delay time. The explosion delay time has been found to be dependent on the parameters of the exploding wire and the exploding wire circuit and is independent of vacuum gap configuration. The propagation delay time depends on the properties of the exploding wire plasma and vacuum gap parameters such as the number of injection slots, gap spacing, gap polarity, etc. In the absence of prebreakdown current in the vacuum gap, the breakdown can be initiated only after the plasma completely bridges the gap spacing. Under this specific condition, it has been shown that the delay time data can be used to calculate the plasma velocity.


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A simple moire method for the direct measurement of refractive indices is presented. The change of magnification and/or distortion of the image of a linear grating when viewed through a refractive index field is amplified by means of moire fringes and is measured directly. Relations between the index of refraction and fringe spacing are derived and have been verified experimentally.


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Dendrite structures of ice produced on undirectional solidification of ternary and quaternary aqueous solutions have been studied. Upon freezing, solutions containing more than one solute produce plate-shaped dendrites of ice. The spacing between dendrites increase linearly with the distance from the chill surface and the square root of local solidification time (or square root of inverse freezing rate) for any fixed composition. For fixed freezing conditions, the dendrite spacings from multicomponent aqueous solutions were a function of the concentrations and diffusion coefficients of the individual solutes. The dendrite spacing produced by freezing of a solution was changed by the addition of a solute different from those already present. If the main diffusion coefficient of the added solute is higher than that of solutes already present, the dendrite spacing is increased and vice versa. The dendrite spacing in multi-component systems increases with the total solute concentration if the constituent solutes are present in equal amounts. The dendrite spacing obtained on freezing of these dilute multicomponent solutions can be expressed by regression equations of the type Image Full-size image (2K) where L is the dendrite spacing in microns, C1, C2 and C3 are concentrations of individual solutes, Θf is the total freezing time and A1 −A8 are constants. A Yates analysis of the dendrite spacings in a factorial design of quaternary solutions indicates that there are strong interactions between individual solutes in regard to their effect on the dendrite spacings. A mass transport analysis has been used to calculate the interdendritic supersaturation ΔC of the individual solutes, the supercooling in the interdendritic liquid ΔT, and the transverse growth velocity of the dendrites, VT. In ternary solutions if two solutes are present in equal amount the supersaturation of the solute with higher main diffusion coefficient is lower, and vice versa. If a solute with higher main diffusion coefficient is added to a binary solution, the interface growth velocity, the interdendritic supersaturation of the base solute and the interdendritic supercooling increase with the quantity of solute added.


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Aqueous solutions of sodium chloride were solidified under the influence of magnetic and electrical fields using two different freezing systems. In the droplet system, small droplets of the solution are introduced in an organic liquid column at −20°C which acts as the heat sink. In the unidirectional freezing system the solutions are poured into a tygon tube mounted on a copper chill, maintained at −70°C, from which the freezing initiates. Application of magnetic fields caused an increase in the spacing and promoted side branching of primary ice dendrites in the droplet freezing system, but had no measurable effect on the dendrites formed in the unidirectional freezing system. The range of electric fields applied in this investigation had no measurable effect on the dendritic structure. Possible interactions between external magnetic and electrical fields have been reviewed and it is suggested that the selective effect of magnetic fields on dendrite spacings in a droplet system could be due to a change in the nucleation behaviour of the solution in the presence of a magnetic field.


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Measurements of small phase shifts by double-exposure holographic interferometry are facilitated, and ambiguities in the sign of the phase shift eliminated, by introducing a background pattern of interference fringes. A simple and reliable optical system for this purpose utilizing a rotating wedge is described, with which fringes of any desired orientation and spacing can conveniently be obtained. It is shown how this system can be used under certain conditions for measurements of small mechanical deformations.


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Al-10.98 pct Si-4.9 pct Ni ternary eutectic alloy was unidirectionally solidified at growth rates from 1.39μm/sec to 6.95μm/sec. Binary Al-Ni and Al-Si eutectics prepared from the same purity metals were also solidified under similar conditions to characterize the growth conditions under the conditions of present study. NiAl3 phase appeared as fibers in the binary Al-Ni eutectic and silicon appeared as irregular plates in the binary Al-Si eutectic. However, in the ternary Al-Si-Ni eutectic alloy both NiAl3 and silicon phases appeared as irregular plates dispersed in α-Al phase, without any regular repctitive arrangement. The size and spacing of NiAl3 and Si platelets in cone shaped colonies decreased with an increase in the growth rate of the ternary eutectic. Examination of specimen quenched during unidirectional solidification indicated that the ternary eutectic grows with a non-planar interface with both Si and NiAl3 phases protruding into the liquid. It is concluded that it will be difficult to grow regular ternary eutectic structures even if only one phase has a high entropy of melting. The tensile strength and modulus of unidirectionally solidified Al-Si-Ni eutectic was lower than the chill cast alloys of the same composition, and decreased with a decrease in growth rate. Tensile modulus and strength of ternary Al-Si-Ni eutectic alloys was greater than binary Al-Si eutectic alloy under similar growth conditions, both in the chill cast and in unidirectionally solidified conditions.


