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Certain recent models of sex determination in mammals, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, and snakes are examined in the light of the hypothesis that the relevant genetic regulatory mechanisms are similar and interrelated. The proposed key element in each of these instances is a noncoding DNA sequence, which serves as a high-affinity binding site for a repressor-like molecule regulating the activity of a major "sex-determining" gene. On this basis it is argued that, in several eukaryotes, (i) certain DNA sequences that are sex-determining are noncoding, in the sense that they are not the structural genes of a sex-determining protein; (ii) in some species these noncoding sequences are present in one sex and absent in the other, while in others their copy number or accessibility to regulatory molecules is significantly unequal between the two sexes; and (iii) this inequality determines whether the embryo develops into a male or a female.


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This paper describes the experimental and theoretical studies carried out on particulate composites consisting of BaTiO3, graphite, and rubber. It is shown that such composites exhibit a positive voltage coefficient of resistance beyond a certain voltage. A theoretical model developed to explain the observed V-R characteristics and their dependence on parameters of the composite like composition and grain size of the particles is also described. These composites seem to be useful as varistors with positive voltage coefficient of resistance and may find applications as voltage-regulating devices. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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A cDNA clone for cytochrome P-450e, a phenobarbitone-inducible species in rat liver, has been isolated and characterized. With the use of this cloned DNA, an attempt has been initiated to elucidate the factors regulating the cytochrome P-450 gene expression. Inhibitors of heme synthesis such as cobalt chloride and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole block the induction of cytochrome P-450e by phenobarbitone at the level of transcription. This is evident from the decrease in the rate of synthesis of cytochrome P-450e, a decrease in the levels of specific translatable messenger RNA, a decrease in the specific cytoplasmic and nuclear messenger RNA contents, and nuclear transcription of cytochrome P-450e gene, as revealed by hybridization to the cloned probe, under these conditions. It is proposed that heme is a general regulator of cytochrome P-450 gene expression at the level of transcription, whereas the drug or its metabolite would impart the specificity needed for the induction of a particular species.


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The tumor suppressor p53 represents a paradigm for gene regulation. Its rapid induction in response to DNA damage conditions has been attributed to both increased half-life of p53 protein and also increased translation of p53 mRNA. Recent advances in our understanding of the post-transcriptional regulation of p53 include the discovery of internal ribosome entry sites (IRESs) within the p53 mRNA. These IRES elements regulate the translation of the full length as well as the N-terminally truncated isoform, p53/47. The p53/47 isoform is generated by alternative initiation at an internal AUG codon present within the p53 ORF. The aim of this review is to summarize the role of translational control mechanisms in regulating p53 functions. We discuss here in detail how diverse cellular stress pathways trigger alterations in the cap-dependent and cap-independent translation of p53 mRNA and how changes in the relative expression levels of p53 isoforms result in more differentiated p53 activity.


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Regulating systems, that is, those which exhibit scale-invariant patterns in the adult, are supposed, to do so on account of interactions between cells during development. The nature of these interactions has to be such that the system of positional information (ldquomaprdquo) in the embryo also regulates. To our knowledge, this supposition regarding a regulating map has not been subjected to a direct test in any embryonic system. Here we do so by means of a simple and novel criterion and use it to examine tip regeneration in the mulicellular stage (slug) ofDictyostelium discoideum. When anterior, tip-containing fragments of slugs are amputated, a new tip spontaneously regenerates at the cut surface of the (remaining) posterior fragment. The time needed for regeneration to occur depends on the relative size of the amputated fragment but is independent of the total size of the slug. We conclude from this finding that there is at least one system underlying positional information in the slug which regulates.


