404 resultados para single molecules


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The ability of E coli recA protein to promote homologous pairing with linear duplex DNA bound to HU protein (Nucleosome cores) was found to be differentially affected. The formation of paranemic joint molecules was not affected whereas the formation of plectomic joint molecules was inhibited from the start of the reaction. The formation of paranemic joint molecules between nucleoprotein filaments of recA protein-circular single stranded DNA and closed circular duplex DNA is believed to generate positive supercoiling in the duplex DNA. We found that the positively superhelical duplex DNA was inert in the formation of joint molecules but could be converted into an active substrate, in situ, by the action of wheat germ topoisomerase I. These observations initiate an understanding of the structural features of E coli chromosome such as DNA supercoiling and nucleosome-like structures in homologous recombination.


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Four new 5-aminoisophthalates of cobalt and nickel have been prepared employing hydro/solvothermal methods: [Co2(C8H5NO4)2(C4H4N2)(H2O)2]·3H2O (I), [Ni2(C8H5NO4)2(C4H4N2)(H2O)2]·3H2O (II), [Co2(H2O)(μ3-OH)2(C8H5NO4)] (III), and [Ni2(H2O)(μ3-OH)2(C8H5NO4)] (IV). Compounds I and II are isostructural, having anion-deficient CdCl2 related layers bridged by a pyrazine ligand, giving rise to a bilayer arrangement. Compounds III and IV have one-dimensional M−O(H)−M chains connected by the 5-aminoisophthalate units forming a three-dimensional structure. The coordinated as well as the lattice water molecules of I and II could be removed and inserted by simple heating−cooling cycles under the atmospheric conditions. The removal of the coordinated water molecule is accompanied by changes in the coordination environment around the M2+ (M = Co, Ni) and color of the samples (purple to blue, Co; green to dark yellow, Ni). This change has been examined by a variety of techniques that include in situ single crystal to single crystal transformation studies and in situ IR and UV−vis spectroscopic studies. Magnetic studies indicate antiferromagnetic behavior in I and II, a field-induced magnetism in III, and a canted antiferromagnetic behavior in IV.


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Two binuclear copper(II) complexes one (complex 1) with a macrocyclic ligand (H(2)L1) and other (complex 2) with a macroacyclic (end-off type) compartmental ligand (HL2) have been synthesized from single pot template synthesis involving copper(II) nitrate, 1,2diaminoethane, 4-methyl-2,6-diformylphenol, and sodium azide. Structure analysis of complex I reveals that there are actually two half molecules present in the asymmetric unit and so two complexes (molecule-I and molecule-II) are present in unit cell, although they show slight differences. The two Cu(II) centers are in distorted square pyramidal coordination environment with two endogenous phenoxo bridges provided by the phenolate of H(2)L1 I having Cu-Cu separations of 2.9133(10) angstrom and 2.9103(10) in the two molecules. In complex 2 the coordination environments around two Cu(II) centers are asymmetric, Cu1 is in distorted square pyramidal environment whereas, the coordination environment around Cu2 is distorted octahedral. The two Cu(II) centers in complex 2 are connected by two different kinds of bridges, one is endogenous phenoxo bridge provided by the phenolate of the ligand HL2 and the other is exogenous azido bridge (mu-(1),(l) type) with Cu-Cu distance of 3.032(10) angstrom. Variable temperature magnetic studies show that two Cu(II) centers in both the complexes are strongly antiferromagnetically coupled with J = -625 +/- 5 cm(-1) and J = -188.6 +/- 1cm(-1) for complex 1 and 2, respectively. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Enrichment of metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) has been accomplished by several means, including new extraction and synthetic procedures and by interaction with metal nanoparticles as well as electron donor molecules. In the presence of Fe(CO)(5) the arc discharge method yields nearly pure metallic nanotubes. Fluorous chemistry involving the preferential diazotization of metallic SWNTs offers a good procedure of obtaining the pure metallic species. Interaction of gold or platinum nanoparticles as well as of electron-donor molecules such as aniline and tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) transform semiconducting SWNTs into metallic ones. Raman and electroni spectroscopies provide ideal means to monitor enrichment of metallic SWNTs.