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A rough hydrophobic surface when immersed in water can result in a ``Cassie'' state of wetting in which the water is in contact with both the solid surface and the entrapped air. The sustainability of the entrapped air on such surfaces is important for underwater applications such as reduction of flow resistance in microchannels and drag reduction of submerged bodies such as hydrofoils. We utilize an optical technique based oil total internal reflection of light at the water-air interface to quantify the spatial distribution of trapped air oil such a surface and its variation with immersion time. With this technique, we evaluate the sustainability of the Cassie state on hydrophobic surfaces with four different kinds of textures. The textures studied are regular arrays of pillars, ridges, and holes that were created in silicon by a wet etching technique, and also a texture of random craters that was obtained through electrodischarge machining of aluminum. These surfaces were rendered hydrophobic with a self-assembled layer Of fluorooctyl trichlorosilane. Depending on the texture, the size and shape of the trapped air pockets were found to vary. However, irrespective of the texture, both the size and the number of air pockets were found to decrease with time gradually and eventually disappear, suggesting that the sustainability of the ``Cassie'' state is finite for all the microstructures Studied. This is possibly due to diffusion of air from the trapped air pockets into the water. The time scale for disappearance of air pockets was found to depend on the kind of microstructure and the hydrostatic pressure at the water-air interface. For the surface with a regular array of pillars, the air pockets were found to be in the form of a thin layer perched on top of the pillars with a large lateral extent compared to the spacing between pillars. For other surfaces studied, the air pockets are smaller and are of the same order as the characteristic length scale of the texture. Measurements for the surface with holes indicate that the time for air-pocket disappearance reduces as the hydrostatic pressure is increased.


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The subspace intersection method (SIM) provides unbiased bearing estimates of multiple acoustic sources in a range-independent shallow ocean using a one-dimensional search without prior knowledge of source ranges and depths. The original formulation of this method is based on deployment of a horizontal linear array of hydrophones which measure acoustic pressure. In this paper, we extend SIM to an array of acoustic vector sensors which measure pressure as well as all components of particle velocity. Use of vector sensors reduces the minimum number of sensors required by a factor of 4, and also eliminates the constraint that the intersensor spacing should not exceed half wavelength. The additional information provided by the vector sensors leads to performance enhancement in the form of lower estimation error and higher resolution.


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In the presence of ATP, recA protein forms a presynaptic complex with single-stranded DNA that is an obligatory intermediate in homologous pairing. Presynaptic complexes of recA protein and circular single strands that are active in forming joint molecules can be isolated by gel filtration. These isolated active complexes are nucleoprotein filaments with the following characteristics: (i) a contour length that is at least 1.5 times that of the corresponding duplex DNA molecule, (ii) an ordered structure visualized by negative staining as a striated filament with a repeat distance of 9.0 nm and a width of 9.3 nm, (iii) approximately 8 molecules of recA protein and 20 nucleotide residues per striation. The widened spacing between bases in the nucleoprotein filament means that the initial matching of complementary sequences must involve intertwining of the filament and duplex DNA, unwinding of the latter, or some combination of both to equalize the spacing between nascent base pairs. These experiments support the concept that recA protein first forms a filament with single-stranded DNA, which in turn binds to duplex DNA to mediate both homologous pairing and subsequent strand exchange.


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The conformation, organization, and phase transitions of alkyl chains in organic-inorganic hybrids based on the double pervoskite-slab lead iodides, (CH3NH3)(CH3(CH2)(n)NH3)(2)Pb2I7 (n = 11, 13, 15, 17) have been investigated by X-ray diffraction, calorimetry, and infrared vibrational spectroscopy. In these hybrid solids, double pervoskite (CH3NH3)Pb2I7 slabs are interleaved with alkyl ammonium chains with the anchored alkyl chains arranged as tilted bilayers and adopting a planar all-trans conformation at room temperature. The (CH3NH3)(CH3(CH2)(n)NH3)(2)Pb2I7 compounds exhibit a single reversible phase transition above room temperature with the associated enthalpy change varying linearly with alkyl chain length. This transition corresponds to the melting in two-dimensions of the alkyl chains of the anchored bilayer and is characterized by increased conformational disorder of the methylene units of the chain and loss of tilt angle coherence leading to an increase in the interslab spacing. By monitoring features in the infrared spectra that are characteristic of the global conformation of the alkyl chains, a quantitative relation between conformational disorder and melting of the anchored bilayer is established. It is found that, irrespective of the alkyl chain length, melting occurs when at least 60% of the chains in the anchored bilayer of (CH3NH3)(CH3(CH2)(n)NH3)(2)Pb2I7 have one or more gauche defects. This concentration is determined by the underlying lattice to which the alkyl chains are anchored.


