150 resultados para satellite rna


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tRNA isolated from escherichia-coli grown in a medium containing [75Se] sodium selenosulfate was converted to nucleosides and analysed for selenonucleosides on a phosphocellulose column. Upon chromatography of the nucleosides on phosphocellulose column, the radioactivity resolved into three peaks. The first peak consisted of free selenium and traces of undigested nucleotides. The second peak was identified as 4-selenouridine by co-chromatographing with an authentic sample of 4-selenouridine. The identity of the third peak was not established. The second and third peaks represented 93% and 7% of the selenium present in nucleosides respectively.


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tRNA isolated from . grown in a medium containing [75Se] sodium selenosulfate was converted to nucleosides and analysed for selenonucleosides on a phosphocellulose column. Upon chromatography of the nucleosides on phosphocellulose column, the radioactivity resolved into three peaks. The first peak consisted of free selenium and traces of undigested nucleotides. The second peak was identified as 4-selenouridine by co-chromatographing with an authentic sample of 4-selenouridine. The identity of the third peak was not established. The second and third peaks represented 93% and 7% of the selenium present in nucleosides respectively.


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The behaviour of the slotted ALOHA satellite channel with a finite buffer at each of the user terminals is studied. Approximate relationships between the queuing delay, overflow probabilities and buffer size are derived as functions of the system input parameters (i.e. the number of users, the traffic intensity, the transmission and the retransmission probabilities) for two cases found in the literature: the symmetric case (same transmission and retransmission probabilities), and the asymmetric case (transmission probability far greater than the retransmission probability). For comparison, the channel performance with an infinite buffer is also derived. Additionally, the stability condition for the system is defined in the latter case. The analysis carried out in the paper reveals that the queuing delays are quite significant, especially under high traffic conditions.


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Isolated nuclei from differentiating cultures of Nicotiana sanderae showed increased levels of RNA polymerase activity as compared to the nuclei from callus cultures. The RNA synthetic activity was dependent on nucleotide triphosphates and Mg2+ and was destroyed by RNase. Maximum activity was obtained in the presence of 50 mM (NH4)2 SO4 and α-amanitin inhibited 40% and 55% of the activity in the nuclei from callus and differentiating tissue respectively. The nuclei from differentiating tissue elicited a 3-fold increase in RNA polymerase I and a 4-fold augmentation in RNA polymerase II activities.


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It has long been thought that tropical rainfall retrievals from satellites have large errors. Here we show, using a new daily 1 degree gridded rainfall data set based on about 1800 gauges from the India Meteorology Department (IMD), that modern satellite estimates are reasonably close to observed rainfall over the Indian monsoon region. Daily satellite rainfalls from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP 1DD) and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) are available since 1998. The high summer monsoon (June-September) rain over the Western Ghats and Himalayan foothills is captured in TMPA data. Away from hilly regions, the seasonal mean and intraseasonal variability of rainfall (averaged over regions of a few hundred kilometers linear dimension) from both satellite products are about 15% of observations. Satellite data generally underestimate both the mean and variability of rain, but the phase of intraseasonal variations is accurate. On synoptic timescales, TMPA gives reasonable depiction of the pattern and intensity of torrential rain from individual monsoon low-pressure systems and depressions. A pronounced biennial oscillation of seasonal total central India rain is seen in all three data sets, with GPCP 1DD being closest to IMD observations. The new satellite data are a promising resource for the study of tropical rainfall variability.


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Two methionyl-transfer RNA synthetases (A and B forms) have been isolated from Image . The homogeneous preparations of the enzymes showed 1500 fold increase in specific activity in aminoacylation of methionine specific tRNA. The A and B forms differed in their specificity of aminoacylation of tRNAmMet and tRNAfMet; enzyme B exhibited much higher specificity for tRNAfMet. The molecular activities of A and B enzymes for aminoacid and tRNA were identical. The turnover number for aminoacid was 27 fold greater than that for tRNA, while the Km values for tRNA were lower by a factor of 106 as compared to the aminoacid. Both the enzymes catalysed ATP-pyrophosphate exchange reaction to the same extent.