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As tumors grow larger, they often experience an insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients. Hence, cancer cells must develop mechanisms to overcome these stresses. Using an in vitro transformation model where the presence of the simian virus 40 (SV40) small T (ST) antigen has been shown to be critical for tumorigenic transformation, we investigated whether the ST antigen has a role to play in regulating the energy homeostasis of cancer cells. We find that cells expressing the SV40 ST antigen (+ST cells) are more resistant to glucose deprivation-induced cell death than cells lacking the SV40 ST antigen (-ST cells). Mechanistically, we find that the ST antigen mediates this effect by activating a nutrient-sensing kinase, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). The basal level of active, phosphorylated AMPK was higher in +ST cells than in -ST cells, and these levels increased further in response to glucose deprivation. Additionally, inhibition of AMPK in +ST cells increased the rate of cell death, while activation of AMPK in -ST cells decreased the rate of cell death, under conditions of glucose deprivation. We further show that AMPK mediates its effects, at least in part, by inhibiting mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), thereby shutting down protein translation. Finally, we show that +ST cells exhibit a higher percentage of autophagy than -ST cells upon glucose deprivation. Thus, we demonstrate a novel role for the SV40 ST antigen in cancers, where it functions to maintain energy homeostasis during glucose deprivation by activating AMPK, inhibiting mTOR, and inducing autophagy as an alternate energy source.


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The evolutionary function of X chromosome inactivation is thought to be dosage compensation. However, there is, at present, little evidence to suggest that most X chromosome-linked genes require such compensation. Another view--that X chromosome inactivation may be related to sex determination--is examined here. Consider a hypothetical DNA sequence regulating a major structural gene concerned with the determination of maleness. If this regulatory sequence occurs in both X and Y chromosomes and if its copy number in the Y chromosome is significantly greater than in the X chromosome, then the male-determining properties of the Y chromosome could be attributed to this higher copy number. On the other hand, if the Y chromosome has the same copy number of this sequence as the X chromosome, it is difficult to see how determination of two sexes would occur under such circumstances because XX and XY genomes would then be indistinguishable in this regard. Such a situation seems to occur in the human species with respect to the banded krait minor satellite, a repetitious DNA sequence associated with sex determination. This apparent difficulty may be resolved if X chromosome inactivation renders regulatory as well as structural genes nonfunctional and thereby brings about a significant reduction in the effective copy number of X chromosome-linked DNA sequences concerned with sex determination. It is suggested that X chromosome inactivation brings about, in this manner, a critical inequality between XX and XY embryos and that sex determination in humans is a consequence of this inequality. An analogous situation appears to exist in certain insects in which inactivation of a haploid set of chromosomes (and presumably, therefore, a 50% reduction in the effective copy number of most genes) is associated with maleness. If this line of reasoning is correct, it would suggest that sex determination may be the primary function of X chromosome inactivation.


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Epigenetic modifications of histones regulate gene expression and lead to the establishment and maintenance of cellular phenotypes during development. Histone acetylation depends on a balance between the activities of histone acetyltransferases and histone deacetylases (HDACs) and influences transcriptional regulation. In this study, we analyse the roles of HDACs during growth and development of one of the cellular slime moulds, the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. The inhibition of HDAC activity by trichostatin A results in histone hyperacetylation and a delay in cell aggregation and differentiation. Cyclic AMP oscillations are normal in starved amoebae treated with trichostatin A but the expression of a subset of cAMP-regulated genes is delayed. Bioinformatic analysis indicates that there are four genes encoding putative HDACs in D. discoideum. Using biochemical, genetic and developmental approaches, we demonstrate that one of these four genes, hdaB, is dispensable for growth and development under laboratory conditions. A knockout of the hdaB gene results in a social context-dependent phenotype: hdaB- cells develop normally but sporulate less efficiently than the wild type in chimeras. We infer that HDAC activity is important for regulating the timing of gene expression during the development of D. discoideum and for defining aspects of the phenotype that mediate social behaviour in genetically heterogeneous groups.