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The thermally driven Structural phase transition in the organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4 has been investigated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. This system consists of positively charged alkyl-amine chains anchored to a rigid negatively charged PbI4 sheet with the chains organized as bilayers with a herringbone arrangement. Atomistic simulations were performed using ail isothermal-isobaric ensemble over a wide temperature range from 65 to 665 K for different alkyl chain lengths, n = 12, 14, 16, and 18. The simulations are able to reproduce the essential Features of the experimental observations of this system, including the existence of a transition, the linear variation of the transition temperature with alkyl chain length, and the expansion of the bilayer thickness at the transition. By use of the distance fluctuation Criteria, it is Shown that the transition is associated With a Melting of the alkyl chains of the anchored bilayer. Ail analysis of the conformation of the alkyl chains shows increased disorder in the form of gauche defects above due melting transition. Simulations also show that the melting transition is characterized by the complete disappearance of all-trans alkyl chains in the anchored bilayer, in agreement with experimental observations. A conformationally disordered chain has a larger effective cross-sectional area, and above due transition a uniformly tilted arrangement of the anchored chains call no longer be Sustained. At the melt the angular distribution of the orientation of the chains are 110 longer uniform; the chains are splayed allowing for increased space for individual chains of the anchored bilayer. This is reflected in a sharp rise in the ratio of the mean head-to-head to tail-to-tail distance of the chains of the bilayer at the transition resulting in in expansion of the bilayer thickness. The present MD simulations provide a simple explanation as to how changes in conformation of individual alkyl-chains gives rise to the observed increase in the interlayer lattice spacing of (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4 at the melting transition.


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Synchronising bushcricket males achieve synchrony by delaying their chirps in response to calling neighbours. In multi-male choruses, males that delay chirps in response to all their neighbours would remain silent most of the time and be unable to attract mates. This problem could be overcome if the afferent auditory system exhibited selective attention, and thus a male interacted only with a subset of neighbours. We investigated whether individuals of the bushcricket genus Mecopoda restricted their attention to louder chirps neurophysiologically, behaviourally and through spacing. We found that louder leading chirps were preferentially represented in the omega neuron but the representation of softer following chirps was not completely abolished. Following chirps that were 20 dB louder than leading chirps were better represented than leading chirps. During acoustic interactions, males synchronised with leading chirps even when the following chirps were 20 dB louder. Males did not restrict their attention to louder chirps during interactions but were affected by all chirps above a particular threshold. In the field, we found that males on average had only one or two neighbours whose calls were above this threshold. Selective attention is thus achieved in this bushcricket through spacing rather than neurophysiological filtering of softer signals.


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Synchronising bushcricket males achieve synchrony by delaying their chirps in response to calling neighbours. In multi-male choruses, males that delay chirps in response to all their neighbours would remain silent most of the time and be unable to attract mates. This problem could be overcome if the afferent auditory system exhibited selective attention, and thus a male interacted only with a subset of neighbours. We investigated whether individuals of the bushcricket genus Mecopoda restricted their attention to louder chirps neurophysiologically, behaviourally and through spacing. We found that louder leading chirps were preferentially represented in the omega neuron but the representation of softer following chirps was not completely abolished. Following chirps that were 20 dB louder than leading chirps were better represented than leading chirps. During acoustic interactions, males synchronised with leading chirps even when the following chirps were 20 dB louder. Males did not restrict their attention to louder chirps during interactions but were affected by all chirps above a particular threshold. In the field, we found that males on average had only one or two neighbours whose calls were above this threshold. Selective attention is thus achieved in this bushcricket through spacing rather than neurophysiological filtering of softer signals.


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In uplink OFDMA, carrier frequency offsets (CFO) and/or timing offsets (TO) of other users with respect to a desired user can cause multiuser interference (MUI). In practical uplink OFDMA systems (e.g., IEEE 802.16e standard), effect of this MUI is made acceptably small by requiring that frequency/timing alignment be achieved at the receiver with high precision (e.g., CFO must be within 1 % of the subcarrier spacing and TO must be within 1/8th of the cyclic prefix duration in IEEE 802.16e), which is realized using complex closed-loop frequency/timing correction between the transmitter and the receiver. An alternate open-loop approach to handle the MUI induced by large CFOs and TOs is to employ interference cancellation techniques at the receiver. In this paper, we first analytically characterize the degradation in the average output signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) due to the combined effect of large CFOs and TOs in uplink OFDMA. We then propose a parallel interference canceller (PIC) for the mitigation of interference due to CFOs and TOs in this system. We show that the proposed PIC effectively mitigates the performance loss due to CFO/TO induced interference in uplink OFDMA.


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The Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a form of Multi-Carrier Modulation where the data stream is transmitted over a number of carriers which are orthogonal to each other i.e. the carrier spacing is selected such that each carrier is located at the zeroes of all other carriers in the spectral domain. This paper proposes a new novel iterative frequency offset estimation algorithm for an OFDM system in order to receive the OFDM data symbols error-free over the noisy channel at the receiver and to achieve frequency synchronization between the transmitter and the receiver. The performance of this algorithm has been studied in AWGN, ADSL and SUI channels successfully.