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An optimal pitch steering programme of a solid-fuel satellite launch vehicle to maximize either (1) the injection velocity at a given altitude, or (2) the size of circular orbit, for a given payload is presented. The two-dimensional model includes the rotation of atmosphere with the Earth, the vehicle's lift and drag, variation of thrust with time and altitude, inverse-square gravitational field, and the specified initial vertical take-off. The inequality constraints on the aerodynamic load, control force, and turning rates are also imposed. Using the properties of the central force motion the terminal constraint conditions at coast apogee are transferred to the penultimate stage burnout. Such a transformation converts a time-free problem into a time-fixed one, reduces the number of terminal constraints, improves accuracy, besides demanding less computer memory and time. The adjoint equations are developed in a compact matrix form. The problem is solved on an IBM 360/44 computer using a steepest ascent algorithm. An illustrative analysis of a typical launch vehicle establishes the speed of convergence, and accuracy and applicability of the algorithm.


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The 3prime terminal 1255nt sequence of Physalis mottle virus (PhMV) genomic RNA has been determined from a set of overlapping cDNA clones. The open reading frame (ORF) at the 3prime terminus corresponds to the amino acid sequence of the coat protein (CP) determined earlier except for the absence of the dipeptide, Lys-Leu, at position 110-111. In addition, the sequence upstream of the CP gene contains the message coding for 178 amino acid residues of the C-terminus of the putative replicase protein (RP). The sequence downstream of the CP gene contains an untranslated region whose terminal 80 nucleotides can be folded into a characteristic tRNA-like structure. A phylogenetic tree constructed after aligning separately the sequence of the CP, the replicase protein (RP) and the tRNA-like structure determined in this study with the corresponding sequences of other tymoviruses shows that PhMV wrongly named belladonna mottle virus [BDMV(I)] is a separate tymovirus and not another strain of BDMV(E) as originally envisaged. The phylogenetic tree in all the three cases is identical showing that any subset of genomic sequence of sufficient length can be used for establishing evolutionary relationships among tymoviruses.


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Obtaining pure mRNA preparations from prokaryotes has been difficult, if not impossible, for want of a poly(A) tail on these messages, We have used poly(A) polymerase from yeast to effect specific polyadenylation of Escherichia coli polysomal mRNA in the presence of magnesium and manganese, The polyadenylated total mRNA, which could be subsequently purified by binding to and elution from oligo(dT) beads, had a size range of 0.4-4.0 kb. We have used hybridization to a specific plasmid-encoded gene to further confirm that the polyadenylated species represented mRNA, Withdrawal of Mg2+ from the polyadenylation reaction rRNA despite the presence of Mn2+, indicating the vital role of Mg2+ in maintaining the native structure of polysomes, Complete dissociation of polysomes into ribosomal subunits resulted in quantitative polyadenylation of both 16S and 23S rRNA species, Chromosomal lacZ gene-derived messages were quantitatively recovered in the oligo(dT)-bound fraction, as demonstrated by RT-PCR analysis, Potential advantages that accrue from the availability of pure total mRNA from prokaryotes is discussed.


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Sequence specific interaction between DNA and protein molecules has been a subject of active investigation for decades now. Here, we have chosen single promoter containing bacteriophage Delta D-III T7 DNA and Escherichia coli RNA polymerase and followed their recognition at the air-water interface by using the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technique, where the movement of one of the reacting species is restricted by way of arraying them on an immobilized support. For the Langmuir monolayer studies, we used a RNA polymerase with a histidine tag attached to one of its subunits, thus making it an xcellent substrate for Ni(II) ions, while the SPR Studies were done using biotin-labeled DNA immobilized on a streptavidin-coated chip. Detailed analysis of the thermodynamic parameters as a function of concentration and temperature revealed that the interaction of RNA polymerase with T7 DNA is largely entropy driven (83 (+/- 12) kcal mol(-1)) with a positive enthalpy of 13.6 (+/- 3.6) kcal mol(-1), The free energy of reaction determined by SPR and Langmuir-Blodgett technique was -11 (+/- 2) and -15.6 kcal mol(-1), respectively. The ability of these methods to retain the specificity of the recognition process was also established.


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Purified rinderpest virus was earlier shown to transcribe in vitro, all virus-specific mRNAs with the promoter-proximal N mRNA being the most abundant. Presently, this transcription system has been shown to synthesize full length monocistronic mRNAs comparable to those made in infected cells. Small quantities of bi- and tricistronic mRNAs are also synthesized. Rinderpest virus synthesizes in vitro, a leader RNA of not, vert, similar 55 nucleotides in length. Purified rinderpest virus also exhibits RNA editing activity during the synthesis of P mRNA as shown by primer extension analysis of the mRNA products.