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The term acclimation has been used with several connotations in the field of acclimatory physiology. An attempt has been made, in this paper, to define precisely the term “acclimation” for effective modelling of acclimatory processes. Acclimation is defined with respect to a specific variable, as cumulative experience gained by the organism when subjected to a step change in the environment. Experimental observations on a large number of variables in animals exposed to sustained stress, show that after initial deviation from the basal value (defined as “growth”), the variables tend to return to basal levels (defined as “decay”). This forms the basis for modelling biological responses in terms of their growth and decay. Hierarchical systems theory as presented by Mesarovic, Macko & Takahara (1970) facilitates modelling of complex and partially characterized systems. This theory, in conjunction with “growth-decay” analysis of biological variables, is used to model temperature regulating system in animals exposed to cold. This approach appears to be applicable at all levels of biological organization. Regulation of hormonal activity which forms a part of the temperature regulating system, and the relationship of the latter with the “energy” system of the animal of which it forms a part, are also effectively modelled by this approach. It is believed that this systematic approach would eliminate much of the current circular thinking in the area of acclimatory physiology.


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Human CGI-58 (for comparative gene identification-58) and YLR099c, encoding Ict1p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, have recently been identified as acyl-CoA-dependent lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferases. Sequence database searches for CGI-58 like proteins in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) revealed 24 proteins with At4g24160, a member of the alpha/beta-hydrolase family of proteins being the closest homolog. At4g24160 contains three motifs that are conserved across the plant species: a GXSXG lipase motif, a HX4D acyltransferase motif, and V(X)(3)HGF, a probable lipid binding motif. Dendrogram analysis of yeast ICT1, CGI-58, and At4g24160 placed these three polypeptides in the same group. Here, we describe and characterize At4g24160 as, to our knowledge, the first soluble lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase in plants. A lipidomics approach revealed that At4g24160 has additional triacylglycerol lipase and phosphatidylcholine hydrolyzing enzymatic activities. These data establish At4g24160, a protein with a previously unknown function, as an enzyme that might play a pivotal role in maintaining the lipid homeostasis in plants by regulating both phospholipid and neutral lipid levels.


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Individual copies of tRNA1Gly from within the multigene family in Bombyx mori could be classified based on in vitro transcription in homologous nuclear extracts into three categories of highly, moderately, or weakly transcribed genes. Segregation of the poorly transcribed gene copies 6 and 7, which are clustered in tandem within 425 base pairs, resulted in enhancement of their individual transcription levels, but the linkage itself had little influence on the transcriptional status. For these gene copies, when fused together generating a single coding region, transcription was barely detectable, which suggested the presence of negatively regulating elements located in the far flanking sequences. They exerted the silencing effect on transcription overriding the activity of positive regulatory elements. Systematic analysis of deletion, chimeric, and mutant constructs revealed the presence of a sequence element TATATAA located beyond 800 nucleotides upstream to the coding region acting as negative modulator, which when mutated resulted in high level transcription. Conversely, a TATATAA motif reintroduced at either far upstream or far downstream flanking regions exerted a negative effect on transcription. The location of cis-regulatory sequences at such farther distances from the coding region and the behavior of TATATAA element as negative regulator reported here are novel. These element(s) could play significant roles in activation or silencing of genes from within a multigene family, by recruitment or sequestration of transcription factors.


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Riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) is obligatorily involved in yolk deposition of the vitamin, riboflavin, in the developing oocyte of the hen. The production of this protein is inducible by oestrogen. It is evolutionarily conserved in terms of its physicochemical, immunological and functional characteristics. It is the prime mediator of vitamin supply to the developing fetus in mammals, including primates. Passive immunoneutralization of the protein terminates pregnancy in rats. Active immunization of rats and bonnet monkeys with avian RCP prevents pregnancy without causing any adverse physiological effects of the mother in terms of her vitamin status, reproductive cycles or reproductive-endocrine profile. Denatured, linearized RCP is more effective in eliciting neutralizing antibodies capable of interfering with embryonic viability either before or during peri-implantation stages. Two defined stretches of sequential epitopes, one located at the N-terminus and the other at the C-terminus of the protein have been identified. Active immunization with either of these epitopes conjugated with diptheria toxoid curtails pregnancy in rats and monkeys. Immunohistochemical localization of RCP on ovulated oocytes and early embryos shows that the antibodies cause degeneration only of early embryos. RCP is produced intra-testicularly and becomes localized on acrosomal surface of mammalian spermatozoa. Active immunization of male rats and monkeys with denatured RCP markedly reduces fertility by impairing the fertilizing potential of spermatozoa. These findings suggest that RCP, or its defined fragments, could be a novel, first generation vaccine for regulating fertility in both the sexes.