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Raman spectra of single crystals of adipic and sebacic acids have been photographed for the first time using λ 2537 excitation. The spectra have been divided into four regions: (a) internal frequencies; (b) summations and overtones; (c) external vibrations; and (d) low-frequency hydrogen bond oscillations. Tentative correlations have been given for all the internal frequencies and summations and overtones. A series of diffuse weak bands observed in the spectra of both these acids in the not, vert, similar2400–2800 cm−1 have been explained as a superposition of O---H frequencies lowered due to hydrogen bond formation over the summations and overtones of fundamentals mainly in the not, vert, similar1000–1500 cm−1 region. Rotatory type of external oscillations of the two formula units of these molecules in their unit cells have been identified at 76, 99, 118 and 165 cm−1 in adipic acid and 66, 95, 117 and 177 cm−1 in the spectrum of sebacic acid. A brief discussion of the low frequency hydrogen bond vibrations in these acids has been made. Making use of the Lippincott—Schroeder potential and assuming a highly anharmonic potential curve for the hydrogen bond, the vibrational frequencies of the bond have been theoretically evaluated. There is very good agreement between these and the experimental values. The results for adipic acid in cm−1 are: 304 (0 → 1), 270 (1 → 2), 241 (2 → 3), 222 (3 → 4) 201 (4 → 5), 183 (5 → 6). In the case of sebacic acid some of the intermediate and higher transitions are absent in the spectrum recorded by the author. From the above data for adipic acid the dissociation energy of the hydrogen bond was evaluated as 5·9 kcal/mole in fair agreement with the values derived from conventional methods.


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Raman spectra of single crystals of β-malonic acid and β-succinic acid have been photographed using λ 2536·5 radiation. 32 Raman lines have been recorded in the case of β-malonic acid. Of these 21 lines have been recorded for the first time. The three intense lattice lines at 52, 90 and 144 cm.-1 have been attributed to rotational lattice oscillations. 29 Raman lines in the case of β-succinic acid have been recorded. The entire lattice spectrum and many internal frequencies have been recorded for the first time. The three intense lattice lines at 80, 135 and 160 cm.-1 have been assigned to the rotational oscillations of the two molecules of the succinic acid in the unit cell.


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We report a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study of confined water inside similar to 1.4 nm diameter single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). We show that the confined water does not freeze even up to 223 K. A pulse field gradient (PFG) NMR method is used to determine the mean squared displacement (MSD) of the water molecules inside the nanotubes at temperatures below 273 K, where the bulk water outside the nanotubes freezes and hence does not contribute to the proton NMR signal. We show that the mean squared displacement varies as the square root of time, predicted for single-file diffusion in a one-dimensional channel. We propose a qualitative understanding of our results based on available molecular dynamics simulations.


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We use atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to study the diffusion of water molecules confined inside narrow (6,6) carbon nanorings. The water molecules form two oppositely polarized chains. It is shown that the effective interaction between these two chains is repulsive in nature. The computed mean-squared displacement (MSD) clearly shows a scaling with time similar to t(1/2), which is consistent with single-file diffusion (SFD). The time up to which the water molecules undergo SFD is shown to be the lifetime of the water molecules inside these chains. Simulations of "uncharged" water molecules inside the nanoring show the formation of several water chains and yield SFD. These observations conclusively prove that the diffusion is Fickian when there is a single chain of water and SFD is observed only when two or more chains are present.


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We investigate the dielectric response of single-walled carbon nanotubes dispersed in poly(vinyl alcohol) matrix by using terahertz time domain spectroscopy. Frequency-dependent real and imaginary parts of the complex dielectric function are measured experimentally in the terahertz regime. The low-frequency phonons of carbon nanotubes, though predicted theoretically, are directly observed for the first time at frequencies 0.26, 0.60, and 0.85 THz. Further, a broad resonance is observed at 1.15 THz associated with the longitudinal acoustic mode of vibration of straight-chain segments of the long polymeric molecules in the film. The latter is observed at 1.24 THz for a pristine polymer film and has been used to derive the size of crystalline lamellae in the film.


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The crystal structures of two forms of Mycobacterium leprae single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) have been determined at 2.05 and 2.8 A resolution. Comparison of these structures with the structures of other eubacterial SSBs indicates considerable variation in their quaternary association, although the DNA-binding domains in all of them exhibit the same OB-fold. This variation has no linear correlation with sequence variation, but could be related to variation in protein stability. Molecular-dynamics simulations have been carried out on tetrameric molecules derived from the two forms and the prototype Escherichia coli SSB and the individual subunits of both proteins. Together, the X-ray studies and molecular-dynamics simulations yield information on the relatively rigid and flexible regions of the molecule and on the effect of oligomerization on flexibility. The simulations provide insight into the changes in subunit structure on oligomerization. They also provide insight into the stability and time evolution of the hydrogen bonds/water bridges that connect the two pairs of monomers in the tetramer.