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In vitro transcription analysis is important to understand the mechanism of transcription. Various assays for the analysis of initiation, elongation and termination form the basis for better understanding of the process. Purified RNA polymerase (RNAP) with high specific activity is necessary to carry out variety of these specific reactions. The RNAP purified from Mycobacterium smegmatis from exponential phase showed low promoter specificity in promoter-polymerase interaction studies. This is due to the presence of a large number of sigma factors during exponential phase and under-representation of sigma(A) required for house-keeping transcription. We describe an in vivo reconstitution of RNAP holoenzyme with sigma(A) and its purification, which resulted in holoenzyme with stoichiometric sigma(A) content. The reconstituted holoenzyme showed enhanced promoter-specific binding and promoter-specific-transcription activity compared to the enzyme isolated using standard procedure. Such in vivo reconstitution of stoichiometric holoenzyme could facilitate promoter-specific transcription assays, especially in organisms which encode a large number of sigma factors.


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One of the most important modes of summer season precipitation variability over the Indian region, the diurnal cycle, is studied using the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission 3-hourly, 0.25 degrees x 0.25 degrees 3B42 rainfall product for nine years (1999-2007). Most previous studies have provided an analysis of a single year or a few years of satellite-or station-based rainfall data. Our study aims to systematically analyze the statistical characteristics of the diurnal-scale signature of rainfall over the Indian and surrounding regions. Using harmonic analysis, we extract the signal corresponding to diurnal and subdiurnal variability. Subsequently, the 3-hourly time period or the octet of rainfall peak for this filtered signal, referred to as the ``peak octet,'' is estimated, with care taken to eliminate spurious peaks arising out of Gibbs oscillations. Our analysis suggests that over the Bay of Bengal, there are three distinct modes of the peak octet of diurnal rainfall corresponding to 1130, 1430, and 1730 Indian standard time (IST), from the north central to south bay. This finding could be seen to be consistent with southward propagation of the diurnal rainfall pattern reported by earlier studies. Over the Arabian Sea, there is a spatially coherent pattern in the mode of the peak octet (1430 IST), in a region where it rains for more than 30% of the time. In the equatorial Indian Ocean, while most of the western part shows a late night/early morning peak, the eastern part does not show a spatially coherent pattern in the mode of the peak octet owing to the occurrence of a ual maxima (early morng and early/late afternoon). The imalayan foothills were found to have a mode of peak octet corresponding to 0230 IST, whereas over the Burmese mountains and the Western Ghats (west coast of India) the rainfall peaks during late afternoon/early evening (1430-1730 IST). This implies that the phase of the diurnal cycle over inland orography (e. g., Himalayas) is significantly different from coastal orography (e. g., Western Ghats). We also find that over the Gangetic plains, the peak octet is around 1430 IST, a few hours earlier compared to the typical early evening maxima over land.


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Anti-sigma factors Escherichia coli Rsd and bacteriophage T4 AsiA bind to the essential housekeeping sigma factor, sigma(70), of E. coli. Though both factors are known to interact with the C-terminal region of sigma(70), the physiological consequences of these interactions are very different. This study was undertaken for the purpose of deciphering the mechanisms by which E. coli Rsd and bacteriophage T4 AsiA inhibit or modulate the activity of E. coli RNA polymerase, which leads to the inhibition of E. coli cell growth to different amounts. It was found that AsiA is the more potent inhibitor of in vivo transcription and thus causes higher inhibition of E. coli cell growth. Measurements of affinity constants by surface plasmon resonance experiments showed that Rsd and AsiA bind to or 70 with similar affinity. Data obtained from in vivo and in vitro binding experiments clearly demonstrated that the major difference between AsiA and Rsd is the ability of AsiA to form a stable ternary complex with RNA polymerase. The binding patterns of AsiA and Rsd with sigma(70) studied by using the yeast two-hybrid system revealed that region 4 of sigma(70) is involved in binding to both of these anti-sigma factors; however, Rsd interacts with other regions of sigma(70) as well. Taken together, these results suggest that the higher inhibition of E. coli growth by AsiA expression is probably due to the ability of the AsiA protein to trap the holoenzyme RNA polymerase rather than its higher binding affinity to sigma(70).