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The product of the bglG gene of Escherichia coli was among the first bacterial antiterminators to be identified and characterized. Since the elucidation ten years ago of its role in the regulation of the bgl operon of E. coli,a large number of homologies have been discovered in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Often the homologues of BglG in other organisms are also involved in regulating β-glucoside utilization. Surprisingly, in many cases, they mediate antitermination to regulate a variety of other catabolic functions. Because of the high degree of conservation of the cis-acting regulatory elements, antiterminators from one organism can function in another. Generally the antiterminator protein itself is negatively regulated by phosphorylation by a component of the phosphotransferase system. This family of proteins thus represents a highly evolved regulatory system that is conserved across evolutionarily distant genuses.


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Glycodelin A (GdA) is one of the progesterone inducible endometrial factors that protect the fetal semiallograft from maternal immune rejection. The immumoregulatory effects of GdA are varied, with diverse effects on the fate and function of most immune cell types. Its effects on T cells are particularly relevant as it is capable of regulating T cell activation, differentiation, as well as apoptosis. We have previously reported that GdA triggers mitochondrial stress and apoptosis in activated T cells by a mechanism that is distinct and independent of its effects on T cell activation. In this study we describe the characterization of a cell surface receptor for GdA on T cells. Our results reveal a novel calcium-independent galactose-binding lectin activity of GdA, which is responsible for its apoptogenic function. This discovery adds GdA to a select group of soluble immunoregulatory lectins that operate within the feto-placental compartment, the only other members being the galectin family proteins. We also report for the first time that both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell subsets are equally susceptible to inhibition with GdA, mediated by its novel lectin activity. We demonstrate that GdA selectively recognizes complex-type N-linked glycans on T cell surface glycoproteins. and propose that the galectin-1 glycoprotein receptor CD7 maybe a novel target for GdA on T cells. This study, for the first time, links the lectin activity of GdA to its biological function.


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Alveolar macrophages form the first line of defense against inhaled droplets containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis by controlling mycobacterial growth and regulating T cell responses. CD4+ and gamma delta T cells, two major T cell subsets activated by M. tuberculosis, require accessory cells for activation. However, the ability of alveolar macrophages to function as accessory cells for T cell activation remains controversial. We sought to determine the ability of alveolar macrophages to serve as accessory cells for resting (HLA-DR-, IL-2R-) and activated (HLA-DR+, IL-2R+) gamma delta T cells in response to M. tuberculosis and its Ag, and to compare accessory cell function for gamma delta T cells of alveolar macrophages and blood monocytes obtained from the same donor. Alveolar macrophages were found to serve as accessory cells for both resting and activated gamma delta T cells in response to M. tuberculosis Ag. At high alveolar macrophage to T cell ratios (> 3:1), however, expansion of resting gamma delta T cells was inhibited by alveolar macrophages. The inhibition of resting gamma delta T cells by alveolar macrophages was dose-dependent, required their presence during the first 24 h, and was partially overcome by IL-2. Alveolar macrophages did not inhibit activated gamma delta T cells even at high accessory cell to T cell ratios, and alveolar macrophages functioned as well as monocytes as accessory cells. Monocytes were not inhibitory for either resting or activated gamma delta T cells. These findings support the following model. In the normal alveolus the alveolar macrophage to T cell ratio is > or = 9:1, and therefore the threshold for resting gamma delta T cell activation is likely to be high. Once a nonspecific inflammatory response occurs, such as after invasion by M. tuberculosis, this ratio is altered, favoring gamma delta T cell activation by alveolar macrophages.