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Photoluminescence and Raman scattering experiments have been carried out on single crystals of C70 up to 31 GPa to investigate the effect of pressure on the optical band gap, vibrational modes and stability of the molecule. The photoluminescence band shifts to lower energies and the pressure dependence of the band maxima yields the hydrostatic deformation potential to be 2.15 eV. The slope changes in the pressure dependence of peak positions and linewidths of the Raman modes associated with the intramolecular vibrations at 1 GPa mark the known face-centred cubic-->rhombohedral orientational ordering transition. The reversible amorphization in C70 at P > 20 GPa has been compared with the irreversible amorphization in C60 at P > 22 GPa in terms of carbon-carbon distance between the neighbouring molecules at the threshold transition pressures, in conjunction with the interplay between the intermolecular and intramolecular interactions.


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C-70 films deposited on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), Ag(110), Ag(111) and Pt(110) substrates have been investigated by scanning tunnelling microscopy. Interesting observations on novel molecular arrangements, as well as orientational disorder, are presented. Solid solutions of C-60 and C-70 show interesting packing of these molecules when deposited on HOPG.


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Vapor-phase pyrolysis of Fe(CO)(5) in the presence of another carbon source such as CO or Ca He yields iron-filled or hollow nanotubes depending on the relative concentration of the carbon source. Essentially single-walled nanotubes are obtained when the C6H6/Fe(CO)(5) ratio is high. Pyrolysis of metallocenes yields metal-filled nanotubes and hollow nanotubes are obtained when metallocenes are pyrolyzed along with benzene. Metal-decorated nanotubes are also obtained by this method.


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Molecular wires of charge transfer molecules were formed by co-evaporating the 7 7 8 8-Tetracyanoquinodimethane [TCNQ] (acceptor) and Tetrathiafulvalene [TTF] (donor) molecules across prefabricated metal electrodes. Molecular wires of TTF TCNQ were also formed by evaporating single complex of TTF:TCNQ across prefabricated metal electrodes The prefabricated metal electrodes were made using electron beam lithography on SiO2 and glass cover slip substrates. Even though TTF: TCNQ wires grown from both co-evaporation and evaporation techniques show semiconductor like behavior in temperature dependence of resistance they show different activation energies due the difference in stoichiometry of TTF and TCNQ.


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Two copper-containing compounds [Cu(3)(mu(3)-OH)(2)-(H(2)O)(2){(SO(3))-C(6)H(3)-(COO)(2)}(CH(3)COO)] , I, and [Cu(5)(mu(3)-OH)(2)(H(2)O)(6){(NO(2))-C(6)H(3)-(COO)(2)}(4)]center dot 5H(2)O, II, were prepared using sulphoisophthalic and nitroisophthalic acids. The removal of the coordinated water molecules in the compounds was investigated using in situ single crystal to single crystal (SCSC) transformation studies, temperature-dependent powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The efficacy of SCSC transformation studies were established by the observation of dimensionality cross-over from a two-dimensional (I) to a three-dimensional structure, Cu(6)(mu(3)-OH)(4){(SO(3))-C(6)H(3)-(COO)(2)}(2)(CH(3)COO)(2), Ia, during the removal of the coordinated water molecules. Compound H exhibited a structural reorganization forming Cu(5)(mu(2)-OH)(2){(NO(2))C(6)H(3)-(COO)(2))(4)], Ha, possessing trimeric (Cu(3)O(12)) and dimeric (Cu(2)O(8)) copper clusters. The PXRD studies indicate that the three-dimensional structure (Ia) is transient and unstable, reverting back to the more stable two-dimensional structure (I) on cooling to room temperature. Compound Ha appears to be more stable at room temperature. The rehydration/dehydration studies using a modified TGA setup suggest complete rehydration of the water molecules, indicating that the water molecules in both compounds are labile. A possible model for the observed changes in the structures has been proposed. Magnetic studies indicate changes in the exchanges between the copper centers in Ha, whereas no such behavior was observed in Ia.